Items where Department is "Health Research" and Year is 2017

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Abimanyi-Ochom, Julie and Inder, Brett and Hollingsworth, Bruce Philip and Lorgelly, Paula K. (2017) Invisible work : Child work in households with a person living with HIV/AIDS in Central Uganda. Sahara-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 14 (1). pp. 93-109. ISSN 1729-0376

Agbeko, Eseenam and Morris, Sara and Grinyer, Anne (2017) An exploration of why women with breast cancer symptoms present late in seeking treatment at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Ahmed, Faraz and Morbey, Hazel and Kenyon, Jane and Harding, Andrew and Holland, Fiona and Reeves, David and Swarbrick, Caroline and Leroi, Ira and Burrow, Simon and Davies, Linda and Keady, John and Reilly, Siobhan Theresa (2017) Developing a programme theory for dementia training in hospitals : Why we need a critical interpretive synthesis review of current evidence-base? In: HSRUK Symposium 2017, 2017-07-06 - 2017-07-07, Nottingham Conference Centre.

Aldridge, Arnie and Dowd, Bill and Bray, Jeremy (2017) The relative impact of brief treatment versus brief intervention in primary health-care screening programs for substance use disorders. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 112 (Suppl.). pp. 54-64. ISSN 1360-0443

Alhajri, Lamia and AlHadhrami, Asma and AlMheiri, Shama and AlMutawa, Yalwah and AlHashimi, Zainab (2017) The efficacy of evolocumab in the management of hyperlipidemia : a systematic review. Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases, 11 (5-6). pp. 155-169.

Ali, Mir M. and Dowd, Bill and Classen, Timothy and Mutter, Ryan and Novak, Scott P. (2017) Prescription drug monitoring programs, nonmedical use of prescription drugs, and heroin use : Evidence from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health. Addictive Behaviors, 69. pp. 65-77. ISSN 0306-4603

Ashton, Becky and Smith, Ian and Morris, Lucy (2017) A qualitative exploration of the impact of stress and workplace adversity on healthcare staff experiences, well-being and resilience. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Azlan, Haffiezhah A. and Overton, Paul and Simpson, Jane and Powell, Phillip (2017) Differential disgust responding in people with cancer and implications for psychological wellbeing. Psychology and Health, 32 (1). pp. 19-37. ISSN 0887-0446

Azlan, Haffiezhah A. and Overton, Paul G. and Simpson, Jane and Powell, Philip A. (2017) Effect of partners’ disgust responses on cancer patients’ psychological wellbeing. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 24 (3-4). pp. 355-364. ISSN 1068-9583


Baker, David and Eccles, Fiona (2017) Psychological perspectives on stigma and self-compassion in adults with epilepsy. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Barbosa, Carolina and Cowell, Alexander J. and Dowd, Bill and Landwehr, Justin and Aldridge, Arnie and Bray, Jeremy (2017) The cost-effectiveness of brief intervention versus brief treatment of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in the United States. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 112 (Suppl.). pp. 73-81. ISSN 1360-0443

Barcroft, Rachel and Simpson, Jane and Thomas, Carol (2017) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia : a Social Model of Disability Perspective. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Basilio, Daniela Di (2017) Gelosia e controllo del partner : Il ruolo degli stili di attaccamento in età adulta. Edizioni Accademiche Italiane (Saarbrücken: OmniScriptum). ISBN 9783330783416

Bauer, Annette and Taggart, Laurence and Rasmussen, Jill and Hatton, Chris and Owen, Lesley and Knapp, Martin (2017) Economic and ethical implications of improving access to health care for older people with intellectual disabilities in England: a cost-effectiveness modelling study of health checks. The Lancet, 390 (Supple). S4. ISSN 0140-6736

Bautista, Christian and Wurapa, Eyako and Sateren, Warren B. and Morris, Sara Margaret and Hollingsworth, Bruce Philip and Sanchez, Jose L. (2017) Association of Bacterial Vaginosis With Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Among Women in the U.S. Army. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52 (5). pp. 632-639. ISSN 1873-2607

