Items where Department is "Educational Research" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 79.


Anderson, Jill (2010) New horizons : ESCalate and the mental health in higher education project. ESCalate News. pp. 38-39.


Baldwin, Sinead (2010) Teachers' and students' 'relationships with knowledge' : an exploration of the organisation of knowledge within disciplinary and educational contexts. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Barton, David and Hamilton, Mary (2010) La littératie : une pratique sociale. Langage et Societe, 133. pp. 45-62. ISSN 0181-4095

Bell, A. and Zenios, M. and Parchoma, Gale (2010) Undergraduate experiences of coping with networked learning : Difficulties now, possibilities for the future. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark. :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 904-911.

Blaxter, Loraine and Hughes, Christina and Tight, Malcolm (2010) How to research. McGraw Hill. ISBN 033523867X

Bligh, Brett and Lorenz, Katharina (2010) Vorsprung durch Technik : multi-display learning spaces and art-historical method. In: Technology and 'the Death of Art History' : CHArt Twenty Sixth Annual Conference, British Computer Society, London, 10-11 November 2010. CHArt, London.

Bligh, Brett and Lorenz, Katharina (2010) The rhetoric of multi-display learning spaces : exploratory experiences in visual art disciplines., 6 (1). pp. 7-27.

Bligh, Brett and Sharples, Mike (2010) Affordances of presentations in multi-display learning spaces for supporting small group discussion. In: Sustaining TEL : from innovation to learning and practice : 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 28 - October 1, 2010. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 464-469. ISBN 978-3-642-16019-6

Bligh, Brett and Wiesemes, Rolf and Murphy, Roger (2010) Introduction to the special issue on visual learning in higher education., 6 (1). pp. 1-6.

Bonzo, Justin and Parchoma, Gale (2010) The paradox of social media in higher education institutions. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark. :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 912-917.


Cranmer, Sue (2010) Listening to excluded young people's perspectives on how digital technologies support and challenge their lives. Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice, 19 (4). pp. 31-48.

Cuban, Sondra (2010) Examining the feminisation of migration concept for adult education. Gender and Education, 22 (2). pp. 177-191. ISSN 0954-0253

Cuban, Sondra (2010) ‘It is hard to stay in England’ : itineraries, routes, and dead ends : an (im)mobility study of nurses who became carers. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40 (2). pp. 185-198. ISSN 0305-7925


Derrick, G. E. and Sturk, H. and Haynes, A. S. and Chapman, S. and Hall, W. D. (2010) A cautionary bibliometric tale of two cities. Scientometrics, 84 (2). pp. 317-320. ISSN 0138-9130


Fritz, Catherine and Francis, Brian and Morris, Peter and Peelo, Moira (2010) SIMPLE : Helping to introduce statistics to social science students. In: Responding to the mathematics problem : The implementation of institutional support mechanisms. The Maths, Stats & OR Network, Birmingham, UK, pp. 51-58.


Hamilton, Mary (2010) Managing Transitions in Skills for Life. In: Transitions and learning through the lifecourse :. Routledge, London, pp. 69-86. ISBN 9780415481731

Hawkey, Kate and Pahl, Kate and Passey, Don (2010) Book Review: Modelling the future: exhibitions and the materiality of education / edited by Martin Lawn (2009, ISBN 9781873927274). Cambridge Journal of Education, 40 (1). pp. 87-91. ISSN 1469-3577


Ingram, Nicola (2010) School culture and its impact on working-class boys. Sociology Review, 20. pp. 2-6. ISSN 0959-8499


Jackson, C. (2010) Demanding time: balancing school and out-of-school demands. In: Girls and Education 3-16: Continuing Concerns, New Agendas :. Open University, Maidenhead. ISBN 033523562X

Jackson, C. (2010) Fear in Education. Educational Review, 62 (1). pp. 39-52. ISSN 0013-1911

Jackson, C. and Paechter, C. and Renold, E. (2010) Girls and Education 3-16: Continuing Concerns, New Agendas. Open University, Maidenhead. ISBN 033523562X

Jackson, Carolyn (2010) 'I've been sort of laddish with them … one of the gang' : teachers' perceptions of 'laddish' boys and how to deal with them. Gender and Education, 22 (5). pp. 505-519. ISSN 0954-0253


Kolar, Jana and Komljenovic, Janja (2010) Resolution on the National higher education programme 2011-2020 : resolution on the research and innovation strategy of Slovenia 2011-2020. Ministry of higher education, science and technology. ISBN 9789616215329


Lackovic, Natasa (2010) Beyond the surface : image affordances in language textbooks that affect National Identity Formation (NIF). In: Mapping minds :. Inter-disciplinary Press, pp. 53-65. ISBN 9781848880474

Lackovic, Natasa (2010) Creating and reading images : towards a communication framework for Higher Education learning., 6 (1).


Marlow, Chris and Hamerton, Greg and Owen, Stephen and Redfearn, Norma (2010) Speaking Matters. LAMDA.

