Items where Department is "Sociology" and Year is 2022

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Abbas, Madeline Sophie (2022) Conflating the Muslim refugee and the terror suspect : responses to the Syrian refugee “crisis” in Brexit Britain. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42 (14). pp. 2450-2469. ISSN 0141-9870

Abbas, Madeline-Sophie (2022) Müslüman Mülteci ve Terör Zanlısını Birbirine Karıştırmak: Britanya’da Suriyeli Mülteci Krizine Tepkiler. Ortadoğu ve Göç, 12 (1). pp. 195-236.

Abouelenin, Mariam (2022) Gender, Resources, and Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Egypt Before and After the Arab Spring. Violence Against Women, 28 (2). pp. 347-374. ISSN 1077-8012

Ahmed, Zia and Belayeth Hussain, A H M and Ambinakudige, Shrinidhi and Ahmed, Mufti Nadimul Quamar and Alam, Rafiul and Rezoan, Hafiz-Al and Das Dola, Dolan and Rahman, Mohammad Mahbubur and Hassan, Rubaid and Mahmud, Sakib (2022) Perceived Human-Induced Causes of Landslide in Chattogram Metropolitan Area in Bangladesh. Earth Systems and Environment, 6 (2). pp. 499-515.

Allnatt, G. and Lee, A. and Scourfield, J. and Elliott, M. and Broadhurst, K. and Griffiths, L. (2022) Data resource profile : children looked after administrative records in Wales. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7 (1): 16.

Alrouh, Bachar and Abouelenin, Mariam and Broadhurst, Karen and Cowley, Laura and Doebler, Stefanie and Farr, Ian and Cusworth, Linda and North, Laura and Hargreaves, Claire and Akbari, Ashley and Griffiths, Lucy and Ford, David (2022) Mothers in recurrent care proceedings : New evidence for England and Wales. [Report]

Alrouh, Bachar and Hargreaves, Claire and Cusworth, Linda and Broadhurst, Karen and North, Laura and Griffiths, Lucy Jane and Doebler, Stefanie and Akbari, Ashley and Farr, Ian and Cowley, Laura (2022) What do we know about ethnicity in the family justice system in England? [Report]

Ashmore, Lisa and Singleton, Vicky and Kragh-Furbo, Mette and Stewart, Hilary and Hutton, Daniel and Singleton, Corinne and Salisbury, Lorraine (2022) We need to talk about ... radiotherapy for gynaecological cancer. Lancaster University. ISBN 9781862204287


Beddoe, L. and Ferguson, H. and Warwick, L. and Disney, T. and Leigh, J. and Cooner, T.S. (2022) Supervision in child protection : a space and place for reflection or an excruciating marathon of compliance? European Journal of Social Work, 25 (3). pp. 525-537. ISSN 1369-1457

Benson, Michaela and Sigona, Nando and Zambelli, Elena and Craven, Catherine (2022) From the state of the art to new directions in researching what Brexit means for migration and migrants. Migration Studies, 10 (2). pp. 374-390. ISSN 2049-5838

Benson, Michaela (2022) Home, with Michaela Benson. the Sociological Review.

Benson, Michaela (2022) How the controversial nationality and borders bill may help people from Chagos Islands and Hong Kong. The Conversation.

Benson, Michaela and O’Reilly, Karen (2022) Reflexive practice in live sociology : lessons from researching Brexit in the lives of British citizens living in the EU-27. Qualitative Research, 22 (2). pp. 177-193. ISSN 1468-7941

Benson, Michaela and Sigona, Nando (2022) UK government's response to this refugee crisis is too little, too confused, too slow. ODI.

Benson, Michaela and Zambelli, Elena and Sigona, Nando (2022) Four ways Brexit and the loss of free movement have made life harder for mixed British-European families. The Conversation.

