Items where Department is "Physics" and Year is 2022

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 414.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 data. Physical Review D, 106 (10): 102008. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Demonstration of <2 ns timing resolution for neutrino interaction in the MicroBooNE detector. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) First Extraction of Single Differential Cross-Sections on Argon for CC1μ2p0π Event Topologies in the MicroBooNE Detector. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) The Impact of Reconstruction in Pandora on Sensitivity to the Low-Energy Excess Signal at MicroBooNE. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Light Yield Calibration in MicroBooNE. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of Neutral-Current π0π0 Cross Section in MicroBooNE using Wire-Cell Reconstruction. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Type Ia Supernovae in redMaGiC Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal, 938 (1): 62. ISSN 0004-637X

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measuring Light Yield with Isolated Protons in MicroBooNE. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Methodology of the Extraction of Multi-Differential Cross Sections of Charged-Current νμ​-Argon Interactions in MicroBooNE Using Wire-Cell νμCC Selection. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Progress Towards A Measurement of Neutrino Induced Charged Current Neutral Pion Production in the MicroBooNE Experiment. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Progress towards an investigation of the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess using neutral-current Delta-like single photons in MicroBooNE with Wire-Cell 3D reconstruction algorithms. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for a 3+1 Sterile Neutrino with the MicroBooNE Experiment using Deep-Learning-Based Reconstruction. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for a Sterile Neutrino in a 3+1 Framework using the Wire-Cell Inclusive Charged-Current νe Selection from MicroBooNE. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for anomalous neutral current coherent-like single-photon production in MicroBooNE. Other. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Sensitivity of the MicroBooNE experiment to dark trident interactions. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Status of the MicroBooNE inclusive single photon selection using Wire-Cell reconstruction. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Using host galaxy spectroscopy to explore systematics in the standardization of Type Ia supernovae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 (3). pp. 4291-4304. ISSN 0035-8711

UNSPECIFIED (2022) The dark energy survey 5-yr photometrically identified type Ia supernovae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 (4). pp. 5159-5177. ISSN 0035-8711

UNSPECIFIED (2022) A first search for argon-bound neutron-antineutron oscillation using the MicroBooNE LArTPC. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) A galaxy-driven model of type Ia supernova luminosity variations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515 (3). pp. 4587-4605. ISSN 0035-8711

UNSPECIFIED (2022) νm​u Disappearance in MicroBooNE using the Deep Learning 1μ1p Selection. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) ATHENA detector proposal — a totally hermetic electron nucleus apparatus proposed for IP6 at the Electron-Ion Collider. Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (10): P10019. ISSN 1748-0221

UNSPECIFIED (2022) All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 data. Physical Review D, 105 (10): 102001. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational waves from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs. Physical Review D, 105 (12). ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) AtlFast3 : The Next Generation of Fast Simulation in ATLAS. Computing and Software for Big Science, 6 (1): 7. ISSN 2510-2036

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Constraining Type Ia supernova explosions and early flux excesses with the Zwicky Transient Factory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (1). pp. 1317-1340. ISSN 0035-8711

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Constraints on Higgs boson production with large transverse momentum using H →b b ¯ decays in the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D, 105 (9): 092003. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from LIGO's and Virgo's third observing run. Physical Review D, 105 (6): 063030. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Construction status and prospects of the Hyper-Kamiokande project. Proceedings of Science, 395: 1192. ISSN 1824-8039

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Direct constraint on the Higgs–charm coupling from a search for Higgs boson decays into charm quarks with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 82 (8): 717. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Emulating the impact of additional proton–proton interactions in the ATLAS simulation by presampling sets of inelastic Monte Carlo events. Computing and Software for Big Science, 6 (1): 3. ISSN 2510-2036

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation : I. The Euclid Wide Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 662: A112. ISSN 1432-0746

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation : XIX. Impact of magnification on photometric galaxy clustering. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 662: A93. ISSN 1432-0746

