Items where Department is "Linguistics & English Language" and Year is 2016

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Number of items: 217.

Barakos, Elisabeth and Unger, Johann Wolfgang, eds. (2016) Discursive approaches to language policy. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9781137531339

Kelih, Emmerich and Knight, Róisín and Mačutek, Ján and Wilson, Andrew, eds. (2016) Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 4. Studies in Quantitative Linguistics . RAM-Verlag, Lüdenscheid. ISBN 9783942303446

Pili-Moss, Diana and Nichele, Elena and Sitthirak, Chongrak, eds. (2016) Papers from the 10th Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching. Papers from LAEL PG, 10 . Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Wodak, Ruth Emily and Chilton, Paul Anthony, eds. (2016) A new Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis : [Translation in Chinese]. Peking University Press, Peking. ISBN 9787301276457

Van Olmen, Daniel and Cuyckens, Hubert and Ghesquière, Lobke, eds. (2016) Aspects of grammaticalization : (inter)subjectification and directionality. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] . De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin. ISBN 9783110489699

Abdel Kader, Noha (2016) A critical analysis of anti-Islamisation and anti-immigration discourse : the case of the English Defence League and Britain First. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4 (5). ISSN 2411-2933

Afitska, Oksana and Clegg, John (2016) Supporting teachers in EAL classrooms : working towards the centralised provision of subject-specific, EAL-tailored resources for primary classrooms. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 5 (1). pp. 95-108.

Ahereza, Noah and Nyarko, Marco and Fan, Huhua Rita and Gillen, J and Zeshan, Ulrike (2016) SLEND Sign Language to English by the Deaf : literacy development with Deaf communities using sign language, peer tuition, and learner-generated online content. In: Proceedings of the South Africa International Conference on Educational Technologies : "Empowering the 21st century learner" 24-26 April 2016 Manhattan Hotel, Pretoria. African Academic Research Forum, ZAF, pp. 96-106. ISBN 9870620707817

Alderson, John Charles and Nieminen, Lea and Huhta, Ari (2016) Characteristics of Weak and Strong Readers in a Foreign Language. Modern Language Journal, 100 (4). pp. 853-879. ISSN 0026-7902

Alemán Bañón, José and Rothman, Jason (2016) The role of morphological markedness in the processing of number and gender agreement in Spanish : an event-related potential investigation. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31 (10). pp. 1273-1298. ISSN 2327-3798

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Albright, Daniel (2016) A perceptual learning approach to the Whorfian hypothesis : supervised classification of motion. Language Learning, 66 (3). pp. 666-689. ISSN 0023-8333

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Bylund, Emanuel and Casasanto, Daniel (2016) Introduction to the special issue : new and interdisciplinary approaches to linguistic relativity. Language Learning, 66 (3). pp. 482-486. ISSN 0023-8333

Athanasopoulos, Panos (2016) Cognitive consequences of multi-competence. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Multi-competence :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 355-375. ISBN 9781107059214

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Boutonnet, Bastien (2016) Learning grammatical gender in a second language changes categorization of inanimate objects : replications and new evidence from English learners of L2 French. In: Cross-linguistic influence in second language acquisition :. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp. 173-192. ISBN 9781783094813

Aveledo, Fraibet and Athanasopoulos, Panos (2016) Second language influence on first language motion event encoding and categorization in Spanish-speaking children learning L2 English. International Journal of Bilingualism, 20. pp. 403-420. ISSN 1367-0069

Baker, John Paul (2016) The shapes of collocation. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 21 (2). pp. 139-164. ISSN 1384-6655

Baker, John Paul and Egbert, Jesse (2016) Triangulating methodological approaches in corpus-linguistic research. Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138850255

Baker, John Paul and Levon, Erez (2016) 'That's what I call a man' : representations of racialised and classed masculinities in the UK print media. Gender and Language, 10 (1). ISSN 1747-6321

Barakos, Elisabeth and Unger, Johann Wolfgang (2016) Introduction : why are discursive approaches to language policy necessary? In: Discursive approaches to language policy :. Palgrave, London. ISBN 9781137531339

