Items where Department is "Physics" and Year is 2001

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ALEPH Collaboration, The and Barate, R. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger and Smizanska, Maria (2001) Search for R-parity violating decays of supersymmetric particles in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at center-of-mass energies from 189-GeV to 202-GeV. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 19 (3). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1434-6044

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Barate, R. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger and Smizanska, Maria (2001) Search for supersymmetric particles in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at $s$ up to 202-GeV and mass limit for the lightest neutralino. Physics Letters B, 499 (1-2). pp. 67-84. ISSN 0370-2693

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Barate, R. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger and Smizanska, Maria (2001) Searches for neutral Higgs bosons in e+ e- collisions at center-of-mass energies from 192-GeV to 202-GeV. Physics Letters B, 499 (1-2). pp. 53-66. ISSN 0370-2693

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Barate, R. and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger (2001) Investigation of inclusive CP asymmetries in B0 decays. The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) - Particles and Fields, 20 (3). pp. 431-443. ISSN 1434-6052

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Barate, R. and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger (2001) Measurements of BR (b ---> tau- anti-nu(tau) X) and BR (b ---> tau- anti-nu(tau) D*+- X) and upper limits on BR (B- ---> tau- anti-nu(tau)) and BR (b---> s nu anti-nu). European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 19 (2). pp. 213-227. ISSN 1434-6044

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Heister, A. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger (2001) Measurement of A**b(FB) using inclusive b hadron decays. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 22 (2). pp. 201-215. ISSN 1434-6044

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Heister, A. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger (2001) Measurement of the Michel parameters and the nu/tau helicity in tau lepton decays. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 22 (2). pp. 217-230. ISSN 1434-6044

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Heister, A. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger (2001) Measurement of the tau polarization at LEP. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 20 (3). pp. 401-430. ISSN 1434-6044

ALEPH Collaboration, The and Heister, A. and Bouhova-Thacker, Evelina and Bowdery, Christopher and Finch, Alexander and Foster, Frank and Hughes, Gareth and Jones, Roger (2001) Study of the fragmentation of b quarks into B mesons at the Z peak. Physics Letters B, 512 (1-2). pp. 30-48. ISSN 0370-2693

