Items where Department is "Management Science" and Year is 2008

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Number of items: 147.


Acosta, A. and Ehrgott, Matthias and Holder, Allen and Nevin, D. and Reese, Josh and Salter, B. (2008) The Influence of Dose Grid Resolution on Beam Selection Strategies in Radiotherapy Treatment Design. In: Optimization in medicine :. Springer series in optimization and its applications . Springer, New York, pp. 25-46. ISBN 978-0-387-73298-5

Aladag, Cagdas Hakan and Egrioglu, Erol and Gunay, Suleyman (2008) A new architecture selection strategy in solving seasonal autoregressive time series by artificial neural networks. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 37 (2). pp. 185-200. ISSN 1303-5010

Amaral, Andre and Caprara, Alberto and Letchford, A.N. and Salazar-Gonzalez, J.-J. (2008) A new lower bound for the minimum linear arrangement of a graph. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 30. pp. 87-92. ISSN 1571-0653

Andreatta, G. and Lulli, G. (2008) A multi-period TSP with stochastic regular and urgent demands. European Journal of Operational Research, 185 (1). pp. 122-132. ISSN 0377-2217

Androutsopoulos, Konstantinos N. and Zografos, Konstantinos G. (2008) Solving the kk-shortest path problem with time windows in a time varying network. Operations Research Letters, 36 (6). pp. 692-695. ISSN 0167-6377

Aslan, B and Stevenson, M and Hendry, L (2008) A Review and Assessment of Enterprise Resource Planning for Make-To-Order Companies. Working Paper. The Department of Management Science, Lancaster University.


Baptista, Joao (2008) Institutionalization as a process of interplay between technology and its organizational context of use. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2008 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Lulli, Guglielmo and Odoni, Amedeo (2008) The air traffic flow management problem : An integer optimization approach. In: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization - 13th International Conference, IPCO 2008, Proceedings :. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) . UNSPECIFIED, ITA, pp. 34-46. ISBN 3540688862

Biller, Bahar and Nelson, Barry L. (2008) Evaluation of the ARTAFIT method for fitting time-series input processes for simulation. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20 (3). pp. 485-498. ISSN 1091-9856

Boylan, John and Syntetos, A. A. (2008) Forecasting for inventory management of service parts. In: Complex system maintenance handbook :. Springer, pp. 479-508. ISBN 9781848000100

Boylan, John and Syntetos, A. A. and Karakostas, G. C. (2008) Classification for forecasting and stock control : a case study. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (4). pp. 473-481. ISSN 0160-5682

Brandao, J and Eglese, R W (2008) A deterministic tabu search algorithm for the capacitated arc routing problem. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (4). pp. 1112-1126. ISSN 0305-0548

Brown, A D and Stacey, P and Nandhakumar, J (2008) Making sense of sensemaking narratives. Human Relations, 61 (8). pp. 1035-1062. ISSN 0018-7267

Busby, J S (2008) Analysing complicity in risk. Risk Analysis, 28 (6). pp. 1571-1582. ISSN 0272-4332

Busby, J S and Bennett, S A (2008) Analysing the risks of individual and collective intentionality. Journal of Risk Research, 11 (6). pp. 797-819. ISSN 1466-4461

Busby, J S and Collins, A and Miles, R (2008) Is there an optimal type for high reliability organization? A study of the UK offshore industry. In: ESREL 2008 and 17th SRA-Europe Conference (Valencia) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A, pp. 1251-1258.

Busby, J S and Zhang, H (2008) The pathogen construct in risk analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 39 (3). pp. 86-96.

Busby, Jeremy and Alcock, R. E. (2008) Risk and Organizational Networks: Making Sense of Failure in the Division of Labour. Risk Management, 10 (4). pp. 235-256. ISSN 1460-3799


Chen, Huijing and Boylan, John (2008) Empirical evidence on individual, group and shrinkage seasonal indices. International Journal of Forecasting, 24 (3). pp. 525-534. ISSN 0169-2070

Chiasson, M (2008) Luminal possibilities for the study of virtual systems, global effects and local practices. In: Exploring Virtuality Within and Beyond Organizations: Social, Global and Local Dimensions :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 65-67. ISBN 9780230201286

Clark, A and Eglese, Richard and Letchford, Adam and Wright, Mike (2008) Preface : Combinatorial optimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156 (3). pp. 289-290. ISSN 0166-218X

