Items where Year is 2006

Number of items: 3190.

Knight, Mark James and Woodman, Tom, eds. (2006) Biblical Religion and the Novel, 1700-2000. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754651178

Wilson, A. and Archer, D. and Rayson, P., eds. (2006) Corpus linguistics around the world. Language and Computers . Rodopi, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789042018365

White, Susan and Fook, Jan and Gardner, Fiona, eds. (2006) Critical reflection in health and social care. Open University Press, Milton Keynes. ISBN 9780335218790

Harper, R. and Rauterberg, Matthias and Combetto, M., eds. (2006) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2006 : 5th International Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 20-22, 2006. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Berlin. ISBN 9783540452591

Partridge, Christopher and Reid, Helen, eds. (2006) Finding and Losing Faith : Studies in Conversion. Paternoster Press, Milton Keynes. ISBN 978-1842274101

May, Christopher, ed. (2006) Global corporate power. International Political Economy Yearbook, 15 . Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder. ISBN 158826436X

Pearson, Robin and Taylor, James and Freeman, Mark, eds. (2006) History of the company: the development of the business corporation, 1700-1914, 8 vols. Pickering and Chatto, London. ISBN 1851968202 (vols. 1-4)

Paloni, Alberto and Zanardi, Maurizio, eds. (2006) The IMF, World Bank and policy reform. Routledge Studies in Development Economics . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415353991

Milligan, Christine and Conradson, David, eds. (2006) Landscapes of voluntarism : new spaces of health, welfare and governance. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781861346322

Kortuem, Gerd, ed. (2006) Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing (SEUC 2006). Web.

Dourish, Paul and Friday, Adrian, eds. (2006) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-540-39634-5

Mann, W.C. and Helal, Sumi, eds. (2006) Promoting Independence for Older Persons with Disabilities : Selected Papers from the 2006 International Conference on Aging, Disability andIndependence. Assistive Technology Research . IOS Press. ISBN 9781586035877

Ruggiero, Berardo and Delsing, P. and Granata, C. and Pashkin, Y. and Silvestrini, Paolo, eds. (2006) Quantum computing in solid state systems. Springer New York LLC. ISBN 0387263322

Bocking, C. E. and Rennie, Allan E. W. and Jacobson, D. M. J., eds. (2006) Rapid design, prototyping and manufacture : proceedings of the seventh national conference on. MJA Print. ISBN 0-948314-494

Rashid, Awais and Aksit, Mehmet, eds. (2006) Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 3540329722

Rashid, Awais and Aksit, Mehmet, eds. (2006) Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 3540488901

UNSPECIFIED (2006) 3D Analysis of Plasmonic Waveguides Using a Fourth-Order Accurate Finite Difference Subsampling Technique. In: Photonics Research and Application/Nanophotonics 2006 Technical Digest, Optical Society of America, 2006-04-07 - 2006-04-12.

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Accounting for English article interpretation by L2 speakers. EUROSLA Yearbook, 6. pp. 7-25. ISSN 1568-1491

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Characterization of ETL 9357FLA photomultiplier tubes for cryogenic temperature applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 556 (1). pp. 146-157. ISSN 0168-9002

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Measurement of the $W$ boson mass and width in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at LEP. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 47 (2). pp. 309-335. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Measurement of through-going particle momentum by means of multiple scattering with the ICARUS T600 TPC. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 48 (2). pp. 667-676. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2006) Modelling Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Time-Varying Media: Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Methods. In: 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2006-06-18 - 2006-06-22.

Aaberg-Garmo, Øyvind and Lehto, Niklas J. and Zhang, Hao and Davison, William and Royset, Oddvar and Steinnes, Eiliv (2006) Dynamic aspects of DGT as demonstrated by experiments with lanthanide complexes of a multidentate ligand. Environmental Science and Technology, 40 (15). pp. 4754-4760. ISSN 1520-5851

Abazov, V. M. and Bertram, Iain and Borissov, Guennadi and Fox, Harald and Ratoff, Peter and Sopczak, Andre (2006) Search for excited muons in p <span style='text-decoration: overline'></span>p collisions at √<span style='text-decoration: overline'>s</span> = 1.96- TeV}. Physical Review D, 73. p. 111102. ISSN 1550-7998

