Items where Department is "Organisation, Work & Technology" and Year is 2005

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Ackroyd, S (2005) Organising and organisations. In: The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 449-461. ISBN 0-19-926992-0

Ackroyd, S and Muzio, G D (2005) On the consequences of defensive professionalism: the transformation of the legal labour process. Journal of Law and Society, 32 (4). pp. 615-642. ISSN 0263-323X

Ashworth, P and Greasley, K (2005) Approaches to study and the student lifeworld. In: The 13th Improving Learning Symposium (London) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.


Bloomfield, B P and Hayes, N (2005) Modernisation and the joining-up of local government services in the UK: boundaries, knowledge and technology. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Bloomfield, B P and Vurdubakis, T (2005) The secret of Yucca Mountain. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 23 (5). pp. 735-756. ISSN 0263-7758

Bolton, Sharon (2005) Dignified work, dignified workers and dignified workplaces: exploring dignity at work as promising practice. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Bolton, Sharon (2005) Emotion Management in the Workplace. Palgrave, London. ISBN 0-333-99017-X

Bolton, Sharon (2005) Making up managers: nurses or managers in the NHS? Work, Employment and Society, 19 (2). pp. 5-23. ISSN 0950-0170

Bolton, Sharon (2005) Managing meaningful connections: gender codes in teaching primary children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Bolton, Sharon (2005) When toxic emotions are healing feelings: toxic culture and narratives of compassion in teaching children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Bolton, Sharon (2005) Women's work, dirty work: the gynaecology nurse as ''Other''. Gender, Work and Organisation, 12 (2). pp. 169-186. ISSN 0968-6673

Bolton, Sharon and Houlihan, M (2005) The (mis)representation of customer service. Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4). pp. 685-703. ISSN 0950-0170

Bolton, Sharon and Muzio, G D (2005) Can’t live with ‘em; can’t live without ‘em: gendered segmentation in the legal profession. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Bolton, Sharon and Muzio, G D (2005) Feminisation and paradox: stratification and segmentation in professional contexts. The Irish Journal of Management (spc). pp. 79-93. ISSN 1649-248X

Bolton, Sharon and Muzio, G D (2005) The paradoxical processes of feminisation in the professions: the case of established, aspiring and semi-professions. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Bozkurt, O (2005) How the ancient Maiandros became marlboro country: the gentrification of the Turkish tobacco sector. In: 23rd International Labour Process Conference (Glasgow, United Kingdom) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Brey, P and Introna, L and Grodzinski, F (2005) Ethics of New Information Technologies. Proceedings of the 6th Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries Conference (University of Twente, The Netherlands - 2005. unknown, N/A.

Brigham, M (2005) The Becoming of Organization and the Organization of Becoming. In: Thinking Organization :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 218-246. ISBN 0415333644

Brigham, M (2005) Mobility in Formation and the Mobility of Information: Translating Infrastructures of Organising in the Provision of UK Fire Services. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, 5 (9). pp. 157-166. ISSN 1447-9524

Brigham, Martin (2005) Mobility in Formation and the Mobility of Information : Translating Infrastructures of Organising in the UK Fire Services. In: 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, 2005-07-19 - 2005-07-22, University of the Aegean.

Burton, Dawn and Knights, David and Leyshon, Andrew and Alferoff, Catrina and Signoretta, Paola (2005) Consumption denied? : The decline of industrial branch insurance. Journal of Consumer Culture, 5 (2). pp. 181-205. ISSN 1469-5405


Collinson, D L and Ackroyd, S (2005) Resistance, misbehaviour and dissent. In: The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 305-326. ISBN 0-19-926992-0

Collinson, D L and Collinson, M (2005) Leader-led relations in context. Working Paper. Leadership, Lancaster University.

Collinson, M and Collinson, D L (2005) Leadership challenges. Working Paper. Leadership, Lancaster University.