Benson, Michaela and Zambelli, Elena and Sigona, Nando and Craven, Catherine (2022) British Citizens in the EU after Brexit. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Boersma, K. and Büscher, M. and Fonio, C. (2022) Crisis management, surveillance, and digital ethics in the COVID-19 era. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 30 (1). pp. 2-9. ISSN 0966-0879

Boyce Kay, Jilly and Wood, Helen (2022) 'The race for space' : capitalism, the country and the city in Britain under Covid 19. Continuum, 36 (2). pp. 274-288. ISSN 1030-4312

Brassington, Thomas and Ferreday, Debra and Girard, Danielle (2022) Rethinking marginality in new queer television. Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture, 7 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 2055-5695

Brewster, Liz and Lambert, Michael and Shelton, Cliff (2022) Who cares where the doctors are? : The expectation of mobility and its effect on health outcomes. Sociology of Health and Illness, 44 (7). pp. 1077-1093. ISSN 0141-9889

Brewster, Liz and Lambert, Michael and Sedda, Luigi and Rowlingson, Barry and Shelton, Cliff and Rycroft-Malone, Jo (2022) Written evidence submitted to the Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry into Workforce : Recruitment, Training and Retention in Health and Social Care. UNSPECIFIED.

Broadhurst, Karen and Mason, Claire and Ward, Harriet (2022) Urgent Care Proceedings for New-born Babies in England and Wales – Time for a Fundamental Review. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 36 (1): ebac008. ISSN 1360-9939

Buscher, Monika and Clark, Julie and Colderley, Rosslyn and Kirkbride, Alistair and Larty, Joanne and McCulloch, Shona and Moody, Emma and Mullis, Elizabeth and Philips, Ian and Vaudrey, William and Willshaw, Kate (2022) Cumbria 2037 : Decarbonising Mobility Futures. [Report]

Buscher, Monika and Cronshaw, Cronan (2022) The Little Book of Societal Readiness. Imagination Lancaster, Lancaster. ISBN 9781739713324


Channon, Melanie and Fledderjohann, Jasmine (2022) 8 billion people: why trying to control the population is often futile – and harmful. The Conversation.

Chen, Lixiong and Buscher, Monika and Hu, Yang (2022) Between Participation and Paternalism : A Study of Weibo-based Networked Crisis Communication in China between 2010 and 2019. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Cisani, Margherita and Presti, Laura Lo and Pearce, Lynne and Peterle, Giada and Rabbiosi, Chiara (2022) SPECIAL SECTION Introduction Unruly Landscapes : Mobility, Transience, and Transformation. Transfers, 12 (2). pp. 3-7. ISSN 2045-4813

Clark, Nigel and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2022) Thinking through the Earth : surviving and thriving at a planetary threshold. Dialogues in Human Geography, 12 (3). pp. 488-491. ISSN 2043-8206

Clark, Nigel and Engelmann, Sasha and Gruppuso, Paolo and Ingold, Tim and Krause, Franz and Lucas, Gavin and Meulemans, Germain and Simonetti, Cristian and Szerszynski, Bronislaw and Watts, Laura (2022) A Solid Fluids Lexicon. Theory, Culture and Society, 39 (2). pp. 197-210. ISSN 0263-2764

Clark, Nigel and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2022) A Conversation on Planetary Social Thought. UNSPECIFIED.

Clark, Nigel and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2022) Planetary Thought and the Much More-Than-Human. In: The Routledge International Handbook of More-than-Human Studies :. Routledge. (In Press)

Clark, Nigel and Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2022) Rifted subjects, fractured Earth : ‘Progress’ as learning to live on a self-transforming planet. The Sociological Review, 70 (2). pp. 385-401. ISSN 0038-0261

Clist, Eleanor and Fulton, Samuel and Gilloch, Graeme and Holden, Shelan and Mergea, Tania and Redman, William and Rüegg, Lea and Simpson, Oliver and Wójtowicz, Marta and Zhang, Leksa and Simpson, Oliver and Gilloch, Graeme (2022) Cool premonitions: Jean Baudrillard’s <i>America</i> version 2.0. The Sociological Review, 70 (4). pp. 832-855. ISSN 0038-0261

Critchley, A. and Grant, A. and Brown, A. and Morriss, L. (2022) Breastfeeding, social work and the rights of infants who have been removed. Qualitative Social Work, 21 (1). pp. 3-14. ISSN 1473-3250

Cronin, Anne and Edwards, Lee (2022) Resituating the political in cultural intermediary work : charity sector public relations and communication. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25 (1). pp. 148-165. ISSN 1367-5494

Cui, Zheng and Gutsche Jr, Robert and Pinto, Juliet (2022) Seeing the (in)justice of sustainability : Visualizing inequality at the center of climate change communication. Journal of Environmental Media, 3 (1). pp. 3-10.

