Items where Department is "Management Learning & Leadership" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 47.


Allen, Stephen (2010) Managers making sense of sustainability: views from the energy and power industry. In: Journal of Management Studies Conference ‘Foundations of Sustainability’, 2010-09-27 - 2010-09-29. (Unpublished)


Beaty, E and Cousin, G and Hodgson, V E (2010) Revisiting the e-quality in networked learning manifesto. In: 7th International Conference on Networked Learning (Aalborg, Denmark) - 2010 :. unknown, N/A.

Biron, C and Gatrell, C J and Cooper, C L (2010) Autopsy of a failure, evaluating process and contextual issues in an organizational-level work stress intervention. International Journal of Stress Management, 17 (2). pp. 135-158. ISSN 1072-5245

Burgoyne, J G (2010) Chapter 3 crafting a leadership and management development strategy. In: Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development :. Gower Publishing Company, Aldershot. ISBN 9780566088582

Burnett, Simon and Gatrell, Caroline and Cooper, Cary and Sparrow, Paul (2010) Well balanced Families: A gendered analysis of work-life balance policies and work-family practices. Gender in Management, 25 (7). pp. 534-549.


Collinson, D L (2010) Identities and insecurities: selves at work. In: Sage Directions in Organization Studies :. Sage, London, pp. 189-208.

Collinson, D L (2010) Satire, humour and leadership. In: Political and Civic Leadership: A Sage Reference Handbook :. Sage, London, pp. 1071-1080.

Collinson, D L and Collinson, M (2010) Elizabeth 1st. In: Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History :. Multilingual Matters, Great Barrington. ISBN 9781933782652


Danis, Wade M. and Chiaburu, Dan S. and Lyles, Marjorie (2010) The impact of managerial networking intensity and market-based strategies on firm growth during institutional upheaval : a study of small and medium-sized enterprises in a transition economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (2). pp. 287-307. ISSN 0047-2506

Densten, I L and Gray, J H and Sarros, J C (2010) Leadership augmentation at the upper echelons of organizations. International Leadership Journal.

Downs, Carolyn (2010) Mass gambling : the Mass Observation Archive and popular leisure. In: Recording leisure lives : sports, games and pastimes in 20th century Britain. Leisure Studies Association, Eastbourne, pp. 117-138. ISBN 9781905369188

Downs, Carolyn (2010) Mecca and the birth of commercial bingo 1958–70 : a case study. Business History, 52 (7). pp. 1086-1106. ISSN 0007-6791

Downs, Carolyn (2010) Two fat ladies at the seaside : the place of gambling in working-class holidays. In: Recording leisure lives : holidays and tourism in 20th century Britain. Leisure Studies Association, Eastbourne, pp. 51-73. ISBN 9781905369232

Downs, Carolyn (2010) Young people playing with risk : social networking and the normalisation of gambling behaviours. In: Leisure experiences : space, place and performance. Leisure Studies Association, GBR, pp. 25-47. ISBN 9781905369201

Downs, Carolyn and Woolrych, Ryan (2010) Gambling and debt : the hidden impacts on family and work life. Community, Work and Family, 13 (3). pp. 311-328. ISSN 1366-8803


Elliott, C J and Stead, V (2010) Learning from leading women's experience: towards a sociological understanding. In: Women and Management, Edward Elgar International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management Vols 1 and 2 :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781848443266

Elliott, Carole and Stead, Valerie (2010) Visualising women's leadership : stereotypes and metaphors. In: International Studying Leadership Conference, Lund Sweden :. UNSPECIFIED.


Ferreday, D J and Hodgson, V E (2010) Heterotopia in Networked Learning: Beyond the Shadow Side of Participation in Learning Communities. Working Paper. The Department of Management Learning and Leadership, Lancaster University.

Fleetwood, Steve and Hesketh, A J (2010) Explaining the Performance of Human Resource Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521875998


Gatrell, C J (2010) Pregnancy Centre Stage, Please: Contesting the erasure of pregnant bodies from workplace space. In: Revealing and Concealing Gender :. Palgrave, London, pp. 54-75. ISBN 0230212115

Gatrell, C J (2010) Who rules the game? Investigating women sex workers, agency and body. Gender in Management, 25 (3). pp. 208-226.


Harrison, Richard and Leitch, Claire (2010) Voodoo institution or entrepreneurial university? The role of spin-out companies in the entrepreneurial system. Regional Studies, 44 (9). pp. 1241-1262. ISSN 0034-3404

Hesketh, A J and Hird, M (2010) The golden triangle: how relationships between leaders can leverage more value from people. In: Leading HR :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 103-135. ISBN 9780230222595

Hesketh, A J and Sparrow, P R and Hird, M (2010) The future scenario for leading HR. In: Leading HR :. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 253-278. ISBN 9780230222595

Hodgson, V E and Reynolds, P M (2010) Learning, teaching and assessment in networked learning. In: 7th International Conference on Networked Learning (Aalborg, Denmark) - 2010 :. unknown, N/A.