Abbott, B. and Abdesselam, A. and Abolins, M. and Abramov, V. and Acharya, B. and Adams, D. and Adams, M. and Alves, G. and Amos, N. and Anderson, E. and Astur, R. and Baarmand, M. and Babintsev, V. and Babukhadia, L. and Bacon, T. and Baden, A. and Baldin, B. and Balm, P. and Banerjee, S. and Barberis, E. and Baringer, P. and Bartlett, J. and Bassler, U. and Bauer, D. and Bean, A. and Begel, M. and Belyaev, A. and Beri, S. and Bernardi, G. and Bertram, I. and Besson, A. and Beuselinck, R. and Bezzubov, V. and Bhat, P. and Bhatnagar, V. and Bhattacharjee, M. and Blazey, G. and Blessing, S. and Boehnlein, A. and Bojko, N. and Borcherding, F. and Brandt, A. and Breedon, R. and Briskin, G. and Brock, R. and Brooijmans, G. and Bross, A. and Buchholz, D. and Buehler, M. and Buescher, V. and Burtovoi, V. and Butler, J. and Canelli, F. and Carvalho, W. and Casey, D. and Casilum, Z. and Castilla-valdez, H. and Chakraborty, D. and Chan, K. and Chekulaev, S. and Cho, D. and Choi, S. and Chopra, S. and Christenson, J. and Chung, M. and Claes, D. and Clark, A. and Cochran, J. and Coney, L. and Connolly, B. and Cooper, W. and Coppage, D. and Cummings, M. and Cutts, D. and Davis, G. and Davis, K. and De, K. and Del Signore, K. and Demarteau, M. and Demina, R. and Demine, P. and Denisov, D. and Denisov, S. and Desai, S. and Diehl, H. and Diesburg, M. and Di Loreto, G. and Doulas, S. and Draper, P. and Ducros, Y. and Dudko, L. and Duensing, S. and Duflot, L. and Dugad, S. and Dyshkant, A. and Edmunds, D. and Ellison, J. and Elvira, V. and Engelmann, R. and Eno, S. and Eppley, G. and Ermolov, P. and Eroshin, O. and Estrada, J. and Evans, H. and Evdokimov, V. and Fahland, T. and Fatyga, M. and Feher, S. and Fein, D. and Ferbel, T. and Fisk, H. and Fisyak, Y. and Flattum, E. and Fleuret, F. and Fortner, M. and Frame, K. and Fuess, S. and Gallas, E. and Galyaev, A. and Gao, M. and Gavrilov, V. and Geld, T. and Genik, R. and Genser, K. and Gerber, C. and Gershtein, Y. and Gilmartin, R. and Ginther, G. and Gómez, B. and Gómez, G. and Goncharov, P. and González Solís, J. and Gordon, H. and Goss, L. and Gounder, K. and Goussiou, A. and Graf, N. and Graham, G. and Grannis, P. and Green, J. and Greenlee, H. and Grinstein, S. and Groer, L. and Grünendahl, S. and Gupta, A. and Gurzhiev, S. and Gutierrez, G. and Gutierrez, P. and Hadley, N. and Haggerty, H. and Hagopian, S. and Hagopian, V. and Hahn, K. and Hall, R. and Hanlet, P. and Hansen, S. and Hauptman, J. and Hays, C. and Hebert, C. and Hedin, D. and Heinson, A. and Heintz, U. and Heuring, T. and Hirosky, R. and Hobbs, J. and Hoeneisen, B. and Hoftun, J. and Hou, S. and Huang, Y. and Illingworth, R. and Ito, A. and Jaffré, M. and Jerger, S. and Jesik, R. and Johns, K. and Johnson, M. and Jonckheere, A. and Jones, M. and Jöstlein, H. and Juste, A. and Kahn, S. and Kajfasz, E. and Karmanov, D. and Karmgard, D. and Kehoe, R. and Kim, S. and Klima, B. and Klopfenstein, C. and Knuteson, B. and Ko, W. and Kohli, J. and Kostritskiy, A. and Kotcher, J. and Kotwal, A. and Kozelov, A. and Kozlovsky, E. and Krane, J. and Krishnaswamy, M. and Krzywdzinski, S. and Kubantsev, M. and Kuleshov, S. and Kulik, Y. and Kunori, S. and Kuznetsov, V. and Landsberg, G. and Leflat, A. and Leggett, C. and Lehner, F. and Li, J. and Li, Q. and Lima, J. and Lincoln, D. and Linn, S. and Linnemann, J. and Lipton, R. and Lucotte, A. and Lueking, L. and Lundstedt, C. and Luo, C. and Maciel, A. and Madaras, R. and Manankov, V. and Mao, H. and Marshall, T. and Martin, M. and Martin, R. and Mauritz, K. and May, B. and Mayorov, A. and Mccarthy, R. and Mcdonald, J. and Mcmahon, T. and Melanson, H. and Meng, X. and Merkin, M. and Merritt, K. and Miao, C. and Miettinen, H. and Mihalcea, D. and Mishra, C. and Mokhov, N. and Mondal, N. and Montgomery, H. and Moore, R. and Mostafa, M. and Da Motta, H. and Nagy, E. and Nang, F. and Narain, M. and Narasimham, V. and Neal, H. and Negret, J. and Negroni, S. and Norman, D. and Nunnemann, T. and Oesch, L. and Oguri, V. and Olivier, B. and Oshima, N. and Padley, P. and Pan, L. and Papageorgiou, K. and Para, A. and Parashar, N. and Partridge, R. and Parua, N. and Paterno, M. and Patwa, A. and Pawlik, B. and Perkins, J. and Peters, M. and Peters, O. and Pétroff, P. and Piegaia, R. and Piekarz, H. and Pope, B. and Popkov, E. and Prosper, H. and Protopopescu, S. and Qian, J. and Quintas, P. and Raja, R. and Rajagopalan, S. and Ramberg, E. and Rapidis, P. and Reay, N. and Reucroft, S. and Rha, J. and Ridel, M. and Rijssenbeek, M. and Rockwell, T. and Roco, M. and Rubinov, P. and Ruchti, R. and Rutherfoord, J. and Santoro, A. and Sawyer, L. and Schamberger, R. and Schellman, H. and Schwartzman, A. and Sen, N. and Shabalina, E. and Shivpuri, R. and Shpakov, D. and Shupe, M. and Sidwell, R. and Simak, V. and Singh, H. and Singh, J. and Sirotenko, V. and Slattery, P. and Smith, E. and Smith, R. and Snihur, R. and Snow, G. and Snow, J. and Snyder, S. and Solomon, J. and Sorín, V. and Sosebee, M. and Sotnikova, N. and Soustruznik, K. and Souza, M. and Stanton, N. and Steinbrück, G. and Stephens, R. and Stichelbaut, F. and Stoker, D. and Stolin, V. and Stoyanova, D. and Strauss, M. and Strovink, M. and Stutte, L. and Sznajder, A. and Taylor, W. and Tentindo-repond, S. and Thompson, J. and Toback, D. and Tripathi, S. and Trippe, T. and Turcot, A. and Tuts, P. and Van Gemmeren, P. and Vaniev, V. and Van Kooten, R. and Varelas, N. and Volkov, A. and Vorobiev, A. and Wahl, H. and Wang, H. and Wang, Z.-m. and Warchol, J. and Watts, G. and Wayne, M. and Weerts, H. and White, A. and White, J. and Whiteson, D. and Wightman, J. and Wijngaarden, D. and Willis, S. and Wimpenny, S. and Wirjawan, J. and Womersley, J. and Wood, D. and Yamada, R. and Yamin, P. and Yasuda, T. and Yip, K. and Youssef, S. and Yu, J. and Yu, Z. and Zanabria, M. and Zheng, H. and Zhou, Z. and Zielinski, M. and Zieminska, D. and Zieminski, A. and Zutshi, V. and Zverev, E. and Zylberstejn, A. (2001) High-pT jets in p¯p collisions at s=630 and 1800 GeV. Physical Review D, 64 (3). ISSN 1550-7998

