Items where Department is "Marketing" and Year is 2012

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 80.

Journal Article

Araujo, Luis (2012) Comment on “Resource interaction in inter-organisational networks: Foundations, comparison, and a research agenda”. Journal of Business Research, 65 (2). pp. 277-278. ISSN 0148-2963

Araujo, Luis and Easton, Geoffrey (2012) Temporality in business networks: The role of narratives and management technologies. Industrial Marketing Management, 41 (2). pp. 312-318. ISSN 0019-8501

Carpenter, Jason and Moore, Marguerite and Doherty, Anne Marie and Alexander, Nicholas (2012) Acculturation to the global consumer culture: A generational cohort comparison. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20 (5). pp. 411-423. ISSN 1466-4488

Chakrabarti, Ronika and Berthon, Pierre (2012) Gift giving and social emotions: experience as content. Journal of Public Affairs, 12 (2). pp. 154-161. ISSN 1479-1854

Hibbert, SA and Piacentini, Maria and Hogg, Margaret (2012) Service recovery following dysfunctional consumer participation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11 (4). pp. 329-338. ISSN 1472-0817

Hustvedt, Gwendolyn and Runyan, Rodney (2012) Labeling for sustainability. Retail Education Today, 32 (2). pp. 11-15.

Jones, Robert and Runyan, Rodney and Kim, Youn-kyung (2012) Moving single-brand retail shoppers from in-store to online : is brand experience still important? Journal of Marketing at Retail, 1 (2). pp. 17-30. ISSN 2164-0815

Karanika, Katerina and Hogg, Margaret (2012) Trajectories across the lifespan of possession-self relationships. Journal of Business Research, 66 (7). pp. 910-916. ISSN 0148-2963

Kerrane, Ben and Hogg, Margaret (2012) How best to get their own way : children's influence strategies within families. Advances in Consumer Research, 39. pp. 366-373. ISSN 0915-5524

Kerrane, Ben and Hogg, Margaret and Bettany, Shona (2012) Children's influence strategies in practice : exploring the co-constructed nature of children's influence strategies in family consumption. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (7-8). pp. 809-835. ISSN 0267-257X

Khan, Hina and Bamber, David and Quazi, Ali (2012) Relevant or redundant : elite consumers' perception of foreign-made products in an emerging market. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (9-10). pp. 1190-1216. ISSN 0267-257X

Lenney, Peter (2012) The mindful manager. The World Financial Review. pp. 44-45.

Leonard, K.M. and Cosans, C. and Pakdil, F. and Salciuviene, Laura (2012) Cooperation across cultures : an examination of the concept in 16 countries. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36 (2). pp. 238-247.

Line, Nathan D. and Runyan, Rodney C. and Costen, Wanda and Frash, Robert and Antun, John M. (2012) Where everybody knows your name : homophily in restaurant atmospherics. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 21 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1936-8623

Line, Nathaniel D. and Runyan, Rodney C. (2012) Hospitality marketing research : recent trends and future directions. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31 (2). pp. 477-488. ISSN 0278-4319

Logie-MacIver, Liz and Piacentini, Maria and Eadie, Douglas (2012) Using qualitative methodologies to understand behaviour change. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 15 (1). pp. 70-86. ISSN 1352-2752

Mason, Katy (2012) A Commentary on the Role of Actors in Combining Resources into Complex Solutions. Journal of Business Research, 65 (2). pp. 151-152. ISSN 0148-2963

Mason, Katy (2012) Market sensing and situated dialogic action research (with a video camera). Management Learning, 43 (4). pp. 405-425. ISSN 1350-5076

Mason, Katy and Leek, Sheena (2012) Communication practices in a business relationship : Creating, relating and adapting communication artifacts through time. Industrial Marketing Management, 41 (2). pp. 319-332. ISSN 0019-8501

Mason, Katy and Mouzas, Stefanos (2012) Flexible business models. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (10). pp. 1340-1367. ISSN 0309-0566

Mason, Katy and Oshri, Ilan and Leek, Sheena (2012) Shared learning in supply networks: evidence from an emerging market supply network. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (11-12). pp. 1743-1762. ISSN 0309-0566

McEachern, Morven and Carrigan, Marylyn (2012) Re-visiting Contemporary Issues in Green/Ethical Marketing: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (3-4). pp. 189-194. ISSN 0267-257X