Cusworth, Linda and Hooper, Jade and Henderson, Gillian and Whincup, Helen and Broadhurst, Karen (2022) Born into care in Scotland: circumstances , recurrence and pathways. [Report]


Daigle, Megan and Duffy, Deirdre N. and Castañeda, Diana L. (2022) Abortion access and Colombia's legacy of civil war : between reproductive violence and reproductive governance. International Affairs, 98 (4). pp. 1423-1448. ISSN 0020-5850

Davies, Elouise and Francis, Brian and Walby, Sylvia and Towers, Jude (2022) Is Domestic Violence Violent Crime? PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

De Backer, Kaat and Chivers, Kate and Mason, Claire and Sandall, Jane and Easter, Abigail (2022) Removal at birth and its challenges for midwifery care. European journal of midwifery, 6: 19.

Dennis, Zuev and Buscher, Monika (2022) Mobilities and Mobile Methods. In: Handbook of Language in Urban Space : Handbuch Sprache im urbanen Raum. Handbücher Sprachwissen (HSW), 20 . de Gruyter, Boston, pp. 191-217. ISBN 9783110295870

Deville, Joe (2022) Open Book Collective: Reconfiguring value in open book publishing. In: OASPA Conference 2022, 2022-09-20 - 2022-09-22.

Deville, Joe (2022) Processing Open Access Books : Open access: where next?, Homerton College, University of Cambridge. UNSPECIFIED.

Diken, Bulent and Laustsen, Carsten Bagge (2022) Comic Socrates? : The Clouds, taste and philosophy. Cultural Politics, 18 (2). pp. 247-263. ISSN 1743-2197

Doebler, Stefanie (2022) The UK’s ‘hostile environment’ has moved into a new phase of state violence but public resistance to it is growing. EURAC Research Science Blogs, Bolzano (South Tyrol), Italy.

Doebler, Stefanie and Broadhurst, Karen and Alrouh, Bachar and Cusworth, Linda and Griffiths, Lucy (2022) Born into care : Associations between Area-level Deprivation and the Rates of Children Entering Care Proceedings in Wales. Children and Youth Services Review, 141: 106595. ISSN 0190-7409

Duffy, Deirdre and Mishtal, Joanna and Grimes, Lorraine and Murphy, Mark and Reeves, Karli and Chakravarty, Dyuti and Chavkin, Wendy and Favier, Mary and Horgan, Patricia and Stifani, Bianca and Lavelanet, Antonella F. (2022) Information flow as reproductive governance. Patient journey analysis of information barriers and facilitators to abortion care in the republic of Ireland. SSM - Population Health, 19: 101132. ISSN 2352-8273


ENRIGHT, MÁIRÉAD and DUFFY, DEIRDRE (2022) Law and childbirth in Ireland after the 8th Amendment : notes on women's legal consciousness. Journal of Law and Society, 49 (4). pp. 753-777. ISSN 0263-323X

Elstow, Louise (2022) Getting the Measure of Radiation Monitoring in Fukushima, Ten Years On. In: Health, Wellbeing and Community Recovery in Fukushima :. Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change . Routledge, Oxford. ISBN 9781032022734

Erlam, Jayne and Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Humphreys, Leslie (2022) The Criminalisation of Mental Distress : An Exploration of Section 136 Processes. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.


Farr, Ian and Cowley, Laura and Alrouh, Bachar and Cusworth, Linda and Akbari, Ashley and Doebler, Stefanie and Broadhurst, Karen and D., Odd and Griffiths, Lucy (2022) Health service use of infants involved in family justice care and supervision proceedings in Wales : a longitudinal national data linkage study. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7 (3).