Corti, D and Zorzini, M (2008) Production relocation in China and operations management approaches: empirical evidence from a sample of Italian companies. In: 15th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference (Groningen) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Cosh, A. and Guest, P. and Hughes, A. (2008) UK corporate governance and takeover performance. In: The Economics of Corporate Governance and Mergers :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 226-261. ISBN 9781847207159

Crone, S. and Kourentzes, N. (2008) Forecasting high-frequency time series with neural networks - an analysis of modelling challenges from increasing data frequency. In: International Conference on Data Mining (Las Vegas) - 2008 :. CSREA Press. ISBN 1-60132-062-0


Dalcher, Darren (2008) Beyond Agile Project Management : The Way Forward. Cutter IT Journal, 21 (5). pp. 28-34. ISSN 1522-7383

Dalcher, Darren (2008) Book review: IT Maintenance: Applied Project Management. Project Management Journal, 39 (2). p. 112. ISSN 8756-9728

Dalcher, Darren (2008) Managing software processes : Do we need new approaches? Software Process Improvement and Practice, 13 (5). pp. 383-385. ISSN 1077-4866

Dell'Olmo, Paolo and Iovanella, Antonio and Lulli, Guglielmo and Scoppola, Benedetto (2008) Exploiting incomplete information to manage multiprocessor tasks with variable arrival rates. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (5). pp. 1589-1600. ISSN 0305-0548

Desyllas, P. and Hughes, A. (2008) Sourcing technological knowledge through corporate acquisition : Evidence from an international sample of high technology firms. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 18 (2). pp. 157-172.

Devadoss, P (2008) RFID and Organizational Transformation in the National Library Board of Singapore. In: Radio Frequency Identification in Libraries - Concepts and Cases :. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, pp. 143-168. ISBN 8131414078

Devadoss, P and Chiasson, M and Van Daalen Fuente, R (2008) Knowing a few rules doesn't mean you can play the game: the limits of "best practice" in enterprise systems. In: 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (Toronto) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Devadoss, Paul and Van Daalen, Roger and Chiasson, Mike (2008) Knowing A Few Rules Doesn’t Mean You Can Play the Game : The Limits of “Best Practice” in Enterprise Systems. In: AMCIS Conference, 2008-08-01.

Devadoss, Paul R. and Chiasson, Mike (2008) Complicating utopian and dystopian views of automation: An investigation of the work and knowledge involved in call centre offshoring. In: IFIP 8.2 Working Conference, 2008-08-01.

Ding, L and Glazebrook, K D and Kirkbride, C (2008) Allocation models and heuristics for the outsourcing of repairs for a dynamic warranty population. Management Science, 54 (3). pp. 594-607. ISSN 0025-1909

Doerner, Karl F. and Gutjahr, Walter J. and Hartl, Richard F. and Lulli, Guglielmo (2008) Stochastic local search procedures for the probabilistic two-day vehicle routing problem. In: Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management :. Studies in Computational Intelligence . Springer, pp. 153-168. ISBN 9783540690245

Duan, Yanqing and Bentley, Yongmei and Fu, Zetian and Zografos, Konstantinos and Bemeleit, Boris (2008) Enhancing Chinese agribusiness supply chains with Internet technologies : a transnational knowledge transfer approach. Industry and Higher Education, 22 (5). pp. 305-314. ISSN 0950-4222

Duckett, D and Busby, J S (2008) Risk amplification and zoonosis. In: ESREL 2008 and 17th SRA-Europe Conference (Valencia) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A, pp. 1325-1333.


Easton, G and Brooks, R J and Georgieva, C and Wilkinson, I (2008) Understanding the dynamics of industrial networks using Kauffman Boolean networks. Advances in Complex Systems, 11 (1). pp. 139-164. ISSN 0219-5259

Eglese, Richard and Letchford, Adam (2008) General routing problem. In: Encyclopedia of Optimization :. Springer, New York, pp. 1252-1254. ISBN 9780387747583

Ehrgott, M. and Ruzika, S. (2008) Improved ε-Constraint Method for Multiobjective Programming. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 138 (3). pp. 375-396. ISSN 0022-3239

Ehrgott, Matthias (2008) Multiobjective optimization. Ai Magazine, 29 (4). pp. 47-57. ISSN 0738-4602

Ehrgott, Matthias and Gandibleux, Xavier (2008) Hybrid Metaheuristics for Multi-objective combinatorial optimization. In: Hybrid Metaheuristics : An Emerging Approach to Optimization. Studies in Computational Intelligence . Springer, Berlin, pp. 221-259. ISBN 978-3-540-78294-0