McArthur, Jan (2010) Achieving social justice within and through higher education : the challenge for critical pedagogy. Teaching in Higher Education, 15 (5). pp. 493-504. ISSN 1356-2517

McArthur, Jan (2010) Time to look anew : critical pedagogy and disciplines within higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 35 (3). pp. 301-315. ISSN 0307-5079


O Suilleabhain, Gearoid and Sime, Julie-Ann (2010) Games for learning and learning transfer. In: Critical design and effective tools for e-learning in higher education : theory into practice :. IGI Global, pp. 113-126. ISBN 9781615208791

Oberg, Hans and Zenios, M. and Parchoma, Gale (2010) Teachers’ views on assessment in higher education. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 925-931.


Parchoma, Gale (2010) International tutor perspectives on undergraduate networked learning environments. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark. :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 902-903.

Parchoma, Gale (2010) Toward diversity in researching teaching and technology philosophies-in-practice in e-learning communities. In: Handbook of Research on Methods and Techniques for Studying Virtual Communities: Paradigms and Phenomena :. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 61-86. ISBN 978-1609600402

Passey, Don (2010) Approaches to using the LP+ ADOPT Framework. In: The ADOPT Framework supporting schools to transform using the learning platform :. Learning Possibilities Limited, Borehamwood, pp. 18-20. ISBN 9780956456403

Passey, Don (2010) Book Review: Changing teacher professionalism; international trends, challenges and ways forward / edited by Sharon Gewirtz, Pat Mahony, Ian Hextall and Alan Cribb (2009, ISBN 9780415467780). Cambridge Journal of Education, 40 (1). pp. 91-92. ISSN 1469-3577

Passey, Don (2010) The Context of Learning Platforms. In: The ADOPT Framework supporting schools to transform using the learning platform :. Learning Possibilities Limited, Borehamwood, pp. 10-11. ISBN 9780956456403

Passey, Don (2010) Identifying young people at risk of learning exclusion : evidence from the educational system in England. In: Social Media for Social Inclusion of Youth at Risk : Proceedings of the INCLUSO 2010 Conference. K.U. Leuven, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 59-72. ISBN 9789460182532

Passey, Don (2010) Independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the Learning Platform LP+ across Schools: Report on Early Implementation Outcomes in Wolverhampton Local Authority. Working Paper. Lancaster University.

Passey, Don (2010) Independent Evaluation of the Implementation of the Learning Platform LP+ across Schools: Summary of Early Implementation Outcomes in Wolverhampton Local Authority. Working Paper. Lancaster University.

Passey, Don (2010) Mobile learning in school contexts : can teachers alone make it happen? IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 3 (1). pp. 68-81. ISSN 1939-1382

Passey, Don (2010) Using technologies to support young people at risk of learning exclusion : considering key factors when identifying impacts. In: Social Media for Social Inclusion of Youth at Risk : Proceedings of the INCLUSO 2010 Conference. K.U. Leuven, Leuven (Belgium), pp. 141-150. ISBN 9789460182532

Passey, Don and Davies, Paul (2010) Independent evaluation of the intervention study in Technology to support young people 16 to 18 years of age who are not in employment, education or training (NEET): A Local Authority Landscape Review. Other. Becta, Coventry.

Passey, Don and Davies, Paul and Rogers, Colin (2010) Independent evaluation of the intervention study in Sunderland LA with young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET)- Go Create – a social, creative and practical intervention, Summary report, March 2010. Other. Becta, Coventry.

Passey, Don and Davies, Paul and Rogers, Colin (2010) Independent evaluation of the intervention study in Sunderland Local Authority (LA) with young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) - Final report, March 2010. Other. Becta, Coventry.

Pooley, Colin G. and Whyatt, J. Duncan and Walker, Marion and Davies, Gemma and Coulton, Paul and Bamford, Will (2010) Understanding the school journey : integrating data on travel and environment. Environment and Planning A, 42 (4). pp. 948-965. ISSN 1472-3409


Raburu, Pamela and Tight, Malcolm (2010) Women academics' careers in Kenya. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Ramirez-Martinell, Alberto and Sime, Julie-Ann (2010) Video-enriched learning experiences for performing arts students : Two exploratory case studies. In: Technology Supported Environment for Personalised Learning : Methods and Case Studies. IGI Global, pp. 248-267. ISBN 978-1605668840

Rogers, Colin (2010) Engaging with engagement in an ICT Context. In: BERA Annual Conference 2010, 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04.


Selwyn, Neil and Potter, John and Cranmer, Sue (2010) Primary Schools and ICT. Continuum, London. ISBN 978-1-85539-578-7

Shreeve, Alison and Sims, Ellen and Trowler, Paul (2010) 'A kind of exchange' : learning from art and design teaching. Higher Education Research and Development, 29 (2). pp. 125-138. ISSN 0729-4360

Smith, Andrew (2010) Cultivating Work-Based Ethics with Massively Multiplayer Environments. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 21 (2). pp. 273-293. ISSN 1093-023X

Smith, Andrew (2010) Informal Learning within Virtual Social Learning Systems. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 2010-08-25 - 2010-08-27.

