Items where Department is "Mathematics and Statistics" and Year is 2003

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 65.

Journal Article

Anderson, M.E. and Moore, T.L. and Hollis, Sally and Clark, S. and Jayson, M.I.V. and Herrick, A.L. (2003) Endothelial-dependent vasodilation is impaired in patients with systemic sclerosis, as assessed by low dose iontophoresis. Clinical & Experimental Rheumatology, 21 (3). p. 403.

Ball, Frank and Neal, Peter John (2003) The great circle epidemic model. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 107 (2). pp. 233-268. ISSN 0304-4149

Ball, L. J. and Gale, A. G. and Lucas, E. J. and Miles, J. N. V. (2003) Inspection times and the selection task : What do eye-movements reveal about relevance effects? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Series a Human Experimental Psychology, 56 (6). pp. 1052-1077. ISSN 0272-4987

Barry, J. D. and Ginger, Michael L. and Burton, P. and McCulloch, R. (2003) Why are parasite contingency genes often associated with telomeres? International Journal for Parasitology, 33 (1). pp. 29-45. ISSN 0020-7519

Blower, G. (2003) The Gaussian Isoperimetric Inequality and Transportation. Positivity, 7. 203–224. ISSN 1385-1292

Blower, Gordon (2003) Almost sure weak convergence for the circular ensembles of Dyson. Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes formerly Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 75 (6). pp. 425-433. ISSN 1744-2508

Blower, Gordon (2003) Gaussian isoperimetric inequalities and transportation. Positivity, 7 (3). pp. 203-224. ISSN 1385-1292

Brenton, A.G and Jonathan, P (2003) Calculation of the effect of collisional broadening on high-resolution translational energy loss spectra : Special Issue: In honour of John H. Beynon. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 230 (2). pp. 185-192. ISSN 1387-3806

Brown, Patrick E. and Diggle, Peter J. and Henderson, Robin (2003) A Non-Gaussian Spatial Process Model for Opacity of Flocculated Paper. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 30 (2). pp. 355-368. ISSN 1467-9469

Christoffersen, Mogens Nygaard; and Francis, Brian and Soothill, Keith (2003) An upbringing to violence? : identifying the likelihood of violent crime among the 1966 birth cohort in Denmark. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, 14 (2). pp. 367-381. ISSN 1478-9949

Dales, H. G. and Laustsen, Niels J. and Read, Charles J. (2003) A properly infinite Banach *-algebra with a non-zero, bounded trace. Studia Mathematica, 155 (2). pp. 107-129. ISSN 0039-3223

Dobson, Angela; and Henderson, Robin (2003) Diagnostics for Joint Longitudinal and Dropout Time Modelling. Biometrics, 59 (4). pp. 741-751. ISSN 1541-0420

Fearnhead, Paul (2003) Ancestral processes for non-neutral models of complex diseases. Theoretical Population Biology, 63 (2). pp. 115-130. ISSN 1096-0325

Fearnhead, Paul (2003) Consistency of estimators of the population-scaled recombination rate. Theoretical Population Biology, 64 (1). pp. 67-79. ISSN 1096-0325

Fearnhead, Paul (2003) Haplotypes: the joint distribution of alleles at linked loci. Journal of Applied Probability, 40 (2). pp. 505-512.

Fearnhead, Paul; and Clifford, Peter (2003) On-Line Inference for Hidden Markov Models via Particle Filters. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 65 (4). pp. 887-899. ISSN 1369-7412

Fokianos, K. and Kedem, B. (2003) Regression Theory for Categorical Time Series. Statistical Science, 18 (3). pp. 357-376. ISSN 0883-4237

Friede, Tim (2003) A Comparison of Procedures for Adaptive Choice of Location Tests in Flexible Two-Stage Designs. Biometrical Journal, 45 (3). pp. 292-310. ISSN 1521-4036

Friede, Tim and Kieser, Meinhard (2003) Blinded sample size reassessment in non-inferiority and equivalence trials. Statistics in Medicine, 22 (6). pp. 995-1007. ISSN 1097-0258

Friede, Tim; and Henderson, Robin (2003) Intervention effects in observational survival studies with an application in total hip replacements. Statistics in Medicine, 22 (24). ISSN 1097-0258

Gatrell, Anthony C. and Harman, Juliet C. and Francis, Brian J. and Thomas, Carol and Morris, Sara M. and McIllmurray, Malcolm (2003) Place of death : analysis of cancer deaths in part of North West England. Journal of Public Health Medicine, 25 (1). pp. 53-58. ISSN 1464-3782