Ehrgott, Matthias and Güler, Çiğdem and Hamacher, Horst W. and Shao, Lizhen (2008) Mathematical optimization in intensity modulated radiation therapy. 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 6 (3). pp. 199-262. ISSN 1619-4500

Ehrgott, Matthias and Hamacher, Horst W. and Nußbaum, Marc (2008) Decomposition of matrices and static multileaf collimators: a survey. In: Optimization in medicine :. Springer Optimization and Its Applications . Springer, New York, pp. 22-46. ISBN 978-0-387-73298-5

Ehrgott, Matthias and Holder, Allen and Reese, Josh (2008) Beam selection in radiotherapy design. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428 (5-6). pp. 1272-1312. ISSN 0024-3795

Ehrgott, Matthias and Winz, Ines (2008) Interactive decision support in radiation therapy treatment planning. OR Spectrum, 30 (2). pp. 311-329. ISSN 0171-6468

Eǧrioǧlu, Erol and Aladaǧ, Çaǧdaş Hakan and Günay, Süleyman (2008) A new model selection strategy in artificial neural networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 195 (2). pp. 591-597. ISSN 0096-3003


Fildes, R A and Madden, G (2008) Aggregate selection, data characteristics and choice of optimal model. Telektronikk, 104 (3/4). pp. 155-167. ISSN 0085-7130

Fildes, R A and Nikolopoulos, K and Crone, S and Syntetos, A (2008) Forecasting and OR. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59. pp. 1150-1172. ISSN 1476-9360

Fildes, R A and Nikolopoulos, K and Crone, S and Syntetos, A (2008) Forecasting and Operational Research : A Review. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (9). pp. 1150-1172. ISSN 1476-9360

Finlay, Steven (2008) The Management of Consumer Credit: Theory and Practice. Palgrave, London. ISBN 0230013511

Finlay, Steven (2008) Towards profitability: a utility approach to the credit scoring problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (7). pp. 921-931. ISSN 1476-9360

Finlay, Steven and Soopramanien, Didier (2008) Risk in credit granting and lending decisions: credit scoring. In: Encyclopedia of quantitative risk analysis and assessment :. John Wiley, Chichester. ISBN 9780470035498

Fowler, J. W. and Leach, S. E. and Mackulak, G. T. and Nelson, Barry L. (2008) Variance-based sampling for simulating cycle time—throughput curves using simulation-based estimates. Journal of Simulation, 2 (2). pp. 69-80. ISSN 1747-7778

Fu, Z and Eglese, R W and Li, L Y O (2008) A unified tabu search algorithm for vehicle routing problems with soft time windows. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (5). pp. 663-673. ISSN 1476-9360


Glazebrook, K D and Punton, E L (2008) Dynamic policies for uncertain time-critical tasking problems. Naval Research Logistics, 55 (2). pp. 142-155. ISSN 0894-069X

Gordon, Seven R. and Tarafdar, Monideepa and Cook, Robert and Maximoski, Richard and Rogowitz, Bernice (2008) Improving the front end of innovation with information technology. Research-Technology Management, 51 (3). pp. 50-58. ISSN 1930-0166

Gunal, M and Onggo, B S S and Pidd, M (2008) Improving police control rooms using simulation. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (2). pp. 171-181. ISSN 1476-9360

Gunawardena, Channa and Brown, David (2008) IS Initiatives in Technical and Vocational Education in developing Asian Countries: a systems approach to the management of projects. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-15.

Gunawardena, Channa and Brown, David H. (2008) Is initiatives in the Vocational & Technical Education sector of developing Asian countries : A systems approach to the management of Project Intervention Processes. In: 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Leveraging ICT for Resilient Organizations and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific Region, PACIS 2008, 2008-07-03 - 2008-07-07.

Gunnawardena, C and Brown, D H (2008) IS initiatives in technical and vocational education in developing Asian countries: a systems approach to project management. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (Suzhou) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.


Harmer, Brian and Pauleen, David J. and Schroeder, Andreas (2008) Cause ou remède. In: 29th International Conference on Information Systems, 2008-12-14 - 2008-12-17, France.

Harrigan, Paul and Schroeder, Andreas and Qureshi, Israr and Fang, Yulin and Ibbotson, Patrick and Ramsey, Elaine and Meister, Darren (2008) ECRM technologies, capabilities and SME performance benefits. In: 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Leveraging ICT for Resilient Organizations and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific Region, PACIS 2008, 2008-07-03 - 2008-07-07.