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Bastero-Gil, Mar and Mazumdar, Anupam (2001) Is nonperturbative inflatino production during preheating a real threat to cosmology? Physical Review D, 64 (2): 023516. ISSN 1550-7998

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Enqvist, Kari and Mazumdar, Anupam and Pérez-Lorenzana, Abdel (2001) Baryogenesis in theories with large extra spatial dimensions. Nuclear Physics B, 618 (1-2). pp. 277-300. ISSN 0550-3213

Allahverdi, Rouzbeh and Mazumdar, Anupam and Pérez-Lorenzana, A. (2001) Final reheating temperature on a single brane. Physics Letters B, 516 (3-4). pp. 431-438. ISSN 0370-2693

Alles, Harry and Tsepelin, Viktor and Babkin, A. and Jochemsen, Reyer and Parshin, Alexander Y. and Todoshchenko, Igor A. (2001) Observations on faceting of He-3 crystals at T=0.55 mK. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 124 (1-2). pp. 189-196. ISSN 0022-2291

Allsop, David and Gibson, Gillian and Martin, Ian K. and Moore, Susan and Turnbull, Stuart and Twyman, Lance J. (2001) 3-p-toluoyl-2-[4′-(3-diethylaminopropoxy)-phenyl]-benzofuran and 2-[4′-(3-diethylaminopropoxy)-phenyl]-benzofuran do not act as surfactants or micelles when inhibiting the aggregation of β-amyloid peptide. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 11 (2). pp. 255-257. ISSN 0960-894X

Allsop, David and Swanson, Linda and Moore, Susan and Davies, Yvonne and York, Amber and El-Agnaf, Omar M. A. and Soutar, Ian (2001) Fluorescence anisotropy : a method for early detection of Alzheimer β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 285 (1). pp. 58-63. ISSN 1090-2104

Anishchenko, V. S. and Khovanov, I. A. and Khovanova, N. A. and Luchinsky, D. G. and McClintock, Peter V. E. (2001) Noise-induced escape from the Lorenz attractor. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 1 (1). L27-L33. ISSN 0219-4775


Beenakker, C. W. J. and Schomerus, Henning (2001) Counting Statistics of Photons Produced by Electronic Shot Noise. Physical review letters, 86 (4). pp. 700-703. ISSN 1079-7114

Beenakker, CWJ and Schomerus, H. and Silvestrov, P. G. (2001) Effect of inelastic scattering on the average Coulomb-blockade peak height in quantum dots . Physical review B, 64. 033307. ISSN 1550-235X