Bautista, Christian and Wurapa, Eyako and Sateren, Warren B. and Morris, Sara Margaret and Hollingsworth, Bruce Philip and Sanchez, Jose L. (2017) Repeat infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae among active duty U.S. Army personnel : a population-based case-series study. International Journal of STD and AIDS, 28 (10). pp. 962-968. ISSN 1758-1052

Bayona, Erik and Menacho, Luis and Segura, Eddy and Mburu, Gitau and Roman, Fernando and Tristan, Consuelo and Bromley, Elizabeth and Cabello, Robinson (2017) The experiences of newly diagnosed men who have sex with men entering the HIV care cascade in Lima, Peru, 2015–2016 : a qualitative analysis of counselor–participant text message exchanges. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20 (6). pp. 389-396. ISSN 2152-2715

Berghs, Maria and Atkin, Karl and Graham, Hilary and Hatton, Chris and Thomas, Carol (2017) Public health, research and rights : the perspectives of deliberation panels with politically and socially active disabled people. Disability and Society, 32 (7). pp. 945-965. ISSN 0968-7599

Bernard, Julia M. and Klein, Maike (2017) Through a glass darkly: An international vs. national student’s perspective of a racial incident on a college campus. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Berry, Natalie and Bucci, Sandra and Lobban, Anne Fiona (2017) Use of the Internet and Mobile Phones for Self-Management of Severe Mental Health Problems : Qualitative Study of Staff Views. JMIR Mental Health, 4 (4): e52. ISSN 2368-7959

Berry, Natalie and Lobban, Anne Fiona and Belousov, Maksim and Emsley, Richard and Nenadic, Igor and Bucci, Sandra (2017) #WhyWeTweetMH : Understanding Why People Use Twitter to Discuss Mental Health Problems. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19 (4): e107. ISSN 1439-4456

Binsale, Laura and Sellwood, Bill (2017) Self-concept clarity, trauma and psychopathology. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Bosu, Billy and Aheto, Justice and Zucchelli, Eugenio and Reilly, Siobhan Theresa (2017) Prevalence, awareness, and associated risk factors of hypertension in older adults in Africa : a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6 (1): 192. ISSN 2046-4053

Bourne, Adam and Cassolato, Matteo and Wei, Clayton Koh Thuan and Wang, Bangyuan and Pang, Joselyn and Lim, Sin How and Azwa, Iskandar and Yee, Ilias and Mburu, Gitau (2017) Willingness to use pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Malaysia : findings from a qualitative study. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 20 (1): 21899. ISSN 1758-2652