Abbiendi, G. and Ainsley, C. and Akesson, P. F. and Alexander, G. and Anagnostou, G. and Anderson, K. J. and Arcelli, S. and Asai, S. and Axen, D. and Bailey, I. and Barberio, E. and Barillari, T. and Barlow, R. J. and Batley, R. J. and Bechtle, P. and Behnke, T. and Bell, K. W. and Bell, P. J. and Bella, G. and Bellerive, A. and Benelli, G. and Bethke, S. and Biebel, O. and Boeriu, O. and Bock, P. and Boutemeur, M. and Braibant, S. and Brown, R. M. and Burckhart, H. J. and Campana, S. and Capiluppi, P. and Carnegie, R. K. and Carter, A. A. and Carter, J. R. and Chang, C. Y. and Charlton, D. G. and Ciocca, C. and Csilling, A. and Cuffiani, M. and Dado, S. and De Roeck, A. and De Wolf, E. A. and Desch, K. and Dienes, B. and Dubbert, J. and Duchovni, E. and Duckeck, G. and Duerdoth, I. P. and Etzion, E. and Fabbri, F. (2006) Searches for gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking topologies in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies up to root s=209 GeV. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 46 (2). pp. 307-341. ISSN 1434-6044

Abbiendi, G. and Ainsley, C. and Akesson, P. F. and Alexander, G. and Anagnostou, G. and Anderson, K. J. and Asai, S. and Axen, D. and Bailey, I. and Barberio, E. and Barillari, T. and Barlow, R. J. and Batley, R. J. and Bechtle, P. and Behnke, T. and Bell, K. W. and Bell, P. J. and Bella, G. and Bellerive, A. and Benelli, C. and Bethke, S. and Biebel, O. and Boeriu, O. and Bock, P. and Boutemeur, M. and Braibant, S. and Brown, R. M. and Burckhart, H. J. and Campana, S. and Capiluppi, P. and Carnegie, R. K. and Carter, A. A. and Carter, J. R. and Chang, C. Y. and Charlton, D. C. and Ciocca, C. and Csilling, A. and Cuffiani, M. and Dado, S. and De Roeck, A. and De Wolf, E. A. and Desch, K. and Dienes, B. and Dubbert, J. and Duchovni, E. and Duckeck, G. and Duerdoth, I. P. and Etzion, E. and Fabbri, F. and Ferrari, P. (2006) Measurement of the mass and width of the W boson. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 45 (2). pp. 307-335. ISSN 1434-6044

Abbiendi, G. and Ainsley, C. and Akesson, P. F. and Alexander, G. and Anagnostou, G. and Anderson, K. J. and Asai, S. and Axen, D. and Bailey, I. and Barberio, E. and Barillari, T. and Barlow, R. J. and Batley, R. J. and Bechtle, P. and Behnke, T. and Bell, K. W. and Bell, P. J. and Bella, G. and Bellerive, A. and Benelli, G. and Bethke, S. and Biebel, O. and Boeriu, O. and Bock, P. and Boutemeur, M. and Braibant, S. and Brown, R. M. and Burckhart, H. J. and Campana, S. and Capiluppi, P. and Carnegie, R. K. and Carter, A. A. and Carter, J. R. and Chang, C. Y. and Charlton, D. G. and Ciocca, C. and Csilling, A. and Cuffiani, M. and Dado, S. and De Roeck, A. and De Wolf, E. A. and Desch, K. and Dienes, B. and Donkers, M. and Dubbert, J. and Duchovni, E. and Duckeck, G. and Duerdoth, T. P. and Etzion, E. and Fabbri, F. (2006) Determination of alpha(S) using jet rates at LEP with the OPAL detector. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 45 (3). pp. 547-568. ISSN 1434-6044

Abbiendi, G. and Ainsley, C. and Akesson, P. F. and Alexander, G. and Anagnostou, G. and Anderson, K. J. and Asai, S. and Axen, D. and Bailey, I. and Barberio, E. and Barillari, T. and Barlow, R. J. and Batley, R. J. and Bechtle, P. and Behnke, T. and Bell, P. J. and Bella, G. and Bellerive, A. and Benelli, G. and Bethke, S. and Bell, K. W. and Biebell, O. and Boeriu, O. and Bock, P. and Boutemeur, M. and Braibant, S. and Brown, R. M. and Burckhart, H. J. and Campana, S. and Capiluppi, P. and Carnegie, R. K. and Carter, A. A. and Carter, J. R. and Chang, C. Y. and Charlton, D. C. and Ciocca, C. and Csilling, A. and Cuffiani, M. and Dado, S. and De Roeck, A. and De Wolf, E. A. and Desch, K. and Dienes, B. and Dubbert, J. and Duchovni, E. and Duckeck, G. and Duerdoth, I. P. and Etzion, E. and Fabbri, F. and Ferrari, P. (2006) Colour reconnection in e(+)e(-)-> W+W- at root s=189-209 GeV. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 45 (2). pp. 291-305. ISSN 1434-6044