Gushwa, Nathan N. and Hayashi, Derek and Kemper, Andrea and Abram, Beverly and Taylor, Jane E. and Upton, Jason and Tay, Chloe F. and Fiedler, Sarah and Pullen, Sam and Miller, Linnsey P. and Tallman, Gary (2003) Thermotolerant Guard Cell Protoplasts of Tree Tobacco Do Not Require Exogenous Hormones to Survive in Culture and Are Blocked from Reentering the Cell Cycle at the G1-to-S Transition. Plant Physiology, 132 (4). pp. 1925-1940. ISSN 0032-0889

Heffernan, Janet E. and Tawn, Jonathan A. (2003) An extreme value analysis for the investigation into the sinking of the M. V. Derbyshire. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 52 (3). pp. 337-354. ISSN 1467-9876

Henderson, Robin; and Shimakura, Silvia (2003) A serially correlated gamma frailty model for longitudinal count data. Biometrika, 90 (2). pp. 355-366. ISSN 1464-3510

Huntingford, Chris and Jones, R. G. and Prudhomme, C. and Lamb, Rob and Gash, J. H. C. and Jones, D. A. (2003) Regional climate-model predictions of extreme rainfall for a changing climate. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 129 (590). pp. 1607-1621. ISSN 0035-9009

Jameson, Graham J. O. (2003) The ratio between the tail of a series and its approximating integral. Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 4 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1443-5756

Kieser, Meinhard; and Friede, Tim (2003) Simple procedures for blinded sample size adjustment that do not affect the type I error rate. Statistics in Medicine, 22 (23). pp. 2571-2581. ISSN 1097-0258

Laustsen, Niels Jakob (2003) On ring-theoretic (in)finiteness of Banach algebras of operators on Banach spaces. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 45 (1). pp. 11-19. ISSN 0017-0895

Leslie, David S. (2003) Convergent multiple-timescales reinforcement learning algorithms in normal form games. Annals of Applied Probability, 13 (4). pp. 1231-1251. ISSN 1050-5164

Levene, R. H. and Power, S. C. (2003) Reflexivity Of The Translation-Dilation Algebras On L2(ℝ). International Journal of Mathematics, 14 (10). pp. 1081-1090. ISSN 0129-167X

Lindsay, J. Martin and Wills, Stephen J. (2003) Homomorphic Feller cocycles on a C*-algebra. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 68 (1). pp. 255-272. ISSN 1469-7750

Mazza, Nadia (2003) The Dade group of a metacyclic $p$-group. Journal of Algebra, 266 (1). pp. 102-111. ISSN 0021-8693

Mazza, Nadia (2003) Endo-permutation modules as sources of simple modules. Journal of Group Theory, 6 (4). pp. 477-497. ISSN 1435-4446

McIllmurray, M. B. and Francis, B. J. and Harman, J. C. and Morris, S. M. and Soothill, K. L. and Thomas, C. (2003) Psychosocial needs in cancer patients related to religious belief. Palliative Medicine, 17 (1). pp. 49-54. ISSN 0269-2163

Mukherjee, Kanchan and Bose, Arup (2003) Estimating the ARCH parameters by solving linear equations. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 24 (2). pp. 127-136. ISSN 0143-9782

Neal, Peter John (2003) SIR epidemics on a Bernoulli random graph. Journal of Applied Probability, 40 (3). pp. 779-782. ISSN 0021-9002

Pettitt, Anthony and Friel, N. and Reeves, R. (2003) Efficient calculation of the normalizing constant of the autologistic and related models on the cylinder and lattice. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 65 (1). pp. 235-246. ISSN 1369-7412

Poon, Ser-Huang; and Rockinger, Michael; and Tawn, Jonathan (2003) Modelling extreme-value dependence in international stock markets. Statistica Sinica, 13. pp. 929-953. ISSN 1017-0405

Rabbitt, P. and Chetwynd, A. and McInnes, L. (2003) Do clever brains age more slowly? Further exploration of a nun result. British Journal of Psychology, 94 (1). pp. 63-71. ISSN 0007-1269

Soothill, K. L. and Morris, S. M. and Thomas, C. and Harman, J. C. and Francis, B. and McIllmurray, M. B. (2003) The universal, situational, and personal needs of cancer patients and their main carers. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 7 (1). pp. 5-13. ISSN 1462-3889

Soothill, Keith L. and Ackerley, Elizabeth and Francis, Brian J. (2003) The persistent offenders debate : a focus on temporal changes. Criminal Justice, 3 (4). pp. 389-412. ISSN 1466-8025

Sá Carvalho, Marilia and Henderson, Robin and Shimakura, Silvia and Pereira Silva Cunha Sousa, Ines (2003) Survival of hemodialysis patients : modeling differences in risk of dialysis centers. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15 (3). pp. 189-196. ISSN 1464-3677

Tawn, Jonathan A. and Ledford, Anthony W. (2003) Diagnostics for dependence within time series extremes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 65 (2). pp. 521-543. ISSN 1369-7412

