Items where Department is "Linguistics & English Language" and Year is 2011

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Number of items: 159.


Alderson, J. C. (2011) A lifetime of language testing. Applied Linguistic Series . Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Shanghai.

Alderson, J. C. and Huhta, Ari (2011) Can research into the diagnostic testing of reading in a second or foreign language contribute to SLA research? EUROSLA Yearbook, 11. pp. 30-52. ISSN 1568-1491

Alderson, J. Charles (2011) The Politics of aviation English testing. Language Assessment Quarterly, 8 (4). pp. 386-403. ISSN 1543-4303

Ansah, Gladys and Koller, Veronika and Semino, Elena (2011) Metaphor and bilingual cognition : the case of Akan and English in Ghana. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Anthony, Laurence (2011) Products, processes and practitioners : a critical look at the importance of specificity in ESP. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 3 (2). pp. 19-50.

Anthony, Laurence and Chujo, Kiyomi and Oghigian, Kathryn (2011) A novel, web-based, parallel concordancer for use in the ESL/EFL classroom. Language and Computers - Studies in Practical Linguistics, 73 (1). pp. 123-138.

Arru, Angiolina and Wodak, Ruth (2011) Una storica su due sponde. In: Genesis :. Viella libreria editrice, Roma, pp. 251-254. ISBN 9788883346767

Athanasopoulos, Panos (2011) Cognitive restructuring in bilingualism. In: Thinking and speaking in two languages :. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp. 29-65. ISBN 9781847693365

Athanasopoulos, Panos (2011) Colour and bilingual cognition. In: Language and bilingual cognition :. Psychology Press, Hove, pp. 241-262. ISBN 9781848729247

Athanasopoulos, Panos (2011) Linguistic relativity in SLA. Thinking for speaking. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 14 (5). pp. 621-625. ISSN 1367-0050

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Damjanovic, Ljubica and Krajciova, Andrea and Sasaki, Miho (2011) Representation of colour concepts in bilingual cognition : the case of Japanese blues. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 14 (1). pp. 9-17. ISSN 1366-7289

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Kasai, Chise (2011) Effects of second language on cognition in English users of L2 Japanese. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8. pp. 13-27.


Baker, Colin and Athanasopoulos, Panos (2011) Bilingualism and cognition. In: Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism :. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp. 138-162. ISBN 9781847693556

Baker, Paul (2011) Social involvement in Corpus Studies. In: Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics :. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 17-28. ISBN 9789027203533

Baker, Paul (2011) Times may change but we'll always have money : a corpus driven examination of vocabulary change in four diachronic corpora. Journal of English Linguistics, 4 (1). pp. 65-88. ISSN 1552-5457

Baker, Paul (2011) Times may change, but we will always have money : Diachronic variation in recent British English. Journal of English Linguistics, 39 (1). pp. 65-88. ISSN 0075-4242

Baker, Paul and Ellece, Sibonile (2011) Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. Continuum, London. ISBN 9781847063205

Baker, Paul and Gabrielatos, Costas and Khosravinik, Majid and Krzyzanowski, Michal and McEnery, Tony and Wodak, Ruth (2011) ¿Una sinergia metodológica útil? : Combinar análisis crítico del discurso y lingüística de corpus para examinar los discursos de los refugiados y solicitantes de asilo en la prensa británica. Discurso y Sociedad, 5 (2). pp. 376-416. ISSN 1887-4606

Barton, David (2011) People and technologies as resources in times of uncertainty. Mobilities, 6 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 1745-0101

Bourdon, Sylvain and Bélisle, Rachel and Yergeau, Eric and Gosselin, Manon and Garon, Suzanne and Theriault, Virginie (2011) Évaluation réaliste du Programme d'aide pour favoriser le retour en formation des 16-24 ans. [Report]

Brandt, Silke (2011) Analyzability and generalization across verbs and constructions: The development of transitives and complement-clause constructions in German child language. In: Experience, variation and generalization : learning a first language. Trends in Language Acquisition Research . John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789027234773