Blything, Liam Peter and Cain, Kate and Davies, Robert (2016) Why young children fail to understand ‘before’ and ‘after’. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Blything, Liam Peter and Cain, Katherine Elizabeth (2016) Children's processing and comprehension of complex sentences containing temporal connectives : the influence of memory on the time course of accurate responses. Developmental Psychology, 52 (10). pp. 1517-1529. ISSN 0012-1649

Boeg Thomsen, Ditte (2016) Sprog og synsvinkler i indskolingsalderen. Autismebladet, 2016 (2). pp. 10-13. ISSN 2245-3423

Bortoluzzi, Maria and Semino, Elena (2016) Face attack in Italian politics : Beppe Grillo’s insulting epithets for other politicians. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 4 (2). pp. 178-201. ISSN 2213-1272

Boukala, Salomi (2016) Rethinking topos in the discourse historical approach : Endoxon seeking and argumentation in Greek media discourses on ‘Islamist terrorism’. Discourse Studies, 18 (3). pp. 249-268. ISSN 1461-4456

Bousquet, Jean and Bewick, M. and Cano, A. and Eklund, P. and Fico, G. and Goswami, N. and Guldemond, N. A. and Henderson, D. and Hinkema, M. J. and Liotta, G. and Mair, A. and Molloy, W. and Monaco, A. and Monsonis-Paya, I. and Nizinska, A. and Papadopoulos, H. and Pavlickova, A. and Pecorelli, S. and Prados-Torres, A. and Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E. and Somekh, D. and Vera-Muñoz, C. and Visser, F. and Farrell, J. and Malva, J. and Andersen Ranberg, K. and Camuzat, T. and Carriazo, A. M. and Crooks, G. and Gutter, Z. and Iaccarino, G. and de Keenoy, E. Manuel and Moda, G. and Rodriguez-Mañas, L. and Vontetsianos, T. and Abreu, C. and Alonso, J. and Alonso-Bouzon, C. and Ankri, J. and Arredondo, M. T. and Avolio, F. and Bedbrook, A. and Białoszewski, A. Z. and Blain, H. and Bourret, R. and Cabrera-Umpierrez, M. F. and Catala, A. and O’Caoimh, R. and Cesari, M. and Chavannes, N. H. and Correia-Da-Sousa, J. and Dedeu, T. and Ferrando, M. and Ferri, M. and Fokkens, W. J. and Garcia-Lizana, F. and Guérin, O. and Hellings, P. W. and Haahtela, T. and Illario, M. and Inzerilli, M. C. and Lodrup Carlsen, K. C. and Kardas, P. and Keil, T. and Maggio, M. and Mendez-Zorrilla, A. and Menditto, E. and Mercier, J. and Michel, J. P. and Murray, R. and Nogues, M. and O’Byrne-Maguire, I. and Pappa, D. and Parent, A. S. and Pastorino, M. and Robalo-Cordeiro, C. and Samolinski, B. and Siciliano, P. and Teixeira, A. M. and Tsartara, S. I. and Valiulis, A. and Vandenplas, O. and Vasankari, T. and Vellas, B. and Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. and Wickman, M. and Yorgancioglu, A. and Zuberbier, T. and Barbagallo, M. and Canonica, G. W. and Klimek, L. and Maggi, S. and Aberer, W. and Akdis, C. and Adcock, I. M. and Agache, I. and Albera, C. and Alonso-Trujillo, F. and Angel Guarcia, M. and Annesi-Maesano, I. and Apostolo, J. and Arshad, S. H. and Attalin, V. and Avignon, A. and Bachert, C. and Baroni, I. and Bel, E. and Benson, M. and Bescos, C. and Blasi, F. and Barbara, C. and Bergmann, K. C. and Bernard, P. L. and Bonini, S. and