Items where Department is "Lancaster Environment Centre" and Year is 2000

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Alcock, Ruth E. and Sweetman, Andrew J. and Juan, C. Y. and Jones, Kevin C. (2000) A generic model of human lifetime exposure to persistent organic contaminants: development and application to PCB-101. Environmental Pollution, 110 (2). pp. 253-265. ISSN 0269-7491

Andrews, J. and Malone, M. and Thompson, D. S. and Ho, L. C. and Burton, K. S. (2000) Peroxidase isozyme patterns in the skin of maturing tomato fruit. Plant, Cell and Environment, 23 (4). pp. 415-422. ISSN 0140-7791

Andrews, Julian and Boomer, Ian and Bailiff, Ian and Balson, Peter and Bristow, Charles and Chroston, Neil and Funnell, Brian and Harwood, Gillian and Jones, R. and Maher, Barbara and Shimmield, Graham (2000) Sedimentary evolution of the north Norfolk barrier coastline in the context of Holocene sea-level change. Geological Society Special Publications, 166. pp. 219-251. ISSN 0305-8719

Andrews, Julian and Samways, Gregory and Dennis, Paul and Maher, Barbara (2000) Origin, abundance and storage of organic carbon and sulphur in the Holocene Humber Estuary: emphasizing human impact on storage changes. Geological Society Special Publications, 166. pp. 145-170. ISSN 0305-8719


Bailey, Karen J. and Battistelli, Alberto and Dever, Louisa V. and Lea, Peter John and Leegood, Richard C. (2000) Control of C4 photosynthesis: effects of reduced activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase on CO2 assimilation in Amaranthus edulis L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51 (Specia). pp. 339-346. ISSN 1460-2431

Bailey, R. E. and Barrie, L. A. and Halsall, Crispin J. and Fellin, P. and Muir, D. C. G. (2000) Atmospheric organochlorine pesticides in the western Canadian Arctic : evidence of transpacific transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 105 (D9). pp. 11805-11811. ISSN 0747-7309

Barata, Reinaldo M. and Chaparro, Alejandro and Chabregas, Sabrina M. and Gonzalez-Cuesta, Raquel and Labate, Carlos A. and Azevedo, Ricardo A. and Sarath, Gautam and Lea, Peter John and Silva-Filho, Marcio C. (2000) Targeting of the soybean leghemoglobin to tobacco chloroplasts : effects on aerobic metabolism in transgenic plants. Plant Science, 155 (2). pp. 193-202. ISSN 0168-9452

Barker, P. and Stevenson, C. and Leamy, Mary (2000) The philosophy of empowerment. Mental Health Nursing, 20 (9). pp. 8-12. ISSN 1353-0283

Barker, P. and Telford, R. and Merdaci, O. and Williamson, D. and Taieb, M. and Vincens, A. and Gibert, E. (2000) The sensitivity of a Tanzanian crater lake to catastrophic tephra input and four millennia of climate change. Holocene, 10 (3). pp. 303-310. ISSN 0959-6836

Beven, K. (2000) Uniqueness of place and non-uniqueness of models in assessing predictive uncertainty. In: Computational methods in water resources - Volume 2 - Computational methods,surface water systems and hydrology :. A. A. Balkema, CAN, pp. 1085-1091. ISBN 9058091252

Beven, K. and Cameron, D. (2000) Accessing uncertain change in flood frequency due to climate scenarios by continuous simulation. PIK Report, 65 (1). pp. 210-211. ISSN 1436-0179

Beven, Keith J. (2000) On model uncertainty, risk and decision making. Hydrological Processes, 14 (14). pp. 2605-2606. ISSN 0885-6087

Beven, Keith J. (2000) On the future of distributed modelling in hydrology. Hydrological Processes, 14 (16-17). pp. 3183-3184. ISSN 0885-6087

Beven, Keith J. (2000) Uniqueness of place and process representations in hydrological modelling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 4 (2). pp. 203-213. ISSN 1027-5606

Bevington, J. C. and Guyot, B. and Huckerby, T. N. and Hunt, B. J. and Jones, R. (2000) A study of an azonitrile containing a sizable fluorocarbon group. European Polymer Journal, 36 (4). pp. 657-661. ISSN 0014-3057

Boissaux, M. and Munro, A and Marshall, I. W. and Mckee, P. (2000) A Java-Based Framework For Comparing Mobility Policies In Networks With Dynamic Resource Management. In: Proceedings ITC specialist seminar on mobility, 2000-03-01.

