Items where Department is "Marketing" and Year is 2023
Abboud, Liliane and Bruce, Helen and Burton, Jamie (2023) I Can’t Always Get What I Want : Low Power, Service Customer (Dis)Engagement and Wellbeing. European Journal of Marketing, 57 (10). pp. 2713-2736. ISSN 0309-0566
Abouseif, Mariam and Cocker, Hayley and Malone, Sheila (2023) How do online communities transform the well-being of women in a developing country? In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-06, University of Birmingham. (Unpublished)
Ahmad, Wasim (2023) Unveiling the Link Between Radical Product Sustainability Oriented Innovation (SOI) and Triple-Bottom-Line (People, Plant, Profit) Performance of B2B Firms. In: British Academy of Management 2023, 2023-09-01 - 2023-09-06, University of Sussex.
Ahmad, Wasim and Battisti, Enrico and Akhtar, Naeem and Ahmad, Muhammad Ishfaq and Rehman, Ramiz Ur (2023) Global retailers' CSR initiatives during COVID-19 crisis : a cross-cultural examination. International Marketing Review, 40 (5). pp. 1054-1070. ISSN 0265-1335
Alexander, Nicholas (2023) The Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business. Edited by Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard, and Joanne Roberts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. xii 634 pp. Illustrations, figures, index. Hardback, $150.00. ISBN: 978-0-19-093222-0. Business History Review, 97 (1). pp. 189-192. ISSN 0007-6805
Alhassoun, Abdulmohsen and Awanis, Sandra and Mouzas, Stefanos (2023) Barriers to Swift Businesses Responses to Climate Change Regulations : Evidence from Automobile Sector in Saudi Arabia. In: IMP2023: Rethinking the International Dimensions of Interaction, Relationships and Networks, 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-25, Manchester Business School.
Alsaeed, Ghadeer and Keeling, Kathy and Sarantopoulos, Panagiotis and Gadalla, Eman (2023) Source, message and medium? : The role of personal values in forming credibility perceptions of non-sponsored product review videos. European Journal of Marketing, 57 (5). pp. 1272-1297. ISSN 0309-0566
Araujo, L. and Burrell, G. and Easton, G. and Rothschild, R. and Rothschild, S. and Shearman, C. (2023) Social approaches to the competitive process. In: The Competitiveness of European Industry :. UNSPECIFIED, London, pp. 137-164. ISBN 9781032439952
Ashman, Rachel and Beach, Sylvia and Patterson, Anthony (2023) Is Barbie Full of It? Journal of Customer Behaviour, 22 (1). ISSN 1475-3928 (In Press)
Barbara, Czarniawska and Raviola, Elena and Alcadipani da Silveira, Rafael and Tarim, Emre (2023) Organising Outside Organizations – Part II. puntoOrg International Journal, 8 (2). pp. 134-135. ISSN 2499-1333
Bruce, Helen and Krolikowska, Ewa and Rooney, Tara (2023) Guest Editorial : Investigating the effect of the physical context on customer experience. Journal of Services Marketing, 37 (6). pp. 689-699. ISSN 0887-6045
Bruce, Helen and Rooney, Tara and Krolikowska, Ewa (2023) Women Microbusiness Owners’ Entrepreneurial Marketing Decision-Making During a Crisis. Journal of Marketing Management. ISSN 0267-257X
Bulawa, Nicole and Hartwig, Kea (2023) The Role of Value-In-Use for Selling E-Services. In: Serving the Customer : The Role of Selling and Sales. Springer Gabler, pp. 31-56. ISBN 9783658390716
CRIS Collective and Banister, Emma and Hamilton, Kathy and Piacentini, Maria and Abboud, Liliane and Allison, Seamus and Bruce, Helen and Hein, Wendy and Higgins, Leighanne and Hoyland, Charlotte and Nairn, Agnes and Parry, Sara and Tonner, Andrea (2023) Let there be a “We”: Introducing an Ethics of Collective Academic Care. European Journal of Marketing, 57 (10). pp. 2838-2859. ISSN 0309-0566
Cepa, Katharina and Fayoumi, Amjad and Gilchrist, Alan (2023) In search of digital transformation : a legacy firm’s quest to find their “predictive maintenance” business model. In: 39th EGOS Colloquium :. UNSPECIFIED, ITA. (In Press)
Cheded, Mohammed and Curry, Niall and Gilchrist, Alan and Hopkinson, Gillian (2023) Managing precarity at the intersection of individual and collective life : A Membership Categorisation Analysis of Tensions and Conflict in Identities within an Online Biosocial Community. Organization, 30 (1). pp. 42-64. ISSN 1350-5084
Cocker, Hayley and Mardon, Rebecca and Daunt, Kate (2023) Don’t Hate the Haters : Collective Neutralization of Deviance in Influencer-Focused Anti-Person-Brand Communities. In: Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-29, Sheraton Grand Seattle. (Unpublished)