Kwan, Ho Kwong and Mao, Yina and Zhang, Haina (2010) The impact of role modeling on protégés' personal learning and work-to-family enrichment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77 (2). pp. 313-322. ISSN 0001-8791


Leitch, Claire and Hill, Frances and Harrison, Richard (2010) Growing a high-tech business in Northern Ireland: The perceptions and experiences of female and male owner-managers. In: Women's Entrepreneurship and Growth Influences: An International Perspective :. Edward Elgar Publishing, London.

Leitch, Claire and Hill, Frances and Harrison, Richard (2010) The philosophy and practice of interpretivist research in entrepreneurship: Quality, validation and trust. Organizational Research Methods, 13 (1). pp. 67-84. ISSN 1094-4281

Leitch, Claire and Hill, Frances and Neergaard, Helle (2010) Entrepreneurial and business growth and the quest for a 'comprehensive theory': Tilting at windmills. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34 (2). pp. 249-260. ISSN 1042-2587

Lervik, J and Fahy, K and Easterby-Smith, M P V (2010) Temporal dynamics of situated learning in organizations. Management Learning, 41 (3). pp. 285-301. ISSN 1350-5076

Lim, Syamimi and Idris, Rozaidah and Zain, Ali Yusob and Othman, Rozhan (2010) Personality traits and implicit leadership theories of Bruneians. International Journal of Strategic Management, 10 (1). ISSN 1555-2411


Mughal, Farooq and Ahmad, Mansoor and Mazhar Gondal, Anbareen and Mumtaz Awan, Tahir and Ghafoor Chaudhry, Imran (2010) Repercussions of stressors on employee work-life balance : analysing the banking industry of Pakistan. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 3 (4). pp. 325-347. ISSN 1746-966X


O'Reilly, D and Reed, Mike (2010) 'Leaderism' : an evolution of managerialism in UK public service reform. Public Administration: An International Quarterly, 88 (4). pp. 960-978. ISSN 0033-3298

O'Reilly, D and Tomlinson, M and Wallace, M (2010) Changing capitals and credentials in leadership careers: exploring the evolution of leaderism in the transformation of UK public services. In: British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference (Glasgow) - 2010 :. unknown, N/A.


Ram, M and Trehan, K (2010) Critical action learning, policy learning and small firms : an inquiry. Management Learning, 41 (4). pp. 415-428. ISSN 1350-5076

Reynolds, Michael and Vince, Russ (2010) Leading reflection : developing the relationship between leadership and reflection. In: Gower handbook of leadership and management development :. Gower, Farnham. ISBN 9780566088582


Skogly, Sigrun and Secker, Emilie (2010) The role of the international financial institutions in the process of a rights based approach to development. In: Development as a human right : legal, political and economic dimensions. Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 353-380. ISBN 9789400000223

Sparrow, P R and Hesketh, A J and Hird, M and Cooper, C L (2010) Introduction: performance-led HR. In: Leading HR :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780230222595

Sparrow, P R and Hesketh, A J and Hird, Martin and Marsh, Craig and Balain, Shashi (2010) Using Business Model Change to Tie HR into Strategy : Reversing the Arrow. In: Leading HR :. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 68-89. ISBN 9780230222595

Stead, V and Elliott, C J (2010) It's different for girls: informing leadership development through women's experiences. In: The 2nd Developing Leadership Capacity Conference (The Bristol Centre for Leadership and Organisational Ethics and the Leadership Trust Foundation) - 2010 :. unknown, N/A.

Stead, V and Elliott, C J (2010) Women and leadership, a relational lens. In: An International Seminar on Women in Leadership : Between Corporate Reality and Research Agendas (International Centre for Women Leaders, Cranfield School of Management) - 2010. unknown, N/A.

Swan, Elaine and Fox, Stephen (2010) Playing the Game: Strategies of Resistance and Co-optation in Diversity Work. Gender, Work and Organisation, 17 (5). pp. 567-589. ISSN 0968-6673


Themelis, Chryssa and Parchoma, Gale and Reynolds, Peter Michael (2010) Athenian democracy and networked learning communities. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 918-924. ISBN 9781862202252

Trehan, K and Pedler, M (2010) Critical action learning; "Putting an edge on leadership and management development". In: Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development :. Gower Publishing Company, Aldershot. ISBN 9780566088582


Volberda, H. W. and Foss, N. J. and Lyles, Marjorie (2010) Absorbing the concept of absorptive capacity : how to realize its potential in the organization field. Organization Science, 21 (4). pp. 931-951. ISSN 1047-7039


Wallace, M and O'Reilly, D and Morris, J and Deem, R (2010) Public service leaders as change agents - for whom? Mediatory responses to leadership development in England. In: Centre for Research into Economic and Social Change (CRESC) 'Public Services after the Crash' Workshop (Manchester Business School) - 2010 :. unknown, N/A.

Wallace, M and O'Reilly, D and Reed, M and Deem, R (2010) Developing public service leaders as change agents: the mediation of mobilization. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference (Sheffield) - 2010 :. unknown, N/A.

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