Items where Year is 1989

Number of items: 241.

Sayer, Derek, ed. (1989) Readings from Karl Marx. Routledge, London. ISBN 0415018102

UNSPECIFIED (1989) Determination of the number of light neutrino species. Physics Letters B, 231 (4). pp. 519-529. ISSN 0370-2693

UNSPECIFIED (1989) A measurement of the charmed quark asymmetry ine + e − annihilation. Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 44 (4). pp. 567-571. ISSN 0170-9739

Abraham, H and Whittaker, J (1989) Is dynamic stability of Walrasian equilibrium achieved through falling target utilities? International Economic Review, 30 (3). pp. 507-511. ISSN 0020-6598

Alexander, N S (1989) The internal market of 1992: attitudes of leading retailers. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 17 (1). pp. 13-15.

Allsop, D and Ikeda, S and Glenner, G G (1989) Evidence for the derivation of a peptide ligand from the amyloid β-protein precursor of Alzheimer's disease. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, 317. pp. 893-902. ISSN 0361-7742

Allsop, David and Ikeda, S.I. and Glenner, G.G. (1989) Evidence for the derivation of a peptide ligand from the amyloid β protein precursor of Alzheimer's disease. In: Alzheimer's disease and related disorders : proceedings of the First International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, held in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 5-9, 1988. Progress in clinical and biological research . Alan R. Liss, New York, pp. 893-902. ISBN 0845151673

Anwar, Jamshed and Tarling, Stephen E. and Barnes, Paul (1989) Polymorphism of sulfathiazole. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 78 (4). pp. 337-342. ISSN 0022-3549

Aston, Elaine (1989) Sarah Bernhardt : a French actress on the English stage. Berg, Oxford. ISBN 9780854960194

Atkinson, Peter M. and Webster, R. and Curran, Paul J. (1989) Optimal multi-variable sampling schemes for remote sensing investigations. In: Proceedings of the NERC Workshop on Airborne Remote Sensing 1989, Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere, 23 November 1989. :. Natural Environment Research Council.

BARTOLUCCI, G and GIANNINI, F and PAOLONI, C (1989) Beam forming networks for active antenna systems. Space Communications, 6 (5). pp. 397-407. ISSN 0924-8625

BARTOLUCCI, G and LEUZZI, G and PAOLONI, C and RUGGIERI, M and RUSSO, P (1989) A multibeam active antenna for an European contiguous coverage at Ku-band. In: Global Telecommunications Conference, 1989, and Exhibition. Communications Technology for the 1990s and Beyond. GLOBECOM '89., IEEE :. IEEE, DALLAS, pp. 1115-1119.

Bade, W. G. and Dales, H.G. (1989) Continuity of derivations from radical convolution algebras. Studia Mathematica, 95. pp. 59-91. ISSN 0039-3223

Bade, W. G. and Dales, H.G. (1989) Discontinuous derivations from algebras of power series. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 59 (1). pp. 133-152. ISSN 0024-6115

Bagguley, Paul and Mark-Lawson, Jane and Shapiro, Daniel and Urry, John and Walby, Sylvia and Warde, Alan (1989) Restructuring Lancaster. In: Localities : the changing face of urban Britain. Unwin Hyman, London, pp. 129-165. ISBN 9780044453000

Balakrishnan, G. and Caves, L.W.J. and Dupree, R. and Paul, D.McK. and Smith, M.E. (1989) NMR evidence for fluctuating, localised magnetic fields in zinc-doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 161 (1). pp. 9-12. ISSN 0921-4534

Baldwin, Jack E. and Adlington, Robert M. and O'Neil, Ian A. and Schofield, Christopher and Spivey, Alan C. and Sweeney, Joseph B. (1989) The ring opening of aziridine-2-carboxylate esters with organometallic reagents. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (23). pp. 1852-1854. ISSN 0022-4936

Barry, Jon and Francis, Brian and Davies, Richard (1989) SABRE 2.0 : software for the analysis of binary recurrent events. In: Statistical modelling : proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Lecture Notes in Statistics . Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-0387970974

Barry, Jon and Soothill, Keith and Francis, Brian (1989) Nursing the statistics : a demonstration study of nurse turnover and retention. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14 (7). pp. 528-535. ISSN 0309-2402

Bartolucci, G. and Giannini, F. and Leuzzi, G. and Paoloni, C. and Ruggieri, M. (1989) Single antenna receivers for advanced satellite T/R systems. In: Electrotechnical Conference, 1989. Proceedings. 'Integrating Research, Industry and Education in Energy and Communication Engineering', MELECON '89., Mediterranean :. IEEE, pp. 493-496.

