Items where Department is "Linguistics & English Language" and Year is 1997

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 43.

Journal Article

Baker, Paul and Wilson, Andrew and McEnery, Tony (1997) Teaching grammar again after twenty years : corpus based help for grammar teaching. ReCALL, 9 (2). pp. 8-16. ISSN 1474-0109

Buonsanto, M.J. and Bust, G. and Clark, R. and Codrescu, M. and Crowley, G. and Emery, B.A. and Fuller-Rowell, T.J. and Hoogevenn, G. and Jacobson, A. and Knipp, D. and Maurits, S. and Richards, P.G. and Taylor, J.R. and Watkins, B.J. (1997) Recent results of the CEDAR storm study. Advances in Space Research, 20 (9). pp. 1655-1664. ISSN 0273-1177

Gillen, Julia (1997) Education in prison camps. Didsbury Ideas, 2 (3). pp. 22-36.

Kelsall, J. E. and Samet, J. M. and Zeger, S. L. and Xu, J. (1997) Air pollution and mortality in Philadelphia, 1974-1988. American Journal of Epidemiology, 146 (9). pp. 750-762. ISSN 1476-6256

McEnery, T. and Wilson, A. and SáNchez-LeóN, F. and Nieto-Serrano, A. (1997) Multilingual resources for European languages : Contributions of the CRATER project. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 12 (4). pp. 219-226. ISSN 0268-1145

McEnery, Tony and Wilson, Andrew (1997) Teaching and language corpora (TALC). ReCALL, 9 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 0958-3440

Mcenery, Tony (1997) Habeas Corpus. ReCALL, 9 (2). ISSN 0958-3440

Porter, J. and Mobbs, K. and Hart, C. A. and Saunders, J. R. and Pickup, R. W. and Edwards, C. (1997) Detection, distribution and probable fate of Escherichia coli 0157 from asymptomatic cattle on a dairy farm. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 83 (3). pp. 297-306. ISSN 1364-5072

Rayson, Paul and Leech, Geoffrey and Hodges, Mary (1997) Social differentiation in the use of English vocabulary: some analyses of the conversational component of the British National Corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 2 (1). pp. 133-152. ISSN 1569-9811

Semino, Elena and Short, Mick and Culpeper, Jonathan (1997) Using a corpus to test a model of speech and thought presentation. Poetics, 25 (1). pp. 17-43. ISSN 0304-422X

Wodak, Ruth and Lalouschek, J. (1997) Ärztliche Sprachlosigkeit in der Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation. Diskursanalytische Studien. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 109 (19). pp. 781-791. ISSN 1613-7671

Wodak, Ruth and Lalouschek, Johanna (1997) Arztliche Sprachlosigkeit in der Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 109 (19). pp. 781-791. ISSN 0043-5325

Wodak, Ruth and de Cillia, R. and Hofstätter, K. and Kargl, M. and Liebhart, K. and Reisigl, M. (1997) „Man soll nicht, Man kann nicht, man muß sogar stolz darauf sein, Österreicher zu sein“. Zur diskursiven Konstruktion der österreichischen Identität. Wiener Linguistische Gazette, 60-61. pp. 3-23.

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Culpeper, Jonathan and Kytö, Merja (1997) Towards a corpus of dialogues, 1550-1750. In: Language in Time and Space : Studies in Honour of Wolfgang Viereck on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday :. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 60-73.

Culpeper, Jonathan and Leech, Geoffrey N. (1997) The comparison of adjectives in recent British English. In: To Explain the Present: Studies in the Changing English Language in Honour of Matti Rissanen :. Mémoires de la Société néophilologique de Helsinki (52). Memoires de la Societe Neophilologique de Helsinki, Helsinki, pp. 353-373. ISBN 9519603069

Fligelstone, S. and Pacey, M. and Rayson, P. (1997) How to generalise the task of annotation. In: Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora :. Longman, London, pp. 122-136.

Garside, R. and Rayson, P. (1997) Higher-level annotation tools. In: Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora :. Longman, London, pp. 179-193.

Gillen, Julia (1997) "Couldn't put Dumpy together again" : the significance of repetition and routine in young children's language development. In: Working with the under threes : responding to children's needs. Open University Press, Buckingham, pp. 90-101. ISBN 9780335198399

Leech, Geoffrey and Francis, Brian and Xu, Xunfeng (1997) The odds in favour of the genitive : a study of gradience in English. In: The Locus of meaning : papers in honour of Yoshihiko Ikeganu. Kuroshi, Tokyo. ISBN 9784874241479

McEnery, T. and Rayson, P. (1997) A Corpus/annotation toolbox. In: Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora :. Longman, London, pp. 194-208.

