Items where Department is "Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts" and Year is 2020
Akmal, Haider Ali and Coulton, Paul (2020) The Divination of Things by Things. In: CHI'20 : Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. ACM, New York. ISBN 9871450368193
Akmal, Haider Ali and Coulton, Paul (2020) The Internet of Things Game : Revealing the Complexity of the IoT. In: Proceedings of Digital Games Research Association Conference 2020 (DiGRA 2020) :. Digital Games Research Association - DiGRA, FIN.
Akmal, Haider Ali and Coulton, Paul (2020) A Tarot of Things : a supernatural approach to designing for IoT. In: Proceedings DRS 2020 :. UNSPECIFIED, AUS.
Alfaras, Miquel and Primett, William and Umair, Muhammad and Windlin, Charles and Karpashevich, Pavel and Chalabianloo, Niaz and Bowie, Dionne and Sas, Corina and Sanches, Pedro and Hook, Kristina and Ersoy, Cem and Gamboa, Hugo (2020) Biosensing and Actuation—Platforms Coupling Body Input-Output Modalities for Affective Technologies. Sensors, 20 (21): 5968. ISSN 1424-8220
Alyavina, Elena and Nikitas, Alexandros and Njoya, Eric Tchouamou (2020) Mobility as a service and sustainable travel behaviour : A thematic analysis study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 73. pp. 362-381. ISSN 1369-8478
Aston, Elaine (2020) Restaging Feminisms. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030405885
Bahaj, Abu Bakr S. and Blunden, Luke and Bourikas, Leonidas and Büchs, Milena and James, Patrick and Wu, Yue (2020) Energy, wellbeing and cities. In: Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing :. Routledge, London, pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781138600775
Baklrlloglu, Yekta and Ramírez Galleguillos, María Laura and Coşkun, Aykut (2020) Dreaming of immersive interactions to navigate forced distributed collaboration during Covid-19. Interactions, 27 (5). pp. 20-21. ISSN 1072-5520
Bakırlıoğlu, Yekta and Doğan, Çağla (2020) Exploring Product/Part Longevity in Open Design of Small Kitchen Appliances. Design Journal, 23 (6). ISSN 1460-6925
Barrett, Ellie (2020) Makers' voices : four themes for material literacy in contemporary sculpture. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 19 (4). pp. 351-372. ISSN 1470-2029
Barrett, Ellie and Casey, Sarah and Davies, Gerald (2020) Making material meaningful : Identifying and analysing the role of material in contemporary sculptural practice and criticism. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Bates, Oliver and Lord, Carolynne and Alter, Hayley and Kirman, Ben (2020) Let’s start talking the walk : Capturing and reflecting on our limits when working with gig economy workers. In: ICT4S2020 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability. ACM, New York, 227–235. ISBN 9781450375955
Baxter, Tess (2020) Falling between Worlds : Catalogue of video art 2016-2020. Dane Stone Publishing, Ulverston. ISBN 9780955374944
Bay Sahin, Ezgi (2020) The Spatial Block : Natural Ventilation as an Architectural Instrument. In: 2020 EAAE-ARCC International Conference & 2nd VIBRArch : The Architect and the City. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9788490488423
Bay Sahin, Ezgi (2020) The Spatial Block : Natural Ventilation in Hot and Dry Climates of Turkey. PhD thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Bennett, Bruce (2020) Cinema and Cycling, Technological Twins. MIT Press.
Bennett, Bruce (2020) Cycling, Art and Utopian Possibilities. Goldsmiths Press.
Bennett, Bruce (2020) Cycling, Art and Utopian Possibilities. MIT Press.