Abdesselam, A. and Brodbeck, T. J. and Chilingarov, Alexandre and Hughes, Gareth and Ratoff, Peter N. and et al., ATLAS SCT Collaboration (2006) The barrel modules of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 568 (2). pp. 642-671. ISSN 0168-9002

Abell, Jackie and Condor, Susan G. and Gibson, S. and Locke, A. (2006) Trying similarity, doing difference: The role of interviewer self-disclosure in interview talk with young people. Qualitative Research, 6 (2). pp. 221-244. ISSN 1741-3109

Abell, Jackie and Condor, Susan G. and Stevenson, C. (2006) 'We are an island': Geographical imagery in accounts of citizenship, civil society and national identity in Scotland and in England. Political Psychology, 27 (2). pp. 191-217. ISSN 1467-9221

Abendstern, Michele and Reilly, Siobhan and Hughes, Jane and Venables, Dan and Challis, David (2006) Levels of integration and specialisation within professional community teams for people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21 (1). pp. 77-85. ISSN 0885-6230

Abukmail, A. and Helal, Sumi (2006) A pervasive internet approach to fine-grain power-aware computing. In: 2006 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, SAINT 2006 :. IEEE, pp. 109-115. ISBN 0769525083

Abutarbush, Sameeh M. and Naylor, Jonathan M. and Parchoma, Gale and D'Eon, Marcel and Petrie, Lyall and Carruthers, Terry (2006) Evaluation of traditional instruction versus a self-learning computer module in teaching veterinary students how to pass a nasogastric tube in the horse. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 33 (3). pp. 447-454. ISSN 0748-321X

Ackroyd, S (2006) Aspects of flexible economic systems: some recent developments in the UK economy. In: Facets of Flexibility :. Ostfold University Press, Oslo, pp. 255-277.

Ackroyd, S (2006) Bureaucracy. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 119-121. ISBN 0415344069

Ackroyd, S (2006) Organisation. In: Sociology: The Key Concepts :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 14-16. ISBN 0415344069

Ackroyd, S (2006) Organisational failure. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 576-580. ISBN 1405124334

Ackroyd, S and Thompson, P (2006) All quiet on the workplace front? A critique of recent trends in British industrial sociology. In: Patterns of Work in the Post-Fordist Era: Fordism and Post-Fordism :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 1845423240

Adamopoulos, George and Garcia, Enric and Godet, Christian and Drévillon, Bernard and Silva, Ravi and Robertson, John (2006) Ellipsometry « fingerprinting » of amorphous carbon alloys. In: Materials Research Society :. UNSPECIFIED, FRA.

Adamopoulos, George and Heiser, T. and Giovanella, U. and Ould-Saad, S. and van de Wetering, K.I. and Brochon, C. and Zorba, T. and Paraskevopoulos, K.M. and Hadziioannou, G. (2006) Electronic transport properties aspects and structure of polymer-fullerene based organic semiconductors for photovoltaic devices. Thin Solid Films, 511-51. 371–376. ISSN 0040-6090

Adams, Byron J. and Bardgett, Richard D. and Ayres, Edward and Wall, Diana H. and Aislabie, Jackie and Bamforth, Stuart and Bargagli, Roberto and Cary, Craig and Cavacini, Paolo and Connell, Laurie and Convey, Peter and Fell, Jack W. and Frati, Francesco and Hogg, Ian D. and Newsham, Kevin K. and O’Donnell, Anthony and Russell, Nicholas and Seppelt, Rodney D. and Stevens, Mark I. (2006) Diversity and distribution of Victorian Land biota. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38 (10). pp. 3003-3018. ISSN 0038-0717

Adams, E. and Garden, Anne (2006) What influences medical school choice? Medical Teacher, 28. pp. 83-85. ISSN 1466-187X

Adebisi, Bamidele and Honary, Bahram (2006) Comparisons of Indoor PLC Emissions measurement Results and Regulation Standards. In: The ISPLC 2006 International Symposium on Powerline Communications and Its Applications :. IEEE, Florida, USA, pp. 319-324. ISBN 1-4244-0112-7

Adebisi, Bamidele and Stott, Jonathan and Honary, Bahram (2006) Experimental study of the interference of PLC transmission power levels on HF bands. In: The 10th Institution of Engineering and Technology International Conference on Ionospheric Radio Systems & Techniques (IRST 2006) :. IEEE, London, UK, pp. 326-330. ISBN 0-86341-659-4

Aggidis, George (2006) Fluid machinery and energy research on ocean energy and hydropower. In: Proceedings of the IMechE fluid machinery group, 2006-01-01.