Bousquet, P. J. and Branchini, B. and Brightling, C. E. and Bruguière, V. and Bunu, C. and Bush, A. and Caimmi, D. P. and Calderon, M. A. and Canovas, G. and Cardona, V. and Carlsen, K. H. and Cesario, A. and Chkhartishvili, E. and Chiron, R. and Chivato, T. and Chung, K. F. and D’Angelantonio, M. and de Carlo, G. and Cholley, D. and Chorin, F. and Combe, B. and Compas, B. and Costa, D. J. and Costa, E. and Coste, O. and Coupet, A. L. and Crepaldi, G. and Custovic, A. and Dahl, R. and Dahlen, S. E. and Demoly, P. and Devillier, P. and Didier, A. and Dinh-Xuan, A. T. and Djukanovic, R. and Dokic, D. and du Toit, G. and Dubakiene, R. and Dupeyron, A. and Emuzyte, R. and Fiocchi, A. and Wagner, A. and Fletcher, M. and Fonseca, J. and Fougère, B. and Gamkrelidze, A. and Garces, G. and Garcia-Aymeric, J. and Garcia-Zapirain, B. and Gemicioğlu, B. and Gouder, C. and Hellquist-Dahl, B. and Hermosilla-Gimeno, I. and Héve, D. and Holland, C. and Humbert, M. and Hyland, M. and Johnston, S. L. and Just, J. and Jutel, M. and Kaidashev, I. P. and Khaitov, M. and Kalayci, O. and Kalyoncu, A. F. and Keijser, W. and Kerstjens, H. and Knezović, J. and Kowalski, M. and Koppelman, G. H. and Kotska, T. and Kovac, M. and Kull, I. and Kuna, P. and Kvedariene, V. and Lepore, V. and Macnee, W. and Maggio, M. and Magnan, A. and Majer, I. and Manning, P. and Marcucci, M. and Marti, T. and Masoli, M. and Melen, E. and Miculinic, N. and Mihaltan, F. and Milenkovic, B. and Millot-Keurinck, J. and Mlinarić, H. and Momas, I. and Montefort, S. and Morais-Almeida, M. and Moreno-Casbas, T. and Mösges, R. and Mullol, J. and Nadif, R. and Nalin, M. and Navarro-Pardo, E. and Nekam, K. and Ninot, G. and Paccard, D. and Pais, S. and Palummeri, E. and Panzner, P. and Papadopoulos, N. K. and Papanikolaou, C. and Passalacqua, G. and Pastor, E. and Perrot, M. and Plavec, D. and Popov, T. A. and Postma, D. S. and Price, D. and Raffort, N. and Reuzeau, J. C. and Robine, J. M. and Rodenas, F. and Robusto, F. and Roche, N. and Romano, A. and Romano, V. and Rosado-Pinto, J. and Roubille, F. and Ruiz, F. and Ryan, D. and Salcedo, T. and Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. and Schulz, H. and Schunemann, H. J. and Serrano, E. and Sheikh, A. and Shields, M. and Siafakas, N. and Scichilone, N. and Siciliano, P. and Skrindo, I. and Smit, H. A. and Sourdet, S. and Sousa-Costa, E. and Spranger, O. and Sooronbaev, T. and Sruk, V. and Sterk, P. J. and Todo-Bom, A. and Touchon, J. and Tramontano, D. and Triggiani, M. and Tsartara, S. I. and Valero, A. L. and Valovirta, E. and van Ganse, E. and van Hage, M. and van Den Berge, M. and Vandenplas, O. and Ventura, M. T. and Vergara, I. and Vezzani, G. and Vidal, D. and Viegi, G. and Wagemann, M. and Whalley, B. and Wickman, M. and Wilson, N. and Yiallouros, P. K. and Žagar, M. and Zaidi, A. and Zidarn, M. and Hoogerwerf, E. J. and Usero, J. and Zuffada, R. and Senn, A. and de Oliveira-Alves, B. (2016) Erratum to: Building bridges for innovation in ageing : Synergies between action groups of the EIP on AHA. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. ISSN 1279-7707