Bartolucci, G. and Leuzzi, G. and Paoloni, C. and Ruggieri, M. (1989) On-board electronics for an active near field multibeam. In: Electrotechnical Conference, 1989. Proceedings. 'Integrating Research, Industry and Education in Energy and Communication Engineering', MELECON '89., Mediterranean :. IEEE, pp. 378-380.

Bate, S. and Honary, Bahram (1989) Error control techniques applicable to HF channels. IEE Proceedings I (Communications, Speech and Vision), 136 (1). pp. 57-63. ISSN 0956-3776

Bates, P A and Hermes, I and Dwyer, D M (1989) Leishmania donovani : immunochemical localization and secretory mechanism of soluble acid phosphatase. Experimental Parasitology, 68 (3). pp. 335-346. ISSN 0014-4894

Beattie, Vivien and Ryan, Bob (1989) Performance indices and related measures of journal reputation in accounting. British Accounting Review, 21 (3). pp. 267-278. ISSN 0890-8389

Bell, Graham and Clegg, David and Farwell, Ruth and Hebborn, John and Houston, Ken and Lazenby, Paul and McCauley, Graham and McGough, John and Newton, Eric and Nicholson, Diana and Tanner, Dennis and Towers, David Anthony (1989) Making mathematics more attractive. In: Mathematics 16-20 :. Shell Centre for Mathematical Education, Nottingham University, pp. 105-114.

Benn, Ian and Tucker, Robin (1989) Wave mechanics and inertial guidance. Physical Review D, 39 (6). pp. 1594-1601. ISSN 1550-7998

Beven, Keith (1989) Changing ideas in hydrology - The case of physically-based models. Journal of Hydrology, 105 (1-2). pp. 157-172. ISSN 0022-1694

Binley, Andrew M. and Beven, Keith J. and Elgy, John (1989) A Physically-Based Model of Heterogeneous Hillslopes II. Effective Hydraulic Conductivities. Water Resources Research, 25 (6). pp. 1227-1233. ISSN 0043-1397

Binley, Andrew M. and Elgy, John and Beven, Keith J. (1989) A Physically-Based Model of Heterogeneous Hillslopes I. Runoff Production. Water Resources Research, 25 (6). pp. 1219-1226. ISSN 0043-1397

Black, Sue M. and Pollard, J. I. (1989) Age related change in the pattern of relative bone density in the distal radius. Journal of Anatomy, 164. pp. 267-268. ISSN 0021-8782

Bloomfield, Brian (1989) On Speaking About Computing. Sociology, 23 (3). pp. 409-426. ISSN 0038-0385

Bound, John P. and Harvey, Peter W. and Francis, Brian (1989) Seasonal prevalence of major congenital malformations in the Fylde of Lancaster 1957-1981. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 43 (4). pp. 330-342. ISSN 1470-2738

Bremner, J. G. (1989) Perceptual and intellectual development in infancy. Science Progress, 73 (292 Pt). pp. 443-456. ISSN 0036-8504

Bremner, J. Gavin (1989) Perceptual & intellectual development in infancy. Science Progress, 73 (292). pp. 443-456. ISSN 0036-8504

Cardoso Da Rocha, Valdemar and Honary, Bahram and Bate, Steve D. (1989) Algebraic properties of BCH codes useful for decoding. International Journal of Satellite Communications, 7 (3). pp. 225-229. ISSN 1099-1247

Casademunt, J. and Jimenez-Aquino, J. I. and Sancho, J. M. and Lambert, Colin and Mannella, R. and Martano, P. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Stocks, N. G. (1989) Decay of unstable states in the presence of colored noise and random initial conditions. II. : analog experiments and digital simulations. Physical review a, 40 (10). pp. 5915-5921. ISSN 1050-2947

Chetwynd, A. G. and Hilton, A. J.W. (1989) 1-Factorizing Regular Graphs of High Degree-an Improved Bound. Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 43 (C). pp. 103-112. ISSN 0167-5060