Bortot, P. and Coles, S. G. and Tawn, Jonathan A. (2000) The multivariate Gaussian tail model: an application to oceanographic data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 49 (1). pp. 31-49. ISSN 0035-9254

Bower, B. K. N. and Choularton, T. W. and Gallagher, M. W. and Beswick, K. M. and Flynn, M. J. and Allen, A. G. and Davison, B. M. and James, J. D. and Robertson, L. and Harrison, R. M. and Hewitt, CN and Cape, J. N. and Mcfadyen, G. G. and Milford, C. and Sutton, M. A. and Martinsson, B. G. and Frank, G. and Swietlicki, E. and Zhou, J. and Berg, O. H. and Mentes, B. and Papaspiropoulos, G. and Hansson, H. C. and Leck, C. and Kulmala, M. and Aalto, P. and Vakeva, M. and Berner, A. and Bizjak, M. and Fuzzi, S. and Laj, P. and Facchini, M. C. and Orsi, G. and Ricci, L. and Nielsen, M. and Allan, B. J. and Coe, H. and Mcfiggans, G. and Plane, J. M. C. and Collett, J. L. and Moore, K. F. and Sherman, D. E. (2000) ACE-2 HILLCLOUD. An overview of the ACE-2 ground-based cloud experiment. Tellus B, 52 (2). pp. 750-778. ISSN 0280-6509

Brazier, Richard E. and Beven, Keith J. and Freer, Jim and Rowan, John S. (2000) Equifinality and uncertainty in physically based soil erosion models : application of the GLUE methodology to WEPP-the water erosion prediction project-for sites in the UK and USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 25 (8). pp. 825-845. ISSN 0197-9337

Breuer, S. W. (2000) An efficient synthesis of 13C12-benzoyl peroxide. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 43 (3). pp. 283-286. ISSN 1099-1344

Breyer, L. A. and Roberts, G. O. (2000) From Metropolis to diffusions: Gibbs states and optimal scaling. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 90 (2). pp. 181-206.

Brown, P. E. and Kaaresn, K. F. and Roberts, G. O. and Tonellato, S. (2000) Blur-generated non-separable space-time models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 62 (4). pp. 847-860. ISSN 1369-7412


Cameron, D. and Beven, K. J. and Tawn, J. A. (2000) Modelling extreme rainfalls using a modified random pulse Bartlett-Lewis stochastic rainfall model (with uncertainty). Advances in Water Resources, 24 (2). pp. 203-211.

Cameron, D. and Beven, K. J. and Tawn, J. A. (2000) An evaluation of three stochastic rainfall models. Journal of Hydrology, 228 (1-2). pp. 130-149.

Cameron, D. and Beven, K. J. and Tawn, J. A. and Naden, P. (2000) Flood frequency estimation by continuous simulation (with likelihood based uncertainty estimation). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN 1607-7938

Cameron, D. and Beven, Keith J. and Naden, P. (2000) Flood frequency estimation under climate change (with uncertainty). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 4 (3). pp. 393-405. ISSN 1027-5606

Canon-Tapia, E. and Pinkerton, Harry (2000) The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of lava flows : an experimental approach. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 98 (1-4). pp. 219-233. ISSN 0377-0273

Carli, B. and Ade, P. and Carlotti, M. and Cortesi, U. and Gignoli, A. and Hamilton, P. and Lanfranchi, M. and Lee, C. and Mackenzie, A. Robert and Phillips, A. (2000) Minor constituent concentrations measured from a high altitude aircraft using high resolution far-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 35 (3). pp. 273-293. ISSN 0167-7764

Carling, P.A and Orr, Harriet (2000) Morphology of riffle-pool sequences in the River Severn, England . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 25 (4). pp. 369-384. ISSN 0197-9337