Constantinides, P and Barrett, M (2005) Approaching information infrastructure as an ecology of ubiquitous sociotechnical relations. In: Designing Ubiquitous Information Environments: Socio-technical Issues and Challenges. IFIP TC8 WG 8.2 International Working Conference, August 1-3, 2005, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. :. Springer Science and Business Media, New York, pp. 249-260. ISBN 0-387-27560-6

Cooke, B (2005) The Kurt Lewin - Goodwin Watson FBI files. In: Critical Management Studies Conference (Cambridge) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Cooke, B (2005) When action research became a Cold War methodology. In: Management History Research Group Conference (Queen Mary University, London) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Cooke, B (2005) The managing of the (Third) World. In: Critical Management Studies: A Reader :. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0199286078

Cooke, B (2005) A new continuity with colonial administration: participation in Development Management. In: The Fundamentals of Action Research, Volume 4: Reviews, Critiques, and New Directions (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research) :. Sage, London. ISBN 1412902207

Cooke, B and Mills, A J and Kelley, E S (2005) Situating Maslow in Cold War America: a recontextualization of management theory. Group and Organization Management, 30 (2). pp. 129-152. ISSN 1059-6011

Cooke, B and Wolfram Cox, J (2005) The Fundamentals of Action Research, Volume 1: The Early Years (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Series). Sage, London. ISBN 1412902207

Cooke, B and Wolfram Cox, J (2005) The Fundamentals of Action Research, Volume 2: Varieties and Workplace Applications of Action Research (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Series). Sage, London. ISBN 1412902207

Cooke, B and Wolfram Cox, J (2005) The Fundamentals of Action Research, Volume 3: Social Change Applications, the Practitioner, and Action Research Knowledge (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Series). Sage, London. ISBN 1412902207

Cooke, B and Wolfram Cox, J (2005) The Fundamentals of Action Research, Volume 4: Reviews, Critiques, and New Directions (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research). Sage, London. ISBN 1412902207

Cooke, B and Wolfram Cox, J (2005) Introduction and overview. In: The Fundamentals of Action Research, Volume 1: The Early Years (Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Series) :. Sage, London. ISBN 1412902207

Costea, B and Crump, N and Holm, J (2005) Dionysus at work? The ethos of play and the ethos of management. Culture and Organization, 11 (2). pp. 139-151. ISSN 1475-9551

Costea, Bogdan and Introna, Lucas (2005) Self and Other in Everyday Existence: A Mystery Not A Problem. In: Organisation and Identity :. Routledge, London, New York, pp. 60-86. ISBN 0-415-32231-6


Dainty, A and Bryman, A and Price, A and Greasley, K and Soetanto, R and King, N (2005) Project affinity: the role of emotional attachment in construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 23 (3). pp. 241-244. ISSN 1466-433X

Dale, Karen (2005) Building a social materiality: spatial and embodied politics in organizational control. Organization, 12 (5). pp. 649-678. ISSN 1350-5084


Engeström, Y and Blackler, F H M (2005) On the life of the object. Organization, 12 (3). pp. 307-330. ISSN 1350-5084


Ferdinand, J and Muzio, G D and O'Mahoney, J (2005) Muddling with CMS: a reply. Organization Studies, 26 (11). pp. 1714-1716. ISSN 0170-8406

Fleetwood, S (2005) A Critical Realist reply to Walters and Young. Review of Political Economy, 17 (4). pp. 587-600. ISSN 0953-8259

Fleetwood, Steve (2005) Ontology in organization and management studies: a critical realist perspective. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Fleetwood, Steve (2005) The ontology of organisation and management studies: a critical realist approach. Organization, 12 (2). pp. 197-222. ISSN 1350-5084

Fox, S and Kerr, R and Collinson, M and Collinson, D L and Swan, S E (2005) Local management and leadership. In: Realising the Potential: A Review of the Future Role of Further Education Colleges :. Department for Education and Skills, London, p. 15.