Chetwynd, Amanda G. and Haggkvist, Roland A. (1989) A note on list colourings. Journal of Graph Theory, 13 (1). pp. 87-95. ISSN 1097-0118

Chetwynd, Amanda G. and Hilton, A. J. W. (1989) A Δ-subgraph condition for a graph to be class 1. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 46 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 0095-8956

Chetwynd, Amanda G. and Hilton, A. J. W. and Hoffman, D. G. (1989) On the Δ-subgraph of graphs which are critical with respect to the chromatic index. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 46 (2). pp. 240-275. ISSN 0095-8956

Choy, A and O'Hanlon, J F (1989) Day of the week effects in the UK equity market: a cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 16 (1). pp. 89-104. ISSN 1468-5957

Clark, Gordon and Johnson, James H. and McAuley, Andrew (1989) Farm managers' salaries. Farm Management, 7 (3). pp. 119-126. ISSN 0014-8059

Collinson, M and Collinson, D L (1989) Sexuality in the workplace: the domination of men's sexuality. In: The Sexuality of Organization :. Sage, London, pp. 91-109. ISBN 0-803-98231-3

Cosh, A.D. and Hughes, A. and Lee, Kevin and Singh, Ajit (1989) Institutional investment, mergers and the market for corporate control. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 7 (1). pp. 73-100. ISSN 0167-7187

Cox, David and Roulet, Raymond (1989) Protonated open and half-open ruthenocenes exhibiting agostic interactions with C-H bond rupture involved in the most facile dynamic process. Chemical Communications (3). pp. 175-177. ISSN 1359-7345

Crawford, T. J. and Henderson, L. and Kennard, C. (1989) Abnormalities of Nonvisually-Guided Eye-Movements in Parkinsons-Disease. Brain, 112 (6). pp. 1573-1586. ISSN 0006-8950

Crawford, Trevor and Goodrich, S. and Henderson, L. and Kennard, Christopher (1989) Predictive responses in Parkinson's disease: manual keypresses and saccadic eye movements to regular stimulus events. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 52 (9). pp. 1033-1042. ISSN 0022-3050

DELO, E A and OCKENDEN, M C (1989) Sediment transport model for muddy tidal rivers. In: Sediment transport modeling :. AMER SOC CIVIL ENGINEERS, NEW YORK, pp. 314-319. ISBN 0-87262-718-7

Dales, H.G. (1989) On norms on algebras. In: Conference on Automatic Continuity and Banach Algebras :. Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis . Australian National University, Canberra, pp. 61-96.

Dant, Tim and Deacon, Alan (1989) Hostels to homes? : the rehousing of homeless single people. Avebury, Aldershot. ISBN 0566070588

Darnell, Mike and Honary, Bahram (1989) Embedded array coding for HF channels : theoretical and practical studies. In: Cryptography and Coding :. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications conference series . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 135-152. ISBN 9780198536239

Darnell, Mike and Honary, Bahram and Zolghadr, F. (1989) Embedded coding and its practical applications. In: Telecommunications, 1989. Second IEE National Conference on :. IEE, pp. 42-46.

Dexter, Amos Christopher and Farrell, T. and Lees, M. I. (1989) Electronic and ionic processes and ionic bombardment of the cathode in a DC hydrogen glow discharge. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 22 (3). pp. 413-430. ISSN 0022-3727

Dhavan, Rajeev and Kibble, Neil and Twining, William L. (eds.) (1989) Access to legal education and the legal profession. Butterworths, London. ISBN 0406700656 9780406700650

Dupree, R. and Lewis, M.H. and Smith, M.E. (1989) A High-Resolution NMR Study of the La-Si-Al-O-N System. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 111 (14). pp. 5125-5132. ISSN 0002-7863

Dupree, R. and Paul, D.Mck. and Smith, M.E. and Balakrishnan, G. (1989) Comment on Nature of the conduction-band states in YBa2Cu3O7 as revealed by its yttrium Knight shift. Physical review letters, 63 (6). p. 688. ISSN 0031-9007

Easterby-Smith, M P V (1989) Evaluating the development of corporate cultures: a case for naturalistic methods. Management Education and Development, 19 (1). pp. 85-99. ISSN 0047-5688

Eldridge, Stephen and Dale, B.G. (1989) Quality costing : the lessons learned from a study carried out in two phases. Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 18 (1). pp. 33-44.