Carr, Kath and Hetherington, Alistair (2000) Report : calcium signalling. Genome Biology, 1 (1). p. 24. ISSN 1465-6914

Carroll, J. A. and Johnson, D. and Morecroft, M. and Taylor, A. and Caporn, S.J.M. and Lee, J.A. (2000) The effect of long-term nitrogen additions on the bryophyte cover of upland acidic grasslands. Journal of Bryology, 22 (2). pp. 83-89. ISSN 0373-6687

Chadwick, Andrew and Ilic, Suzana and Helm-Petersen, Jacob (2000) An evaluation of directional analysis techniques for multidirectional, partially reflected waves Part 2 : application to field data. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 38 (4). pp. 253-258. ISSN 0022-1686

Chatfield, Steven P. and Stirnber, G. Petra and Forde, Brian G. and Leyser, H. M. Ottoline (2000) Hormonal regulation of axillary bud growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 24 (2). pp. 159-169. ISSN 0960-7412

Chen, L B and Bernard, O and Bastain, G and Angelov, Plamen (2000) Hybrid modelling of biotechnological processes using neural networks. Control Engineering Practice, 8 (7). pp. 821-827. ISSN 0967-0661

Chen, Zhi-Hui and Walker, Robert P. and Acheson, Richard M. and Técsi, László I. and Wingler, Astrid and Lea, Peter John and Leegood, Richard C. (2000) Are Isocitrate Lyase and Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase Involved in Gluconeogenesis during Senescence of Barley Leaves and Cucumber Cotyledons? Plant and Cell Physiology, 41 (8). pp. 960-967. ISSN 1471-9053

Clark, Gordon and Wareham, Terry (2000) Geography @ University : making the most of your geography degree and courses. Working Paper. Geography Discipline Network, Cheltenham, UK.

Clarke, CB and Taylor, Jane and Mansfield, Terry A. (2000) Salt tolerance and stomatal function. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51 (Supp). p. 63. ISSN 1460-2431

Cleaver, Frances (2000) Analysing gender roles in community natural resource management negotiation, lifecourses and social inclusion. IDS Bulletin, 31 (2). pp. 60-67. ISSN 0265-5012

Cleaver, Frances (2000) Moral ecological rationality, institutions and the management of common property resources. Development and Change, 31 (2). pp. 361-383. ISSN 0012-155X

Coates, David and Isaac, R. Elwyn and Cotton, Joel and Siviter, Richard J. and Williams, Tracy A. and Shirras, Alan D. and Corvol, Pierre and Dive, Vincent (2000) Functional conservation of the active sites of human and Drosophila angiotensin I-converting enzyme. Biochemistry, 39 (30). pp. 8963-8969. ISSN 0006-2960

Cole, Lisa and Bardgett, Richard D. and Ineson, Philip (2000) Enchytraeid worms (Oligochaeta) enhance carbon mineralisation in organic upland soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 51 (2). pp. 185-192. ISSN 1351-0754

Crowley, G. and Ridley, A.J. and Deist, D. and Wing, S. and Knipp, D.J. and Emery, B.A. and Foster, J. and Heelis, R. and Hairston, M. and Reinisch, B.W. (2000) Transformation of high-latitude ionospheric F region patches into blobs during the March 21, 1990, storm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 (A3). pp. 5215-5230. ISSN 0148-0227


Daniell, T. J. and Davy, M. L. and Smith, R. J. (2000) Development of a genetically modified bacteriophage for use in tracing sources of pollution. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 88 (5). pp. 860-869. ISSN 1364-5072

Davies, William J. and Bacon, Mark A. and Thompson, D. Stuart and Sobeih, Wagdy and Gonzales-Rodriguez, Luis (2000) Regulation of leaf and fruit growth in plants growing in drying soil : exploitation of the plants' chemical signalling system and hydraulic architecture to increase the efficiency of water use in agriculture. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51 (350). pp. 1617-1626. ISSN 1460-2431

Davies, William J. and Santamaria, J. M. (2000) Physiological markers for microplant shoot and root quality. Acta Horticulturae, 530. pp. 363-376.