Ferguson, Harry and Warwick, Lisa and Disney, Tom and Leigh, Jadwiga and Singh Cooner, Tarsem and Beddoe, Liz (2022) Relationship-based practice and the creation of therapeutic change in long-term work with children and families : Social work as a holding relationship. Social Work Education, 41 (2). pp. 209-227. ISSN 0261-5479

Ferreday, Debra (2022) From Dorian’s closet to Elektra’s trunk : Visibility, trauma and gender euphoria in <i>Pose</i>. Queer Studies in Media &amp; Popular Culture, 7 (1). pp. 9-25. ISSN 2055-5695

Fish, Rebecca (2022) Women’s experiences of special observations on locked wards : The case for effectual engagement. Disability and Society. ISSN 0968-7599

Fledderjohann, Jasmine (2022) Self-reported fertility impairments and help-seeking strategies among young women in Malawi. Global Public Health, 17 (9). pp. 2139-2155. ISSN 1744-1692

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Channon, Melanie (2022) Gender, nutritional disparities, and child survival in Nepal. BMC Nutrition, 8: 50. ISSN 2055-0928

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Clair, Amy and Knowles, Bran (2022) Feeding the Future? : Evidence on Food Insecurity in the UK. Policy Brief Series . Centre for Child & Family Justice Research.

Fledderjohann, Jasmine and Patterson, Sophie (2022) Why food insecurity matters for reproductive justice. Thrive North Lancashire (4). pp. 22-23.

Fong, Siao Yuong (2022) Drama production and audiences as ‘affective superaddressee’ in an illiberal democracy. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25 (4). pp. 1066-1082. ISSN 1367-5494

Fong, Siao Yuong (2022) Performing Fear in Television Production : Practices of an Illiberal Democracy. Asian Visual Cultures . Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789463724579

Fortier, A.-M. (2022) The speaking citizen : language requirements and linguistic neoliberal colonialisms. Citizenship Studies, 26 (4-5). pp. 447-453. ISSN 1362-1025

Friday, Adrian and Hazas, Mike and Bates, Oliver and Morley, Janine and Lord, Carolynne and Widdicks, Kelly and Gormally-Sutton, Alexandra and Clear, Adrian (2022) Unpacking the resource impacts of digitally-mediated domestic practices using resource trace interviewing. Digital Creativity, 33 (3): 3. pp. 250-275. ISSN 1462-6268


Gaine, Vincent M. (2022) Between Man and Machine: The Liminal Superhero Body. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 39 (5). pp. 1198-1218. ISSN 1050-9208

Gilloch, Graeme (2022) An ''Anatomy of Restlessness" : Reflections on the Art of Jai Chuhan. In: Refuge :. Gulab Publishing. ISBN 0956864317

Girard, Danielle (2022) Asexual disruptions in Netflix’s BoJack Horseman. Queer Studies in Media &amp; Popular Culture, 7 (1-2). pp. 41-54. ISSN 2055-5695

Girard, Danielle (2022) Gender. In: The Routledge Handbook to Star Trek :. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367366674

Girard, Danielle (2022) Sartorial Femininity and the Upset of Female Masculinity in Cathy Yan's Birds of Prey (2020). In: Gender and Action Films 2000 and Beyond :. Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender . Emerald, Bingley, pp. 135-146. ISBN 9781801175197

Girard, Danielle (2022) The Wild Canon: Examining the Slash Impact in Roddenberry’s Star Trek. In: Who Makes the Franchise? : Essays on Fandom and Wilderness Texts in Popular Media. McFarland & Co Inc, pp. 56-69. ISBN 9781476684154

Goto, A. and Lloyd Williams, A. and Okabe, S. and Koyama, Y. and Koriyama, C. and Murakami, M. and Yui, Y. and Nollet, K.E. (2022) Empowering Children as Agents of Change to Foster Resilience in Community : Implementing “Creative Health” in Primary Schools after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (6): 3417. ISSN 1660-4601

Griffiths, Lucy Jane and McGregor, Joanna and Pouliou, Theodora and Johnson, Rhodri David and Broadhurst, Karen and Cusworth, Linda and North, Laura and Ford, David V. and John, Ann (2022) Anxiety and depression among children and young people involved in family justice court proceedings: Longitudinal national data linkage study. BJPsych Open, 8 (2): e47. ISSN 2056-4724

Grimes, Lorraine and O'Shaughnessy, Aideen and Roth, Rachel and Carnegie, Anna and Duffy, Deirdre Niamh (2022) Analysing MyOptions : Experiences of Ireland's abortion information and support service. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, 48 (3): 201424. pp. 222-226. ISSN 2515-1991

Grover, Chris (2022) Social harms, crime and criminal justice. In: A Research Agenda for Social Welfare Law, Policy and Practice :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 155-172. ISBN 9781800886322

Grover, Chris (2022) Book Review: Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism by Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Critical Social Policy, 42 (1). pp. 164-167. ISSN 0261-0183

Grover, Chris (2022) The Household Benefit Cap : understanding the restriction of benefit income in Britain. Journal of Social Policy, 51 (1). pp. 2-19. ISSN 0047-2794

Gunessee, Sunny and Hui, Allison (2022) In conversation with CAREERS: Allison Hui : JCOSS presents: Sound Sociology podcast. UNSPECIFIED.