Bousquet, J and Bewick, M and Cano, A and Eklund, P and Fico, G and Goswami, N and Guldemond, N A and Henderson, D and Hinkema, M J and Liotta, G and Mair, A and Molloy, W and Monaco, A and Monsonis-Paya, I and Nizinska, A and Papadopoulos, H and Pavlickova, A and Pecorelli, S and Prados-Torres, A and Roller-Wirnsberger, R E and Somekh, D and Vera-Muñoz, C and Visser, F and Farrell, J and Malva, J and Andersen Ranberg, K and Camuzat, T and Carriazo, A M and Crooks, G and Gutter, Z and Iaccarino, G and Manuel de Keenoy, E and Moda, G and Rodriguez-Mañas, L and Vontetsianos, T and Abreu, C and Alonso, J and Alonso-Bouzon, C and Ankri, J and Arredondo, M T and Avolio, F and Bedbrook, A and Białoszewski, A Z and Blain, H and Bourret, R and Cabrera-Umpierrez, M F and Catala, A and O'Caoimh, R and Cesari, M and Chavannes, N H and Correia-da-Sousa, J and Dedeu, T and Ferrando, M and Fokkens, W J and Garcia-Lizana, F and Guérin, O and Hellings, P W and Haahtela, T and Illario, M and Inzerilli, M C and Lodrup Carlsen, K C and Kardas, P and Keil, T and Maggio, M and Mendez-Zorrilla, A and Menditto, E and Mercier, J and Michel, J P and Nogues, M and O'Byrne-Maguire, I and Pappa, D and Parent, A S and Pastorino, M and Robalo-Cordeiro, C and Samolinski, B and Siciliano, P and Teixeira, A M and Tsartara, S I and Valiulis, A and Vandenplas, O and Vasankari, T and Vellas, B and Vollenbroek-Hutten, M and Wickman, M and Yorgancioglu, A and Zuberbier, T and Barbagallo, M and Canonica, G W and Klimek, L and Maggi, S and Aberer, W and Akdis, C and Adcock, I M and Agache, I and Albera, C and Alonso-Trujillo, F and Angel Guarcia, M and Annesi-Maesano, I and Apostolo, J and Arshad, S H and Attalin, V and Avignon, A and Bachert, C and Baroni, I and Bel, E and Benson, M and Bescos, C and Blasi, F and Barbara, C and Bergmann, K C and Bernard, P L and Bonini, S and Bousquet, P J and Branchini, B and Brightling, C E and Bruguière, V and Bunu, C and Bush, A and Caimmi, D P and Canovas, G and Cardona, V and Carlsen, K H and Cesario, A and Chkhartishvili, E and Chiron, R and Chivato, T and Chung, K F and d'Angelantonio, M and De Carlo, G and Cholley, D and Chorin, F and Combe, B and Compas, B and Costa, D J and Costa, E and Coste, O and Coupet, A-L and Crepaldi, G and Custovic, A and Dahl, R and Dahlen, S E and Demoly, P and Devillier, P and Didier, A and Dinh-Xuan, A T and Djukanovic, R and Dokic, D and Du Toit, G and Dubakiene, R and Dupeyron, A and Emuzyte, R and Fiocchi, A and Wagner, A and Fletcher, M and Fonseca, J and Fougère, B and Gamkrelidze, A and Garces, G and Garcia-Aymeric, J and Garcia-Zapirain, B and Gemicioğlu, B and Gouder, C and Hellquist-Dahl, B and Hermosilla-Gimeno, I and Héve, D and Humbert, M and Hyland, M and Johnston, S L and Just, J and Jutel, M and Kaidashev, I P and Khaitov, M and Kalayci, O and Kalyoncu, A F and Keijser, W and Kerstjens, H and Knezović, J and Kowalski, M and Koppelman, G H and Kotska, T and Kovac, M and Kull, I and Kuna, P and Kvedariene, V and Lepore, V and MacNee, W and Maggio, M and Magnan, A and Majer, I and Manning, P and Marcucci, M and Marti, T and Masoli, M and Melen, E and Miculinic, N and Mihaltan, F and Milenkovic, B and Millot-Keurinck, J and Mlinarić, H and Momas, I and Montefort, S and Morais-Almeida, M and Moreno-Casbas, T and Mösges, R and Mullol, J and Nadif, R and Nalin, M and Navarro-Pardo, E and Nekam, K and Ninot, G and Paccard, D and Pais, S and Palummeri, E and Panzner, P and Papadopoulos, N K and Papanikolaou, C and Passalacqua, G and Pastor, E and Perrot, M and Plavec, D and Popov, T A and Postma, D S and Raffort, N and Reuzeau, J C and Robine, J M and Rodenas, F and Robusto, F and Roche, N and Romano, A and Romano, V and Rosado-Pinto, J and Roubille, F and Ruiz, F and Ryan, D and Salcedo, T and Schmid-Grendelmeier, P and Schulz, H and Schunemann, H J and Serrano, E and Sheikh, A and Siafakas, N and Scichilone, N and Siciliano, P and Skrindo, I and Smit, H A and Sourdet, S and Sousa-Costa, E and Spranger, O and Sooronbaev, T and Sruk, V and Sterk, P J and Todo-Bom, A and Touchon, J and Tramontano, D and Triggiani, M and Tsartara, S I and Valero, A L and Valovirta, E and van Ganse, E and van Hage, M and van den Berge, M and Vandenplas, O and Ventura, M T and Vergara, I and Vezzani, G and Vidal, D and Viegi, G and Wagemann, M and Whalley, B and Wickman, M and Yiallouros, P K and Žagar, M and Zaidi, A and Zidarn, M and Hoogerwerf, E J and Usero, J and Zuffada, R and Senn, A and de Oliveira-Alves, B and Holland, Carol Ann (2017) Building Bridges for Innovation in Ageing : Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 21 (1). pp. 92-104. ISSN 1279-7707