Brandt, Silke and Buttelmann, David and Lieven, Elena and Tomasello, Michael (2016) Children’s understanding of first and third person perspectives in complement clauses and false belief tasks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 151. pp. 131-143. ISSN 0022-0965

Brandt, Silke and Lieven, Elena and Tomasello, Michael (2016) German children’s use of word order and case marking to interpret simple and complex sentences : testing differences between constructions and lexical items. Language Learning and Development, 12 (2). pp. 156-182. ISSN 1547-5441

Brezina, Vaclav (2016) Collocation networks : exploring associations in discourse. In: Triangulating methodological approaches in corpus linguistic research :. Routledge, London, pp. 90-107. ISBN 9781138850255

Brodie, Tom (2016) Turn-taking in a meeting in China : an intercultural pragmatic interpretation with illustrations. In: Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching 2016, 2016-07-11 - 2016-07-11.

Brodie, Tom (2016) The current gap between candidate expectation and the reality of the IELTS speaking test with implications for teaching. In: 25th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching November 11-13, 2016, 2016-11-11 - 2016-11-13, Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center.

Brookes, Gavin and Harvey, Kevin and Mullany, Louise (2016) ‘Off to the best start’? : A multimodal critique of breast and formula feeding health promotional discourse. Gender and Language, 10 (3). pp. 340-363. ISSN 1747-6321

Brookes, Gavin (2016) The discursive construction of diabulimia: a corpus linguistic examination of online health communication. PhD thesis, The University of Nottingham.

Brookes, Gavin and Harvey, Kevin (2016) Corpus linguistics. In: Knowing about language : linguistics and the secondary English classroom. Routledge, London, pp. 125-136. ISBN 9781138856233

Brookes, Gavin and Harvey, Kevin (2016) Examining the discourse of mental illness in a corpus of online advice-seeking messages. In: Talking at work : corpus-based explorations of workplace discourse. Communicating in Professions and Organizations . Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 209-234. ISBN 9781137496157

Brookes, Gavin and Harvey, Kevin (2016) Opening up the NHS to market : using multimodal critical discourse analysis to examine the ongoing corporatisation of health care communication. Journal of Language and Politics, 15 (3). pp. 288-302. ISSN 1569-2159

Brown, David and Baker, Paul (2016) Voicing imperial subjects in British literature : a corpus analysis of literary dialect, 1768-1929. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Brown, Georgina (2016) Automatic Accent Recognition Systems and the Effects of Data on Performance. In: Odyssey 2016: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 94-100.

Brown, Georgina (2016) Exploring Forensic Accent Recognition using the Y-ACCDIST System. In: Proceedings of the 16th Australiasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology :. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology . UNSPECIFIED, pp. 305-308.

Brunfaut, Tineke (2016) Assessing listening. In: Handbook of Second Language Assessment :. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics . Mouton de Gruyter, Boston/Berlin, pp. 97-112. ISBN 9781614515425

Brunfaut, Tineke (2016) Looking into reading II : a follow-up study on test-takers' cognitive processes while completing Aptis B1 reading tasks. [Report]

Bygate, Martin (2016) Sources, developments and directions of task-based language teaching. Language Learning Journal, 44 (4). pp. 381-400. ISSN 0957-1736

Casaponsa, Aina and Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni and Carreiras, Manuel (2016) Bilingualism and Visual Word Recognition : Sub-lexical modulation of language detection and lexical access in bilinguals. PhD thesis, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Castro, Tammer and Rothman, Jason and Westergaard, Marit (2016) Comparing anaphora resolution in early and late Brazilian Portuguese-European Portuguese bidialectal bilinguals. Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada, 29 (2). pp. 429-461. ISSN 0213-2028

Chan, Ka Wai (2016) Speaker variability in the realization of lexical tones. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 23 (2). pp. 195-214. ISSN 1748-8885

Chen, Yu-Hua and Baker, Paul (2016) Investigating criterial discourse features across second language development : lexical bundles in rated learner essays, CEFR B1, B2 and C1. Applied Linguistics, 37 (6). pp. 849-880. ISSN 0142-6001