Gutsche Jr, Robert (2022) How Trump tested the press, they failed, and we wonder, “Now what?”. In: The Future of the Presidency, Journalism and Democracy : After Trump. Routledge Research in Journalism . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032070735

Gutsche Jr, Robert E. and Pinto, Juliet (2022) Covering Synergistic Effects of Climate Change : Global Challenges for Journalism. Journalism Practice, 16 (2-3). pp. 237-243. ISSN 1751-2786

Gutsche Jr, Robert (2022) Cultures of Digital Architectures : Power and Positionalities in the Backend of Online Journalism Production. Journal of Communication Inquiry. ISSN 0196-8599

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Cong, Xinhe and Pan, Feihong and Sun, Yiyi and DeLoach, LaTasha (2022) #DiminishingDiscrimination : The symbolic annihilation of race and racism in news hashtags of “calling 911 on black people". Journalism, 23 (1). pp. 259-277. ISSN 1464-8849

Gutsche Jr, Robert and Forde, Syndey and Pinto, Juliet and Zhu, Yanqi (2022) “Good morning, COVID!" : the inertia of journalistic imaginaries in morning shows’ online comments. Journalism, 23 (12). pp. 2552-2570. ISSN 1464-8849


Halford, Eric and Youansamouth, Lindsay (2022) Emerging results on the impact of COVID-19 on police training in the United Kingdom. Police Journal. ISSN 0032-258X

Hargreaves, Claire and Alrouh, Bachar and North, Laura (2022) Briefing Packs: What do we know about ethnicity in the family justice system? England and Wales. Nuffield Family Justice Observatory.

Hargreaves, Claire and Cusworth, Linda and Alrouh, Bachar and Broadhurst, Karen and Cowley, Laura and Abouelenin, Mariam and Doebler, Stefanie and Akbari, Ashley and Farr, Ian and North, Laura (2022) Uncovering private family law : what can the data tell us about children's participation? [Report]

Hassan, Md Shareful and Mahmud-ul-Islam, Syed and Rahman, Mohammad Mahbubur (2022) Perception of Vulnerable Ultra-Poor Women on Climate Change Impacts and Local Adaptation in a High Flood Prone Area of Bangladesh. In: Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience : Disaster and Social Aspects. Springer, Cham, pp. 431-449. ISBN 9783030990626

Hendrickson, Claude and Fernández Arrigoitia, Melissa (2022) Community-Led housing in the UK : Learning from Black British and migrant histories. Radical Housing Journal, 4 (2). pp. 183-191. ISSN 2632-2870

Holmes, Torik and Lord, Carolynne and Ellsworth-Krebs, Katherine (2022) Locking-down instituted practices : Understanding sustainability in the context of ‘domestic’ consumption in the remaking. Journal of Consumer Culture, 22 (4). pp. 1049-1067. ISSN 1469-5405

Hoyng, Rolien and Chong, Gladys Pak Lei (2022) New, old, and uncertain futures: Communication innovation in comparison. In: Critiquing communication innovation: New media in a multipolar world :. UNSPECIFIED.

Hu, Yang and Xu, Cora Lingling and Tu, Mengwei (2022) Family-mediated migration infrastructure : Chinese international students and parents navigating (im)mobilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chinese Sociological Review, 54 (1). pp. 62-87. ISSN 2162-0555

Hu, Shenggang and Al-Ani, Jabir Alshehabi and Hughes, Karen D. and Denier, Nicole and Konnikov, Alla and Ding, Lei and Xie, Jinhan and Hu, Yang and Tarafdar, Monideepa and Jiang, Bei and Kong, Linglong and Dai, Hongsheng (2022) Balancing Gender Bias in Job Advertisements with Text-Level Bias Mitigation. Frontiers in Big Data, 5: 805713. ISSN 2624-909X

Hu, Yang and Qian, Yue (2022) Protecting older adults’ mental health in the pandemic. BMJ, 376: o256. ISSN 1756-1833

Hu, Yang and Tarafdar, Monideepa and Alshehabi Al-Ani, Jabir and Rets, Irina and Hu, Shenggang and Denier, Nicole and Hughes, Karen D. and Konnikov, Alla and Ding, Lei (2022) Gendered STEM Workforce in the United Kingdom : The Role of Gender Bias in Job Advertising. UK Parliament, London.