Berezhiani, Zurab and Mazumdar, Anupam and Pérez-Lorenzana, Abdel (2001) Affleck-Dine leptogenesis via right-handed sneutrino fields in a supersymmetric hybrid inflation model. Physics Letters B, 518 (3-4). pp. 282-293. ISSN 0370-2693

Blagoveshchenskaya, N. F. and Kornienko, V. A. and Borisova, T. D. and Thidé, B. and Kosch, Mike J. and Rietveld, M. T. and Mishin, E. V. and Lukýanova, R. Yu. and Troshichev, O. A. (2001) Ionospheric HF pump wave triggering of local auroral activation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A12). pp. 29071-29089. ISSN 0148-0227

Blanter, Y. and Schomerus, H. and Beenakker, C. W. J. (2001) Effect of dephasing on charge-counting statistics in chaotic cavities. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 11. p. 1. ISSN 1386-9477

Borissov, Guennadi and Abreu, P. and Adam, W. and Adye, T. (2001) Search for the standard model Higgs boson at LEP in the year 2000. Physics Letters B, 499 (1-2). pp. 23-37. ISSN 0370-2693

Bradley, D. Ian and Fisher, Shaun N. and Guénault, A.M. and Lowe, M. R. and Pickett, George R. and Rahm, A. (2001) Preliminary measurements of Andreev reflection of quasiparticles by turbulence in superfluid He-3. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 124 (1-2). pp. 113-122. ISSN 0022-2291

Bradley, D. Ian and Pickett, George R. (2001) Comment on "Repetitive single vortex-loop creation by a vibrating wire in superfluid He-3-B" - Reply. Physical review letters, 87 (5): 059602. ISSN 1079-7114

Brussaard, Peter and Fisher, Shaun N. and Guénault, A.M. and Hale, A. J. and Mulders, N. and Pickett, George R. (2001) Phase diagram of the A and B phases of superfluid He-3 in aerogel. Physical review letters, 86 (20). pp. 4580-4583. ISSN 1079-7114


Cao, Dengqing and Tucker, Robin and Wang, Charles (2001) Cosserat dynamics and cable-stayed bridge vibrations. In: Proceedings of the eighth international congress on sound and vibration : 2-6 July 2001, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong, pp. 1139-1146. ISBN 9789623673181

Charmot, D and Mansky, P and Kolosov, O and Benoit, D and Klaerner, G and Petro, M and Jayaraman, M and Piotti, M and Chang, H T and Nava-Salgado, V (2001) High throughput synthesis and screening in specialty polymers applications. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 222. U307-U307. ISSN 0065-7727

Clapham, C. S. and Mills, G. J. B. and Morner, A. and Sidiropoulos, E. (2001) Regional integration in Southern Africa: comparative international perspectives. South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Johannesburg. ISBN 1919810196

Coomer, J. and Lazarus, Max and Tucker, Robin and Kershaw, D. and Tegman, A. (2001) A non-linear Eigenvalue problem associated with inextensible whirling strings. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 239 (5). pp. 969-982. ISSN 0022-460X

Cunliffe, David and Lockley, John E. and Ebdon, John R. and Rimmer, Stephen and Tabner, Brian J. (2001) Synthesis of poly(isobutylene-b-styrene) block copolymers by thermolysis of ozonised alkene-ended polyisobutylenes in the presence of styrene. Macromolecules, 34 (12). pp. 3882-3888. ISSN 0024-9297


Davis, Anne-Christine and Dimopoulos, Konstantinos and Prokopec, Tomislav and Tornkvist, Ola (2001) Primordial spectrum of gauge fields from inflation. Physics Letters B, 501 (3-4). pp. 165-172. ISSN 0370-2693

Davis, S. I. and Hendry, P. C. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Nichol, H. (2001) Experiments on quantized turbulence at mK temperatures. In: Quantized vortex dynamics and superfluid turbulence :. Lecture Notes in Physics . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 73-79. ISBN 3540422269

Denton, M. H. and Bailey, G. J. (2001) Modelling the High Altitude Electron Temperature: A Modified Thermal Conductivity. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 34 (2). pp. 365-381. ISSN 0377-0265

Dimopoulos, Konstantinos (2001) Models of quintessential inflation. In: International Workshop On Particle Physics And The Early Universe (COSMO-01) :. UNSPECIFIED.