Davison, William and Hooda, P. S. and Zhang, Hao and Edwards, A. C. (2000) DGT measured fluxes as surrogates for uptake of metals by plants. Advances in Environmental Research, 3. pp. 550-555. ISSN 1093-0191

Deem, R. and Brehony, K. J. (2000) Educational policy making and analysis. In: International compendium on education :. Routledge, London, pp. 193-203.

Dils, R. M. and Heathwaite, A. L. (2000) Tracing phosphorus movement through agricultural soils. In: Tracers in geomorphology :. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 259-276.

Donnison, Louise M. and Griffith, Gwyn S. and Bardgett, Richard D. (2000) Determinants of fungal growth and activity in botanically diverse haymeadows : effects of litter type and fertiliser additions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 32 (2). pp. 289-294. ISSN 0038-0717

Donnison, Louise M. and Griffith, Gwyn S. and Hedger, John and Hobbs, Phil J. and Bardgett, Richard D. (2000) Management influences on soil microbial communities and their function in botanically diverse haymeadows of northern England and Wales. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 32 (2). pp. 253-263. ISSN 0038-0717

Duckworth, J. C. and Bunce, Robert and Malloch, Andrew (2000) Modelling the potential effects of climate change on calcareous grasslands in Atlantic Europe. Journal of Biogeography, 27 (2). pp. 347-358. ISSN 0305-0270

Duckworth, J. C. and Bunce, Robert and Malloch, Andrew (2000) Vegetation gradients in Atlantic Europe: the use of existing phytosociological data in preliminary investigations on the potential effects of climate change on British vegetation. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 9 (3). pp. 187-199. ISSN 1466-822X

Duckworth, J. C. and Bunce, Robert and Malloch, Andrew (2000) Vegetation-environment relationships in Atlantic European calcareous grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science, 11 (1). pp. 15-22. ISSN 1100-9233

de Silva, D. L. R. and Mansfield, T. A. and McAinsh, Martin (2000) Trichomes as regulators of apoplastic calcium. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51 (Supple). S68. ISSN 1460-2431


Evans, MJ and Shallcross, DE and Law, KS and Wild, JOF and Simmonds, PG and Spain, TG and Berrisford, P and Methven, J and Lewis, AC and McQuaid, JB and Pilling, MJ and Bandy, BJ and Penkett, SA and Pyle, JA (2000) Evaluation of a Lagrangian box model using field measurements from EASE (Eastern Atlantic Summer Experiment) 1996. Atmospheric Environment, 34 (23). pp. 3843-3863. ISSN 1352-2310


Findlay, A. G. (2000) Theatres of truth: drinking and drama in early modern England. In: A babel of bottles : drink, drinkers & drinking places in literature :. Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, pp. 21-40. ISBN 1841270474

Folkard, Andrew M. (2000) Laboratory observations of interactions of forced plumes with stratified shear layers. Fluid Dynamics Research, 26 (6). pp. 355-375. ISSN 0169-5983

Forde, Brian G. (2000) Nitrate transporters in plants : structure, function and regulation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1465 (1-2). pp. 219-235. ISSN 0005-2736

Fryer, Geoffrey (2000) James Bolton's eighteenth century paintings of Lepidoptera. Naturalist, 125. pp. 110-116.

Fryer, Geoffrey (2000) Unanticipated diversity : the discovery and biological exploration of Africa's ancient lakes. Advances in Ecological Research, 31 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0065-2504

Fryer, Geoffrey (2000) Underground streams in the Malham area, an eighteenth century note on Malham Tarn and its environs, and a remarkable earlier discovery. Naturalist, 125. pp. 29-40.


Gallagher, M. W. and Clayborough, R. and Beswick, K. M. and Hewitt, CN and Owen, S. M. and Moncrieff, J. and Pilegaard, K. (2000) Assessment of a relaxed eddy accumulation for measurements of fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds: study over arable crops and a mature beech forest. Atmospheric Environment, 34 (18). pp. 2887-2899. ISSN 1352-2310

Gatrell, Anthony C. and Thomas, Carol and Bennett, S. and Bostock, L. and Popay, Jennie and Williams, G. and Shahtahmasebi, S. (2000) Understanding health inequalities : Locating people in geographical and social spaces. In: Understanding health inequalities :. Open University Press, Buckingham, pp. 156-169.

