Improved hydrogeophysical characterization using joint inversion of cross-hole electrical resistance and ground-penetrating radar traveltime data.

Linde, Niklas and Binley, Andrew and Tryggvason, Ari and Pedersen, Laust B. and Revil, Andre (2006) Improved hydrogeophysical characterization using joint inversion of cross-hole electrical resistance and ground-penetrating radar traveltime data. Water Resources Research, 42 (12). W04410. ISSN 0043-1397

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Appropriate regularizations of geophysical inverse problems and joint inversion of different data types improve geophysical models and increase their usefulness in hydrogeological studies. We have developed an efficient method to calculate stochastic regularization operators for given geostatistical models. The method, which combines circulant embedding and the diagonalization theorem of circulant matrices, is applicable for stationary geostatistical models when the grid discretization, in each spatial direction, is uniform in the volume of interest. We also used a structural approach to jointly invert cross-hole electrical resistance and ground-penetrating radar traveltime data in three dimensions. The two models are coupled by assuming, at all points, that the cross product of the gradients of the two models is zero. No petrophysical relationship between electrical conductivity and relative permittivity is assumed but is instead obtained as a by-product of the inversion. The approach has been applied to data collected in a U.K. sandstone aquifer in order to improve characterization of the vadose zone hydrostratigraphy. By analyzing scatterplots of electrical conductivity versus relative permittivity together with petrophysical models a zonation could be obtained with corresponding estimates of the electrical formation factor, the water content, and the effective grain radius of the sediments. The approach provides greater insight into the hydrogeological characteristics of the subsurface than by using conventional geophysical inversion methods.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Water Resources Research
Additional Information:
Copyright 2006 American Geophysical Union.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? hydrogeophysicsjoint inversionstochastic regularizationstructural inversionzonationwater science and technologyge environmental sciences ??
ID Code:
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Deposited On:
12 May 2008 15:40
Last Modified:
03 Mar 2025 01:07