Dimopoulos, Konstantinos (2001) Towards a model of quintessential inflation. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 95 (1-3). pp. 70-73. ISSN 0920-5632

Dolby, P. and Seviour, R. and Lambert, C. J. (2001) Transport across a normal-superconducting interface with coulomb interactions: a novel probe of electron-electron interactions in the normal metal. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13. L147-L152. ISSN 1361-648X

Dykman, Mark and McCann, L. I. and Smelyanskiy, V. N. and Luchinsky, D. G. and Mannella, R. and McClintock, Peter V. E. (2001) Activated escape of periodically driven systems. Chaos, 11 (3). pp. 587-594. ISSN 1054-1500


E. Mendes, Luis and Mazumdar, Anupam (2001) Brans-Dicke brane cosmology. Physics Letters B, 501 (3-4). pp. 249-256. ISSN 0370-2693

Erlingsson, S I and Nazarov, Y V and Falko, Vladimir (2001) Nucleus-mediated spin-flip transitions in GaAs quantum dots. Physical review B, 64 (19): 195306. ISSN 1098-0121


Falko, Vladimir and Tkachov, G and McCann, E (2001) Magnon-assisted Andreev reflection in a ferromagnet-superconductor junction. In: Electronic Correlations: From Meso- to Nano-Physics :. E D P SCIENCES, Savoie, pp. 147-152. ISBN 2-86883-570-8

Falko, Vladimir I. and Aleiner, I. L. (2001) Spin-orbit coupling effects on quantum transport in lateral semiconductor dots. Physical review letters, 87 (25). p. 256801. ISSN 1079-7114

Fisher, Shaun N. and Hale, A. J. and Guénault, A.M. and Pickett, George R. (2001) Generation and detection of quantum turbulence in Superfluid He-3-B. Physical review letters, 86 (2). pp. 244-247. ISSN 1079-7114

Fox, H. and Bevan, A. and Lai, A. and Marras, D. (2001) A Precise measurement of the direct CP violation parameter Re(epsilon-prime / epsilon). European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 22 (2). pp. 231-254. ISSN 1434-6044

Freitag, Christopher (2001) Instrument for high throughput measurement of material physical properties and method of using same. CA2344755A1.


Green, Nicholas J. L. and Jones, Joanne L. and Jones, Kevin C. (2001) PCDD/F deposition time trend to Esthwaite Water, UK, and its relevance to sources. Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (14). pp. 2882-2888. ISSN 0013-936X

Gustavsson, B. and Sergienko, T. and Rietveld, M. T. and Honary, Farideh and Steen, A. A. and Brändström, B. U. E. and Leyser, T. B. and Aruliah, A. L. and Aso, T. and Ejiri, M. and Marple, S. (2001) First tomographic estimate of volume distribution of HF-pump enhanced airglow emission. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A12). pp. 29105-29123. ISSN 0148-0227


Harang, O. and Kosch, M. J. (2001) Absolute optical calibrations using a simple tungsten bulb: Theory. In: 28th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, 1900-01-01.

Hartley, David and Tucker, Robin (2001) An exterior systems approach to differential equations. In: Newton Institute, 2001-12-03 - 2001-12-07.

Hayne, M and Maes, Jochen and Manz, Yvonne M and Schmidt, Oliver G and Eberl, Karl and Moshchalkov, Victor V (2001) Electron and hole confinement in stacked self-assembled InP dots of different sizes. physica status solidi (b), 224 (1). pp. 31-35. ISSN 0370-1972

Hayne, Manus and Maes, Jochen and Moshchalkov, Victor V and Manz, Yvonne M and Schmidt, Oliver G and Eberl, Karl (2001) Magneto-optical study of electron occupation and hole wave functions in stacked self-assembled InP quantum dots. Applied Physics Letters, 79 (1). pp. 45-47. ISSN 1077-3118

Heaton, J. A. T. and Cannon, Paul and Rogers, Neil and Mitchell, Cathryn N. and Kersley, L. (2001) Validation of electron density profiles derived from oblique ionograms over the United Kingdom. Radio Science, 36 (5). pp. 1149-1156. ISSN 0048-6604

Huey, B. D. and Langford, R. M. and Briggs, G. Andrew D. and Kolosov, Oleg (2001) Characterisation of the nanometer-scale mechanical compliance of semiconductors by Ultrasonic Force Microscopy. In: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2001 :. IOP Publishing Ltd, OXFORD, pp. 531-534. ISBN 0-7503-0818-4


