First Measurement of Differential Charged Current Quasielastic-like νμ–Argon Scattering Cross Sections In Kinematic Imbalance Variables With The MicroBooNE Detector

Nowak, Jaroslaw (2022) First Measurement of Differential Charged Current Quasielastic-like νμ–Argon Scattering Cross Sections In Kinematic Imbalance Variables With The MicroBooNE Detector. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

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We report the first measurement of flux-integrated multi-differential cross sections for charged-current events with muon neutrinos scattering on argon with solely a muon and a single proton in the final state as a function of kinematic imbalance variables. The measurement was carried out using the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory within the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detector with an exposure of 6.79 × 1020 protons on target. Events were selected to enhance the contribution of charged-current mesonless interactions with one proton detected in the final state. The data discussed here are reported in terms of multidifferential cross sections in kinematic imbalance variables, which are generally sensitive to nuclear effects. The double-differential results in these variables can provide an excellent handle to disentagle specific nuclear aspects not easily isolated via single differential cross sections. Our results pave a path towards identifying regions of the phase-space where future interaction modeling development and Monte Carlo neutrino generator tuning efforts should concentrate. EVENT SELECTION Neutrino oscillation measurements aim to extract neutrino mixing angles, mass differences, the value of the chargeparity violating phase in the lepton sector, and to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model [1, 2]. For that to be achieved, an unprecedented understanding of neutrino-argon interactions is of utmost importance since a growing number of neutrino oscillation experiments employ Liquid Argon Time Projector Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors [3–6]. The accuracy to which these experiments can extract neutrino oscillation parameters requires a good understanding of the neutrino energy. Experimentally, this energy is deduced from the measured kinetic energies of particles that are emitted following the neutrino interaction in the detector. The kinematic properties of such finalstate particles reflect complex dynamics due to nuclear and initial-state effects of the interaction [7]. However, certain categories of nuclear effects can be isolated by variables built specifically to characterize the degeneracy between such effects [8–10]. This note reports cross sections in kinematic variables sensitive to nuclear effects using events with one detected muon with momentum 0.1 < pµ < 1.2 GeV/c, and exactly one proton with 0.3 < pp < 1 GeV/c. This signal definition includes events with any number of protons below 300 MeV/c, neutrons at any momenta, and charged pions with momentum lower than 70 MeV/c. This choice is guided by the fact that their experimental signature of correlated muon-proton pairs is fairly straightforward to reconstruct [11–22]. Such events primarily originate from chargedcurrent (CC) neutrino-nucleon quasielastic (QE) scattering interactions where the neutrino removes a single intact nucleon from the nucleus without producing any additional particles. This definition can also include contributions from interactions that lead to the production of additional particles that are absent from the final state due to nuclear effects, such as pion absorption, or have momenta that are below the experimental detection threshold.

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Monograph (Other)
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Deposited On:
03 Oct 2024 14:25
Last Modified:
24 Feb 2025 02:41