Falko, Vladimir (1989) Nonlinear properties of mesoscopic junctions under high-frequency field irradiation. EPL, 8 (8). pp. 785-789. ISSN 0295-5075

Falko, Vladimir (1989) Rectifying properties of 2D inversionlayers in a parallel magnetic-field. Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31 (4). pp. 29-32. ISSN 0367-3294

Falko, Vladimir and Khmelnitskii, D. E. (1989) What if the film conductivity is higher than the speed of light. Zhurnal Eksperimental noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 95 (6). pp. 1988-1992. ISSN 0044-4510

Falko, Vladimir and Khmelnitsky, D. E. (1989) Mesoscopic photogalvanic effect in microjunctions. Zhurnal Eksperimental noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 95 (1). pp. 328-337. ISSN 0044-4510

Farrell, Paddy and Honary, Bahram (1989) Adaptive product codes with soft/hard decision decoding. In: Cryptography and Coding :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 95-133. ISBN 9780198536239

Francis, Brian and Decarli, Adriano and Gilchrist, Robert and Seeber, Gilg (1989) Statistical modelling : proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th Internat. Workshop on Statist. Modelling held in Trento, Italy, July 17-21, 1989. Lecture Notes in Statistics . Springer Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-0387970974

Francis, Brian and Green, Michael and Bradley, Malcolm (1989) GLIM4 : structure and development. In: Statistical Modelling : Proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Lecture Notes in Statistics . Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 978-0387970974

GIANNINI, F and RUGGIERI, M and BARTOLUCCI, G and PAOLONI, C (1989) Low impedance matching: The radial stub solution. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2 (8). pp. 291-297. ISSN 0895-2477

Gentleman, S M and Bruton, C and Allsop, D and Lewis, S J and Polak, J M and Roberts, G W (1989) A demonstration of the advantages of immunostaining in the quantification of amyloid plaque deposits. Histochemistry, 92 (4). pp. 355-358.

Gieskes, J. and Blanc, G. and Vrolijk, P. and Moore, J. C. and Mascle, A. and Taylor, E. and Andrieff, P. and Alvarez, F. and Barnes, R. and Beck, C. and Behrmann, J. and Brown, K. and Clark, M. and Dolan, J. and Fisher, A. and Hounslow, M. and McLellan, P. and Moran, K. and Ogawa, Y. and Sakai, T. and Schoonmaker, J. and Wilkins, R. and Williams, C. (1989) Hydrogeochemistry in the barbados accretionary complex : Leg 110 ODP. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 71 (1-2). pp. 83-96. ISSN 0031-0182

Gilbert, Jennifer and ROGERS, N W (1989) The significance of garnet in the Permo-Carboniferous volcanic rocks of the Pyrenees. Journal of the Geological Society, 146. pp. 477-490. ISSN 0016-7649

Goffin, Alain and Schuiten, François and Peeters, Benoit (1989) Plagiat! Pied jaloux . Les Humanoïdes associés, Paris. ISBN 9782731604634

Golovashkin, A. I. and Gudkov, A. L. and Krasnosvobodtsev, S. I. and Kuzmin, L. S. and Likharev, K. K. and Maslennikov, Y. V. and Pashkin, Y. A. and Pechen, E. V. and Snigirev, O. V. (1989) Josephson effect and macroscopic quantum interference in high-T/sub c/ superconducting thin-film weak links at 77 K. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 25 (2). pp. 943-945. ISSN 0018-9464

Greenshaw, T. and Finch, Alexander (1989) A measurement of the charge asymmetry of hadronic events in electron positron annihilation. Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 42 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0170-9739

Hamilton, J. G.C. and Sonenshine, Daniel E. and Lusby, William R. (1989) Cholesteryl oleate : Mounting sex pheromone of the hard tick Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of Insect Physiology, 35 (11). pp. 873-879. ISSN 0022-1910

Harris, Geraldine (1989) But Is It Art? Female Performers in the Café-Concert. New Theatre Quarterly, 5 (20). pp. 334-347. ISSN 0266-464X