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation : XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release. Other. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation : XXII. Selection of Quiescent Galaxies from Mock Photometry using Machine Learning. Astronomy and Astrophysics. ISSN 1432-0746 (In Press)

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation. XVII. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Euclid deep fields and calibration fields. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 658: A126. ISSN 1432-0746

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation. XVIII. The NISP photometric system. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 662: A93. p. 32. ISSN 1432-0746

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation: XIII. Forecasts for galaxy morphology with the Euclid Survey using Deep Generative Models. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid preparation: XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for z>6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics. ISSN 1432-0746 (In Press)

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Euclid: Discovering pair-instability supernovae with the Deep Survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics. ISSN 1432-0746 (In Press)

UNSPECIFIED (2022) The Impact of Observing Strategy on Cosmological Constraints with LSST. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 259 (2): 58. ISSN 0067-0049

UNSPECIFIED (2022) The International Linear Collider : Report to Snowmass 2021. Other. Arxiv.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of Lepton-Jet Correlation in Deep-Inelastic Scattering with the H1 Detector Using Machine Learning for Unfolding. Physical review letters, 128 (13): 132002. ISSN 1079-7114

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of the c-jet mistagging efficiency in $$t\bar{t}$$ events using pp collision data at $$\sqrt{s}=13$$ $$\text {TeV}$$ collected with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C, 82 (1): 95.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of the energy asymmetry in t t ¯ j production at 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment and interpretation in the SMEFT framework. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 82 (4): 374. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of the energy asymmetry in tt¯j production at 13TeV with the ATLAS experiment and interpretation in the SMEFT framework. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 82 (4): 374. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of the energy response of the ATLAS calorimeter to charged pions from $$W^{\pm }\rightarrow \tau ^{\pm }(\rightarrow \pi ^{\pm }\nu _{\tau })\nu _{\tau }$$ events in Run 2 data. European Physical Journal C, 82 (3): 223.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurement of the polarisation of single top quarks and antiquarks produced in the t-channel at √s = 13 TeV and bounds on the tWb dipole operator from the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (11): 40. ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurements of differential cross-sections in top-quark pair events with a high transverse momentum top quark and limits on beyond the Standard Model contributions to top-quark pair production with the ATLAS detector at √s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (6): 63. ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Measurements of the Higgs boson inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections in the diphoton decay channel with pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (8). ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Model-based Cross-correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from the Low-mass X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 Data. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 941 (2): L30. ISSN 2041-8205

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Modelling and computational improvements to the simulation of single vector-boson plus jet processes for the ATLAS experiment. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (8): 089. ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Narrowband Searches for Continuous and Long-duration Transient Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo Third Observing Run. The Astrophysical Journal, 932 (2): 133. ISSN 0004-637X

UNSPECIFIED (2022) New CC0p GENIE model tune for MicroBooNE. Physical Review D, 105 (7): 072001. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Observation of WWW Production in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector. Physical review letters, 129 (6): 061803. ISSN 1079-7114

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Observation of electroweak production of two jets in association with an isolated photon and missing transverse momentum, and search for a Higgs boson decaying into invisible particles at 13 $$\text {TeV}$$ with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C, 82 (2): 105.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Operation and performance of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker in LHC Run 2. Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (1): P01013. ISSN 1748-0221

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Performance of the ATLAS Level-1 topological trigger in Run 2. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 82 (1): 7. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Prospects for neutrino astrophysics with Hyper-Kamiokande. Proceedings of Science, 395: 1193. ISSN 1824-8039

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Recent Heavy Flavour Results from ATLAS. Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 77 (2). pp. 163-165.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Scintillator ageing of the T2K near detectors from 2010 to 2021. Journal of Instrumentation, 17 (10): P10028. ISSN 1748-0221

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO–Virgo Run O3b. The Astrophysical Journal, 928 (2): 186. ISSN 0004-637X