Mouzas, S and Ford, D (2012) Leveraging knowledge based resources: the role of contracts. Journal of Business Research, 65 (2). pp. 153-161. ISSN 0148-2963

Mouzas, Stefanos and Ford, David (2012) Contracts as a Facilitator of Resource Evolution. Journal of Business Research, 65 (9). pp. 1251-1253. ISSN 0148-2963

Natti, Satu and Palo, Teea (2012) Key account management in business-to-business expert organisations : an exploratory study on the implementation process. Service Industries Journal, 32 (11). pp. 1837-1852. ISSN 0264-2069

Newcombe, Mark and McCarthy, Mary and Cronin, James and McCarthy, Sinead (2012) "Eat like a man" : a social constructionist analysis of the role of food in men’s lives. Appetite, 59 (2). pp. 391-398. ISSN 0195-6663

Oberg, Christina and Henneberg, Stephan and Mouzas, Stefanos (2012) Organizational Inscriptions of Network Pictures : A Meso-Level Analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 41 (6). pp. 1270-1283. ISSN 0019-8501

Patterson, Anthony (2012) Social-networkers of the world, unite and take over : A meta-introspective perspective on the Facebook brand. Journal of Business Research, 65 (4). pp. 527-534. ISSN 0148-2963

Patterson, Anthony and Quinn, Lee and Baron, Steve (2012) The power of intuitive thinking : a devalued heuristic of strategic marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20 (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 0965-254X

Piacentini, Maria and Banister, Emma and Salciuviene, Laura and Keeling, KA (2012) Transformative Consumer Research: An Overview of Key Issues. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 11 (4). pp. 273-274. ISSN 1472-0817

Piacentini, Maria and Chatzidakis, Andreas and Banister, Emma (2012) Making Sense of Drinking : The Role of Techniques of Neutralisation and Counter-Neutralisation in Negotiating Alcohol Consumption’. Sociology of Health and Illness, 34 (6). pp. 841-857. ISSN 0141-9889

Reed, Americus and Forehand, Mark R. and Puntoni, Stefano and Warlop, Luk (2012) Identity-based consumer behavior. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29 (4). pp. 310-321. ISSN 0167-8116

Rodriguez Garcia, Beatriz (2012) Management issues in dark tourism attractions : The case of ghost tours in Edinburgh and Toledo. Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism & Recreation Research, 4 (1). pp. 14-19. ISSN 1942-6879

Runyan, Rodney and Kim, Jung-hwan and Baker, Julie (2012) The mall as bazaar : how kiosks influence consumer shopping behaviour. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (1-2). pp. 85-102. ISSN 0267-257X

Runyan, Rodney C. and Ge, Baoshan and Dong, Baobao and Swinney, Jane L. (2012) Entrepreneurial orientation in cross-cultural research : assessing measurement invariance in the construct. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36 (4). pp. 819-836. ISSN 1042-2587

Ryan, Annmarie and Fahy, John (2012) Evolving priorities in sponsorship : from media management to network management. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (9-10). pp. 1132-1158. ISSN 0267-257X

Scharf, Edson Roberto and Fernandes, Josiane and Kormann, Bruno Diego (2012) Corporate social responsibility to build strong Brazilian bank brand. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30 (6). pp. 436-451. ISSN 0265-2323

Simoes, Claudia and Mason, Katy (2012) Informing a new business-to-business relationship: corporate identity and the emergence of a relationship identity. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (5). pp. 684-711. ISSN 0309-0566

Swinney, Jane and Lang, Chumin and Runyan, Rodney (2012) An exploration of rural community branding efforts from the perspective of community residents. International Journal of Rural Management, 8 (1-2). pp. 35-47. ISSN 0973-0052

Tarim, Emre (2012) Storytelling and structural incoherence in financial markets. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 24 (2). pp. 115-144. ISSN 0260-1079

Walsh, Gianfranco and Shiu, Edward and Hassan, Louise (2012) Investigating the drivers of consumer intention to buy manufacturer brands. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21 (5). pp. 328-340. ISSN 1061-0421

Wong, Phoebe and Hogg, Margaret and Vanharanta, Markus (2012) Consumption narratives of extended possessions and the extended self. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (7-8). pp. 936-954. ISSN 0267-257X