Brandt, Silke (2011) Einfache Transitive und Komplementsatz-Konstruktionen im Spracherwerb: Analysierbarkeit und Kategorienbildung. In: Konstruktionsgrammatik III : aktuelle Fragen und Lösungsansätze. Stauffenburg Linguistik . Stauffenburg, Tübingen. ISBN 9783860571965

Brandt, Silke (2011) Learning from social interaction: The form and function of relative clauses in discourse and experimental studies with children. In: The acquisition of relative clauses : processing, typology, and function. Trends in Language Acquisition Research . John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789027234780

Brandt, Silke and Kidd, Evan (2011) Relative clause acquisition and representation : evidence from spontaneous speech, sentence repetition, and comprehension. In: Converging evidence : methodological and theoretical issues for linguistic research. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789027223876

Brandt, Silke and Verhagen, Arie and Lieven, Elena and Tomasello, Michael (2011) German children's productivity with simple transitive and complement-clause constructions : testing the effects of frequency and diversity. Cognitive Linguistics, 22 (2). pp. 325-357. ISSN 0936-5907

Burgess, Amy and Tusting, Karin (2011) Changing lifeworlds, changing writing : how adults take on new writing practices at times of change. RaPAL Journal.

Bélisle, Rachel and Yergeau, Eric and Bourdon, Sylvain and Dion, Marie and Theriault, Virginie (2011) Défis de la programmation ouverte dans l’insertion sociale et professionnelle de jeunes en difficulté. Sociétés et Jeunesses en Difficulté (11).


Cameron., C. A. and Pinto, G. and Hancock, R. and Accorti Gamannossi, B. and Gillen, Julia (2011) Domestic play during a Day in the Life of toddlers in diverse family communities. In: International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, 2011-09-05 - 2011-09-11.

Cariola, Laura A. (2011) Analysing the latent linguistic structure of American-English and German dream narratives. In: The 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, 2011-06-24 - 2011-06-28.

Cariola, Laura A. (2011) Body imagery and primary process language in discourse of religious-mystical and psychotic altered states of consciousness. In: The 42nd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 2011-05-01 - 2011-05-03.

Clarke, Ian and Kwon, Winston and Wodak, Ruth (2011) A Context-sensitive Approach to Analysing Talk in Strategy Meetings. British Journal of Management, 23 (4). pp. 455-473. ISSN 1045-3172

Clegg, John and Afitska, Oksana (2011) Teaching and learning in two languages in African classrooms. Comparative Education, 47 (1). pp. 61-77. ISSN 0305-0068

Collins, Luke C. and James, Deborah (2011) Exploring transformative learning opportunities as part of the delivery of a video-based intervention. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 8 (2). pp. 209-229. ISSN 2040-3658

Culpeper, Jonathan (2011) Impoliteness : using language to cause offence. Studies in interactional sociolinguistics . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521689779

Culpeper, Jonathan (2011) “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it!” : prosody and impoliteness. In: Discursive approaches to politeness :. Mouton Series in Pragmatics [MSP] . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 57-83. ISBN 9783110238679

Culpeper, Jonathan (2011) Politeness and impoliteness. In: Pragmatics of society :. Handbooks of Pragmatics . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 391-436. ISBN 9783110214413

Culpeper, Jonathan and Demmen, Jane (2011) Nineteenth-century English politeness: Negative politeness, conventional indirect requests and the rise of the individual self. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 12 (1-2). pp. 49-81. ISSN 1566-5852

Culpeper, Jonathan and Demmen, Jane (2011) The development of play-texts : from manuscript to print. In: Communicating early English manuscripts :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 162-177. ISBN 9780521193290

Culpeper, Jonathan and Norrick, Neal (2011) Editorial. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (1). pp. 2-3. ISSN 0378-2166


Dai, Guangrong and Xiao, Richard (2011) Corpus-based contrastive and translation studies. International Journal for Academic Development, 2011 (4). ISSN 1360-144X

Dai, Guangrong and Xiao, Richard (2011) Reformulation markers in translational Chinese. Foreign Language and Literature, 2011 (3). pp. 184-193. ISSN 1672-4720

Dai, Guangrong and Xiao, Richard (2011) “SL shining through” in translational language : A corpus-based study of Chinese translation of English passives. Translation Quarterly, 62. pp. 85-108. ISSN 1027-8559

Dayrell, Carmen (2011) Anticipatory ‘it’ in English abstracts : a corpus-based study of non-native student and published writing. In: Explorations across Languages and Corpora :. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 581-598.