Coddou McManus, Alberto and Ferreiro Gómez, José Manuel (2016) Medios de Comunicación y Procesos Constituyentes : El caso de El Mercurio en Chile. Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales, 30. pp. 101-127. ISSN 0718-1795

Collins, Luke C. and Nerlich, Brigitte (2016) How certain is ‘certain’? : Exploring how the English-language media reported the use of calibrated language in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report. Public Understanding of Science, 25 (6). pp. 656-673. ISSN 0963-6625

Cuyckens, Hubert and Ghesquière, Lobke and Van Olmen, Daniel (2016) Introduction. In: Aspects of grammaticalization : (inter)subjectification and directionality. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] . De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9783110489699

Dayrell, Carmen (2016) Changing Climates Part I : Britain. UNSPECIFIED.

Dayrell, Carmen (2016) Changing Climates Part II : Brazil. UNSPECIFIED.

Dayrell, Carmen and Caimotto, Maria Cristina and Muller, Marcus and Piao, Scott Songlin (2016) Discourses around climate change in the news media. In: Corpora and Discourse International Conference, 2016-06-30 - 2016-07-02, Siena University.

Demjen, Zsofia and Semino, Elena and Koller, Veronika (2016) Metaphors for 'good' and 'bad' deaths : a health professional view. Metaphor and the Social World, 6 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2210-4070

Dempster, Steven and Sunderland, Jane and Thistlethwaite, Jo and Oliver, Alice (2016) What has Harry Potter done for me? : children's reflections on their 'Potter experience'. Children's Literature in Education, 47 (3). pp. 267-282. ISSN 1573-1693

Dunn, Kirsty Jayne and Reid, Vincent Michael and Young, Robert James and Amu, Johnson and Reissland, Nadja (2016) Evidence for face-like preferences during visual processing of stimuli by the human fetus in utero. In: International Congress on Infant Studies 2016, 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-28.

Dunn, Kirsty Jayne and Reissland, Nadja and Young, Robert James and Amu, Johnson and Reid, Vincent Michael (2016) The prenatal concept of number : further evidence of visual processing of stimuli before birth. In: 1st Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, 2016-08-25 - 2016-08-27, Lancaster University.

Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni and Ivaz, Lela and Casaponsa, Aina (2016) Developmental changes associated with cross-language similarity in bilingual children. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28 (1). pp. 16-31. ISSN 2044-5911

Dóczi, Brigitta and Kormos, Judit (2016) Longitudinal developments in vocabulary knowledge and lexical organization. Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 9780190210274

Egbert, Jesse and Baker, Paul (2016) Research synthesis. In: Triangulating Methodological Approaches in Corpus Linguistic Research :. Routledge, pp. 183-208. ISBN 9781138850255

El-Haj, Mahmoud and Rayson, Paul Edward (2016) OSMAN : a novel Arabic readability metric. In: Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2016 :. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Slovenia, pp. 250-255. ISBN 9782951740891

El-Haj, Mahmoud and Rayson, Paul Edward and Young, Steven Eric and Walker, Martin and Moore, Andrew and Athanasakou, Vasiliki and Schleicher, Thomas (2016) Learning tone and attribution for financial text mining. In: Proceedings of LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation :. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp. 1820-1825. ISBN 9782951740891

Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth and Boeg Thomsen, Ditte (2016) The socio-cognitive foundation of Danish perspective-mixing dialogue particles. In: Viewpoint and the fabric of meaning :. Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 125-142. ISBN 9783110369076

Franklin, Emma and Oakes, Michael (2016) Ngrams and Engrams : the use of structural and conceptual features to discriminate between English translations of religious texts. Corpora, 11 (3). pp. 299-341. ISSN 1749-5032

Fujii, Akiko and Ziegler, Nicole and Mackey, Alison Jayne (2016) Peer interaction and metacognitive instruction in the EFL classroom. In: Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning : Pedagogical potential and research agenda. Language Learning and Language Teaching . John Benjamins, pp. 63-89. ISBN 9789027213327