Czarniawska, Barbara and Miscione, Gianluca and Raviola, Elena and Alcadipani Da Silveira, Rafael and Tarim, Emre (2023) Organising Outside Organisations – Part I. puntoOrg International Journal, 8 (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 2499-1333
Daryanto, Ahmad and Song, Zening and Soopramanien, Didier (2023) Editorial: Individual and cultural differences in sustainable consumer behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. ISSN 1664-1078
Downs, Carolyn and Ryder, Mike and Kalinowski, T. Bartosz (2023) Re-routing development in peripheral regions : exploiting anchor institution networks for micro/SME enterprise growth and innovation. Journal of Place Management and Development, 16 (3). pp. 485-500. ISSN 1753-8335
Fatricia, Raja Sharah and Daryanto, Ahmad and Sutanto, Juliana (2023) The Role of Anxiety over Land and Forest Fire in Influencing Residents’ Coping Responses : An Empirical Study in Indonesia. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Fatricia, Raja Sharah and Daryanto, Ahmad and Sutanto, Juliana (2023) Developing and validating a scale for anxiety over land and forest fire. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 95: 103850. ISSN 2212-4209
Godefroit-Winkel, Delphine and Schill, Marie and Hogg, Margaret (2023) Consumer Wisdom and Well-Being Investigated via Intergenerational Interactions. Journal of Marketing Management, 39 (15-16). pp. 1502-1532. ISSN 0267-257X
Gürbüz, Mustafa Çagri and Yurt, Oznur and Ozdemir, Sena and Sena, Vania and Yu, Wantao (2023) Global supply chains risks and COVID-19 : Supply chain structure as a mitigating strategy for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Business Research, 155 (B): 113407. ISSN 0148-2963
Hendry, Linda and Razak, Ghadafi and Verma, Savita and Skandalis, Alexandros and Cronin, James and Hadley, Charlotte and Piacentini, Maria and Hardy, John and Stowell, Alison and Mumford, Clare (2023) Never the twain shall meet? Attitude and behaviour gaps across the circular supply chain and consumption institutional fields. In: 30th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-05.
Hennell, Kath and Limmer, Mark and Piacentini, Maria (2023) A ‘Proper Night Out’ : A Practice Theory Exploration of Gendered Drinking. Sociological Research Online, 28 (2). pp. 355-372. ISSN 1360-7804
Higgins, Leighanne and O'Leary, Killian (2023) How ‘clap for our carers’ made some informal caregivers feel undervalued and unseen. The Conversation.
Higgins, Leighanne and O'Leary, Killian (2023) The Marketplace and I : Commercial Experiences of Disability Explored through Art. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-30, Lund University.
Higgins, Leighanne and O’Leary, Killian (2023) ‘Clap for “some” carers’ : Problematizing heroism and ableist tenets of heroic discourse through the experiences of parent-carers. Marketing Theory, 23 (1). pp. 11-32. ISSN 1470-5931
Hoang Ngoc, Quynh and Cronin, James and Skandalis, Alex (2023) Technoculture and its Lived Consequences : A Terminal Marketing Approach. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Hoang Ngoc, Quynh and Cronin, James and Skandalis, Alexandros (2023) Futureless Vicissitudes : Gestural Anti-consumption and the Reflexively Impotent (Anti-)Consumer. Marketing Theory, 23 (4). 585 - 606. ISSN 1470-5931
Holmes, Torik and Palo, Teea and Fernandes, Josi (2023) Making space and beating a path to a marketplace : The uneven spatial ordering of Christmas tourism markets. In: Market Studies : Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (In Press)
Huang, Jingxi and Daryanto, Ahmad and Hogg, Margaret (2023) Studies on the Influence of Customer Trait Psychological Reactance on Customer Behaviour in the Context of Green Loyalty Programs. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Husemann, K.C. and Zeyen, A. and Higgins, L. (2023) Marketplace accessibility : a service-provider perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 57 (9). pp. 2544-2571. ISSN 0309-0566
James, Sophie (2023) Expending Pendle. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-30, Lund University.
James, Sophie (2023) It's Witchcraft. 54 Degrees (LUMS Magazine) (18). pp. 42-45.
James, Sophie and Cronin, James and Patterson, Anthony (2023) Accounting for the Lack of Lack : Fetishistic Disavowal within Networks of Desire. In: Netnocon 2023, 2023-07-26 - 2023-07-28, Salford.