Aggidis, George (2006) NW hydro resource model. In: Proceedings of the marine energy seminar, 2006-01-01.

Aggidis, George (2006) Renewable energy research : ocean energy and hydropower. In: Lancaster University, Faculty of Science & Technology Christmas Conference, 2006-01-01.

Aggidis, George (2006) Resourceful solutions for hydro in the UK. International Water Power and Dam Construction, 58 (9). pp. 24-26. ISSN 0306-400X

Aggidis, George and Howard, D. C. and Rothschild, R. and Widden, Martin (2006) Maximising the benefits of hydropower by developing the North-West England hydro resource model. Proceedings of the International Hydro Power & Dams Construction Journal, 7 (1).

Aggidis, George A. (2006) Hydro and Renewable Energy. (Presentation). In: Science & Technology Conference, 2006-12-20. (Unpublished)

Aggidis, George A. and Bradshaw, A. and McCabe, A. and Meadowcroft, J. (2006) Developments in the design of the PS Frog MK5 Wave Energy Converter. Renewable Energy, 31 (2). pp. 141-151. ISSN 0960-1481

Aggidis, George A. and Howard, D. C. and Wright, S. M. (2006) A hydro power resource model for North West England. In: In water and the landscape : the landscape of ecology of freshwater ecosystems : Proceedings of the 14th annual IALE(UK) conference :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 41-46.

Aggidis, George A. and Howard, D. C. and Wright, S. M. and Scott, R. (2006) Energy source or sink? : The role of the Uplands in meeting our energy targets. In: Proceedings of the international Uplands centre conference on sustainable Uplands. :. UNSPECIFIED.

Aggidis, George A. and Howard, David C. and Wright, Simon M. and Scott, Richard (2006) Energy source or sink? : The role of Uplands in meeting our energy targets. The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management, 2 (3). pp. 196-199. ISSN 1745-1604

Aggidis, George A. and Huang, M. (2006) Research on wave energy converters and mooring systems in the United Kingdom. Water Resources and Power Journal (in Chinese), 24 (4). pp. 37-40.

Aggidis, George A. and McCabe, A and Widden, M and Yavuz, H (2006) Calculation of the performance of resonant wave energy converters in real seas. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 220 (3). pp. 117-128. ISSN 1475-0902

Agostini, F. and Scholefield, Paul (2006) Simulation of C and N in the Soil Microbial Biomass after Straw Incorporation into Soil. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 1. pp. 63-71. ISSN 2039-6805

Ahl, Helene (2006) Motivation in adult education : A problem solver or a euphemism for direction and control? International Journal of Lifelong Education, 25 (4). pp. 385-405. ISSN 0260-1370

Ahl, Helene (2006) Motivation in adult education : A problem solver or a euphemism for direction and control? In: Paper (3rd edition) presented at the Nordic Education Research Association, Örebro, Sweden :. UNSPECIFIED.

Ahl, Helene (2006) Narrating the entrepreneur in an entrepreneurship teaching case. In: Paper presented at the 1st Conference on Rhetoric and Narrative in Management Research, ESADE, Barcelona, Spain :. UNSPECIFIED.

Ahl, Helene (2006) Why research on women entrepreneurs needs new directions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30 (5). pp. 595-621. ISSN 1042-2587

Ahl, Helene (2006) Women and entrepreneurship : Contemporary classics. International Small Business Journal, 26 (6). pp. 661-664. ISSN 0266-2426

Ahl, Helene (2006) Women and humanities : Allies or enemies? In: Management Education and Humanites :. Edward Elgar, pp. 45-66. ISBN 9781845424756

Ahmed, Imad A. M. and Young, Scott D. and Crout, Neil M. J. (2006) Time-dependent sorption of Cd2+ on CaX zeolite : experimental observations and model predictions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70 (19). pp. 4850-4861. ISSN 0016-7037