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Barrios Fajardo, Andres and Piacentini, Maria and Salciuviene, Laura (2012) 'Your Life When You’ve Got Everything is Different’: Forced Transformations and Consumption Practices. In: Research in Consumer Behavior :. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., pp. 129-149. ISBN 978-1-78190-022-2

Cocker, Hayley and Banister, Emma and Piacentini, Maria (2012) The Dirty Pint: Consumption Objects in Young People's Extreme Alcohol Consumption and Enactment of Self. In: Research in Consumer Behavior :. Emerald, pp. 333-351. ISBN 978-1-78190-022-2

Liu, Chih-Ling and Keeling, Debbie Isobel and Hogg, Margaret (2012) The unspoken truth : a phenomenological study of changes in women's sense of self and the intimate relationship with cosmetics consumption. In: Research in Consumer Behavior :. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., pp. 89-107. ISBN 9781781900222

Singh, Sukhpreet and Kretschmer, Martin (2012) Strategic behaviour in the international exploitation of TV formats: a case study of the Idols format. In: Adapting Idols: Authenticity, Identity and Performance in a Global Television Format :. Ashgate popular and folk music series . Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 11-25.

Wong, Phoebe and Hogg, Margaret (2012) Exploring cultural differences in the extended self. In: The Routledge companion to identity and consumption :. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780415783064

Contribution to Conference

Adamo, G. and Ou, J-Y. and So, J.-K. and Jenkins, S.D. and MacDonald, K.F. and De Angelis, F. and Di Fabrizio, E. and Ruostekoski, J. and Zheludev, N.I. (2012) Coherent emission from plasmonic metamaterials. In: SPIE Photonics Europe 2012, 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-19, Square Brussels Meeting Centre.

Awanis, Sandra (2012) A structural equation modelling of credit card debt among the youth market. In: Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress - Cultural Perspectives in Marketing, 2012-08-27, Buckhead.

Awanis, Sandra and Cui, Charles (2012) Dynamic view of consumer vulnerability : a contextual analysis of credit card debt among the youth market. In: European Marketing Academy Conference, 2012-05-22, ISCTE Business School.

Azimont, Frank and Araujo, Luis (2012) Evidence for Markets, Markets for Evidence: Extending evidence-based medicine to the food sector. In: 2nd EIASM Workshop on Market Studies, 2012-06-07.

Barrios Fajardo, Andres and Piacentini, Maria and Salciuviene, Laura (2012) Forced Transformation and Consumption Practices in Liquid Times. In: Association of Consumer Research Vancouver, 2011-10-04 - 2012-10-07.

Chakrabarti, Ronika and Mason, Katy (2012) Enabling Practices : Making Markets ‘Worth the Effort’ at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid. In: 2nd EIASM Workshop on Market Studies, 2012-06-07.

Chakrabarti, Ronika and Ramos, Carla and Henneberg, Stephan (2012) Changes dynamics in the UK pharmaceutical network. In: , ISBM Academic Conference 2012: Advances in B-to-B Marketing, The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business., 2012-08-09 - 2012-08-12.

Chakrabarti, Ronika and Ramos, Carla and Henneberg, Stephan (2012) A networks-as-practice approach to dynamic changes in the UK pharmaceutical network. In: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP), 2012-09-13.

Cocker, Hayley and Piacentini, Maria and Banister, Emma (2012) Ridiculing the Working Class and Reinforcing Class Boundaries: The Chav Myth and Consumption in the Night-time Space. In: Association of Consumer Research Vancouver, 2011-10-04 - 2012-10-07.

Cronin, James (2012) Choose your Poison: Dysfunctional food-related behaviours and the experience of health risk across two communities of consumption. In: Consumer Culture Theory conference 2012, 2012-08-16 - 2012-08-19.

Daryanto, Anto and Rashid, K (2012) Customer Education-Loyalty Link: Trust as a Moderator. In: AMA 7th International Service Research Conference, 2012-06-07 - 2012-06-09.

Easton, Geoffrey and Gilchrist, Alan and Lenney, Peter (2012) The Co-constitutiveness Nature of Organizations and Industrial Networks: A Critical Realist Approach. In: 28th IMP Conference, 2012-09-01.

Freund, James and Jacobi, Erik (2012) Personal Eschatologies: How Consumers Relate to Macro-Structural Entities. In: Consumer Culture Theory conference 2012, 2012-08-16 - 2012-08-19.