Dayrell, Carmen (2011) Corpora no Ensino do Inglês Acadêmico : Padrões Léxico-Gramaticais em Abstracts de Pós-Graduandos Brasileiros. In: Corpora no Ensino De Línguas Estrangeiras :. HUB Editorial, São Paulo, pp. 131-172. ISBN 9788563623669

Delanty, Gerard and Jones, Paul and Wodak, Ruth (2011) Introduction: Migration, Discrimination and Belonging in Europe. In: Identity, Belonging and Migration :. University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781846316890


El Naggar, Shaimaa (2011) Cotton 100%. Nahdet Masr, Cairo, Egypt. ISBN 9771442309

Evert, Stefan and Hardie, Andrew (2011) Twenty-first century Corpus Workbench: Updating a query architecture for the new millennium. In: Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2011 conference :. University of Birmingham, GBR.


Fairclough, Norman and Mulderrig, Jane and Wodak, Ruth (2011) Critical Discourse Analysis. In: Discourse Studies. A multidisciplinary Introduction :. Sage, London, pp. 357-378. ISBN 9781848606494

Ferguson, R. and Gillen, Julia and Peachey, Anna and Twining, P. (2011) The strength of cohesive ties : discursive construction of an online learning community. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Fogle, L. and King, K. and Mackey, Alison Jayne (2011) Child agency and language policy in translational families. In: International symposium on Bilingualism (ISB8), 2011-06-01 - 2011-06-03, University of Oslo, Norway.

Fujii, A. and Mackey, Alison Jayne and Ziegler, Nicole (2011) Metacognitive instruction and learning through task-based interaction. In: 4th Biennial International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching, 2011-11-01 - 2011-11-03, Auckland, New Zealand..


Gabrielatos, Costas (2011) Construction Grammar vs. Lexical Grammar: A case study of the modal load in if-conditionals. In: International Symposium on the Sociology of Words: Lexical Meaning, Combinatorial Potential and Computational Implementation, 2011-12-01 - 2011-12-02. (Unpublished)

Gabrielatos, Costas (2011) If-conditionals and modality : A corpus-based investigation. In: Corpus Linguistics 2011, 2011-07-20 - 2011-07-22. (Unpublished)

Gabrielatos, Costas (2011) If-conditionals in ICLE and the BNC : a language teaching success story? In: Learner Corpus Research 2011, 2011-09-15 - 2011-09-17. (Unpublished)

Gabrielatos, Costas and Marchi, Anna (2011) Keyness : Matching metrics to definitions. In: Theoretical-methodological challenges in corpus approaches to discourse studies - and some ways of addressing them, 2011-11-05 - 2011-11-05. (Unpublished)

Gander, Phillip E. and Hoare, Derek J. and Collins, Luke and Smith, Sandra and Hall, Deborah A. (2011) Tinnitus referral pathways within the national health service in England : A survey of their perceived effectiveness among audiology staff. BMC Health Services Research, 11: 162. ISSN 1472-6963

Gillen, Julia (2011) Exploring a learning ecology: teenagers' literacy practices in a Teen Second Life project - Schome Park : Paper presented as part of a symposium: Researching the Literacy Practices of Children and Young People in Virtual Worlds. In: American Educational Research Conference, 2011-04-08 - 2011-04-12.

Gillen, Julia (2011) Literacy history : crossing the disciplinary boundaries - a conference report. History of Education Researcher. pp. 89-92.