Gauthier, A. and Le Coustumer, P. and Motelica-Heino, Mikael and Donard, O. F. X. (2000) Real time alteration of a nuclear waste glass and remobilization of lanthanide into an interphase. Waste Management, 20 (8). pp. 731-739. ISSN 0956-053X

Gayle, V. and Berridge, Damon M. and Davies, R. B. (2000) Young people’s routes to higher education: exploring social processes with longitudinal data. Higher Education Review -London-, 33 (1). pp. 147-164. ISSN 0018-1609

Gaziola, S. A. and Sodek, L. and Arruda, P. and Lea, P. J. and Azevedo, R. A. (2000) Degradation of lysine in rice seeds : effects of calcium, ionic strength, S-adenosylmethionine and S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine on lysine 2-oxoglutarate reductase-saccharopine dehydrogenase bifunctional enzyme. Physiologia Plantarum, 110 (2). pp. 164-171. ISSN 0031-9317

Gburek, W. J. and Sharpley, A. N. and Heathwaite, L. and Folmar, G. J. (2000) Phosphorus management at the watershed scale : a modification of the phosphorus index. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29 (1). pp. 130-144. ISSN 1537-2537

Gevao, B. and Semple, Kirk T. and Jones, Kevin C. (2000) Bound pesticide residues in soils: a review. Environmental Pollution, 108 (1). pp. 3-14. ISSN 0269-7491

Gevao, Bondi and Hamilton-Taylor, John and Jones, Kevin C. (2000) Towards a complete mass balance and model for PCBs and PAHs in a small rural lake, Cumbria UK. Limnology and Oceanography, 45 (4). pp. 881-894. ISSN 0024-3590

Gevao, Bondi and Harner, Tom and Jones, Kevin C. (2000) Sedimentary record of polychlorinated naphthalene concentrations and deposition fluxes in a dated Lake Core. Environmental Science and Technology, 34 (1). pp. 33-38. ISSN 0013-936X

Ghavipanjeh, F. and Taylor, C. J. and Chotai, A. and Young, P. C. (2000) Modelling and PIP control of dissolved oxygen in a wastewater treatment benchmark system. In: Proceedings of the UKACC international conference on control 2000 :. UNSPECIFIED.

Ghavipanjeh, F. and Taylor, C. J. and Young, P. C. and Chotai, A. (2000) Data-based modelling and proportional integral plus (PIP) control of nitrate in an activated sludge benchmark. In: Proceedings of Aquatech: conference on wastewater and EU nutrient guidelines :. UNSPECIFIED, Amsterdam.

Gray, Julie E. and Holroyd, Geoff H. and Lee, Frederique M. van der and Bahrami, Ahmad R. and Sijmons, Peter C. and Woodward, F. Ian and Schuch, Wolfgang and Hetherington, Alistair (2000) The HIC signalling pathway links CO2 perception to stomatal development. Nature, 408 (6813). pp. 713-716. ISSN 0028-0836

Gray, N. D. and Howarth, R. and Pickup, R. W. and Jones, J. G. and Head, I. M. (2000) Use of combined microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization to determine carbon metabolism in mixed natural communities of uncultured bacteria from the genus Achromatium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66 (10). pp. 4518-4522. ISSN 0099-2240

Grenfell, B. T. and Finkenstadt, B. F. and Wilson, Kenneth and Coulson, T. N. and Crawley, M. J. (2000) Ecology : nonlinearity and the Moran effect. Nature, 406 (6798). p. 847. ISSN 0028-0836

Grey, Jonathan (2000) Trophic fractionation and the effects of diet switch on the carbon stable isotopic signatures of pelagic consumers. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 27. pp. 3187-3191. ISSN 0368-0770