Ahmed, S and Swan, S E (2006) Editorial of special issue on doing diversity in education. Policy Futures in Education, 4 (2). pp. 96-100. ISSN 1478-2103

Ahmed, Tawhida and Butler, Israel de Jesus (2006) The European Union and Human Rights: An International law Perspective. European Journal of International Law, 17 (4). pp. 771-801. ISSN 1464-3596

Aikio, A.T. and Pitkänen, T. and Kozlovsky, A. and Amm, O. (2006) Method to locate the polar cap boundary in the nightside ionosphere and application to a substorm event. Annales Geophysicae, 24 (7). pp. 1905-1917. ISSN 0992-7689

Aiouache, Farid and Oyama, Hiro and Kitagawa, Kuniyuki (2006) Spatial near-infrared imaging of hydroxyl band coverage on ceria-based catalysts. AIChE Journal, 52 (4). pp. 1516-1521. ISSN 0001-1541

Aitman, Timothy J. and Dong, Rong and Vyse, Timothy J. and Norsworthy, Penny J. and Johnson, Michelle D. and Smith, Jennifer and Mangion, Jonathan and Roberton-Lowe, Cheri and Marshall, Amy J. and Petretto, Enrico and Hodges, Matt and Bhangal, Gurjeet and Patel, Sheetal G. and Sheehan-Rooney, Kelly and Duda, Mark and Cook, Paul R. and Evans, David J. and Domin, Jan and Flint, Jonathan and Boyle, Joseph J. and Pusey, Charles D. and Cook, H. Terence (2006) Copy number polymorphism in Fcgr3 predisposes to glomerulonephritis in rats and humans. Nature, 439. pp. 851-855. ISSN 0028-0836

Aklaku, E. D. and Jones, Keith and Obiri-Danso, K. (2006) Integrated biological treatment and biogas production in a small-scale slaughterhouse in rural Ghana. Water Environment Research, 78 (12). pp. 2335-2339. ISSN 1061-4303

Alabidi, L. and Lyth, D. H. (2006) Curvature perturbation from symmetry breaking the end of inflation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. ISSN 1475-7516

Alabidi, L. and Lyth, D. H. (2006) Inflation models after WMAP year three. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

Alabidi, L. and Lyth, D. H. (2006) Inflation models and observation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

Albarracin, Dolores and Hart, William and McCulloch, Kathleen C. (2006) Associating versus proposing or associating what we propose: Comment on Gawronski and Bodenhausen (2006). Psychological Bulletin, 132 (5). pp. 732-735. ISSN 0033-2909

Alcock, Katherine Jane (2006) The development of oral motor control and language. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 11 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0968-7912

Alcock, Katherine Jane and Krawczyk, Kirsty (2006) Correlates of individual differences in language development at 21 months. In: British Psychological Society, Developmental Section, 1900-01-01.

Alcock, Ruth E. and Busby, Jeremy (2006) Risk migration and scientific advance : the case of flame retardant compounds. Risk Analysis, 26 (2). pp. 369-381. ISSN 0272-4332

Alderson, J. Charles and Figueras, N. and Kuiper, H. and Nold, G. (2006) Analysing tests of reading and listening in relation to the Common European Framework of Reference: The Experience of the Dutch CEFR Construct Project. Language Assessment Quarterly, 3 (1). pp. 3-30. ISSN 1543-4303

Alderson, J. Charles and McIntyre, Daniel (2006) Implementing and evaluating a self-assessment mechanism for the web-based Language and Style course. Language and Literature, 15 (3). pp. 291-306. ISSN 1461-7293

Alebeek, F. and Wiersema, M. and Van Rijn, P. C. J. and Wackers, F. L. and Den Belder, E. and Jeroen Willemse, J. and Van Gurp, H. (2006) A region-wide experiment with functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) in arable farming in the Netherlands. Iobc Wprs Bulletin, 29 (6). pp. 141-144.