Bennett, Bruce and Marciniak, Katarzyna (2020) Close Encounters with Foreigness. In: Transnational Screens : Expanding the Borders of Transnational Cinema. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367477158
Bettinson, Gary (2020) Chinese Censorship, Genre Mediation, and the Puzzle Films of Leste Chen. In: Renegotiating Film Genres in East Asian Cinemas and Beyond :. East Asian Popular Culture . Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland, pp. 137-162. ISBN 9783030550769
Bettinson, Gary (2020) Film Theory. Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 8 (1): 7. pp. 124-145. ISSN 1077-4254
Bettinson, Gary (2020) Review of Jing Jing Chang, Screening Communities : Negoiating Narratives of Empire, Nation and the Cold War in Hong Kong Cinema. The China Journal, 83 (1). pp. 246-248. ISSN 1324-9347
Bettinson, Gary (2020) Yesterday Once More : Hong Kong-China Coproductions and the Myth of Mainlandization. Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 14 (1). pp. 16-31. ISSN 1750-8061
Blaney, Adam and Dunn, Nick and Alexander, Jason (2020) Designing parametric matter : Exploring adaptive material scale self-assembly through tuneable environments. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Blaney, Adam and Dunn, Nick and Alexander, Jason (2020) Designing parametric matter : Exploring adaptive self-assembly through tuneable environments. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Boochani, Behrouz and Flores, Diana and Sibanda, Agatha and Mujakachi, Victor and Temboman and Fafa and Huzzard, Rosie and Cape-Davenhill, Lauren and Sirriyeh, Ala and Lewis, Hannah and Lonergan, Gwyneth and Conlon, Deirdre and Bennett, Bruce and Tofighian, Omid (2020) Transnational Communities for Dismantling Detention : From Manus Island to the UK. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 6 (1). pp. 108-128. ISSN 2421-2113
Bourikas, Leonidas and Teli, Despoina and Amin, Rucha and James, Patrick A.B. and Bahaj, AbuBakr S. (2020) Facilitating responsive interaction between occupants and building systems through dynamic post-occupancy evaluation. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 410 (1): 012021.
Boyko, Christopher (2020) Introduction. In: Designing future cities for wellbeing :. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138600782
Boyko, Christopher and Cooper, Rachel and Coulton, Claire and Hale, James (2020) Health, Wellbeing and Urban Design. In: Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing :. Routledge, London, pp. 158-170. ISBN 9781138600782
Boyko, Christopher and Dunn, Nick (2020) Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138600775
Boyko, Christopher and Pollastri, Serena and Coulton, Claire and Dunn, Nick and Cooper, Rachel (2020) Sharing in smart cities : What are we missing out on? In: Routledge Companion to Smart Cities :. Routledge International Handbook (1st). Routledge, Oxon / New York, pp. 241-253. ISBN 9781138036673
Brook, Richard and Ballard, Mike (2020) Gutter Snipe. Plastic Crayons, London.
Brook, Richard (2020) The national computing centre : “White Heat,” Modernization, and Postwar Manchester. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 79 (4). pp. 438-458. ISSN 0037-9808
Buchanan, Camilla and Cooper, Rachel (2020) What is strategic design? : An examination of new design activity in the public and civic sectors. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Butler, Carly and Filipska, Gudrun (2020) 'Carly Butler and Gudrun Filipska chart course from Ucluelet to the U.K. in newly digitized work' : Teghan Beaudette · CBC Arts. UNSPECIFIED.
Calvo, Mirian and Cruickshank, Leon and Galabo, Rosendy and Perez Ojeda, David (2020) Does Participatory Architecture Work? In: Fourteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, 2020-03-16 - 2020-03-18, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn Campus, Brooklyn.
Calvo, Mirian and Sclater, Madeleine (2020) Co-design for social Innovation and organisational change : Developing horizontal relationships in a social enterprise through walking. International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1 (1). pp. 78-98. ISSN 2184-6995
Campbell, D. and Balis, G. and Aryana, B. (2020) Bridging design thinking and entrecomp for entrepreneurship workshops : A learning experience. In: The Sixth International Conference on Design Creativity 26-28 August 2020, University of Oulu, Finland Proceedings :. Design Society, FIN, pp. 247-254. ISBN 9781912254118
Canclini, A. and Croset, Pierre-Alain (2020) On the CIAM 7 Grid: from an Ideological to a Critical Tool. Plan Journal, 5 (1). pp. 89-117.
Casey, Sarah and Davies, Gerald (2020) Drawn to Investigate. [Exhibition]
Cavada, Marianna and Rogers, Chris (2020) Serious gaming as a means of facilitating truly smart cities : a narrative review. Behaviour and Information Technology, 39 (6). pp. 695-710. ISSN 0144-929X
Christou, Elisavet and Ceyhan, Pinar and Gradinar, Adrian (2020) Embedding Evaluation into Research Projects - The Percent Evaluation Method. In: The Design Research Society 2020 International Conference, 2020-08-11 - 2020-08-14, Online.