Janson, N. B. and Balanov, A. G. and Anishchenko, V. S. and McClintock, Peter V. E. (2001) Modelling the dynamics of angles of human RR intervals. Physiological Measurement, 22 (3). pp. 565-579. ISSN 0967-3334

Janson, N. B. and Balanov, A. G. and Anishchenko, V. S. and McClintock, Peter V. E. (2001) Phase synchronization between several interacting processes from univariate data. Physical review letters, 86 (9). pp. 1749-1752. ISSN 1079-7114


Kambili, A. and Fehrman, H. and Lambert, C. J. and Jefferson, J. H. (2001) A Hartree-Fock study of charge redistribution in a two-dimensional mesoscopic structure. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13 (22). L495-L502. ISSN 1361-648X

Kartvelishvili, Vakhtang and Kvatadze, R. (2001) Event weights for simulating Bose-Einstein correlations. Physics Letters B, 514 (1-2). pp. 7-18.

Keiling, A. and Wygant, J.R. and Cattell, C. and Johnson, M. and Temerin, M. and Mozer, F.S. and Kletzing, C.A. and Scudder, J. and Russell, C.T. (2001) Properties of large electric fields in the plasma sheet at 4-7 RE} measured with Polar. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A4). pp. 5779-5798. ISSN 0148-0227

Khovanov, Igor A. and Luchinsky, D. G. and Mannella, R. and McClintock, Peter V. E. (2001) Fluctuational escape and related phenomena in nonlinear optical systems. In: Modern Nonlinear Optics, Part 3, Second Edition, Advances in Chemical Physics :. Wiley, New York, pp. 469-524. ISBN 0471389323

Kolosov, Oleg and Briggs, G. A. D. and Cuberes, M. T. (2001) Nonlinear detection of ultrasonic vibration of AFM cantilevers in and out of contact with the sample. Nanotechnology, 12 (1). pp. 53-59. ISSN 0957-4484

Konemann, J and Konig, P and Schmidt, T and McCann, E and Falko, Vladimir and Haug, R J (2001) Correlation-function spectroscopy of inelastic lifetime in heavily doped GaAs heterostructures. Physical review B, 64 (15): 155314. -. ISSN 0163-1829

Konemann, J and Konig, P and Schmidt, T and McCann, E and Falko, Vladimir and Haug, R J (2001) Local density of states probed by single electron tunneling. In: Electronic Correlations: From Meso- to Nano-Physics :. E D P SCIENCES, Savoie, pp. 283-286. ISBN 2-86883-570-8

Konig, P and Konemann, J and Schmidt, T and McCann, E and Falko, Vladimir and Haug, R J (2001) Measurement of the energy dependence of phase relaxation by single electron tunneling. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors : Osaka, Japan, September 17-22, 2000 :. Springer Verlag, OSAKA, pp. 1337-1338. ISBN 3-540-41778-8

Kosch, M. J. and Cierpka, K. and Rietveld, M. T. and Hagfors, T. and Schlegel, K. (2001) High-latitude ground-based observations of the thermospheric ion-drag time constant. Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (7). pp. 1395-1398. ISSN 0094-8276

Kosch, M. J. and Nielsen, E. (2001) Statistical average estimates of high latitude field-aligned currents from the STARE and SABRE coherent VHF radar systems. Advances in Space Research, 27 (6--7). pp. 1239-1244. ISSN 0273-1177

Kosch, M. J. and Rietveld, M. T. and Honary, F. and Hagfors, T. (2001) High latitude artificial aurora from EISCAT: An unique phenomenon? In: 28th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, 1900-01-01.

Kosch, M. J. and Scourfield, M. W. J. and Amm, O. (2001) The importance of conductivity gradients in ground-based field-aligned current studies. Advances in Space Research, 27 (6-7). pp. 1277-1282. ISSN 0273-1177

Kosch, M.J. and Honary, F. and del Pozo, C.F. and Marple, S.R. and Hagfors, T. (2001) High-resolution maps of the characteristic energy of precipitating auroral particles. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A12). pp. 28925-28937. ISSN 0148-0227

Kotikov, A.L. and Kornienko, V.A. and Kosch, M.J. (2001) Specific features of the auroral electrojet dynamics when a heater affects the polar ionosphere. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 41 (3). pp. 343-350. ISSN 0016-7932

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