Gillen, Julia (2011) Rethinking literacies, learning and research methodology around archaeology in a virtual world. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Gillen, Julia (2011) Three diverse projects on multimodality – is it possible to bring CHAT together with the social semiotic approach? In: International Society for Cultural and Activity Research, 2011-09-05 - 2011-09-11.

Gillen, Julia and Passey, Don (2011) Digital literacies in the making : Schools producing news with the BBC. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 2011 (1-2). pp. 37-51. ISSN 1891-943X

Gregory, Ian and Hardie, Andrew (2011) Visual GISting : bringing together corpus linguistics and Geographical Information Systems. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 26 (3). pp. 297-314. ISSN 0268-1145


Hamilton, Mary and Pitt, Kathy (2011) Challenging representations : constructing the adult literacy learner over 30 years of policy and practice in the United Kingdom. Reading Research Quarterly, 46 (4). pp. 350-373. ISSN 0034-0553

Hardie, Andrew and Lohani, Ram and Yadava, Yogendra (2011) Extending corpus annotation of Nepali : advances in tokenisation and lemmatisation. Himalayan Linguistics, 10 (1). 151–165. ISSN 1544-7502

Harding, Luke (2011) Accent and listening assessment : A validation study of the use of speakers with L2 accents on an academic English listening test. Language Testing and Evaluation . Peter Lang, Frankfurt. ISBN 978-3-631-60939-2

Harding, Luke and Pill, John and Ryan, Kerry (2011) Assessor decision-making while marking a note-taking listening test : the case of the OET. Language Assessment Quarterly, 8 (2). pp. 108-126. ISSN 1543-4303

Hart, Christopher (2011) Force-interactive patterns in immigration discourse : a cognitive linguistic approach to CDA. Discourse and Society, 22 (3). pp. 269-286. ISSN 0957-9265

Hart, Christopher (2011) Legitimising assertions and the logico-rhetorical module : evidence and epistemic vigilance in media discourse on immigration. Discourse Studies, 13 (6). pp. 751-769. ISSN 1461-4456

Hart, Christopher (2011) Moving beyond metaphor in the cognitive linguistic approach to CDA : construal operations in immigration discourse. In: Critical discourse studies in context and cognition :. Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture (DAPSAC) . John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 161-192. ISBN 9789027206343

Hollmann, Willem and Siewierska, Anna (2011) The status of frequency, schemas, and identity in Cognitive Sociolinguistics: A case study on definite article reduction. Cognitive Linguistics, 22 (1). pp. 25-54. ISSN 0936-5907

Huang, Qihai and Gamble, J. (2011) Consumer behaviour and guanxi: an institutional perspective. In: 6th Asia Pacific Retail Conference, Oxford University Institute of Retail Management, 2011-09-14 - 2011-09-15.


Johnson, Daniel (2011) Stability and change along a dialect boundary : the low vowels of Southeastern New England. Publication of the American Dialect Society . Duke University Press, Durham, N.C.. ISBN 9780822367482


Kaufhold, Kathrin (2011) Academic writing is English ...or is it? Perceptions of non-UK European students writing their masters dissertation in English. In: The sociolinguistics of writing in a global context : Resources, centres, peripheries, 2011-09-30 - 2011-09-30.

Kaufhold, Kathrin (2011) Dissertations as socially negotiated practices – how students appropriate past and co-occurring literacy practices while completing their dissertations. In: 44th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, 2011-09-01 - 2011-09-03.

Kaufhold, Kathrin (2011) Doing a dissertation – students negotiating diverse literacy practices during their master’s level dissertation projects. In: 6th European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing Conference, 2011-06-29 - 2011-07-01.

Kiddle, Thom and Kormos, Judit (2011) The effect of mode of response on a semi-direct test of oral proficiency. Language Assessment Quarterly, 8 (4). pp. 342-360. ISSN 1543-4303

Kirkham, Sam (2011) Personal style and epistemic stance in classroom discussion. Language and Literature, 20 (3). pp. 201-217. ISSN 0963-9470

Kirkham, Sam (2011) The acoustics of coronal stops in British Asian English. In: Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1102-1105.