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for Higgs boson decays into a pair of pseudoscalar particles in the bbμμ final state with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s =13 TeV. Physical Review D, 105 (1): 012006. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for Higgs boson pair production in the two bottom quarks plus two photons final state in pp collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D, 106 (5): 052001. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for Subsolar-Mass Binaries in the First Half of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's Third Observing Run. Physical review letters, 129 (6): 061104. ISSN 1079-7114

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for associated production of a Z boson with an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 829: 137066.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky Way center in O3 LIGO-Virgo data. Physical Review D, 106 (4): 042003. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond x-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data. Physical Review D, 105 (2): 022002. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for events with a pair of displaced vertices from long-lived neutral particles decaying into hadronic jets in the ATLAS muon spectrometer in pp collisions at s =13 TeV. Physical Review D, 106 (3): 032005. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson into b b¯ and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (1): 63. ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for flavour-changing neutral-current interactions of a top quark and a gluon in pp collisions at $$\sqrt{s}=13$$ TeV with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 82 (4): 334. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data. Physical Review D, 106 (6): 062002. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for intermediate-mass black hole binaries in the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 659: A84. ISSN 1432-0746

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for neutral long-lived particles in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV that decay into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS calorimeter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (6): 5. ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for new phenomena in three- or four-lepton events in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 824: 136832.

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for single production of a vectorlike T quark decaying into a Higgs boson and top quark with fully hadronic final states using the ATLAS detector. Physical Review D, 105 (9): 092012. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search for type-III seesaw heavy leptons in leptonic final states in pp collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 13~\text {TeV}$$ with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 82 (11): 988. ISSN 1434-6044

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Search of the early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational waves from the Cassiopeia A and Vela Jr. supernova remnants. Physical Review D, 105: 082005. ISSN 1550-7998

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs. The Astrophysical Journal, 935 (1). ISSN 0004-637X

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Study of Bc+→J/ψDs+ and Bc+→J/ψDs∗+ decays in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (8): 87. ISSN 1029-8479

UNSPECIFIED (2022) A Uniform Type Ia Supernova Distance Ladder with the Zwicky Transient Facility : Absolute Calibration Based on the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Method. The Astrophysical Journal, 934 (2): 185. ISSN 0004-637X

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Velocity dispersions of clusters in the Dark Energy Survey Y3 redMaPPer catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 (4). pp. 4696-4717. ISSN 0035-8711

UNSPECIFIED (2022) A search for an unexpected asymmetry in the production of e+μ− and e−μ+ pairs in proton–proton collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at s=13 TeV. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 830: 137106.

Adams, Dominic and Mehta, Vihang and Dickinson, Hugh and Scarlata, Claudia and Fortson, Lucy and Kruk, Sandor and Simmons, Brooke and Lintott, Chris (2022) Galaxy Zoo: Clump Scout: Surveying the Local Universe for Giant Star-forming Clumps. The Astrophysical Journal, 931 (1): 16. ISSN 0004-637X

Aguila, Myrron Albert Callera and Esmenda, Joshoua and Wang, Jyh-Yang and Lee, Teik-Hui and Yang, Chi-Yuan and Lin, Kung-Hsuan and Chang-Liao, Kuei-Shu and Kafanov, Sergey and Pashkin, Yuri and Chen, Chii-Dong (2022) Fabry–Perot interferometric calibration of van der Waals material-based nanomechanical resonators. Nanoscale Advances, 4 (2). pp. 502-509. ISSN 2516-0230

Ahmad, Mujeeb and Agarwal, Khushboo and Munoz, Sergio Gonzalez and Ghosh, Abhishek and Kodan, Nisha and Kolosov, Oleg Victor and Mehta, Bodh Raj (2022) Engineering Interfacial Effects in Electron and Phonon Transport of Sb 2 Te 3 /MoS 2 Multilayer for Thermoelectric ZT Above 2.0. Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (49): 2206384. ISSN 1616-301X

Albalawi, Shadiah and Wu, Qingqing and Chen, Lijue and Zhang, Hewei and Zhao, Xin-Jing and Hou, Hao and Hou, Songjun and Dong, Gang and Yang, Yang and Shi, Jia and Lambert, Colin (2022) Charge transport through single-molecule bilayer-graphene junctions with atomic thickness. Chemical Science, 13 (20). pp. 5777-6108. ISSN 2041-6520