James, Sophie and Cronin, James and Patterson, Anthony (2023) Revisiting Thana-Tourism : The Hauntological Encounter as ‘Obscene Supplement’. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-30, Lund University.
John, Charlotte and Skandalis, Alexandros and Cocker, Hayley (2023) The Spatial Legitimation of the Esports Market. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-30, Lund University. (Unpublished)
Karanika, Katerina and Liu, Chih-Ling and Hogg, Margaret (2023) Older first-time mothers’ identity reconstruction : How felt tensions among the past, present, and future selves motivate consumption pursuits? In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-30, Lund University. (In Press)
Kelly, Siobhán and Stephens, Melanie and Clark, Andrew and Chesterton, Lorna and Hubbard, Lydia (2023) ‘Not the last resort’ : The impact of an interprofessional training care home initiative on students, staff, and residents. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37 (5). pp. 774-782. ISSN 1356-1820
Khan, Huda and Khan, Hina and Abosag, Ibrahim and Ghauri, Pervez (2023) Examining the efficacy of non-market and market driving activities of B2B international firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 111. pp. 97-108. ISSN 0019-8501
Larty, Joanne and Hopkinson, Gillian (2023) “Living the dream” - a psychoanalytical exploration of franchisee autonomy. Journal of Small Business Management, 61 (6). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0047-2778
Liu, Chih-Ling (2023) The even darker side of gift-giving : Understanding sustained exploitation in family consumption system. Marketing Theory, 23 (4). pp. 709-723. ISSN 1470-5931
Mardon, Rebecca and Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate (2023) De-influencing : how online beauty gurus get followers to trust them by posting negative reviews. The Conversation.
Mardon, Rebecca and Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate (2023) How Social Media Influencers Impact Consumer Collectives : An Embeddedness Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 50 (3). pp. 617-644. ISSN 0093-5301
Mardon, Rebecca and Cocker, Hayley and Daunt, Kate (2023) When parasocial relationships turn sour : social media influencers, eroded and exploitative intimacies, and anti-fan communities. Journal of Marketing Management, 39 (11-12). pp. 1132-1162. ISSN 0267-257X
Martin, Felix (2023) Self-Determined Moral Regulation in the Service Context. In: IESE International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-20, IESE Business School.
Mills, Scott and Patterson, Anthony and Lee, Quinn and Wolfheil, Markus (2023) Consuming Spontaneity in Extraordinary Experiences. In: ANZMAC 2023 : Marketing for Good. ANZMAC . UNSPECIFIED, NZL, p. 177.
Mouzas, Stefanos (2023) Entitlements and Intangible Assets. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mumford, Clare and Stowell, Alison and Hardy, John and Piacentini, Maria and Hadley, Charlotte and Hendry, Linda and Razak, Ghadafi and Skandalis, Alexandros and Cronin, James (2023) Polyphony or cacophony? : Exploring multiple stakeholder values and situated dialogues within the process of polymer recycling. In: OTB3 (Opening the Bin 3) – Waste, economy, culture and society: ‘One World, one Bin?’, 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17, LUMS.
O'Leary, Killian (2023) ‘Gamifying Guinness’ : A Netnography of New Porter. In: Netnocon 2023, 2023-07-26 - 2023-07-28, Salford.
Ozdemir, Sena and Fernandez de Arroyabe, Juan Carlos and Sena, Vania and Gupta, Suraksha (2023) Stakeholder Diversity and Collaborative Innovation : Integrating the Resource-Based View with Stakeholder Theory. Journal of Business Research, 164: 113955. ISSN 0148-2963
Palo, Teea and Fernandes, Josi (2023) Imaginary organising of markets : Resistance and respect as forms of collective market organising. In: Organisation Studies Summer Workshop, 2023-05-18 - 2023-05-20. (Unpublished)
Quamina, L.T. and Xue, M.T. and Chawdhary, R. (2023) Co-branding as a masstige strategy for luxury brands : Desirable or not? Journal of Business Research, 158: 113704. ISSN 0148-2963
Razak, Ghadafi and Hendry, Linda and Verma, Savita and Cronin, James and Hadley, Charlotte and Hardy, John and Mumford, Clare and Piacentini, Maria and Skandalis, Alexandros and Stowell, Alison (2023) Plastic Packaging Waste Reduction in Food Supply Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Stakeholders. In: OTB3 (Opening the Bin 3) – Waste, economy, culture and society: ‘One World, one Bin?’, 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17, LUMS.