Koller, Veronika (2011) Analysing lesbian identity in discourse : combining discourse-historical and socio-cognitive approaches. In: Critical Discourse Studies in Discourse and Cognition :. Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 97-141. ISBN 9789027206343

Koller, Veronika (2011) Analyzing metaphor and gender in discourse. In: Unité et diversité de la linguistique :. Cahiers du Centre d’Etudes Linguistique . Atelier intégré de publication de l’Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3, Lyon, pp. 125-158. ISBN 9782364420137

Koller, Veronika (2011) ‘Hard-working, team-oriented individuals’ : constructing professional identities in corporate mission statements. In: Constructing Identities at Work :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 103-126. ISBN 9780230272378

Kormos, Judit (2011) Speech production and the cognition hypothesis. In: Second language task complexity : researching the cognition hypothesis of language learning and performance. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 39-60. ISBN 978-9027207197

Kormos, Judit (2011) Task complexity and linguistic and discourse features of narrative writing performance. Journal of Second Language Writing, 20 (2). pp. 148-161.

Kormos, Judit and Kiddle, Thom and Csizér, Kata (2011) Goals, attitudes and self-related beliefs in second language learning motivation : an interactive model of language learning motivation. Applied Linguistics, 32 (5). p. 495. ISSN 0142-6001

Kormos, Judit and Trebits, Anna (2011) Working memory capacity and narrative task performance. In: Second language task complexity : researching the cognition hypothesis of language learning and performance. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 267-289. ISBN 978-9027207197

Krzyzanowski, Michal and Wodak, Ruth (2011) Political strategies and language policies: the European Union Lisbon strategy and its implications for the EU’s language and multilingualism policy. Language Policy, 10. pp. 115-136. ISSN 1568-4555


Lee, Carmen and Barton, David (2011) Constructing Glocal Identities through Multilingual Writing Practices on International Multilingual Research Journal, 5 (1). pp. 39-59. ISSN 1931-3160

Lieven, Elena and Brandt, Silke (2011) The constructivist approach : Reply to commentaries. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 34 (3). pp. 319-322. ISSN 0210-3702

Lieven, Elena and Brandt, Silke (2011) The constructivist approach. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 34 (3). pp. 281-296. ISSN 0210-3702


Macqueen, Susy and Harding, Luke and Elder, Catherine (2011) Investigating the validity of the ESL VELS student data : Final report. [Report] (Unpublished)

Marsden, E. and Mackey, Alison Jayne (2011) Establishing a digital repository of research instruments. In: The 21st Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), 2011-09-01 - 2011-09-03, Stockholm University, Sweden..

Maybin, Janet and Tusting, Karin (2011) Linguistic ethnography. In: The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics :. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0415490672

McDonough, K and Mackey, Alison Jayne (2011) Second language interaction in diverse educational contexts. In: The 21st Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), 2011-09-01 - 2011-09-03, Stockholm University, Sweden..

McEnery, Tony and Hardie, Andrew (2011) Corpus linguistics : Method, theory and practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521838511

McEnery, Tony and Xiao, Richard (2011) What corpora can offer in language teaching and learning. In: Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning :. ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series, 2 . Routledge, London & New York, pp. 364-380. ISBN 9780415998710

Michel, Marije (2011) Cognitive and interactive aspects of task-based performance in Dutch as a second Language : PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam. BoxPress, Oisterwijk. ISBN 9789088912320

Michel, Marije (2011) Effects of Task Complexity and Interaction on L2-Performance. In: Second Language Task Complexity: Researching the Cognition Hypothesis of Language Learning and Performance :. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 141-174. ISBN 9789027207197

Michel, Marije (2011) Review of the book 'Teaching and Researching: Language Learning Strategies'. UNSPECIFIED.

Mudraya, Olga and Rayson, Paul (2011) The language of over-50s in online dating classified ads. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English, 6. ISSN 1797-4453


Nance, Claire (2011) High back vowels in Scottish Gaelic. In: Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1446-1449.