Hendry, L and Land, M L and Stevenson, M and Gaalman, G (2008) Investigating implementation issues for workload control (WLC): a comparative case study analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 112 (1). pp. 452-469. ISSN 0925-5273

Huang, Y and Stevenson, M and Hendry, L (2008) Organisational embedding of a workload control concept: An action research project. In: 15th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference (Groningen) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Hughes, Alan (2008) Innovation policy as cargo cult : Myth and reality in knowledge-led productivity growth. In: Creating Wealth from Knowledge : Meeting the Innovation Challenge. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 80-104. ISBN 9781847203489

Hughes, Alan (2008) Takeovers after 'Takeovers'. In: Issues in finance and industry : essays in honour of Ajit Singh. Palgrave Macmilan. ISBN 9780230553606


Jacko, Peter and Niño-Mora, José (2008) Admission control and routing to parallel queues with delayed information via marginal productivity indices. In: ValueTools '08 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools :. ACM, GBR. ISBN 9789639799318


Kaewkitipong, L and Brown, D H (2008) Adoption and evaluation of e-business in Thai SMEs: a process perspective. In: 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (Toronto) - 2008 :. UNSPECIFIED.

Kaminski, V and Feng, Y and Pang, Z (2008) Value, trading strategies and financial investment of natuarl gas storage assets. In: Northern Finance Association Conference (Kananaskis, Canada) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Kaparis, Konstantinos and Letchford, A N (2008) Local and global lifted cover inequalities for the multidimensional knapsack problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 186 (1). pp. 91-103. ISSN 0377-2217

Karimi-Alaghehband, Forough and Wu, Shikui and Rivard, Suzanne and Goyette, Sylvain (2008) Revising the IT outsourcing decision model : a transaction cost perspective. In: Learning from the past & charting the future of the discipline. 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2008, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 14-17, 2008. :. Association for Information Systems, CAN.

Kinder, K E (2008) Ubiquitous computing for industrial workplaces: cultural logics in designing for the 'real world'. In: 2008 IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (Seattle) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Kinder, K E and Ball, L J and Busby, J S (2008) Ubiquitous technologies, cultural logics and paternalism in industrial workplaces. Poiesis and Praxis, 5 (3-4). pp. 265-290. ISSN 1615-6609

Kolassa, Stephan (2008) Can we obtain valid benchmarks from published surveys of forecast accuracy? Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting (11). pp. 6-25. ISSN 1555-9068

Kourentzes, N and Crone, S (2008) Automatic modelling of neural networks for time series prediction - in search of a uniform methodology across varying time frequencies. In: 2nd European Symposium on Time Series Prediction (Helsinki) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Kumaraswamy, Mohan M. and Anvuur, Aaron M. (2008) Selecting sustainable teams for PPP projects. Building and Environment, 43 (6). pp. 999-1009. ISSN 0360-1323


Lesnevski, V and Nelson, Barry L. and Staum, J. (2008) An adaptive procedure for estimating coherent riskmeasures based on generalized scenarios. Journal of Computational Finance, 11. pp. 1-31. ISSN 1460-1559

Letchford, A N (2008) Review of "A branch-and-cut algorithm for a resource-constrained scheduling problem". Mathematical Reviews.

Letchford, A N (2008) Review of "FPTAS for optimizing polynomials over the mixed-integar points of polytopes in fixed dimension". Mathematical Reviews.

Letchford, A N (2008) Review of "New cutting-planes for the time and/or precedence-constrained ATSP and directed VRP". Mathematical Reviews.

Letchford, A N (2008) Review of "On clique separators, nearly chordal graphs and the maximum weight stable set problem". Mathematical Reviews.

Letchford, A N (2008) Review of "Projected Chvátal-Gomory cuts for mixed integer linear programs". Mathematical Reviews.

Letchford, A N and Pearson, N (2008) Exploiting planarity in separation routines for the symmetric travelling salesman problem. Discrete Optimization, 5 (2). pp. 220-230. ISSN 1572-5286

Letchford, A N and Pearson, N (2008) Good triangulations yield good tours. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (2). pp. 638-647. ISSN 0305-0548

Letchford, A N and Reinelt, G and Theis, D O (2008) Odd minimum cut-sets and b-matchings revisited. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 22 (4). pp. 1480-1487. ISSN 0895-4801

Letchford, A N and Sorensen, M M (2008) Binary positive semidefinite matrices and associated integer polytopes. In: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization : Proceedings of the 13th International IPCO Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, ITA, pp. 125-139. ISBN 3540688862

Lewis, P J and Katsorchi-Hayes, M (2008) Business trust within virtual organisations. In: Trust Management in Virtual Environments :. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad.