Hui, Allison and Marsden, Greg (2022) Steering the future of travel demand : An interview with Greg Marsden about building dialogues and changing practices. Applied Mobilities, 7 (1). pp. 99-106. ISSN 2380-0127

Hui, Allison and Tyler, Katie (2022) Embedding Careers into Sociology Lessons with Dr Allison Hui : Sociology Staffroom Episode 9. Tutor2u, YouTube.


Jessop, B. and Morgan, Jamie (2022) The strategic-relational approach, realism and the state: : From regulation theory to neoliberalism via Marx and Poulantzas, an interview with Bob Jessop. Journal of Critical Realism, 21 (1). pp. 83-118. ISSN 1476-7430

Jessop, Bob (2022) Offe’s paradox in the light of neoliberalism and its paradoxes : Schumpeterian workfare and Ricardian austerity. In: Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State :. Globalization and Welfare series (1). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Northampton, Massachusetts, pp. 104-126. ISBN 9781788976572

Johnson, Rhodri D and North, Laura and Alrouh, Bachar and John, Ann and Jones, Kerina and Akbari, Ashley and Smart, Jon and Thompson, Simon and Hargreaves, Claire and Doebler, Stefanie and Cusworth, Linda and Broadhurst, Karen and Ford, David and Griffiths, Lucy J. (2022) A population level study into health vulnerabilities of mothers and fathers involved in public law care proceedings in Wales, UK between 2011 and 2019. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7 (1): 04.


Kerasidou, Xaroula and Kerasidou, A and Buscher, Monika and Wilkinson, Stephen (2022) Before and beyond trust : reliance in medical AI. Journal of Medical Ethics, 48 (11). pp. 852-856. ISSN 0306-6800

Kilby, Jane and Gilloch, Graeme (2022) Sociography : Writing Differently. The Sociological Review, 70 (4). pp. 635-655. ISSN 0038-0261

Konnikov, Alla and Rets, Irina and Hughes, Karen D. and Alshehabi Al-Ani, Jabir and Denier, Nicole and Ding, Lei and Hu, Shenggang and Hu, Yang and Jiang, Bei and Kong, Linglong and Tarafdar, Monideepa and Yu, Dengdeng (2022) Responsible AI for labour market equality (BIAS). In: How to Manage International Multidisciplinary Research Projects :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 75-87. ISBN 9781802204711

Konnikov, Alla and Denier, Nicole and Hu, Yang and Hughes, Karen D. and Alshehabi Al-Ani, Jabir and Ding, Lei and Rets, Irina and Tarafdar, Monideepa (2022) BIAS Word inventory for work and employment diversity, (in)equality and inclusivity (Version 1.0). UNSPECIFIED.

Kostka, Joanna and Mulvik, Iselin and Sabaliauskas, Eigirdas and Siarova, Hanna and Pribuisis, Kristupas (2022) Social Challenges in Cities. [Report]

Kowasch, Matthias and Batterbury, Simon and Bouard, Séverine and Wadrawane, Eddy Wayuone (2022) The third independence referendum in New Caledonia – a fallback to colonialism? Pacific Geographies: research, notes, current issues from the Asia-Pacific region (57). pp. 11-15. ISSN 2196-1468

Kuzemska, Lidia and Fortier, Anne-Marie and Follis, Karolina (2022) 'Don't Be Afraid of Our Citizens' : Internally Displaced People Encounter Bordering and Othering in Ukraine. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.


Lambert, Michael (2022) Medical Education, Workforce Inequalities, and Hierarchical Regionalism : The University of Lancaster and the Unrealised Medical School, 1964-68. Morecambe Bay Medical Journal, 8 (12). pp. 342-345. ISSN 1466-707X

Lambert, Michael (2022) Written evidence submitted to the Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry into the Future of General Practice. UNSPECIFIED.