Alfonsi, Lucilla and Bergeot, Nicolas and Cilliers, Pierre J. and De Franceschi, Giorgiana and Baddeley, Lisa and Correia, Emilia and Di Mauro, Domenico and Enell, Carl-Fredrik and Engebretson, Mark and Ghoddousi-Fard, Reza and Häggström, Ingemar and Ham, Young-bae and Heygster, Georg and Jee, Geonhwa and Kero, Antti and Kosch, Michael and Kwon, Hyuck-Jin and Lee, Changsup and Lotz, Stefan and Macotela, Liliana and Marcucci, Maria Federica and Miloch, Wojciech J. and Morton, Y. Jade and Naoi, Takahiro and Negusini, Monia and Partamies, Noora and Petkov, Boyan H. and Pottiaux, Eric and Prikryl, Paul and Shreedevi, P. R. and Slapak, Rikard and Spogli, Luca and Stephenson, Judy and Triana-Gómez, Arantxa M. and Troshichev, Oleg A. and Van Malderen, Roeland and Weygand, James M. and Zou, Shasha (2022) Review of Environmental Monitoring by Means of Radio Waves in the Polar Regions : From Atmosphere to Geospace. Surveys in Geophysics, 43 (6). pp. 1609-1698. ISSN 0169-3298

Allen, Rebecca and Gibbons, Holly and Sherlock, Alex and Stanfield, Harvey and McCann, Edward (2022) Nonsymmorphic chiral symmetry and solitons in the Rice-Mele model. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 106 (16): 165409. ISSN 2469-9969

Almughathawi, Renad and Lambert, Colin (2022) Quantum Theory of Electronic and Thermal Transport through Nanostructures. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Alotaibi, Turki and Lambert, Colin (2022) Theory of quantum transport in molecular-scale structures : English. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Alshahrani, Maryam and Lambert, Colin (2022) Theory of Electron Transport in Molecular Structures. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Alshammari, Majed and Al-Jobory, Alaa and Alotaibi, Turki and Lambert, Colin and Ismael, Ali (2022) Orientational control of molecular scale thermoelectricity. Nanoscale Advances, 4 (21). pp. 4635-4638. ISSN 2516-0230

Alshehab, Abdullah and Lambert, Colin (2022) Quantum Transport of Alkane Derivatives in Nanoscale Structures. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Altayar, Abdullah and Al-Saymari, Furat and Repiso Menendez, Eva and Hanks, Laura and Craig, Adam and Bentley, Matthew and Delli, Evangelia and Carrington, Peter and Krier, Anthony and Marshall, Andrew (2022) Electroluminescence characterization of mid-infrared InAsSb/AlInAs multi-quantum well light emitting diodes heteroepitaxially integrated on GaAs and Silicon wafers. Journal of Crystal Growth, 586: 126627. ISSN 0022-0248

Amaechi, Chiemela Victor and Amaechi, Ebube Charles and Amechi, Sharon Chinyere and Oyetunji, Abiodun Kolawole and Kgosiemang, Irish Mpho and Mgbeoji, Okechukwu John and Ojo, Adesola Samson and Moure Abelenda, Alejandro and Milad, Mohamed and Adelusi, Ibitoye and Coker, Akinwale Oladotun (2022) Management of Biohazards and Pandemics : COVID-19 and Its Implications in the Construction Sector. Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 11 (1). pp. 34-63. ISSN 2168-1562