Chudasri, Disaya and Walker, Stuart and Evans, Martyn (2020) Potential areas for design and its implementation to enable the future viability of weaving practices in northern Thailand. International Journal of Design, 14 (1). pp. 95-111. ISSN 1991-3761
Clune, S. and Pollastri, S. (2020) Design for food and wellbeing in future cities. In: Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing :. Routledge, London, pp. 91-104. ISBN 9781138600782
Codinhoto, Ricardo and Boyko, Christopher and Darby, Antony and Watson, Margaret (2020) Buildings for Health, Cities for Wellbeing. In: Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing :. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138600782
Conroy-Dalton, Ruth (2020) A. D. Ekstrom, H. J. Spiers, V. Bohbot and R. S. Rosenbaum (2018) Human spatial navigation. Urban Morphology, 24 (1). ISSN 1027-4278
Conroy-Dalton, Ruth (2020) View Point: Professor Ruth Dalton. ADF (Architects’ Datafile).
Cooper, R. and Dunn, N. (2020) Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing : A Summary of Implications for Design. In: Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing :. Routledge, London, pp. 213-223. ISBN 9780429894473
Costa, Ana and Bauer, Susanne (2020) Live project: understanding the design process from the project brief to post occupancy evaluation. In: Education, Design and Practice : Understanding skills in a Complex World. UNSPECIFIED, USA, pp. 305-313. ISBN 2398-9467
Cottrill, Caitlin Doyle and Jacobs, Naomi and Markovic, Milan and Edwards, Peter (2020) Sensing the City : Designing for Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things. Sustainable Cities and Society, 63: 102453. ISSN 2210-6707
Coulton, Paul (2020) Reflections on teaching design fiction as world-building. In: Speculative and Critical Design in Education: Practice and Perspectives, 2020-07-08 - 2020-07-09, online.
Coupe, Gemma and Whitham, Roger and Cruickshank, Leon and Perez Ojeda, David and Pearson, Ben (2020) Co-designing tools to empower further, independent co-design : Collaborating with diverse individuals with lived experience of food poverty. In: Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference 2020 :. Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference 2020 . Design Research Society, Brisbane, pp. 992-1008. ISBN 9781912294374
Coutrot, Antoine and Manley, Ed and Conroy-Dalton, Ruth and Yesiltepe, Demet and Wiener, Jan and Hölscher, Christoph and Hornberger, Michael and Spiers, Hugo (2020) Cities have a negative impact on navigation ability : evidence from 38 countries. Biorxiv.
Crombie, Zoe (2020) Ethel and Ernest’s Bedroom Wall : Reflection on a Creative-Critical Work. LUX: Undergraduate Journal of Literature and Culture (4): 2. pp. 14-19.
Crombie, Zoe (2020) A second wind for Ocean Waves, Studio Ghibli’s only TV movie. Little White Lies. ISSN 2516-0559
Cureton, Paul (2020) Back to the future : “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need… roads!”. UNSPECIFIED.
Cureton, Paul (2020) Drone Futures : UAS for Landscape & Urban Design. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780815380511
Cureton, Paul (2020) How drones and aerial vehicles could change cities. The Conversation.
Cureton, Paul and Dunn, Nick (2020) Digital Twins of Cities and Evasive Futures. In: Shaping Smart for Better Cities : Rethinking and Shaping Relationships between Urban Space and Digital Technologies. Smart Cities . Academic Press, London/ San Diego, CA / Cambridge, MA / Oxford, pp. 267-282. ISBN 9780128186367
Dalton, R. and Dalton, N. and Hoelscher, C. and Veddeler, C. and Krukar, J. and Wiberg, M. and SIGCHI, ACM (2020) HabiTech: Inhabiting buildings, data & technology : 2020 ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA 2020. In: CHI EA '20, 2020-04-25 - 2020-04-30.