Tawn, Jonathan A. and Schlather, Martin (2003) A dependence measure for multivariate and spatial extreme values: properties and inference. Biometrika, 90 (1). pp. 139-156. ISSN 1464-3510

Tunnicliffe Wilson, Granville and Logsdon, J. and Scarrot, C. (2003) Prediction of extreme temperatures in a reactor using measurements affected by control action. Technometrics, 45 (2). pp. 159-168. ISSN 1537-2723

Whitehead, John and Bollard, Kim and Matsushita, Tatsuru and Sooriyarachchi, Marina Roshini and Whitehead, Anne (2003) Incorporating data received after a sequential trial has stopped into the final analysis: implementation and comparison of methods. Biometrics, 59 (3). pp. 701-709. ISSN 1541-0420

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Dales, H.G. (2003) Banach algebras. In: Introduction to Banach algebras, operators, and harmonic analysis :. London Mathematical Society Student Texts . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-72. ISBN 9780521535847

Diggle, Peter J. and Ribeiro, Paulo J. and Christensen, Ole F. (2003) An introduction to model-based geostatistics. In: Spatial statistics and computational methods :. Lecture notes in statistics (173) . Springer, New York, pp. 43-86. ISBN 0387001360

Dittrich, Regina and Francis, Brian and Katzenbeisser, Walter (2003) Modelling repeated paired comparisons : an example from the British Household Panel Study. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Leuven, Belgium :. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, pp. 119-124. ISBN 90-807934-1-8

Field, D. and Froggatt, Katherine (2003) Issues for palliative care in nursing and residential homes. In: End of life in care homes :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 175-194.

Fokianos, Konstantinos (2003) Box--Cox Transformation for Semiparametric Comparison of Two Samples. In: Foundations of Statistical Inference : Proceedings of the Shoresh Conference 2000. Contributions to Statistics . Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 131-139. ISBN 9783790800470

Jessop, R. D. and Benner, N. and Jones, M. and Mac Leod, G. (2003) State space in question. In: Sate/space: a reader :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 1-26.

Kelly, M. and Flowerdew, R. and Francis, B. J. and Harman, J. C. (2003) Measuring accessibility for remote rural populations. In: Socio-economic applications of geographical information science. :. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 199-222.

Roberts, Gareth O. and Papaspiliopoulos, O. and Skold, M. (2003) Non-centred parameterisations for hierarchical models and data augmentation. In: Bayesian statistics VII :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 307-327.

Sum, N.-L. (2003) Rethinking globalisation: re-articulating the spatial scales and temporal horizons of transborder space. In: State/Space: A Reader :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 208-224. ISBN 0631230343

Tasoulis, D. K. and Spyridonos, P. and Pavlidis, N. G. and Cavouras, D. and Ravazoula, P. and Nikiforidis, G. and Vrahatis, M. N. (2003) Urinary bladder tumor grade diagnosis using on-line trained neural networks. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems : 7th INternational Conference, KES 2003, Oxford, UK, September 2003. Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 2773 P . Springer, GBR, pp. 199-206. ISBN 9783540408031

Whittaker, Joseph and Dodge, Y. (2003) Advanced multivariate analysis in the social sciences. In: Analisi Statistica Multivariata :. Societa Italiana de Statistica . Convegno SIS, RCE Edizioni, Napoli, Italy, pp. 465-472.

Whittaker, Joseph and Dodge, Y. (2003) Estimating quantiles within the context of PLSR. In: PLS and related methods: proceedings of PLS03 :. Decisia, France, pp. 465-472.

Zheng, P. and Marriott, J. M. (2003) A Bayesian Analysis of Smooth Transitions in Trend. In: Bayesian Statistics 7: Proceedings of the Seventh Valencia International Meeting :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 465-472. ISBN 9780198526155


Faux, G. and Chetwynd, Amanda G. (2003) QCA Geometry Report. Other. UNSPECIFIED.

Contribution to Conference

Almeroth, K. and Garyfalos, A. (2003) Mobile wireless networks: A comparison of network and application layer multicast for mobile IPv6 networks. In: 6th ACM International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wirelss and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWIM 2003), 1900-01-01. (Unpublished)

Thomas, Carol and Morris, S. M. (2003) Choosing the Place of Final Care. [Plenary speaker]. In: Making Choices in Palliative Care, joint University of Lancaster and NHS conference, 2003-09-12. (Unpublished)


Jameson, Graham James Oscar (2003) The prime number theorem. London mathematical society student texts 53 . Cambridge University Press, England. ISBN 0521814111


Mazza, Nadia (2003) Modules d'endo-permutation. PhD thesis, Universite de Lausanne (Switzerland).


Berridge, Damon and Davies, R. B. and Gayle, V. (2003) Econometric Analysis of the Demand for Higher Education. UNSPECIFIED.

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