Ngula, Richmond Sadick (2011) Ghanaian English : spelling pronunciation in focus. Language in India, 11 (2). pp. 22-36.


Pires, Acrisio and Rothman, Jason (2011) An integrated perspective on comparative bilingual differences : Beyond the Interface problem? Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 1 (1). pp. 74-78. ISSN 1879-9264

Pires, Acrisio and Rothman, Jason and Santos, Ana Lúcia (2011) L1 acquisition across Portuguese dialects : Modular and interdisciplinary interfaces as sources of explanation. Lingua, 121 (4). pp. 605-622. ISSN 0024-3841

Potts, Diane (2011) Multilingualism as an academic resource. In: Identity texts : the collaborative creation of power in multilingual schools. Trentham Books, Stoke On Trent. ISBN 9781858564784

Potts, Diane (2011) Multimodality, semiotic register and the recontextualization of knowledge. In: The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2011), 2011-08-23 - 2011-08-28.


Rebuschat, Patrick (2011) Review of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in Second Language Learning, Testing and Teaching. Rod Ellis, Shawn Loewen, Catherine Elder, Rosemary Erlam, Jenefer Philp & Hayo Reinders. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33 (1). pp. 131-132. ISSN 0272-2631

Rebuschat, Patrick and Rohrmeier, Martin and Hawkins, John H. and Cross, Ian (2011) Introduction: Language and music as cognitive systems. In: Language and music as cognitive systems :. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0199553424

Rebuschat, Patrick and Tagarelli, Kaitlyn and Borges Mota, Mailce (2011) The role of working memory in the implicit and explicit learning of languages. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society :. Cognitive Science Society, Austin, TX, pp. 2061-2066. ISBN 9781618390974

Revesz, Andrea (2011) Coding second language data validly and reliably. In: Research methods in second language acquisition : : a practical guide. Guides to Research Methods in Languages and Linguistics . Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, pp. 203-221. ISBN 978-1444334272

Rohrmeier, Martin and Rebuschat, Patrick and Cross, Ian (2011) Incidental and online learning of melodic structure. Consciousness and Cognition, 20 (2). pp. 214-222. ISSN 1053-8100

Rothman, Jason (2011) L3 syntactic transfer selectivity and typological determinacy : The typological primacy model. Second Language Research, 27 (1). pp. 107-127. ISSN 0267-6583

Rothman, Jason and Iverson, Michael (2011) ). Flexionar ou Não Flexionar, Eis a Questão: Infinitivos no Português como Segunda Língua (L2). Letras de Hoje. ISSN 0101-3335

Rothman, Jason and Iverson, Michael and Judy, Tiffany (2011) Introduction : Some notes on the generative study of l3 acquisition. Second Language Research, 27 (1). pp. 5-19. ISSN 0267-6583

Rothman, Jason and Slabakova, Roumyana (2011) The Mind-Context Divide : On acquisition at the linguistic interfaces. Lingua, 121 (4). pp. 568-576. ISSN 0024-3841

Rothman, Jason and Slabakova, Roumyana and Kempchinsky, Paula (2011) Gradient Competence at the Syntax-Discourse Interface. EUROSLA Yearbook, 11 (1). pp. 218-243. ISSN 1568-1491

Rubagumya, Casmir M. and Afitska, Oksana and Clegg, John and Kiliku, Patrick (2011) A three-tier citizenship : Can the state in Tanzania guarantee linguistic human rights? International Journal of Educational Development, 31 (1). pp. 78-85. ISSN 0738-0593

Révész, Andrea (2011) Task complexity, focus on L2 constructions, and individual differences : a classroom-based study. Modern Language Journal, 95 (Supple). pp. 162-181. ISSN 0026-7902

Révész, Andrea and Sachs, Rebecca and Mackey, Alison (2011) Task complexity, uptake of recasts, and second language development. In: Second language task complexity : researching the cognition hypothesis of language learning and performance. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 203-236. ISBN 9789027207197