Davies, Gerald (2020) New Light Art Prize : Drawing- Flood Story: Church Hall. [Exhibition]
De Rycker, M. and Horn, D. and Aldridge, B. and Amewu, R.K. and Barry, C.E. and Buckner, F.S. and Cook, S. and Ferguson, M.A.J. and Gobeau, N. and Herrmann, J. and Herrling, P. and Hope, W. and Keiser, J. and Lafuente-Monasterio, M.J. and Leeson, P.D. and Leroy, D. and Manjunatha, U.H. and McCarthy, J. and Miles, T.J. and Mizrahi, V. and Moshynets, O. and Niles, J. and Overington, J.P. and Pottage, J. and Rao, S.P.S. and Read, K.D. and Ribeiro, I. and Silver, L.L. and Southern, J. and Spangenberg, T. and Sundar, S. and Taylor, C. and Van Voorhis, W. and White, N.J. and Wyllie, S. and Wyatt, P.G. and Gilbert, I.H. (2020) Setting Our Sights on Infectious Diseases. ACS Infectious Diseases, 6 (1). pp. 3-13.
Dore, Mayane (2020) Waterloo-Redfern and the Racism Rooted in Cities. UNSPECIFIED.
Doğan, Çağla and Bakırlıoğlu, Yekta (2020) Bakım, Onarım ve Yükseltmeyi Destekleyen ve Kullanıcı Katılımını Güçlendiren Sürdürülebilirlik için Tasarım Yaklaşımları. Tasarım + Kuram, 16 (30). pp. 96-108.
Dunn, Nick (2020) Place After Dark : Urban peripheries as alternative futures. In: The Routledge Handbook of Place :. Routledge, London, pp. 155-167. ISBN 9781138320499
Dunn, Nick (2020) Dark Design : A New Framework for Advocacy and Creativity for the Nocturnal Commons. The International Journal of Design in Society, 14 (4). pp. 19-30. ISSN 2325-1328
Dunn, Nick (2020) Dark Design : Reimagining Nocturnal Ambiances. In: Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds : Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances. International Ambiances Network, USA, pp. 114-119. ISBN 9782952094870
Dunn, Nick (2020) Edges. In: Manchester : Something Rich and Strange. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 259-262. ISBN 9781526144140
Dunn, Nick (2020) Night. In: Manchester : Something Rich and Strange. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 42-45. ISBN 9781526144140
Dunn, Nick (2020) Ring Road. In: Manchester : Something Rich and Strange. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 91-94. ISBN 9781526144140
Dunn, Nick (2020) Shadows. In: Manchester : Something Rich and Strange. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 202-206. ISBN 9781526144140
Dunn, Nick and Blaney, Adam (2020) Responsive Megastructures : Growing Future Cities for Global Challenges. In: Rapid Cities - Responsive Architectures, 2020-11-22 - 2020-11-24, Virtual / American University. (Unpublished)
Dunn, Nick and Cureton, Paul (2020) Future Cities : A Visual Guide. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350011649
Dunn, Nick and Edensor, Tim (2020) Revisiting the Dark : Diverse Encounters and Experiences. In: Rethinking Darkness : Cultures, Histories, Practices. Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Spaces . Routledge, London, pp. 229-240. ISBN 9780367201159
Edensor, Tim and Dunn, Nick (2020) Venturing into the Dark : Gloomy Multiplicities. In: Rethinking Darkness : Cultures, Histories, Practices. Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Spaces (1st). Routledge, London, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9780367201159
Ellsworth-Krebs, Katherine (2020) 'Bigger, but not massive' : Negotiating ideals of saving energy and having a 'good family home'. In: European Association of Social Anthropologists, 2020-07-20.
Engawi, Duha (2020) The Advert of AI on Graphic Designers in Saudi Arabia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Etchells, Timothy (2020) Language Fragments. [Performance]
Fagan, Des (2020) The Generative Social Distance Lab @ Storey Lancaster : Laboratory for Social Distance Experimentation in Lancaster. UNSPECIFIED.
Fagan, Des (2020) Generative social distance design : The Social Distance Lab, Lancaster, UK. In: Seoul Design International Conference, 2019-11-05 - 2019-11-05, South Korea.