Fulga, Angelica and McDonough, Kim (2016) The impact of first language background and visual information on the effectiveness of low-variability input. Applied Psycholinguistics, 37 (2). pp. 265-283. ISSN 0142-7164

Gablasova, Dana (2016) Doing Corpus Linguistics. Journal of English Linguistics, 44 (3). pp. 283-286. ISSN 0075-4242

Georgalou, Mariza (2016) 'I make the rules on my Wall’ : privacy and identity management practices on Facebook. Discourse and Communication, 10 (1). pp. 40-64. ISSN 1750-4813

Germond, Basil and McEnery, Tony and Marchi, Anna (2016) The EU’s comprehensive approach as the dominant discourse : a corpus-linguistics analysis of the EU’s counter-piracy narrative. European Foreign Affairs Review, 21 (1). pp. 137-156. ISSN 1384-6299

Geyer, Robert Ralph and Shen, Wei (2016) (Mandarin Chinese) Brexit – How did it happen and how will it affect the UK- EU-China relationship? Chinese Journal of European Studies, 4. pp. 56-65.

Gillen, J (2016) Antique Instagrams or Snapchats? Multimodal Composition of Early Twentieth Century British Postcards : Paper presented at “Aesthetes then and now: a bricolage of historical, artistic, and material-discursive meanings” Writing and Literacies Special Interest Group Roundtable at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 8-12 April 2016, Washington DC. In: American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-12.

Gillen, J (2016) “A Day in the Life” – a still developing methodology : Introductory paper prior to a presentation to Working Group 1: Digital Literacy in Homes and Communities, The Digital Literacy and Multimodal Practices of Young Children, DigiLitEY, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology project meeting, Cyprus, 17-18 March, 2015. In: The Digital Literacy and Multimodal Practices of Young Children, DigiLitEY, COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology project meeting, 2016-03-17 - 2016-03-18, Cyprus.

Gillen, J (2016) How early picture postcards were the Edwardian equivalent of Instagram. UNSPECIFIED.

Gillen, J (2016) Taking a literacy studies approach to the multimodality of Edwardian postcards. In: Multimodality and multidisciplinarity mini conference, 2016-02-18 - 2016-02-18, Lancaster University. (Unpublished)

Gillen, J and Twining, Peter and Hempel-Jorgensen, Amelia and Henry, R and Murphy, Patricia and Harrison, S and Passey, Don and Kucirkova, Natalya and Dawadi, S and De Geest, E and Fletcher-Campbell, F (2016) NP3 Exploratory Study 8 : Report from the project New Purposes, New Practices, New Pedagogies (NP3). [Report]

Gillen, J and Twining, Peter and Hempel-Jorgensen, Amelia and Henry, R and Murphy, Patricia and Harrison, S and Passey, Don and Kucirkova, Natalya and Dawadi, S and De Geest, E and Fletcher-Campbell, F (2016) NP3 Exploratory Study 9 : Public Report from the project New Purposes, New Practices, New Pedagogies (NP3). [Report]

Gillen, Julia (2016) With regards to Homing, from the Edwardian Postcard Project. In: Homing :. In Certain Places, Preston, pp. 12-14. ISBN 9780993049828

Gillen, Julia (2016) The picture postcard at the beginning of the twentieth century : Instagram, Snapchat or selfies of an earlier age? In: Literacy, media and technology : past, present and future. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 11-24. ISBN 9781474257992

Gillen, Julia and Panda, Sibaji and Papen, Uta and Zeshan, Ulrike (2016) Peer to peer deaf literacy : working with young deaf people and peer tutors in India. Language and Language Teaching, 5 (10). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2277-307X