Lewis, P J and Katsorchi-Hayes, M (2008) Reconciling visions and realities of virtual working: findings from the UK chemicals industry. In: Exploring Virtuality Within and Beyond Organizations: Social, Global and Local Dimensions :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230201286


MacGillivray, B H and Alcock, R E and Busby, J S (2008) The unintended consequences of risk regulation. In: Proc 17th Annual Conference of SRA-Europe (Valencia) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

MacGillivray, Brian and Pollard, Simon J. T. (2008) What can water utilities do to improve risk management within their business functions? An improved tool and application of process benchmarking. Environment International, 34 (8). pp. 1120-1131. ISSN 0160-4120

Madas, Michael A. and Zografos, Konstantinos G. (2008) Airport capacity vs. demand: Mismatch or mismanagement? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42 (1). pp. 203-226. ISSN 0965-8564

Martin, K and Wright, M B (2008) Using particle swarm optimization to determine visit times in community nurse timetabling. In: 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automatic Timetabling (Montreal) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Mason, K and Spring, M (2008) The Dynamics of Outsourcing and Offshoring Business Models: Insights from Engineering Support Services. Working Paper. The Department of Marketing, Lancaster University.

Melao, N and Pidd, M (2008) Business processes: four perspectives. In: Business Process Transformation (Advances in Management Information Systems) :. M.E.Sharpe, Armonk NY. ISBN 0765611910

Micheli, G J L and Cagno, E and Zorzini, M (2008) Supply risk management vs supplier selection to manage the supply risk in the EPC supply chain. Management Research News, 31 (11). pp. 846-866. ISSN 0140-9174

Micheli, G J L and Cagno, E and Zorzini, M and Di Giulio, A (2008) How working by projects affects procurement strategies and buying behaviours in the EPC industry. In: 22nd IMPA (International Project Management Association) World Congress (Rome) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.


Nonthaleerak, P and Hendry, L (2008) Exploring the Six Sigma phenomenon using multiple case study evidence. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 28 (3). pp. 279-303. ISSN 0144-3577


Onggo, B S S (2008) Parallel discrete-event simulation of population dynamics. In: Winter Simulation Conference, 2008. WSC 2008. :. IEEE Computer Society, USA, pp. 1047-1054. ISBN 978-1-4244-2707-9


Pan, S L and Pan, G and Devadoss, P (2008) Managing emerging technological and organizational transformation: an acculturative analysis. Information and Management, 45 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0378-7206

Pan, Shan and Pan, Gary and Devadoss, Paul (2008) Managing emerging technology and organizational transformation : an acculturative analysis. Information and Management, 45 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 0378-7206

Panteli, N and Chiasson, Mike (2008) Exploring Virtuality Within and Beyond Organizations: Social, Global and Local Dimensions. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230201286

Pavlidis, N and Adamopoulos, A V and Vrahatis, M N (2008) Recognizing predictive patterns in chaotic maps. In: 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Greece) 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Pavlidis, N and Tasoulis, D K and Adams, N M and Hand, D J (2008) Dynamic multi-armed bandit with covariates. In: 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Greece) 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Pavlidis, N and Tasoulis, D K and Hand, D J (2008) Simulation studies of multi-armed bandits with covariates. In: 10th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (Cambridge) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Pavlidis, Nicos and Pavlidis, Efthymios and Epitropakis, Michael and Plagianakos, Vasilis and Vrahatis, Michael (2008) Computational intelligence algorithms for risk-adjusted trading strategies. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2007 :. IEEE, Singapore, pp. 540-547. ISBN 978-1-4244-1339-3

Pidd, M (2008) A critical assessment of performance measurement for policy making. In: Managing to Improve Public Services :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521708272

Przybylski, Anthony and Gandibleux, Xavier and Ehrgott, Matthias (2008) Two-phase algorithms for the bi-objective assignment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 185 (2). pp. 509-533. ISSN 0377-2217


Qrunfleh, Sufian and Tarafdar, Monideepa (2008) Tactical IT-business alignment : antecedents and outcomes. In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute :. Decision Sciences Institute, USA, pp. 3331-3336.


Ragu-nathan, T. S. and Tarafdar, M. and Ragu-nathan, B. S. and Tu, Q. (2008) The consequences of technostress for end users in organizations : conceptual development and empirical validation. Information Systems Research, 19 (4). pp. 417-433. ISSN 1047-7047

Ralph, P and Wand, Y (2008) A teleological process theory of software development. In: Journal of the Association of Information Systems Theory Development Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (Paris) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.