Hartley, D. H. and Onder, M. and Tucker, Robin (1989) On the Einstein-Maxwell equations for a 'stiff' membrane. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 6 (9). pp. 1301-1309. ISSN 0264-9381

Hassan, A. E. M. and Dillon, R. J. and Charnley, A. K. (1989) Influence of accelerated germination of conidia on the pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisopliae for Manduca sexta. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 54 (2). pp. 277-279. ISSN 0022-2011

Head, James W. and Wilson, Lionel (1989) Basaltic pyroclastic eruptions : Influence of gas-release patterns and volume fluxes on fountain structure, and the formation of cinder cones, spatter cones, rootless flows, lava ponds and lava flows. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 37 (3-4). pp. 261-271. ISSN 0377-0273

Heathwaite, A. Louise and Burt, T. P. and Trudgill, S. T. (1989) Runoff, sediment, and solute delivery in agricultural drainage basins : a scale-dependent approach. In: Regional Characterization of Water Quality : Proceedings of a workshop held during the Third IAHS Scientific Assembly at Baltimore, May 1989. IAHS Press, Wallingford, pp. 175-191. ISBN 0-947571-02-7

Hendry, L and Kingsman, B G (1989) Production planning systems and their applicability to make-to-order companies. European Journal of Operational Research, 40 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0377-2217

Hendry, P. C. and Lawson, N. Stuart and Williams, Charles D. H. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Bowley, R. M. (1989) Inhibition of Vortex Nucleation by Phonons in He II. In: Elementary Excitations in Quantum Fluids :. Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences (79). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 184-188. ISBN 3-540-19106-2 and 0-387-19106-2

Heslop, Sally E. and Wilson, Lionel and Pinkerton, Harry and Head, James W. (1989) Dynamics of a confined lava flow on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. Bulletin of Volcanology, 51 (6). pp. 415-432. ISSN 0258-8900

Hill, P. and Finch, Alexander (1989) Observation of spin 1 resonance formation in the final stateKKπ produced in tagged two-photon collisions. Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 42 (3). pp. 355-360. ISSN 0170-9739

Holden, K. and Peel, David (1989) Unbiasedness, Efficiency and the Combination of Forecasts. Journal of Forecasting, 8 (3). pp. 175-188. ISSN 0277-6693

Honary, Bahram and Ali, F. (1989) Performance of Collaborative Coding Multiple Access Over Noisy Channels. In: International Workshop on Information Theory :. UNSPECIFIED, Sweden, pp. 157-165.

Honary, Bahram and Ali, F. and Darnell, M. (1989) Capacity of T-user collaborative coding multiple-access scheme operating over a noisy channel. Electronics Letters, 25 (11). pp. 742-744. ISSN 0013-5194

Honary, Bahram and He, W. and Darnell, Michael (1989) Adaptive-rate sampling applied to the efficient encoding of speech waveforms. In: Telecommunications, 1989. Second IEE National Conference on :. IEEE, pp. 352-358.

Honary, Bahram and Zolghadr, F. and Darnell, M. (1989) Code-assisted bit synchronisation (CABS) scheme. Electronics Letters, 25 (2). pp. 152-153. ISSN 0013-5194

Ikeda, S and Allsop, D and Glenner, G G (1989) Morphology and distribution of plaque and related deposits in the brains of Alzheimer's disease and control cases : an immunohistochemical study using amyloid β-protein antibody. Laboratory Investigation, 60 (1). pp. 113-122. ISSN 0023-6837

Ikeda, S and Allsop, D and Glenner, G G (1989) A study of the morphology and distribution of amyloid β protein immunoreactive plaque and related lesions in the brains of Alzheimer's disease and adult Down's syndrome. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, 317. pp. 313-323. ISSN 0361-7742

Ikeda, S and Yanagisawa, N and Allsop, D and Glenner, G G (1989) Evidence of amyloid β-protein immunoreactive early plaque lesions in Down's syndrome brains. Laboratory Investigation, 61 (1). pp. 133-137. ISSN 0023-6837

Ikeda, S.I. and Allsop, David and Glenner, G.G. (1989) A study of the morphology and distribution of amyloid β-protein immunoreactive plaque and related lesions in the brains of Alzheimer's disease and adult Down's syndrome. In: Alzheimer's disease and related disorders :. Alan R. Liss, New York, pp. 313-323.