Smith, Andrew (2010) Uncovering Hidden Learning. In: BERA, 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-04.

Smith, Leslie (2010) Knowledge a priori - from Plato and Kant to Piaget. In: Aus der Bildungsgesichte lernen :. Erhard Löcker, Vienna, pp. 135-147. ISBN 978-3-85409-558-3

Smith, Leslie (2010) Piaget : recent work. In: International Encyclopedia of Education :. Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 218-224. ISBN 978-0-08-044893-0


Themelis, Chryssa and Parchoma, Gale and Reynolds, Peter Michael (2010) Athenian democracy and networked learning communities. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 918-924. ISBN 9781862202252

Tight, Malcolm (2010) Are Academic Workloads increasing? The post-war survey evidence in the UK. Higher Education Quarterly, 64 (2). pp. 200-215. ISSN 0951-5224

Tight, Malcolm (2010) The golden age of academe : myth or memory? British Journal of Educational Studies, 58 (1). pp. 105-116. ISSN 0007-1005

Trowler, Paul (2010) Los Academicos en la mejora de la calidad de la docencia y del aprendizaje. In: Calidad de los Egresados Responsabilidad Institucional Ineludible. :. Consejo de Educacion/Comision Nacional de Acreditation de Chile, Santiago, pp. 49-62.

Trowler, Paul (2010) UK Higher Education : captured by new managerialist discourse? In: The changing dynamics of higher education middle management :. Springer, Dortrecht. ISBN 978-90-481-9162-8

Trowler, Paul and Trowler, Vicki (2010) Case Studies of Student Engagement. [Report]

Trowler, Paul and Trowler, Vicki (2010) Frameworks for Action II: Guidance for policy makers on student engagement. [Report]

Trowler, Paul and Trowler, Vicki (2010) Frameworks for action: enhancing student engagement at the institutional level. [Report]

Trowler, Paul and Trowler, Vicki (2010) Student Engagement Evidence Summary. [Report]

Trowler, Paul and Trowler, Vicki (2010) Student engagement: executive summary. [Report]


Verity, Michelle and Trowler, Paul (2010) Looking back and looking into the future. In: Learning development in higher education :. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 241-252. ISBN 9780230241480


Walker, Marion (2010) Choice, cost and community : the hidden complexities of the rural primary school market. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 38 (6). pp. 712-727. ISSN 1741-1432

Walker, Marion and Clark, Gordon (2010) Parental choice and the rural primary school : lifestyle, locality and loyalty. Journal of Rural Studies, 26 (3). pp. 241-249.

Walker, Marion and Whittle, Rebecca and Medd, William and Burningham, Kate and Moran-Ellis, Jo and Tapsell, Sue (2010) Children and Young People 'after the rain has gone' – learning lessons for flood recovery and resilience : Hull Children's Flood Project Final Report. Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Warin, Jo (2010) Stories of self : tracking children’s identity and wellbeing through the school years. Trentham Books, Stoke on Trent. ISBN 9781858564418

Williams, Julie and Ashwin, Paul (2010) Pride and prejudice : the socialisation of nurse educators. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Willis, Ian and Tight, Malcolm and Parchoma, Gale (2010) How important is the local when thinking global? : Internationalisation at a research-led university. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Woolf, Harvey and Yorke, Mantz (2010) Guidance for the assessment of work-based learning in Foundation degrees. Foundation Degree Forward, Lichfield.


Yorke, Mantz (2010) Employability : aligning the message, the medium and academic values. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 1 (1). pp. 2-12. ISSN 1838-3815

Yorke, Mantz (2010) How finely grained does summative assessment need to be? Studies in Higher Education, 35 (6). pp. 677-689. ISSN 0307-5079

Yorke, Mantz (2010) Introduction : assessing emergent professional expertise. In: Enhancing learning through assessment in business and management, hospitality, leisure, sport, tourism :. Enhancing Series . Threshold Press Ltd, Newbury, ix-xviii. ISBN 9781903152256

Yorke, Mantz (2010) ‘Supra-institutional research’ : a cost-effective contribution towards enhancement. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 32 (3). pp. 261-273. ISSN 1360-080X

Yorke, Mantz (2010) The placement experience of students on full-time Foundation degrees : a pilot study. Foundation Degree Forward, Lichfield.

Yorke, Mantz and Longden, Bernard (2010) Learning, juggling and achieving : students’ experience of part-time foundation degrees. Foundation Degree Forward, Lichfield.


Zenios, Maria and Smith, Christine (2010) Organisational patterns for e-learning centres. In: Technology-enhanced learning: design patterns and pattern languages. :. Sense Publications, Rotterdam. ISBN 978-9460910616

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