Lambert, Michael (2022) Written evidence submitted to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into the Right to Family Life: Adoption of Children of Unmarried Women, 1949-1976. UNSPECIFIED.

Lambert, Michael (2022) Written evidence submitted to the Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into NHS Backlogs and Waiting Times. UNSPECIFIED.

Lambert, Michael (2022) The relocation of radiotherapy services from Liverpool to Clatterbridge. Liverpool History Journal, 21. pp. 138-155.

Leal Filho, Walter and Alam, G. M. Monirul and Nagy, Gustavo J. and Rahman, Mohammad Mahbubur and Roy, Sajal and Wolf, Franziska and Kovaleva, Marina and Saroar, Mustafa and Li, Chunlan (2022) Climate change adaptation responses among riparian settlements : A case study from Bangladesh. PLoS One, 17 (12): e0278605. ISSN 1932-6203

Lee, A. and Elliott, M. and Scourfield, J. and Bedston, S. and Broadhust, K. and Ford, D.V. and Griffiths, L.J. (2022) Data resource : Children receiving care and support and children in need, administrative records in Wales. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7 (1): 8.

Li, Eva Cheuk-Yin (2022) Migration Content Producers on YouTube : An Emerging Migratory Culture of Hong Kongers in the UK. In: Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, 2022-06-01 - 2022-06-02, University of Amsterdam.

Lloyd Williams, Alison and Goto, Aya (2022) Theatres of Resilience : Schoolchildren as actors in community development in Fukushima. In: Health, Wellbeing and Community Recovery in Fukushima :. Routledge, London, pp. 155-170. ISBN 9781032022734

Lord, Carolynne and Shove, Elizabeth and Blue, Stanley (2022) Making Energy Supply and Demand : Taking an historical view. [Exhibition]

Lord, Carolynne and Shove, Elizabeth and Blue, Stanley (2022) The timing of energy demand : Daily, weekly and annual patterns of activities and how they connect. [Exhibition]


Markusson, Nils and McLaren, Duncan and Szerszynski, Bronislaw and Tyfield, David and Willis, Rebecca (2022) Life in the hole : Practices and emotions in the cultural political economy of mitigation deterrence. European Journal of Futures Research, 10 (1): 2.

Marr, Natalie and Lantto, Mirjami and Larsen, Maia and Judith, Kate and Brice, Sage and Phoenix, Jessica and Oliver, Catherine and Mason, Olivia and Thomas, Sarah (2022) Sharing the Field : Reflections of More-Than-Human Field/work Encounters. GeoHumanities, 8 (2). pp. 555-585. ISSN 2373-566X

Mishtal, Joanna and Reeves, Karli and Chakravarty, Dyuti and Grimes, Lorraine and Stifani, Bianca and Chavkin, Wendy and Duffy, Deirdre and Favier, Mary and Horgan, Patricia and Murphy, Mark and Lavelanet, Antonella F. (2022) Abortion policy implementation in Ireland : Lessons from the community model of care. PLoS One, 17 (5): e0264494. ISSN 1932-6203

Mondon, Aurélien and Winter, Aaron (2022) Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter on Illiberalism and Reactionary Democracy. In: Conversations on Illiberalism : Interviews with 50 scholars. Illiberalism Studies Program, Washington, pp. 241-245. ISBN 9798986583105

Morley, Janine (2022) Clothing : The First Layer of Personal Comfort. Buildings and Cities. ISSN 2632-6655

Morriss, Lisa and Broadhurst, Karen (2022) Understanding the mental health needs of mothers who have had children removed through the family court : A call for action. Qualitative Social Work, 21 (5). pp. 803-808. ISSN 1473-3250

Morriss, Lisa (2022) In this issue. Qualitative Social Work, 21 (1). pp. 15-17. ISSN 1473-3250


Nataraj, S. (2022) The Thirunangai Promise: Gender as a contingent outcome of migration and economic exchange. Anti-Trafficking Review, 2022 (19 Spe). pp. 47-65.

North, Laura and Akbari, Ashley and Cowley, Laura and Alrouh, Bachar and Hargreaves, Claire and Cusworth, Linda and Broadhurst, Karen and Farr, Ian and Doebler, Stefanie and Abouelenin, Mariam and Smart, Jon and Ford, David and Griffiths, Lucy (2022) What do we know about ethnic diversity in the family justice system in Wales? [Report]

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