Ingham, Hilary (1989) DISAGGREGATED LABOUR DEMAND : SOME EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 36 (4). pp. 353-365. ISSN 0036-9292

Ingham, Hilary and Ingham, Mike (1989) 1992 : Is the UK strike record a cause for concern? European Management Journal, 7 (2). pp. 198-204. ISSN 0263-2373

Iovchik, V. A. and Rodin, V. V. and Pashkin, Yu A. (1989) Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x films on different substrates produced using a laser spraying method. Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik ″Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike″. AN SSSR. Fizicheskii Institut im. P.N. Lebedeva) (3). pp. 39-41. ISSN 0147-6858

Jackson, M C (1989) Operational Research and the Social Sciences. In: Operational Research and the Social Sciences :. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. ISBN 0306431491

Jackson, P. J. and Lambert, Colin and Mannella, R. and Martano, P. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Stocks, N. G. (1989) Relaxation near a noise-induced transition point. Physical review a, 40 (5). pp. 2875-2878. ISSN 1050-2947

Johnes, Jill and Taylor, Jim (1989) Undergraduate non-completion rates : differences between UK universities. Higher Education, 18 (2). pp. 209-225. ISSN 0018-1560

Johnes, Jill and Taylor, Jim (1989) The first destination of new graduates : comparisons between universities. Applied Economics, 21 (3). pp. 357-373. ISSN 0003-6846

Jones, K. C. (1989) Polychlorinated biphenyls in welsh soils : A survey of typical levels. Chemosphere, 18 (7-8). pp. 1665-1672. ISSN 0045-6535

Jones, K. C. and Bennett, B. G. (1989) Human exposure to environmental polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans : An exposure commitment assessment for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Science of the Total Environment, The, 78 (C). pp. 99-116. ISSN 0048-9697

Jones, K. C. and Grimmer, G. and Jacob, J. and Johnston, A. E. (1989) Changes in the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon content of wheat grain and pasture grassland over the last century from one site in the U.K. Science of the Total Environment, The, 78 (C). pp. 117-130. ISSN 0048-9697

Jones, K. C. and Johnston, A. E. (1989) Cadmium in cereal grain and herbage from long-term experimental plots at Rothamsted, UK. Environmental Pollution, 57 (3). pp. 199-216. ISSN 0269-7491

Jones, K. C. and Peace, E. A. (1989) The Ames mutagenicity assay applied to a range of soils. Chemosphere, 18 (7-8). pp. 1657-1664. ISSN 0045-6535

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Jones, Kevin C. and Stratford, Jennifer A. and Waterhouse, Keith S. and Furlong, Edward T. and Giger, Walter and Hites, Ronald A. and Schaffner, Christian and Johnston, A. E. (1989) Increases in the Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Content of an Agricultural Soil over the Last Century. Environmental Science and Technology, 23 (1). pp. 95-101. ISSN 0013-936X

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Kamarotou, H and O'Hanlon, J F (1989) Informational efficiency in the UK, US, Canadian and Japanese equity markets: a note. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 16 (2). pp. 183-192. ISSN 1468-5957

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Kleinwort, C. and Finch, Alexander (1989) A measurement of the τ lepton lifetime. Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 42 (1). p. 7. ISSN 0170-9739

Knights, David and Willmott, Hugh (1989) Power and subjectivity at work : From degradation to subjugation in social relations. Sociology, 23 (4). pp. 535-558. ISSN 0038-0385

Knott, Kim (1989) Hindu communities in Britain. In: Religion, State and Society in Modern Britain :. Texts and studies in religion . Edwin Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp. 243-258. ISBN 9780889469761

Knott, Kim (1989) Mata Ki Jay! A Hindu pilgrimage to Ambaji in North Gujarat. In: World Religions in Education: An Anthology of Writings :. Shap Working Party/BFSS RE Centre, Isleworth, pp. 43-46.

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Lewis, P J (1989) Prototyping information systems: lessons from practice, in implementation of small computer systems: case study of applications. In: Implementation of Small Computer Systems: Case Studies of Applications :. Ellis Horwood, pp. 143-161. ISBN 0745805469

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Mariani, John A. (1989) Implementation of a general purpose database package. In: Implementation of small computer systems : case studies of applications. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, pp. 39-58. ISBN 0745805469

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