Fagan, Des (2020) Health Innovation Centre, Lancaster University, Generative Social Distance Signage : Design Drawing Report. UNSPECIFIED.
Fagan, Des (2020) Signage Pack - Social Distancing Signage for Retail, Commercial and Service Application : Open Source. UNSPECIFIED.
Filipska, Gudrun (2020) ‘The Arts Territory Exchange and the S Project /alternative journeys’. In: The Artist's Journey # 3: Improfessional Practices :. UNSPECIFIED.
Filipska, Gudrun (2020) OFF-SHORE. In: MUCK : Must Use Critical Knowledge. UNSPECIFIED.
Filipska, Gudrun and Butler, Carly (2020) S Project. In: Walking Bodies :. Triarchy Press. ISBN 9781913743093
Fonseca Braga, Mariana and Romeiro Filho, Eduardo and L.O. Mendonça, Rosângela Míriam and Gomes Ribeiro de Oliveira, Lorena and Galvão Guimarães Pereira, Haddon (2020) Design for Resilience : Mapping the Needs of Brazilian Communities to Tackle COVID-19 Challenges. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13 (3). pp. 374-386. ISSN 1984-2988
Galabo, Rosendy and Cruickshank, Leon (2020) A framework for improving knowledge exchange tools. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Galabo, Rosendy and Nthubu, Badziili and Cruickshank, Leon and Perez, David (2020) Redesigning a workshop from physical to digital : Principles for designing distributed co-design approaches. In: Design: Vertical & Horizontal growth :. UNSPECIFIED, SUN, pp. 64-70. ISBN 9789526490021
Garrison, Stephanie and Jacobs, Naomi (2020) Life as a Networked Fan. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2020 A. ISSN 2162-3317
Gath-Morad, Michal and Aguilar, Leonel and Conroy-Dalton, Ruth and Hölscher, Christoph (2020) cogARCH : Simulating Wayfinding by Architecture in Multilevel Buildings. In: 2020 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design :. SimAUD, Online, pp. 27-34. ISBN 1565553713
Gauthier, Stephanie and Bourikas, Leonidas and Al‐Atrash, Farah and Bae, Chihye and Chun, Chungyoon and de Dear, Richard and Hellwig, Runa T. and Kim, Jungsoo and Kwon, Suhyun and Mora, Rodrigo and Pandya, Himani and Rawal, Rajan and Tartarini, Federico and Upadhyay, Rohit and Wagner, Andreas (2020) The colours of comfort : From thermal sensation to person-centric thermal zones for adaptive building strategies. Energy and Buildings, 216: 109936. ISSN 0378-7788
Gauthier, Stephanie and Bourikas, Leonidas (2020) Investigating dependencies between indoor environmental parameters: thermal, air quality and acoustic perception. In: Windsor 2020 Resilient Comfort Conference Proceedings :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 323-330. ISBN 9781916187634
Ghorbankarimi, Maryam (2020) Politics of inclusion: representation of minorities in Iranian cinema. In: Thirteenth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, 2020-08-25 - 2020-08-28, University of Salamanca.
Glew, Billy and Rushton, Richard and Rose, Emma (2020) Screen Dreams : a practice-based investigation of filmic dream sequences, using the dream theories of Freud, Jung, Revonsuo and Hobson. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Gorkovenko, Katerina and Burnett, Dan and Thorp, James and Richards, Daniel and Murray-Rust, Dave (2020) Exploring the future of data-driven product design. In: CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems :. ACM, New York, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781450367080
Gorrill, Helen (2020) Body, Space, Place in Collective and Collaborative Drawing : Drawing Conversations II. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781527541962
Gorrill, Helen (2020) Drawing patterns on place : Transnational collective aesthetics in contemporary drawing. In: Body, Space, Place in Collective and Collaborative Drawing : Drawing Conversations 2. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 168-186. ISBN 9781527541962
Gorrill, Helen Laura (2020) Women can't paint : gender, the glass ceiling and values in contemporary art. International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art . I. B. Tauris. ISBN 9781788310802
Griffiths, Rupert (2020) 从地平线到地面 : 从视觉走向物质的摄影之路. In: 场所 空间 艺术 : 优选文集. China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China, pp. 148-162. ISBN 9787550318212
Griffiths, Rupert (2020) Design practice as fieldwork : Describing the nocturnal biome through light and sound. In: Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds : Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances. International Ambiances Network, pp. 108-113. ISBN 9782952094870
Griffiths, Rupert and Dunn, Nick (2020) More-than-human Nights : Intersecting lived experience and diurnal rhythms in the nocturnal city. In: ICNS Proceedings :. ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, PRT, pp. 203-220. ISBN 9789728048
Hargreaves, Anthony J. and Cavada, Marianna and Rogers, Chris (2020) Engineering for the Far Future : Rethinking the Value Proposition. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 173 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 1478-4629
Harris, Geraldine (2020) Re-Readings, Unmarked The Politics of Performance by Peggy Phelan. Contemporary Theatre Review, 30 (2). pp. 278-279. ISSN 1048-6801
Harriss, Lydia and Mir, Zara (2020) Misuse of civilian drones. The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, London.