Sangiorgi, Daniela and Gillen, Julia and Junginger, Sabine and Whitham, Roger (2011) A service design inquiry into learning and personalisation. In: Design for services :. Design for Social Responsibility . Gower, Farnham, pp. 139-146. ISBN 9780566089206

Scott, Andrew (2011) An application of Savage and Storer’s emergent language programme framework to a listening and note-taking skills course. Professional and Academic English, 37: 4. 19 -23. ISSN 1754-6850

Sealey, Alison (2011) The use of corpus-based approaches in children's knowledge about language. In: Applied linguistics and primary school teaching :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 93-106. ISBN 9780521193542

Sealey, Alison Jean (2011) The use of corpus-based approaches in children’s knowledge about language. In: Applied linguistics and primary school teaching :. Cambridge University Press, pp. 93-106. ISBN 9780521193542

Semino, Elena (2011) Deixis and fictional minds. Style, 45 (3). pp. 418-440. ISSN 0039-4238

Semino, Elena (2011) La teoria del blending applicata alla letteratura: un'analisi di un racconto di Virginia Woolf. Italianistica: Rivista di Letteratura Italiana, 40 (3). pp. 61-80. ISSN 1724-1677

Semino, Elena (2011) Metaphor, creativity, and the experience of pain across genres. In: Creativity, Language, Literature : The State of the Art. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 83-102. ISBN 978-0230575592

Semino, Elena (2011) Rethinking 'inferred' thought presentation. Style, 45 (2). pp. 296-300. ISSN 0039-4238

Semino, Elena (2011) Stylistics. In: Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics :. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-49067-2

Semino, Elena (2011) The adaptation of metaphors across genres. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 9 (1). pp. 130-152. ISSN 1877-9751

Shah, S. and Mackey, Alison Jayne and Silver, R. (2011) Culture, identity and proficiency: An outcomes-based study of Gujarati heritage language learners. In: merican Association for Applied Linguistics, 2011-03-01 - 2011-03-03, Chicago, IL..

Stylios, Georgios and Katsis, Christos and Simaki, Vasiliki and Stamou, Sofia and Christodoulakis, Dimitrios (2011) Towards Estimating Users’ Opinion Strength in Forum Texts Regarding Governmental Decisions. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Government - ECEG 2011 :. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. ISBN 9781908272003


Torgersen, Eivind Nessa and Gabrielatos, Costas and Hoffmann, Sebastian and Fox, Susan (2011) A corpus-based study of pragmatic markers in London English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 7 (1). pp. 93-118. ISSN 1613-7027


Van Olmen, Daniel (2011) Review Alexandra Aikhenvald (2010), 'Imperatives and Commands'. Linguistic Typology, 15 (3). pp. 670-681. ISSN 1613-415X

Van Olmen, Daniel (2011) 'Zeg, zwijg 'ns!' : verdere ontwikkelingen van de imperatief van 'zeggen' in het Engels en het Nederlands. Studies of the Belgian Linguistics Circle, 6.

Van Olmen, Daniel (2011) The imperative in English and Dutch : a functional analysis in comparable and parallel corpora. PhD thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Van Olmen, Daniel and Devos, Maud (2011) An explanation for the prohibitive in Hunde, Havu and Shi? In: Speech acts and speech events in African languages :. Rüdiger Köppe, Cologne, pp. 65-81. ISBN 978-3-89645-893-3

Vella, Lara Ann and Caruana, Sandro (2011) Il-Malti Mgħaġġel : Maltese in computer-mediated chat conversations. In: Variation and change : the dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, pp. 65-88. ISBN 9783050056487


Wilson, Andrew (2011) Boots, indecency, and secular sacred spaces : implicit religious motives underlying an aspect of airline dress codes. Implicit Religion, 14 (2). pp. 173-192. ISSN 1743-1697

Wilson, Andrew (2011) The regressive imagery dictionary : a test of its concurrent validity in English, German, Latin, and Portuguese. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 26 (1). pp. 125-135. ISSN 0268-1145