Ali Kaafar, Mohamed; and Mathy, Laurent; and Turletti, Thierry; and Dabbous, Walid (2006) Virtual Networks Under Attack: Disrupting Internet Coordinate Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM CoNEXT conference (Article No. 12) :. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 139 - 146. ISBN 1-59593-456-1

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Enqvist, Kari and Garcia-Bellido, Juan and Mazumdar, Anupam (2006) Gauge-invariant inflaton in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Physical review letters, 97 (19): 191304. ISSN 1079-7114

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Enqvist, Kari and Jokinen, Asko and Mazumdar, Anupam (2006) Identifying the curvaton within MSSM. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2006 (10): 7. ISSN 1475-7516

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Mazumdar, Anupam (2006) Longevity of supersymmetric flat directions. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2007 (8): 23. ISSN 1475-7516

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Mazumdar, Anupam (2006) Reheating in supersymmetric high scale inflation. Physical Review D – Particles and Fields, 76 (10): 103526. ISSN 1550-2368

Allan, Ian J. and Semple, Kirk T. and Hare, Rina and Reid, Brian J. (2006) Prediction of mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation in spiked soils using cyclodextrin extraction. Environmental Pollution, 144 (2). pp. 562-571. ISSN 0269-7491

Allen, A. G. and Mather, T. A. and McGonigle, A. J. S. and Aiuppa, A. and Delmelle, P. and Davison, Brian and Bobrowski, N. and Oppenheimer, C. and Pyle, D. M. and Inguaggiato, S. (2006) Sources, size distribution, and downwind grounding of aerosols from Mount Etna. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111 (D10): D10302. ISSN 0747-7309

Allen, Stephen and Thomas, Keith (2006) Assessing knowledge application and learning capability in organisations. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, 6 (7). pp. 81-88. ISSN 1447-9524

Allsop, David and Martin, Frank and Moore, Susan and Fullwood, Nigel J. (2006) Donepezil for severe Alzheimer's disease. Lancet, 368 (9533). pp. 361-362. ISSN 1474-547X

Alphey, Magnus S. and Burton, Andrew and Urbaniak, Michael D. and Boons, Geert-Jan and Ferguson, Michael A. J. and Hunter, William N. (2006) Trypanosoma brucei UDP-galactose-4'-epimerase in ternary complex with NAD+ and the substrate analogue UDP-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-alpha-D-galactose. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 62 (9). pp. 829-834.

Alsalloum, O I and Rand, G K (2006) Extensions to emergency vehicle location models. Computers and Operations Research, 33 (9). pp. 2725-2743. ISSN 0305-0548

Altilio, T. and Otis-Green, S. and Hedlund, S. and Fineberg, Iris Cohen (2006) Pain management and palliative care. In: Handbook of health social work :. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 635-672. ISBN 0471714313 9780471714316

Alós-Ferrer, C. (2006) The discretization of continuum strategy spaces. International Game Theory Review, 8 (3). pp. 499-514. ISSN 0219-1989

Alós-Ferrer, C. (2006) A simple characterization of approval voting. Social Choice and Welfare, 27. pp. 621-625. ISSN 0176-1714

Alós-Ferrer, C. and Weidenholzer, S. (2006) Imitation, local interactions, and efficiency. Economics Letters, 93 (2). pp. 163-168. ISSN 0165-1765

Ambattu, Praveen and Hamsakutty, V and Yohannan, J and Mathew, KT (2006) Microstripline fed Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna with a Coplanar Parasitic Strip. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 60. pp. 143-152. ISSN 1937-8726

Ambattu, Praveen and Hamsakutty, V and Yohannan, J and Mathew, KT (2006) Microstripline fed Half-Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for 2.4 GHz WLAN application. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48 (4). pp. 724-726. ISSN 0895-2477

Ambattu, Praveen and Hamsakutty, V and Yohannan, J and Mathew, KT (2006) A strip loaded dielectric resonator antenna for circular polarisation. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 48 (7). pp. 1354-1356. ISSN 0895-2477

Aminaei, A. and Honary, F. and Kavanagh, A. J. and Spanswick, E. and Viljanen, A. (2006) Characteristics of night-time absorption spike events. Annales Geophysicae, 24 (7). pp. 1887-1904. ISSN 0992-7689

Aminu, F U and Eglese, R W (2006) A constraint programming approach to the Chinese Postman Problem with time windows. Computers and Operations Research, 33 (12). pp. 3423-3431. ISSN 0305-0548

Anapolitanos, I and Lam, Dennis and Ye, Jianqiao (2006) Strengthening ductile metallic structures using externall bonded fibre reinforced composite materials. In: Steel and Aluminium Structures, ICSAS'07: : Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. ISBN 9780955625404

Andreatta, Giovanni and Lulli, Guglielmo (2006) The 2-period Probabilistic TSP : a Markov Decision Model. In: Proceedings of the EWGT2006 Joint Conferences :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 672-676. ISBN 8890179821

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