Jacobs, Naomi and Markovic, Milan and Cottrill, Caitlin and Edwards, Pete and Corsar, David and Salt, Karen (2020) Made-up Rubbish : Design Fiction as a Tool for Participatory Internet of Things Research. The Design Journal, 23 (3). pp. 419-440. ISSN 1460-6925
Jacobs, Naomi (2020) Interdisciplinary methodologies for the fan studies bricoleur. Transformative Works and Cultures, 33.
Jacobs, Naomi (2020) Salon: Online Spaces : The Present and Future of Virtual Fan Conventions. In: Fan Studies Network North America Conference 2020, 2020-10-13 - 2020-10-17, Online.
Jacobs, Naomi and Edwards, Peter and Cottrill, Caitlin D and Salt, Karen (2020) Governance and Accountability in Internet of Things (IoT) Networks. In: The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society :. Oxford Handbook . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780190932596
Jacobs, Naomi and Edwards, Peter and Markovic, Milan and Cottrill, Caitlin and Salt, Karen (2020) Who Trusts in the Smart City? : Transparency, Governance and the Internet of Things. Data & Policy, 2: e11. ISSN 2632-3249
Jazuk, Kristina and Gubler, Gian-Luca and Mavros, Panos and Conroy-Dalton, Ruth and Hölscher, Christoph (2020) Local Wayfinding Decisions in a Complex Real-World Building. In: Spatial Cognition XII : 12th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2020, Riga, Latvia, August 26–28, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020 . Springer-Verlag, LVA, pp. 122-125. ISBN 9783030579821
Jones, Nathan (2020) Distributed Critique : Critical New Media Art as a Research Environment for the Post-Humanities. PARSE (12). ISSN 2002-0953
Jones, Nathan (2020) my monstituces composer : Looking for the Pre-Emergent Social Consciousness of AI in Small Data Literary Synthesis. Media-N: Journal of the New Media Caucus, 16 (1). pp. 45-66. ISSN 1942-017X
Jürs-Munby, Karen (2020) Agon Conflict and Dissent. UNSPECIFIED.
Jürs-Munby, Karen (2020) Elfriede Jelinek and Werner Schwab : Heimat Critique and Dissections of Right-wing Populism and Xenophobia. In: Contemporary European Playwrights :. Routledge, London, pp. 44-65. ISBN 9781138084216
Jürs-Munby, Karen (2020) Peter Handke : Inhabiting the World Together. In: Contemporary European Playwrights :. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 352-363. ISBN 9781138084216
Khosromanesh, Raheleh (2020) Towards an implementation of bio-inspired hydro- actuated building façade. Intelligent Buildings International, 14 (2). pp. 151-171. ISSN 1750-8975
Krukar, J. and Dalton, R.C. (2020) How the Visitors’ Cognitive Engagement Is Driven (but Not Dictated) by the Visibility and Co-visibility of Art Exhibits. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 350. ISSN 1664-1078
Lechelt, Susan and Gorkovenko, Katerina and Soares, Luis and Speed, Chris and Thorp, James and Stead, Michael (2020) Designing For The End of Life of IoT Objects. In: DIS: Designing Interactive Systems 2020 :. ACM, NLD, pp. 417-420. ISBN 9781450379878
Lee, Bo Yeun and Cooper, Rachel and Hands, David and Coulton, Paul (2020) Designing for the Internet of Things : a critical interrogation of IoT processes and principles. In: DRS2020 Virtual Conference :. Proceedings of Design Research Society Conference, 5 . Design Research Society, AUS, pp. 2392-2409. ISBN 978191229441
Lindley, Joseph and Akmal, Haider and Coulton, Paul (2020) Design Research and Object-Oriented Ontology. Open Philosophy, 3 (1). pp. 11-41. ISSN 2543-8875
Lindley, Joseph and Akmal, Haider Ali and Pilling, Franziska and Coulton, Paul (2020) Researching AI Legibility Through Design. In: CHI '20 : Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York. ISBN 9781450367080
Lindley, Joseph and Akmal, Haider Ali and Pilling, Franziska and Coulton, Paul (2020) Researching AI Legibility through Design. ACM.