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Commentary – Discourse, Context and Interdisciplinarity. In: Communication yearbook / 35 :. Routledge, London, pp. 287-296. ISBN 9780415892278

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Complex texts : Analysing, understanding, explaining and interpreting meanings. Discourse Studies, 13 (5). pp. 623-633. ISSN 1461-4456

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Critical Discourse Analysis. In: Continuum Companion to Discourse Analysis :. Continuum, London. ISBN 9781441165640

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Critical Discourse Analysis : overview, challenges, and perspectives. In: Pragmatics of Society :. de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 627-650. ISBN 978-3-11-021441-3

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis. In: Discursive Pragmatics :. Handbook of pragmatics highlights . John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 50-70. ISBN 9789027207852

Wodak, Ruth (2011) The Discourse of Politics in Action: Politics as Usual (2nd revised edition). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0230300758

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Disenchantment with politics and the salience of images. In: Images in Use : Towards the critical analysis of visual communication. DAPSAC Series . John Benjamins Publishing Co, Amsterdam, pp. 69-90. ISBN 978 90 272 0635 0

Wodak, Ruth (2011) A “GLOCALIZAÇÃO” DA POLÍTICA NA TELEVISÃO: FICÇÃO OU REALIDADE? EID&A - Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação, 1 (1). pp. 145-163. ISSN 2237-6984

Wodak, Ruth (2011) La historia en construcción/La construcción de la historia : La “Wehrmacht alemana” en los recuerdos colectivos e individuales de Austria. Discurso y Sociedad, 5 (1). pp. 160-195. ISSN 1887-4606

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Lingua Franca. In: Lexikon der Globalisierung :. Global Studies . Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, Germany, pp. 229-232. ISBN 9783837618228

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Mitbürger, Fremde und ‘echte Wiener’ . Ein- und Ausgrenzungen über Sprache. Deutschunterricht, 6 (11). pp. 64-74. ISSN 0340-2258

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Multilingualism and the Discursive Construction of Transnational European Identities. In: Kulturanalyse im zentraleuropäischen Kontext :. Franke Verlag, Vienna, pp. 212-243. ISBN 978-3-7720-8434-8

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Old and new demagoguery: the rhetoric of exclusion. Open Democracy.

Wodak, Ruth (2011) Suppression of the Nazi Past, Coded Languages, and Discourses of Silence: Applying the Discourse-Historical Approach to Post-War Anti-Semitism in Austria. In: Political languages in the age of extremes :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 351-379. ISBN 9780199602964

Wodak, Ruth (2011) ‘Us’ and ‘them’ : inclusion and exclusion – discrimination via discourse. In: Identity, Belonging and Migration :. University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool, pp. 54-77. ISBN 9781846316890

Wodak, Ruth and Krzyzanowski, Michal (2011) Language in political institutions of multilingual states and the European Union. In: The languages and linguistics of Europe : a comprehensive guide. World of linguistics . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 621-639. ISBN 9783110220254

Wodak, Ruth and Kwon, Winston and Clarke, Ian (2011) ‘Getting people on board’ : Discursive leadership for consensus building in team meetings. Discourse and Society, 22 (5). pp. 592-644. ISSN 0957-9265


Xiao, Richard (2011) Contrastive Corpus Linguistics: Cross-linguistic contrast of English and Chinese. In: Roundtable Conference on Linguistic Corpus and Corpus Linguistics in the Chinese Context, 2011-05-05 - 2011-05-08.

Xiao, Richard (2011) Corpus-based language pedagogy in Chinese context. In: Workshop on Corpora and Chinese Language Teaching and Learning, 2011-11-02 - 2011-11-03.

Xiao, Richard (2011) Word clusters and reformulation markers in Chinese and English : Implications for translation universal hypotheses. Languages in Contrast, 11 (2). pp. 145-171. ISSN 1569-9897

Xiao, Richard and Dai, Guangrong (2011) A new framework for translation studies and teaching : a comprehensive review of corpus-based translation studies. Foreign Language Teaching Theory and Practice, 2011 (1). pp. 8-15. ISSN 1008-3669

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