Sachs, E W and Strauss, A K (2008) Efficient solution of a partial integrodifferential equation in finance. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 58 (11). pp. 1687-1703. ISSN 0168-9274

Sandhawalia, Birinder and Dalcher, Darren (2008) Knowledge Management Capability framework. In: Knowledge Management in Action :. Springer, pp. 165-180. ISBN 9780387096582

Selviaridis, Konstantinos and Spring, Martin and Profillidis, Vassilios and Botzoris, George (2008) Benefits, risks, selection criteria and success factors for third-party logistics services. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 10 (4). pp. 380-392. ISSN 1479-2931

Selviaridis, Kostas (2008) The process of service definition in third party logistics relationships. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Shale, E. A. and Boylan, J. E. and Johnston, F. R. (2008) Characterizing the frequency of orders received by a stockist. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 19 (2). pp. 137-143. ISSN 1471-678X

Shao, Lizhen and Ehrgott, Matthias (2008) Approximately solving multiobjective linear programmes in objective space and an application in radiotherapy treatment planning. Mathematical Methods of Operational Research, 68 (2). pp. 257-276. ISSN 1432-2994

Shao, Lizhen and Ehrgott, Matthias (2008) Approximating the nondominated set of an MOLP by approximately solving its dual problem. Mathematical Methods of Operational Research, 68 (3). pp. 469-492. ISSN 1432-2994

Simangunsong, E and Hendry, L and Stevenson, M (2008) Supply chain uncertainty: A framework linking sources, management strategies and performance. In: 15th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference (Groningen) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Stacey, P and Nandhakumar, J (2008) Opening up to agile games development. Communications of the ACM, 51 (12). pp. 143-146.

Stacey, P and Nandhakumar, J and Brown, A D (2008) Dealing with technical challenges in mobile computer game development. In: Academy of Management (Anaheim) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Stahlbock, Robert and Lessmann, Stefan and Crone, Sven F. and Lenca, Philippe and Weiss, Gary M. and Lippe, Wolfram M. (2008) Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN 2008 : Foreword. In: Proceedings of The 2008 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, USA, 2 Volumes. :. CSREA Press, USA. ISBN 1601320620

Stevenson, M (2008) Embedding hands-on experience with ERP systems into university courses: aligning academic and industry needs. In: ERP: Enhancing and Sustaining Value :. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, pp. 188-202.

Stevenson, M and Huang, Yuan and Hendry, L (2008) Developing an implementation strategy for workload control: an action research project. In: 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management (Tokyo) - 2008 :. unknown, N/A.

Stevenson, M and Silva, C (2008) Theoretical development of a workload control methodology: evidence from two case studies. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (11). pp. 3107-3131. ISSN 0020-7543

Stewart, Theodor and Bandte, Oliver and Braun, Heinrich and Chakraborti, Nirupam and Ehrgott, Matthias and Göbelt, Mathias and Jin, Yaochu and Nakayama, Hirotaka and Poles, Silvia and Di Stefano, Danilo (2008) Real-World Applications of Multiobjective Optimization. In: Multiobjective Optimization : Interactive and Evolutionary Approaches. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Berlin, pp. 285-327. ISBN 978-3-540-88907-6

Sutanto, Juliana and Kankanhalli, Atreyi and Tay, Jun Yun and Krishnamurthy, Raman and Tan, Bernard C.Y. (2008) Change management in inter-organizational systems for the public. Journal of Management Information Systems, 25 (3). pp. 133-176. ISSN 0742-1222

Syntetos, Aris A. and Boylan, John (2008) Demand forecasting adjustments for service-level achievement. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 19 (2). pp. 175-192. ISSN 1471-678X


Teunter, R H and Dekker, R (2008) An easy derivation of the order level optimality condition for inventory systems with backordering. International Journal of Production Economics, 114 (1). pp. 201-204. ISSN 0925-5273

Teunter, R H and Klein Haneveld, W K (2008) Dynamic inventory rationing strategies for inventory systems with two demand classes, Poisson demand and backordering. European Journal of Operational Research, 190 (1). pp. 156-178. ISSN 0377-2217

Teunter, Ruud and Kaparis, Konstantinos and Tang, Ou (2008) Multi-product economic lot scheduling problem with separate production lines for manufacturing and remanufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research, 191 (3). 1241–1253. ISSN 0377-2217

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