Rodrigo, P. and Khan, H. and Valaei, N. (2023) Country-of-origin effects on consumer cognitive structures and preference for foreign brands among elites. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. ISSN 1361-2026
Ryan, Annmarie and Stigzelius, Ingrid and Mejri, Olfa and Hopkinson, Gillian and Hussien, Fairouz (2023) Agencing the digitalized marketer : Exploring the boundary workers at the cross-road of (e)merging markets. Marketing Theory, 23 (3). pp. 463-487. ISSN 1470-5931
Ryan, Mark (2023) A Longitudinal Analysis of Tensions Between Economic and Environmental Value Creation in a Circular Economy Solution. Business Research Proceedings. pp. 1-3.
Ryan, Mark (2023) Understanding Latent Tensions in a Circular Fashion Business Model. In: OTB3 (Opening the Bin 3) – Waste, economy, culture and society: ‘One World, one Bin?’, 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17, LUMS.
Ryan, Annmarie and Geiger, Susi and Haugh, Helen and Branzei, Oana and Gray, Barbara L. and Lawrence, Thomas B. and Cresswell, Tim and Anderson, Alastair and Jack, Sarah and McKeever, Ed (2023) Emplaced Partnerships and the Ethics of Care, Recognition and Resilience. Journal of Business Ethics, 184 (4). pp. 757-772. ISSN 0167-4544
Ryder, Mike (2023) Can Chat-GPT coach the business leaders of tomorrow? UNSPECIFIED.
Ryder, Mike (2023) Gran Turismo : why this glorified advert fails where Barbie succeeded. The Conversation.
Ryder, Mike (2023) How governments are using science fiction to predict potential threats. The Conversation.
Ryder, Mike (2023) The Literature of Drones: Ethics and Remote Killing in Ender’s Game. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction (144).
Ryder, Mike (2023) ‘No refuge’: The sign of our times. UNSPECIFIED.
Sena, Vania and Kanungo, Rama and Ozdemir, Sena and Yannopoulou, Natalia and Patel, Parth (2023) Are Reshoring Decisions Influenced by External Stakeholders and Country-Level Environmental Regulation? British Journal of Management, 34 (3). pp. 1184-1214. ISSN 1467-8551
Shoham, Meyrav and Watson, Jared and Cocker, Hayley and Daniels, Michelle and Grewal, Lauren and Khamitov, Mansur and Mardon, Rebecca and Matherly, Ted and Morvinski, Coby and Shalev, Edith and Smith, Rosanna and Valsesia, Francesca and Wu, Freeman (2023) Roundtable - Everyone everywhere all at once : integrating novel approaches to social influence(rs). In: Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-29, Sheraton Grand Seattle. (Unpublished)
Skandalis, Alexandros (2023) Beyond place attachment : Exploring the politics of belonging to commercial settings. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-06, Birmingham Business School.
Skandalis, Alexandros (2023) Towards an experiential identity of place : The case of Manchester’s Craft and Design Centre. Journal of Place Management and Development, 16 (4). ISSN 1753-8335
Skandalis, Alexandros (2023) Transitional space and new forms of value co-creation in online brand communities. Journal of Business Research, 155 (A): 113392. ISSN 0148-2963
Skandalis, Alexandros and Cronin, James and Hadley, Charlotte and Piacentini, Maria and Hardy, John and Hendry, Linda and Mumford, Clare and Razak, Ghadafi and Stowell, Alison and Verma, Savita (2023) A taste for waste : Situating unsustainable consumption within practices & social structures. In: OTB3 (Opening the Bin 3) – Waste, economy, culture and society: ‘One World, one Bin?’, 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17, LUMS.
Soopramanien, Didier and Daryanto, Ahmad and Song, Zening (2023) Urban Residents’ Environmental Citizenship Behaviour : The Roles of Place Attachment, Social Norms and Perceived Environmental Responsibility. Cities, 132: 104097. ISSN 0264-2751
Stowell, Alison and Piacentini, Maria and Cronin, James and Hadley, Charlotte and Hardy, John and Hendry, Linda and Mumford, Clare and Skandalis, Alexandros (2023) Event Blog: The Future of Recycling | IPT. Industry and Parliament Trust.
Tao, Yingnian and Ryan, Mark (2023) Shame on You! : A corpus-based analysis of green marketing discourse in mission statements of certified sustainable fashion firms. In: Corpus Linguistics, 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-06, Lancaster University.
Tarim, Emre and Gozluklu, Arie and Muradoglu, Gulnur (2023) The American spirit : The performativity of folk economics in global financial markets. Environment and Planning A, 55 (8). pp. 1906-1927. ISSN 0308-518X