Bowring, Darren and Totsika, Vasiliki and Hastings, Richard and Toogood, Sandy and McMahon, Martin (2017) Prevalence of psychotropic medication use and association with challenging behaviour in adults with an intellectual disability : a total population study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61 (6). pp. 604-617. ISSN 1365-2788

Brown, Jake Campbell and Shaw, Elisabeth Jane and Pickup, Roger William and Morbey, Hazel (2017) Contract Researcher Audit and Survey–Foundation Report. Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Bucknall, Tracey K. and Harvey, Gill and Considine, Julie and Mitchell, Imogen and Rycroft-Malone, Jo and Graham, Ian D. and Mohebbi, Mohammadreza and Watts, Jennifer and Hutchinson, Alison M. (2017) Prioritising Responses Of Nurses To deteriorating patient Observations (PRONTO) protocol : Testing the effectiveness of a facilitation intervention in a pragmatic, cluster-randomised trial with an embedded process evaluation and cost analysis. Implementation Science, 12 (1): 85. ISSN 1748-5908

Bunn, Frances and Goodman, Claire and Jones, Peter Reece and Russell, Bridget and Trivedi, Daksha and Sinclair, Alan and Bayer, Antony and Rait, Greta and Rycroft-Malone, Jo and Burton, Chris (2017) Managing diabetes in people with dementia : A realist review. Health Technology Assessment, 21 (75). pp. 1-139. ISSN 1366-5278

Bunn, Frances and Goodman, Claire and Reece Jones, Peter and Russell, Bridget and Trivedi, Daksha and Sinclair, Alan and Bayer, Antony and Rait, Greta and Rycroft-Malone, Jo and Burton, Christopher (2017) What works for whom in the management of diabetes in people living with dementia : A realist review. BMC Medicine, 15 (1): 141. ISSN 1741-7015

Burt, Jenni and Campbell, John and Abel, Gary and Aboulghate, Ahmed and Ahmed, Faraz and Asprey, Anthea and Barry, Heather and Beckwith, Julia and Benson, John and Boiko, Olga and Bower, Pete and Calitri, Raff and Carter, Mary and Davey, Antoinette and Elliott, Marc N and Elmore, Natasha and Farrington, Conor and Haque, Hena W and Henley, William and Lattimer, Val and Llanwarne, Nadia and Lloyd, Cathy and Lyratzopoulos, Georgios and Maramba, Inocencio and Mounce, Luke and Newbould, Jenny and Paddison, Charlotte and Parker, Richard and Richards, Suzanne and Roberts, Martin and Setodji, Claude and Silverman, Jonathan and Warren, Fiona and Wilson, Ed and Wright, Christine and Roland, Martin (2017) Improving patient experience in primary care : a multimethod programme of research on the measurement and improvement of patient experience. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 5 (9). ISSN 2050-4322


Camacho, E.M. and Ntais, D. and Jones, Steven and Riste, L. and Morriss, R. and Lobban, Fiona and Davies, L.M. (2017) Cost-effectiveness of structured group psychoeducation versus unstructured group support for bipolar disorder : results from a multi-centre pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 211. pp. 27-36. ISSN 0165-0327

Carson, Calum (2017) The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy. [Report]

Carter, A. and Greene, S. and Money, D. and Sanchez, M. and Webster, K. and Nicholson, V. and Whitbread, J. and Salters, K. and Patterson, S. and Loutfy, M. and Pick, N. and Brotto, L.A. and Hankins, C. and Kaida, A. (2017) The Problematization of Sexuality among Women Living with HIV and a New Feminist Approach for Understanding and Enhancing Women’s Sexual Lives. Sex Roles, 77 (11-12). pp. 779-800. ISSN 0360-0025

Chandrasekaran, S. and Kyaw, N.T.T. and Harries, Anthony and Yee, I.A and Ellan, P. and Kurusamy, T. and Yusoff, N. and Mburu, Gitau and Mohammad, W.M.Z.W. and Suleiman, A. (2017) Enrolment and retention of people who inject drugs in the Needle & Syringe Exchange Programme in Malaysia. Public Health Action, 7 (2). pp. 155-160. ISSN 2220-8372