Angus, Charlotte and Baldassare, Vivienne and Mockler, B. and Foley, R. J. and Ramirez-Ruiz, E. and Raimundo, Sandra and French, K. D. and Auchettl, K. and Pfister, H. and Gall, Christa and Hjorth, J. and Drout, Maria and Alexander, Kate and Dimitriadis, Georgios and Hung, T. and Jones, D. O. and Rest, Armin and Siebert, M. R. and Taggart, Kirsty and Terreran, G. and Tinyanont, Samaporn and Carroll, Christopher M. and DeMarchi, L. and Earl, N. and Gagliano, A. and Izzo, L. and Villar, V. A. and Zenati, Y. and Arendse, N. and Cold, C. and de Boer, T. J. L. and Chambers, K. C. and Coulter, D. A. and Khetan, N. and Lin, C. C. and Magnier, E. A. and Rojas-Bravo, Cesar and Wainscoat, Richard and Wojtak, R. (2022) A fast-rising tidal disruption event from a candidate intermediate-mass black hole. Nature Astronomy, 6 (12). pp. 1452-1463. ISSN 2397-3366

Antoniou, Giorgos and Halcovitch, Nathan R. and Mucientes, Marta and Milne, William I. and Nathan, Arokia and MacManus-Driscoll, Judith L. and Kolosov, Oleg V. and Adamopoulos, George (2022) Solution-processed thin film transistors incorporating YSZ gate dielectrics processed at 400 °C. APL Materials, 10 (3): 031109. ISSN 2166-532X

Ashton, Greg and Bernstein, Noam and Buchner, Johannes and Chen, Xi and Csányi, Gábor and Fowlie, Andrew and Feroz, Farhan and Griffiths, Matthew and Handley, Will and Habeck, Michael and Higson, Edward and Hobson, Michael and Lasenby, Anthony and Parkinson, David and Pártay, Livia B. and Pitkin, Matthew and Schneider, Doris and Speagle, Joshua S. and South, Leah and Veitch, John and Wacker, Philipp and Wales, David J. and Yallup, David (2022) Nested sampling for physical scientists. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2 (1): 39. ISSN 2662-8449

Asiri, Yassmin and Drummond, Neil (2022) Quantum Monte Carlo study of van der Waals systems. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Autti, Samuli and Heikkinen, Petri and Nissinen, Jaakko and Mäkinen, Jere and Volovik, Grigori and Zavyalov, Vladislav and Eltsov, Vladimir (2022) Nonlinear two-level dynamics of quantum time crystals. Nature Communications, 13: 3090. ISSN 2041-1723

Azadi, Sam and Drummond, Neil (2022) Low-density phase diagram of the three-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 105 (24): 245135. ISSN 1098-0121

BERNJAK, ALAN and STEFANOVSKA, ANETA and McCLINTOCK, PETER V. E. and OWEN-LYNCH, P. JANE and CLARKSON, PETER B. M. (2022) COHERENCE BETWEEN FLUCTUATIONS IN BLOOD FLOW AND OXYGEN SATURATION. In: The Random and Fluctuating World :. World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 345-356. ISBN 9789811252136

Bainbridge, Andrew and Marshall, Andrew (2022) Mid-Infrared Resonant Cavity-Enhanced Photodetectors. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Bainbridge, Andrew and Hanks, Laura and Craig, Adam and Marshall, Andrew (2022) Resonant Cavity-Enhanced Photodiode Array for Miniaturised Spectroscopic Sensing. Optics Express, 30 (3): 3230. ISSN 1094-4087

Ballantine, Kyle and Ruostekoski, Janne (2022) Unidirectional absorption, storage, and emission of single photons in a collectively responding bilayer atomic array. Physical Review Research, 4 (3): 033200. ISSN 2643-1564

Ballantine, Kyle and Wilkowski, David and Ruostekoski, Janne (2022) Optical magnetism and wavefront control by arrays of strontium atoms. Physical Review Research, 4 (3): 033242. ISSN 2643-1564

Barenghi, Carlo F. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Skrbek, Ladislav and Sreenivasan, Katepalli (2022) William Frank Vinen. Physics Today, 75 (8). p. 60. ISSN 0031-9228

Barnes, S.J.K. and Stefanovska, A. (2022) Physics of cellular energy metabolism. Contemporary Physics, 62 (3). pp. 125-143. ISSN 0010-7514