Gregory, Ian Norman and Atkinson, Paul David and Hardie, Andrew and Joulain-Jay, Amelia and Kershaw, Daniel and Porter, Catherine and Rayson, Paul Edward and Rupp, Christopher John (2016) From digital resources to historical scholarship with the British Library 19th Century Newspaper Collection. Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities and social sciences, 9 (4). pp. 994-1006. ISSN 1997-1370

Hansson, Sten and Wodak, Ruth (2016) Blame avoidance in government communication. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Hardaker, Claire and McGlashan, Mark (2016) “Real men don’t hate women” : Twitter rape threats and group identity. Journal of Pragmatics, 91. pp. 80-93. ISSN 0378-2166

Hardaker, Claire and Culpeper, Jonathan Vaughan (2016) Pragmatics and corpus linguistics. In: Triangulating methodological approaches in corpus linguistic research :. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138850255

Hardaker, Claire and Demjen, Zsofia (2016) Metaphor, impoliteness, and offence in online communication. In: Handbook of metaphor and language :. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138775367

Hardie, Andrew (2016) Infrastructure for analysis of the CEPhiT corpus : implementation and applications of corpus annotation and indexing. In: ‘The Conditioned and the Unconditioned’ : Late Modern English Texts on Philosophy. John Benjamins, pp. 61-76. ISBN 9789027212290

Harding, Luke (2016) What do raters need in a pronunciation scale? : the users' view. In: Second language pronunciation assessment : interdisciplinary perspectives. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781783096831

Harding, Luke and Kremmel, Benjamin (2016) Teacher assessment literacy and professional development. In: Handbook of second language assessment :. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics . Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 9781614513827

Harding, Luke William and Griffiths, Mark (2016) GESE International Examiner Research Project : Final report. [Report] (Unpublished)

Hart, Christopher (2016) The visual basis of linguistic meaning and its implications for critical discourse analysis : integrating cognitive linguistic and multimodal methods. Discourse and Society, 27 (3). pp. 335-350. ISSN 0957-9265

Heritage, Frazer (2016) Does age in addition to occupation affect the conceptualization of how time is structured? In: UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2016, 2016-07-19 - 2016-07-22, Bangor University. (Unpublished)

Heritage, Frazer and Littlemore, Jeannette and Duffy, Sarah (2016) A reaction time study testing interactions between gender and the psychological reality of the vertical image schema for hierarchy. In: UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2016, 2016-07-19 - 2016-07-22, Bangor University.

Ho, Siu Yee and Gillen, Julia and Barton, David (2016) Volunteering literacies : an ethnographic approach to exploring the literacy practices of adult volunteers on a vocational further education programme and a social media networking site in an aviation-centred uniformed youth group. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Holland, Jeremy and Nichele, Elena (2016) An ideological content analysis of corporate manifestos : a foundational document approach. Semiotica, 2016 (208). pp. 79-101. ISSN 0037-1998

Hollmann, Willem Bernardus (2016) Forensic linguistics. In: Knowing about language : Linguistics and the secondary English classroom. Routledge, London, pp. 137-148. ISBN 9781138856233

Hollmann, Willem Bernardus (2016) Word classes, linguistic historiography and language education : deconstructing the structuralist straw man. In: From variation to iconicity :. Pegasus, Amsterdam, pp. 169-183. ISBN 9789061434221

Iganski, Paul Stephen and Sweiry, Abraham Benjamin and Culpeper, Jonathan Vaughan (2016) A question of faith? : prosecuting religiously aggravated offences in England and Wales. Criminal Law Review, 2016 (5). pp. 334-348. ISSN 0011-135X

Indrarathne, Bimali and Kormos, Judit (2016) Attentional processing of different types of written L2 input and its relationship with learners' working memory capacity. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Indrarathne, Bimali and Kormos, Judit (2016) Relationship between attentional processing of input and working memory: an eye-tracking study. In: EuroSLA26, 2016-08-24 - 2016-08-27.

Indrarathne, Bimali and Kormos, Judit (2016) Relationship between attentional processing of input and working memory: an eye-tracking study. In: BAAL Language learning and teaching SIG, 2016-06-30 - 2016-07-01.

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