Foereid, Bente and Dawson, Lorna A. and Johnson, David and Rangel-Castro, J. Ignacio (2006) Fate of carbon in upland grassland subjected to liming using in situ (CO2)-C-13 pulse-labelling. Plant and Soil, 287 (1-2). pp. 301-311. ISSN 0032-079X
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Knowledge of the fate of plant assimilate is fundamental to our understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle, particularly if we are to predict the effects of changes in climate and land management practices on agroecosystems. Pulse-labelling experiments have revealed that some of the carbon fixed by plants is rapidly allocated below-ground and released back into the atmosphere in respiration. However, little is known about the fate of plant assimilate, not accounted for in soil respiration, in the longer term and how current management practices such as liming may affect this. In southern Scotland, UK, limed and unlimed acid grassland plots were pulse-labelled with 13CO2 and the turnover of 13C was studied one and two years after labelling. In this study the amount of labelled carbon remaining in shoot, root, and bulk soil pools, and how this differed between limed and unlimed plots was investigated. The results indicated that plant-root turnover was faster, and plants invested less nitrogen in the roots in the limed plots than in the unlimed plots. More 13C remained in the soil in the unlimed treatment compared to the limed treatment, but the main difference was found in the particulate organic matter, which turned over relatively quickly. The label was still above natural abundance one and two years after labelling in many cases. In addition, the results demonstrate that a 13CO2 pulse-label administered for only a few hours can be a useful approach for investigating turnover of carbon several years later.