Grey, Jonathan and Jones, R. I. and Sleep, D. (2000) Stable isotope analysis of the origins of zooplankton carbon in lakes of differing trophic state. Oecologia, 123 (2). pp. 232-240. ISSN 0029-8549

Griffith, Gwyn S. and Bardgett, Richard D. (2000) Influence of resource unit distribution and quality on the activity of soil fungi in a particulate medium. New Phytologist, 148 (1). pp. 143-151. ISSN 0028-646X

Griffiths, B. S. and Ritz, K. and Bardgett, Richard D. and Cook, Roger and Christensen, S. and Ekelund, F. and Sørensen, S. J. and Bååth, E. and Bloem, J. and de Ruiter, P. C. and Dolfing, J. and Nicolardot, B. (2000) Ecosystem response of pasture soil communities to fumigation-induced microbial diversity reductions: an examination of the biodiversity–ecosystem function relationship. Oikos, 90 (2). pp. 279-294. ISSN 0030-1299

Guitian, Ramon and Bardgett, Richard D. (2000) Plant and soil microbial responses to defoliation in temperate semi-natural grassland. Plant and Soil, 220 (1-2). pp. 271-277. ISSN 0032-079X


Haigh, R. and Rimmer, S. and Fullwood, Nigel J. (2000) Synthesis and properties of amphiphilic networks. 1: the effect of hydration and polymer composition on the adhesion of immunoglobulin-G to poly(laurylmethacrylate-stat-glycerolmonomethacrylate-stat-ethylene-glycol-dimethacrylate) networks. Biomaterials, 21 (7). pp. 735-739. ISSN 0142-9612

Hankin, B. G. and Beven, K. J. (2000) A fuzzy-weighted finite-volume flow model of flooding on the river Thames in a fuzzy possiblistic framework. PIK Report, 65 (2). pp. 532-533. ISSN 1436-0179

Harner, Tom and Green, Nicholas J. L. and Jones, Kevin C. (2000) Measurements of octanol-air partition coefficients for PCDD/Fs: a tool in assessing air-soil equilibrium status. Environmental Science and Technology, 34 (15). pp. 3109-3114. ISSN 0013-936X

Harner, Tom and Lee, Robert G. M. and Jones, Kevin C. (2000) Polychlorinated naphthalenes in the atmosphere of the United Kingdom. Environmental Science and Technology, 34 (15). pp. 3137-3142. ISSN 0013-936X

Harper, Michael P. and Davison, William and Tych, Wlodek (2000) DIFS - a modelling and simulation tool for DGT induced trace metal remobilisation in sediments and soils. Environmental Modelling and Software, 15 (1). pp. 55-66. ISSN 1364-8152

Harrison, Roy M. and Grenfell, J. Lee and Savage, Nick H. and Allen, Andrew G. and Chemitshaw, Kevin C. and Penkett, Stuart and Hewitt, CN and Davison, Brian (2000) Observations of new particle production in the atmosphere of a moderately polluted site in eastern England. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 105 (D14). pp. 17819-17832. ISSN 0747-7309

Hartley, Ian R. and Royle, Nick J. and Shepherd, M. (2000) Growth rates of nestling corn buntings Miliaria calandra in relation to their sex. Ibis, 142 (4). pp. 668-671. ISSN 0019-1019

Hatcher, P. E. and Paul, Nigel D. (2000) Beetle grazing reduces natural infection of Rumex obtusifolius by fungal pathogens. New Phytologist, 146 (2). pp. 325-333. ISSN 1469-8137

Hatcher, Paul E. and Paul, Nigel D. (2000) On integrating molecular and ecological studies of plant resistance : variety of mechanism and breadth of antagonists. Journal of Ecology, 88 (4). pp. 702-706. ISSN 0022-0477

Haygarth, Philip Matthew and Wood, F and Heathwaite, Ann Louise (2000) Scaling-up and connectivity of soil phosphorus transfers in agricultural catchments. In: NZSSS/ASSSI Soil 2000, 2000-12-03 - 2000-12-08, Lincoln University.