Chekar, Choon Key (2017) To Fix or To Heal : Patient Care, Public Health, and the Limits of Biomedicine. Sociology of Health and Illness, 39 (7). pp. 1288-1289. ISSN 0141-9889

Chekar, Choon Key and Heitmeyer, Carolyn (2017) Localising the 'ethical' in stem cell science : Case studies from Asia, North America and Europe. Developing world bioethics, 17 (3). pp. 144-145. ISSN 1471-8731

Cheng, Joanna and Smith, Ian (2017) The mechanisms of psychological therapy with people with long-term physical health conditions. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Cheng, Joanna and Smith, Ian Craig (2017) What is a clinical psychologist? British Psychological Society.

Cherry, Gemma and Taylor, Peter and Brown, Stephen and Rigby, Jake and Sellwood, William (2017) Guilt, shame and expressed emotion in carers of people with long-term mental health difficulties : a systematic review. Psychiatry Research, 249. pp. 139-151. ISSN 0165-1781

Chhim, Srean and Ngin, Chanrith and Chhoun, Pheak and Tuot, Sovannary and Ly, Cheaty and Mun, Phalkun and Pal, Khondyla and Macom, John and Dousset, Jean-Philippe and Mburu, Gitau and Yi, Siyan (2017) HIV prevalence and factors associated with HIV infection among transgender women in Cambodia : results from a national Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey. BMJ Open, 7 (8): e015390. ISSN 2044-6055

Chhoun, Pheak and Ngin, Chanrith and Tuot, Sovannary and Pal, Khuondyla and Steel, Martin and Dionisio, Jennifer and Pearson, Hattie and Mburu, Gitau and Brody, Carinne and Siyan, Yi (2017) Non-communicable diseases and related risk behaviors among men and women living with HIV in Cambodia : findings from a cross-sectional study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 16: 125. ISSN 1475-9276

Chhoun, Pheak and Tuot, Sovannary and Harries, Anthony and Thu Kyaw, Nag Thu and Pal, Khuondyla and Mun, Phalkun and Brody, Carinne and Mburu, Gitau and Yi, Siyan (2017) High prevalence of non-communicable diseases and associated risk factors amongst adults living with HIV in Cambodia. PLoS ONE, 12 (11): e0187591. ISSN 1932-6203

Christie-de Jong, Floor and Morris, Sara and Reilly, Siobhan (2017) Knowledge, practice and barriers concerning cervical cancer screening among female overseas Filipino workers: a web-based mixed methods approach. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Clarke, Aoife and Simpson, Jane and Varese, Filippo (2017) A systematic review of the concept of self-disgust, and an empirical examination of its role in post-traumatic stress difficulties. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Collingridge Moore, Danielle and Froggatt, Katherine and Payne, Sheila and Van den Block, Lieve (2017) Predictors of length of stay before death in nursing homes a systematic review. In: 9th World Research Congress of the EAPC., 2017-03-18 - 2017-03-20.

Collins, Kirsten and Gratton, Caroline and Heneage, Celia and Dagnan, Dave (2017) Employed Carers' Empathy Towards People with Intellectual Disabilities : The Development of a New Measure and Some Initial Theory. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30 (1). pp. 133-146. ISSN 1360-2322

Cowell, Alexander J. and Dowd, Bill and Landwehr, Justin and Barbosa, Carolina and Bray, Jeremy W. (2017) A time and motion study of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment implementation in health-care settings. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 112 (Suppl.). pp. 65-72. ISSN 1360-0443

Cowell, Alexander J. and Dowd, Bill and Mills, Michael J. and Hinde, Jesse M. and Bray, Jeremy W. (2017) Sustaining SBIRT in the wild: simulating revenues and costs for Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment programs. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 112 (Suppl.). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1360-0443