Kerrane, Ben and Bettany, Shona and Hogg, Margaret (2012) Negotiating the new father : the consumption of technology within the contemporary family. In: Association for Consumer Research, 2012-10-04 - 2012-10-07.

Lenney, Peter and Zundel, Mike and Dasalaki, Maria and Ann, Hatting (2012) Building, dwelling ... thinking? Managerial knowledge in action. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Liu, Chih-Ling and Keeling, Debbie Isobel and Hogg, Margaret (2012) Trajectories of the self : a phenomenological study of women’s changing faces reflected in cosmetics consumption. In: Association for Consumer Research, 2012-10-04 - 2012-10-07.

Liu, Rebecca Ru-Yuh and Hart, Susan (2012) From Network Collaboration to New Product Development Time. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, 2012-05-23.

Malone, Sheila (2012) Ethical consumption and the role of emotion. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, 2012-07-02 - 2012-07-05.

Malone, Sheila (2012) An ethical sense of self : the role of emotion. In: Association of American Geographers, 2012-02-23 - 2012-02-26.

Mason, Katy and Denyer, David and Beech, Nic and Radnor, Zoe and Cropper, Steve and O'Mahoney, Joe and Palmer, Mark (2012) Researching Management Practices : Understanding, Explaining and Improving the Practice of Management. In: 2012 Annual British Academy of Management Meeting, 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-13.

Mason, Katy and Palo, Teea (2012) Innovating markets by putting business models to work. In: 28th Industrial Marketing & Purchasing Conference, 2012-09-13 - 2012-09-15.

Mouzas, Stefanos (2012) Contracting in Networks, ISBM Academic Conference 2012: Advances in B-to-B Marketing, The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, Chicago, USA. In: , ISBM Academic Conference 2012: Advances in B-to-B Marketing, The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business., 2012-08-09 - 2012-08-12.

Mouzas, Stefanos and Blois, Keith (2012) Relational, Incomplete and Framework Contracts. In: Academy of Management Conference, 2001-08-03 - 2001-08-08.

Mwiti, Fredah and Piacentini, Maria and Pressey, Andrew (2012) Integrating Resources via Practices within Consumer Networks: Subsistence Consumers Participating in ‘Chama'. In: Association of Consumer Research Vancouver, 2011-10-04 - 2012-10-07.

Mwiti, Fredah and Piacentini, Maria and Pressey, Andrew (2012) Practices within Consumer Networks: Subsistence Consumers Participating in ‘Chama’ Networks in Kenya. In: Consumer Culture Theory conference 2012, 2012-08-16 - 2012-08-19.

Ostendorf, Jan Wilhelm and Mouzas, Stefanos and Chakrabarti, Ronika (2012) Innovating in business networks : the role of retailer brand development. In: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP), 2012-09-13.

Pressey, Andrew and Mason, Katy (2012) Marketers and Price-Fixing Conspiracies : Collusion as Practice. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, 2012-07-02 - 2012-07-05.

Skandalis, Alexandros and Papantonopoulos, Sotirios and Koulouriotis, Dimitrios (2012) Plastic is healthy! : a qualitative approach of the kansei engineering methodology in milk packaging. In: 8th International Conference on Design & Emotion (D&E), 2012-09-11, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design.

Ulkuniemi, P and Araujo, Luis and Tahtinen, J (2012) Purchasing as Market-Shaping: the case of component-based software engineering. In: 28th IMP Conference, 2012-09-01.

Whittle, A and Mueller, F and Gilchrist, Alan and Lenney, Peter (2012) The Discourse of Power: How Do Strategists Talk About Power, and Why Does it Matter? In: 28th EGOS Colloquium, 2012-07-05 - 2012-07-07.

Whittle, A and Mueller, F and Gilchrist, Alan and Lenney, Peter (2012) The Discourse of Power: How do people talk about Power and Why Does it Matter? In: 10th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, 2012-07-18 - 2012-07-20.

Whittle, A and Mueller, F and Gilchrist, Alan and Lenney, Peter (2012) Strategists as Practical Sociologists: Sensemaking, Strategy and Power-Talk in Meetings. In: 28th EGOS Colloquium, 2012-07-05 - 2012-07-07.


Piacentini, Maria and Cui, Charles, eds. (2012) Multicultural Perspectives in Customer Behaviour. Key Issues in Marketing Management . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0415628907

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