Greasley, K and Bryman, A and Dainty, A and King, N and Price, A (2005) Perceptions of empowerment in construction projects. Employee Relations, 27 (4). pp. 354-368. ISSN 0142-5455


Hayes, N and Introna, L (2005) Cultural values, plagiarism, and fairness: when plagiarism gets in the way of learning. Ethics and Behavior, 15 (3). pp. 213-231. ISSN 1050-8422

Hayes, Niall and Introna, Lucas (2005) Systems for the production of plagiarists? The implications arising from the use of plagiarism detection systems in UK universities for Asian learners. Journal of Academic Ethics, 3 (1). pp. 55-73. ISSN 1570-1727

Hemming, Laurence Paul (2005) Postmodernity's transcending : devaluing God. University of Nortre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IL. ISBN 0268031029


Introna, L (2005) Claudio Ciborra's way of being: authenticity and the world information systems. European Journal of Information Systems, 14 (5). pp. 513-517. ISSN 0960-085X

Introna, L (2005) Levinas. In: Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics :. Macmillan Reference USA, USA, pp. 1117-1119. ISBN 0-02-865831-0

Introna, L (2005) Phenomenological approaches to ethics and information technology. In: The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy :. unknown, N/A.

Introna, L (2005) Phenomenology. In: Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics :. Macmillan Reference USA, USA, pp. 1401-1409. ISBN 0-02-865831-0

Introna, L (2005) Strangers and hospitality: on the social and ethical conditions of virtual communities. In: Ethics of New Information Technologies. Proceedings of the 6th Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries Conference (University of Twente, The Netherlands - 2005 :. unknown, N/A, pp. 229-240.

Introna, L and Whittaker, L (2005) Power, cash and convenience: the political space of the ATM. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Introna, Lucas (2005) Disclosive ethics and information technology: disclosing facial recognition systems. Ethics and Information Technology, 7 (2). pp. 75-86. ISSN 1388-1957

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Rouncefield, M F (2005) Technologies of leadership and new accountabilities in the learning and skills sector. IADAT Journal of Advanced Technology on Education. ISSN 1698-1073


Kelly, S (2005) Leadership as a language game: an ethnomethodological perspective. In: 4th International Leadership Workshop (Lancaster University, Lancaster) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Kelly, S and Iszatt-White, M and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2005) Accounting for leadership. In: 4th International Critical Management Studies Conference (University of Cambridge) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Kelly, S and Iszatt-White, M and Rooksby, John and Rouncefield, M F (2005) Storytelling and design: the problem of leadership. In: Rethinking Leadership: New Directions in the Learning and Skills Sector? (Lancaster Leadership Centre, Lancaster University Management School) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Kelly, S and Iszatt-White, M and Rouncefield, M F (2005) Solutions in search of a problem: educational crises and effective leadership in post-compulsory education. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference (University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A.

Knights, David and Thanem, Torkild (2005) Embodying emotional labour. In: Gender, Bodies and Work :. Routledge, pp. 31-43. ISBN 0754644391

Knights, David and Yakhlef, Ali (2005) Time, Self and Reified Artefacts. Time & Society, 14 (3). pp. 283-302. ISSN 0961-463X

Knights, David and Vurdubakis, Theo (2005) Information technology as organization/disorganization. Information and Organization, 15 (3 SPEC). pp. 181-184. ISSN 1471-7727


Lee, M M (2005) Complex archetypal structures that underlie the ‘human condition'. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 2 (1). ISSN 1477-9633


Naismith, N and Price, A and Dainty, A and Bryman, A and Greasley, K and Soetanto, R (2005) Engendering trust in the construction supply: rhetoric or reality? Journal of Construction Procurement, 11 (2). pp. 136-165.


Regan, S (2005) Transformations in the Organization of Social Work in the Public Sector (Published PhD Thesis). University of Trondheim Press, Trondheim.

Regan, S and Thorpe, D (2005) Reflecting on boundaries in statutory child welfare programmes: An example of critical systems thinking in practice. In: The 11th ANZSYS/Managing the Complex V conference (Christchurch, New Zealand) - 2005 :. unknown, N/A. ISBN 0976681447


Thompson, P and Ackroyd, S (2005) Discussion of Sewell: A little knowledge is still a dangerous thing: some comments on the indeterminacy of Graham Sewell. Organization, 12 (5). pp. 705-710. ISSN 1350-5084

Thompson, P and Tolbert, P S and Batt, R and Ackroyd, S (2005) Texts and times: mapping the changing study of work and organisations. In: The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-15. ISBN 0-19-926992-0

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