Lindley, Joseph and Akmal, Haider Ali and Pilling, Franziska and Coulton, Paul (2020) Signs of the Time : Making AI Legible. In: Proceedings of Design Research Society Conference 2020 : DRS 2020. UNSPECIFIED, AUS.
Lindley, Joseph and Coulton, Paul (2020) AHRC Design Fellows Challenges of the Future : AI & Data. [Report]
Lindley, Joseph and Gradinar, Adrian and Coulton, Paul (2020) Ghosts in the Smart Home. [Exhibition]
Maeng, Hyeyoung (2020) Use of Deleuze’s process ontology. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 19 (2). pp. 160-178. ISSN 1470-2029
Mahdavi, Ardeshir and Berger, Christiane and Bochukova, Veselina and Bourikas, Leonidas and Hellwig, Runa T. and Jin, Quan and Pisello, Anna Laura and Schweiker, Marcel (2020) Necessary conditions for multi-domain indoor environmental quality standards. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (20): 8439. ISSN 2071-1050
Markovic, Milan and Jacobs, Naomi and Dryja, Konrad and Edwards, Peter and Strachan, Norval (2020) Integrating Internet of Things, Provenance and Blockchain to Enhance Trust in Last Mile Food Deliveries. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4: 563424. ISSN 2571-581X
Marsden, Alan Alexander (2020) New Prospects for Information Theory in Arts Research. Leonardo, 53 (3). pp. 274-280. ISSN 0024-094X
McDowell, Julia and McDowell, James (2020) A tale of two studies : TEL research and the theory-practice nexus. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1 (1).
McNaney, Roisin and Tsekleves, Emmanuel and Synnott, Jonathan (2020) Future Opportunities for IoT to Support People with Parkinson’s. In: CHI '20 : Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 1–15. ISBN 9781450367080
Mida, I.E. and Casey, S. (2020) Drawing as a creative approach to researching extant garments : A case study involving John Ruskin’s clothing. Costume, 54 (2). pp. 202-221. ISSN 0590-8876
Mitchell, Jessica and Cooke, Paul and Baral, Sushil and Bull, Naomi and Stones, Catherine and Tsekleves, Emmanuel and Verdezoto, Nervo and Arjyal, Abriti and Giri, Romi and Shrestha, Ashim and King, Rebecca (2020) The values and principles underpinning community engagement approaches to tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Global Health Action, 12 (sup1): 1837484. ISSN 1654-9716
Moreno Rangel, Alejandro (2020) Passivhaus. Encyclopedia, 1 (1). pp. 20-29. ISSN 2309-3366
Moreno Rangel, Alejandro and Baek, Juha and Rho, Taehyun and Cabrera-Conner, Lucy and Carrillo, Genny (2020) Household intervention to improve indoor air quality and health of children with asthma in the US-Mexico border : A pilot study. In: APHA'S FIRST-EVER VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING AND EXPO, 2020-10-19 - 2020-10-28, Online.
Moreno Rangel, Alejandro and Baek, Juha and Rho, Taehyun and Xu, Xiaohui and Carrillo, Genny (2020) Assessing Impact of Household Intervention on Indoor Air Quality and Health of Children with Asthma in the US-Mexico Border : A Pilot Study. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2020: 6042146. ISSN 1687-9813
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