Sealey, Alison (1997) "Who do you think you are?" : four children’s sociolinguistic strategies in the negotiation of self’. In: Children talking: the development of pragmatic competence :. Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, pp. 22-35. ISBN 185359394X

Wodak, Ruth (1997) Austria and its New East Central European Minorities: The Discourses of Racism. In: Beyond Borders :. Westview Press, Boulder, Colo., pp. 132-151.

Wodak, Ruth (1997) Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of Doctor-Patient Interaction. In: The Construction of Professional Discourse :. Longman, London, pp. 173-200.

Wodak, Ruth (1997) ‘Círculos específicos’ e discurso anti-semita: a construção do discurso do ‘Outro’. In: Análise Crítica do Discurso :. Caminho, Lisboa, pp. 377-396.

Wodak, Ruth (1997) Das Ausland and anti-semitic discourse: The Discursive Construction of the Other’. : the discursive construction of the other. In: The Language and Politics of Exclusion :. Sage, London, pp. 65-87.

Wodak, Ruth (1997) "Die Österreicher sind von der Zeitgeschichte nicht gerade mit Samtpfoten behandelt worden.". In: 1000 Jahre Österreich-Wege zu einer österreichischen Identität. Vorträge :. WUV-Universitätsverlag, Vienna, pp. 35-67.

Wodak, Ruth (1997) ‘I know, we won‘t revolutionize the world with it, but’ : styles of female leadership in institutions. In: Communicating Gender in Context :. Pragmatics & beyond. New series (42). John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 335-370. ISBN 9027250553

Wodak, Ruth (1997) Introduction. In: Encyclopaedia of Language Education. Vol. 1 : Language Policy and Political Issues in Education. :. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, xi-xiv. ISBN 0792347137

Wodak, Ruth (1997) Introduction: Some important issues in the research of gender and discourse. In: Gender and Discourse :. Sage studies in discourse . Sage, London, pp. 1-20. ISBN 0761950982

Wodak, Ruth and Benke, G. (1997) Gender as a sociolinguistic variable: New perspectives on variation studies. In: The Handbook of Sociolinguistics :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 127-150.

Wodak, Ruth and Fairclough, N. (1997) Critical Discourse Analysis. In: Discourse as Social Interaction :. Sage, London, pp. 258-284.

Wodak, Ruth and Kotthoff, H. (1997) Preface. In: Communicating Gender in Context. :. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, vii-xxv.

Contribution to Conference

Mackey, Alison Jayne and Gum, A. (1997) Working into the workplace: Strategies for coping with transition. In: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages conference, 1997-03-01 - 1997-03-03, Orlando, Florida.

Mackey, Alison Jayne and Oliver, R. and Philp, Jenefer Jane (1997) The provision and use of implicit negative feedback in NNS-NNS conversation. In: Second Language Research Forum, 1997-10-01 - 1997-10-03, East Lansing, MI.

Mackey, Alison Jayne and Philp, Jenefer Jane (1997) Are responses to recasts red herrings? In: American Association for Applied Linguistics conference, 1997-03-01 - 1997-03-03, Orlando, Florida.


Abbott, Lesley and Ackers, Janet and Grant-Mullings, Natalie and Griffin, Brenda and Marsh, Chris (1997) Educare for the under threes - identifying need and opportunity : Report of the research study by the Manchester Metropolitan University jointly funded with the Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester. ISBN 1899089268

Culpeper, Jonathan (1997) History of English. Language Workbooks . Routledge, London. ISBN 0415145910

Kotthoff, H. and Wodak, Ruth (1997) Communicating Gender in Context. agmatics & beyond. New series . John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 9027250553

Semino, Elena (1997) Language and world creation in poems and other texts. Textual Explorations . Longman, London. ISBN 9780582303546

Siewierska, Anna (1997) Constituent Order in the Languages of Europe. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. ISBN 3110151529

Wodak, Ruth (1997) Gender and Discourse. Sage, London. ISBN 0761950982

Wodak, Ruth and Corson, David (1997) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Kluwer, Dordrecht. ISBN 0792347137


McEnery, Anthony Mark and Sanchez-Leon, Fernando and Gaultier, Eric and Oakes, Michael (1997) CRATER Corpus. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

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