Barone, Tania M. and D'Eugenio, Francesco and Scott, Nicholas and Colless, Matthew and Vaughan, Sam P. and Wel, Arjen van der and Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia and Graaff, Anna de and Sande, Jesse van de and Wu, Po-Feng and Bezanson, Rachel and Brough, Sarah and Bell, Eric and Croom, Scott M. and Cortese, Luca and Driver, Simon and Gallazzi, Anna R. and Muzzin, Adam and Sobral, David and Bland-Hawthorn, Joss and Bryant, Julia J. and Goodwin, Michael and Lawrence, Jon S. and Lorente, Nuria P. F. and Owers, Matt S. (2022) The LEGA-C and SAMI Galaxy Surveys : Quiescent Stellar Populations and the Mass-Size Plane across 6 Gyr. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (3). pp. 3828-3845. ISSN 0035-8711

Barton, A.E. and Bertram, I.A. and Borissov, G. and Bouhova-Thacker, E.V. and Fox, H. and Henderson, R.C.W. and Jones, R.W.L. and Kartvelishvili, V. and Love, P.A. and Muenstermann, D. and Sanderswood, Izaac and Smizanska, M. and Walder, J. and Wharton, A.M. and Yexley, Melissa (2022) Search for Higgs bosons decaying into new spin-0 or spin-1 particles in four-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector with 139 fb − 1 of pp collision data at s = 13 TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022 (3): 41. ISSN 1029-8479

Barton, A.E. and Bertram, I.A. and Borissov, G. and Bouhova-Thacker, E.V. and Fox, H. and Henderson, R.C.W. and Jones, R.W.L. and Kartvelishvili, V. and Love, P.A. and Muenstermann, D. and Sanderswood, Izaac and Smizanska, M. and Wharton, A.M. and Yexley, Melissa (2022) Measurement of the c-jet mistagging efficiency in tt¯ events using pp collision data at √s=13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector. European Physical Journal C, 82 (1): 95.

Bateni, Arash and Chan, Matthew and Eitel-Porter, Ray (2022) AI Fairness : from Principles to Practice. arXiv. ISSN 2331-8422

Bennett, Troy and Alshammari, Majed and Au-Yong, Sophie and Almutlg, Ahmad and Wang, Xintai and Wilkinson, Luke A. and Albrecht, Tim and Jarvis, Samuel and Cohen, Lesley F. and Ismael, Ali and Lambert, Colin and Robinson, Benjamin and Long, Nicholas J. (2022) Multi-component self-assembled molecular-electronic films : towards new high-performance thermoelectric systems. Chemical Science, 13 (18). pp. 5176-5185. ISSN 2041-6520

Berdyugin, Alexey I. and Xin, Na and Gao, Haoyang and Slizovskiy, Sergey and Dong, Zhiyu and Bhattacharjee, Shubhadeep and Kumaravadivel, P. and Xu, Shuigang and Ponomarenko, L. A. and Holwill, Matthew and Bandurin, D. A. and Kim, Minsoo and Cao, Yang and Greenaway, M. T. and Novoselov, K. S. and Grigorieva, I. V. and Watanabe, K. and Taniguchi, T. and Fal’ko, V. I. and Levitov, L. S. and Kumar, Roshan Krishna and Geim, A. K. (2022) Out-of-equilibrium criticalities in graphene superlattices. Science, 375 (6579). pp. 430-433. ISSN 0036-8075

Bjerkan, Juliane and Alatawi, Sultan and Ugland, Nora and Elstad, Maja and Stefanovska, Aneta (2022) Cardio-respiratory wavelet phase coherence at three ambient temperatures. In: 2022 12th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations, ESGCO 2022 :. 2022 12th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations, ESGCO 2022 . IEEE. ISBN 9781665485128

Blake, A. and Brailsford, D. and Cross, R. and Mouster, G. and Nowak, J. A. and Ratoff, P. (2022) Low exposure long-baseline neutrino oscillation sensitivity of the DUNE experiment. Physical Review D, 105 (7): 072006. ISSN 1550-7998

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