D'Avanzo, Barbara and Shaw, Rachel and Riva, Silvia and Apostolo, Joao and Bobrowicz-Campos, Elzbieta and Kurpas, Donata and Bujnowska, Maria and Holland, Carol (2017) Stakeholders' views and experiences of care and interventions for addressing frailty and pre-frailty : A meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. PLoS ONE, 12 (7): e0180127. ISSN 1932-6203

Daniel, Olusoji and Gatrell, Tony and Zucchelli, Eugenio (2017) Spatial distribution of tuberculosis in Nigeria and its socioeconomic correlates. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Darrell-Berry, H. and Bucci, S. and Palmier-Claus, J. and Emsley, R. and Drake, R. and Berry, K. (2017) Predictors and mediators of trait anger across the psychosis continuum : The role of attachment style, paranoia and social cognition. Psychiatry Research, 249. pp. 132-138. ISSN 0165-1781

Deavin, Toni and Greasley, Pete and Dixon, Clare and Davies, Jenny and Smith, Ian (2017) A qualitative exploration of family members’ experiences of paediatric chronic illness. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Dehghani, Mostafa and Jagfeld, Glorianna and Azarbonyad, Hosein and Olieman, Alex and Kamps, Jaap and Marx, Maarten (2017) On Search Powered Navigation. In: ICTIR '17 Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval :. ACM, NLD, pp. 317-320. ISBN 9781450344906

Dehghani, Mostafa and Jagfeld, Glorianna and Azarbonyad, Hosein and Olieman, Alex and Kamps, Jaap and Marx, Maarten (2017) Telling How to Narrow it Down : Browsing Path Recommendation for Exploratory Search. In: CHIIR '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieva :. ACM, NOR, pp. 369-372. ISBN 9781450346771

Dempsey, R.C. and Gooding, P.A. and Jones, S.H. (2017) A prospective study of bipolar disorder vulnerability in relation to behavioural activation, behavioural inhibition and dysregulation of the Behavioural Activation System. European Psychiatry, 44. pp. 24-29. ISSN 0924-9338

Di Basilio, Daniela (2017) Different perspectives, one goal : the process of leaving an abusive partner as seen by survivors and support workers. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Di Basilio, Daniela (2017) Leaving a violent partner : Triggers and dynamics. In: Gender Studies and the Status of Women, 2017-10-11 - 2017-10-11, Queen Margaret University.

Di Basilio, Daniela (2017) Leaving and staying away from an abusive partner : A dual perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Di Basilio, Daniela (2017) Leaving and staying away from an abusive partner: A dual perspective. In: 5th European Conference on Politics and Gender – University of Lausanne, Switzerland :. UNSPECIFIED.

Dodd, Alyson Lamont and Mezes, Barbara and Lobban, Anne Fiona and Jones, Steven Huntley (2017) Psychological mechanisms and the ups and downs of personal recovery in bipolar disorder. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56 (3). pp. 310-328. ISSN 0144-6657

Dodd, Alyson Lamont and Mallinson, Sara Louise and Griffiths, Martin James and Morriss, Richard and Jones, Steven Huntley and Lobban, Anne Fiona (2017) Users’ experiences of an online intervention for bipolar disorder : important lessons for design and evaluation. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 20 (4). pp. 133-139. ISSN 1362-0347

Doherty, AM and Mason, C and Fear, NT and Rona, R and Greenberg, N and Goodwin, L (2017) Are brief alcohol interventions targeting alcohol use efficacious in military and veteran populations? : A meta-analysis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 178. pp. 571-578. ISSN 0376-8716

Dowd, Bill and Bray, Jeremy W. and Barbosa, Carolina and Brockwood, Krista and Kaiser, David J. and Mills, Michael J. and Hurtado, David A. and Wipfli, Brad (2017) Cost and Return on Investment of a Work-Family Intervention in the Extended Care Industry : Evidence From the Work, Family, and Health Network. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 59 (10). pp. 956-965.

Dowsett, Gary and Duncan, Duane and Plooy, Daniel Du and Waling, Andrea and Prestage, Garrett (2017) Gay Men, Sexuality and Mental Health After Prostate Cancer. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14 (Suppl.): e248.