Head, Ian M. and Gray, Neil D. and Howarth, Richard and Pickup, Roger W. and Clarke, Ken J. and Jones, J. Gwyn (2000) Achromatium oxaliferum : Understanding the unmistakable. Advances in Microbial Ecology, 16 (1). pp. 1-40. ISSN 0147-4863

Heathwaite, A. L. and Dils, R. M. (2000) Characterising phosphorus loss in surface and subsurface hydrological pathways. Science of the Total Environment, 251-25 (1). pp. 523-538. ISSN 1879-1026

Heathwaite, Ann Louise and Preedy, Neil and Matthews, R and Haygarth, Philip Matthew (2000) Hydrological pathways of nutrient export from land receiving manures or mineral fertilisers. In: 7th British Hydrological Society National Hydrology Symposium, 2000-09-06 - 2000-09-09, Newcastle.

Heathwaite, L. (2000) Flows of phosphourous in the environment : identifying pathways of loss from agricultural land. In: Agricultural data for Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 2 :. Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), The Hague, pp. 25-38.

Heathwaite, L. and Haygarth, P. and Dils, R. (2000) Pathways of phosphorus transport. In: Agriculture and Phosphorus Management :. Lewis, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 107-130.

Heathwaite, L. and Sharpley, A. and Gburek, W. (2000) A conceptual approach for integrating phosphorus and nitrogen management at watershed scales. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29 (1). pp. 158-166. ISSN 1537-2537

Henig, Ruth B (2000) Britain, France and the League of Nations in the 1920s. In: Anglo-French relations in the 20th century :. Routledge, London, pp. 139-157.

Henig, Ruth B. and Henig, Stanley (2000) Women and political power : Europe since 1945. Routledge, London.

Holtman, W. L. and Roberts, Michael R. and Wang, Mei (2000) 14-3-3 proteins and a 13-lipoxygenase form associations in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Biochemical Society Transactions, 28 (6). pp. 834-836. ISSN 0300-5127

Holtman, Wessel L. and Roberts, Michael R. and Oppedijk, Berry J. and Testerink, Christa and Van Zeijl, Mieke J. and Wang, Mei (2000) 14-3-3 proteins intact with a 13-lipoxygenase, but not with a 9-lipoxygenase. FEBS Letters, 474 (1). pp. 48-52. ISSN 0014-5793

Houghton, BF and Wilson, CJN and Smith, RT and Gilbert, JS (2000) Phreatoplinian eruptions. In: Encyclopedia of Volcanoes :. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 513-525. ISBN 012643140X

Howsam, Mike and Jones, Kevin C. and Ineson, Philip (2000) PAHs associated with the leaves of three deciduous tree species. I - concentrations and profiles. Environmental Pollution, 108 (34). pp. 413-424. ISSN 0269-7491

Howsam, Mike and Jones, Kevin C. and Ineson, Philip (2000) PAHs in the soils of a mature, mixed-deciduous (Quercus-Fraxinus) woodland and the surrounding pasture. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 121 (1-4). pp. 379-398. ISSN 0049-6979

Huckerby, Thomas N. and Lauder, Robert M. (2000) Keratan sulfates from bovine tracheal cartilage. Structural studies of intact polymer chains using 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. European Journal of Biochemistry, 267 (11). pp. 3360-3369. ISSN 1432-1033

Hunt, A. P. and Parry, Jackie D. and Hamilton-Taylor, John (2000) Further evidence of elemental composition as an indicator of the bioavailability of humic substances to bacteria. Limnology and Oceanography, 45 (1). pp. 237-241. ISSN 0024-3590

Hunt, L. and Aitken, F. L. and Gray, J. E. and Mills, L. and McAinsh, Martin and Hetherington, Alistair M. (2000) The role of phospholipase C in guard cell signal transduction. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51 (Supple). S55. ISSN 1460-2431

Huys, Geert and Rhodes, Geert and McGann, Patrick and Denys, Rik and Pickup, Roger and Hiney, Maura and Smith, Peter and Swings, Jean (2000) Characterization of oxytetracycline-resistant heterotrophic bacteria originating from hospital and freshwater fishfarm environments England and Ireland. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 23 (4). pp. 599-606. ISSN 0723-2020


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