Drury, Amanda and Payne, Sheila and Brady, Anne-Marie (2017) Cancer survivorship : Advancing the concept in the context of colorectal cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 29. pp. 135-147. ISSN 1462-3889

Drury, Amanda and Payne, Sheila and Brady, Anne-Marie (2017) The cost of survival : an exploration of colorectal cancer survivors’ experiences of pain. Acta Oncologica, 56 (2). pp. 205-211. ISSN 1651-226X

Dudley, James and Eames, Catrin and Mulligan, John and Fisher, Naomi Ruth (2017) Mindfulness of voices, self-compassion, and secure attachment in relation to the experience of hearing voices. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. ISSN 0144-6657

den Herder-van der Eerden, Marlieke and Hasselaar, Jeroen and Payne, Sheila and Varey, Sandra and Schwabe, Sven and Radbruch, Lukas and van Beek, Karen and Menten, Johan and Busa, Csilla and Csikos, Agnes and Vissers, Kris and Groot, Marieke (2017) How continuity of care is experienced within the context of integrated palliative care : a qualitative study with patients and family caregivers in five European countries. Palliative Medicine, 31 (10). pp. 946-955. ISSN 0269-2163


Echezarraga, A. and Las Hayas, C. and González-Pinto, A.M. and Jones, Steven (2017) The Resilience Questionnaire for Bipolar Disorder : Development and validation. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 31 (4). pp. 376-385. ISSN 0883-9417

Edwards, Michaela Jane and Crump, Norman John (2017) Rational and Winnicottian Wellbeing 'at work'. Psychotherapy Section Review, 60.

Elahi, A. and Perez Algorta, Guillermo Daniel and Varese, F. and McIntyre, J.C. and Bentall, R.P. (2017) Do paranoid delusions exist on a continuum with subclinical paranoia? : a multi-method taxometric study. Schizophrenia Research, 190. pp. 77-81. ISSN 0920-9964

Elsdon, Ruth and Murray, Craig (2017) A qualitative exploration of the experiences of women involved in sex work. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Empson, Kate and Sellwood, Bill (2017) Family carers and mental health : the role of self-compassion. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Ettorre, Elizabeth and Annandale, Ellen and Hildebrand, Vanessa and Porroche-Escudero, Ana and Katz Rothman, Barbara (2017) Health, culture and society : conceptual legacies and contemporary applications. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783319607856


Fadhil, Ibtihal and Lyons, Gemma and Payne, Sheila (2017) Barriers to, and opportunities for, palliative care development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Lancet Oncology, 18 (3). e176-e184. ISSN 1470-2045

Fagan, Stephanie and Hodge, Suzanne (2017) A compassionate and relational understanding of adults with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Farrell, Carole and Walshe, Catherine Elizabeth and Molassiotis, Alex (2017) Are nurse-led chemotherapy clinics really nurse-led? : an ethnographic study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 69. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0020-7489

Fattakhova, G. and Bambra, C. and Brown, Heather and Taylor, Paul (2017) Making healthy homes? : A pilot study of the return on investment from an external wall insulation intervention. BMC Research Notes, 10: 736. ISSN 1756-0500

Faulkner, Rachael and Murray, Craig (2017) Experiences of transition to secondary school in children with a cleft lip and/or palate. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Fellowes, Matthew Sam (2017) Symptom modelling can be influenced by psychiatric categories : choices for research domain criteria (RDoC). Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 38 (4). pp. 279-294. ISSN 1386-7415

Ferrario, Maria Angela and Simm, Will and Gradinar, Adrian and Forshaw, Stephen and Smith, Marcia Tavares and Lee, Thomas and Smith, Ian and Whittle, Jon (2017) Computing and mental health:Intentionality and reflection at the click of a button. In: Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2017. PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare . Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), ESP, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781450363631

Ferrario, Maria Angela Felicita Cristina and Simm, William Alexander and Gradinar, Adrian Ioan and Smith, Ian Craig and Forshaw, Stephen and Smith, Marcia Tavares and Whittle, Jonathan Nicholas David (2017) Computing and mental health : intentionality and reflection at the click of a button. In: PervasiveHealth '17 Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare :. ACM, ESP, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781450363631

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