Items where Department is "Politics & International Relations (Merged into PPR 2010-08-01)" and Year is 2003

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Archard, David (2003) Children, family and the state. Ashgate, Aldershot. ISBN 075460554X

Archard, David (2003) Children. In: The Oxford Handbook of Practical Ethics :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 91-111. ISBN 0198241054

Archard, David (2003) Free Speech and Children’s Interests. Chicago Kent Law Review, 79 (1). pp. 83-102. ISSN 0009-3599

Archard, David (2003) Political and social philosophy. In: The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 257-285. ISBN 9780631219088


Bellany, Ian (2003) Accounting for Army Recruitment : White and Non-White Soldiers and the British Army. Defence and Peace Economics, 14 (4). pp. 281-292. ISSN 1024-2694

Bellany, Ian (2003) Kindness to Korea. World Today, 59 (4). pp. 31-32. ISSN 0043-9134

Bellany, Ian (2003) Men at War: The sources of morale. The RUSI Journal, 148 (1). pp. 58-62. ISSN 0307-1847

Bellany, Ian (2003) Modelling war. In: The economics of conflict. :. International library of critical writings in economics (168). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 410-425. ISBN 1840647825 (set)

Benson, C. and Joyce, Malcolm J. and Kestell, D. and Stevenson, D. and Mathewson, A. and Price, R. A. and Silvie, J. (2003) Towards Reactor Dosimetry with MOSFET devices. In: Reactor Dosimetry in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry :. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. ISBN 9789812384485 9812384480

Bieler, Andreas and Morton, Adam David (2003) Globalisation, the state and class struggle : a 'critical economy' engagement with open Marxism. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 5 (4). pp. 467-499. ISSN 1369-1481

Bishop, Patrick (2003) Reconnecting representatives : participating in representative democracy. In: Peace, order and good government : state constitutional and parliamentary reform :. Wakefield, Adelaide, pp. 150-161.

Bishop, Patrick and Connors, Carmel (2003) The new public sector : changing management organisation and ethics. In: Management organisation and ethics in the public sector :. Ashgate, pp. 3-18. ISBN 978-0-7546-2280-2

Bishop, Patrick and Connors, Carmel and Sampford, Charles (2003) Management, organisation and ethics in the public sector. Ashgate, London.

Brady, Emily and Haapala, Arto (2003) Melancholy as an aesthetic emotion. Contemporary Aesthetics, 1. ISSN 1932-8478


Caspersen, Nina (2003) Elite Interests and the Serbian-Montenegrin Conflict. Southeast European Politics, IV (2-3). pp. 104-121. ISSN 1586-9733

Caspersen, Nina (2003) The Thorny Issue of Ethnic Autonomy in Croatia: Serb Leaders and Proposals for Autonomy. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 4 (3). pp. 1-28.

Chadwick, Andrew and May, Christopher (2003) Interaction between States and Citizens in the Age of the Internet: “e-Government” in the United States, Britain, and the European Union. Governance, 16 (2). pp. 271-300. ISSN 0952-1895

Chadwick, R. (2003) Personal identity: genetics and determinism. In: The encyclopaedia of the human genome :. Nature Publishing Group, London, pp. 547-549. ISBN 0333803868

Chadwick, R. (2003) The ethics of genetic research. In: Manual for research ethics committees (6th edition) :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 57-59. ISBN 0521810043

Chadwick, R. and Parker, M. (2003) Bioethics in the UK. In: Regional perspectives in bioethics :. Annals of bioethics . Swets and Zeitlinger, Lisse, pp. 193-207. ISBN 9789026519529

Cochrane, F. (2003) The future of the union II: Northern Ireland. In: Central debates in British politics :. Pearson, Essex, pp. 48-63. ISBN 058243727X

Cochrane, Feargal (2003) Bowling together within a divided community : civil society and the Northern Ireland conflict. In: Global governance, conflict and resistance. :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 135-52. ISBN 1403916373 (hbk.)

Cochrane, Feargal and Duffy, Rosaleen (2003) Conclusion. In: Global governance, conflict and resistance. :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 216-226.

Cochrane, Feargal. (2003) Issues in Northern Ireland politics. In: Central debates in British politics :. Longman, Harlow, pp. 48-61. ISBN 058243727X


Dawson, Andrew (2003) Becoming personal : a liberationist perspective. In: Suffering Death and Identity :. Rodopi, New York, pp. 181-192.

Dawson, Andrew (2003) Candomble. In: New religions, a guide : new religious movements, sects & alternative spiritualities :. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 287-288.

Dawson, Andrew (2003) Jesus in South American christianity. In: Jesus in history, culture and thought : an encyclopedia :. ABC-CLIO, London.

Dawson, Andrew (2003) Umbanda. In: New religions, a guide : new religious movements, sects & alternative spiritualities :. Oxford University Press, New York, p. 294.

Dawson, Andrew (2003) The universal Christian Gnostic church. In: New religions, a guide : new religious movements, sects & alternative spiritualities :. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 345-346.

Deane-Drummond, C. and Grove-White, R. and Szerszynski, B. (2003) Genetically modified theology: the religious dimentions of public concerns about agricultural biotechnology. In: Re-ordering nature: theology, society and the new genetics :. T & T Clark, London, pp. 17-38. ISBN 0567088960

Denver, David and MacAllister, Iain (2003) Constituency campaigning in Scotland at the 2001 general election. Scottish Affairs, 42. pp. 127-143. ISSN 2053-888X

Denver, David and MacAllister, Iain (2003) Constituency campaigning in Wales at the 2001 general election. Contemporary Wales, 15 (1). pp. 78-88. ISSN 0951-4937

Denver, David T. (2003) The 2003 Scottish Parliament elections: messages for unpopular parties. Politics Review, 13 (2). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0959-8480

Denver, David T. (2003) Whatever happened to the electoral reform? Politics Review, 13 (1). pp. 8-10. ISSN 0959-8480

Denver, David T. (2003) A wake up call to the parties? : The results of the Scottish Parliament elections. Scottish Affairs, 44. pp. 31-53. ISSN 2053-888X

Denver, David T. and Hands, Gordon T. and MacAllister, Iain (2003) Constituency Marginality and Turnout in Britain Revisited. British Elections and Parties Review, 13 (1). pp. 174-194. ISSN 1368-9886

Dillon, Michael (2003) Culture, governance and global biopolitics. In: Rituals of mediation : international politics and social meaning. :. Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis, Minn., pp. 113-153. ISBN 0816640742 (hbk. : alk. paper) 0816640750 (pbk. : alk. paper)

Dillon, Michael (2003) Global liberal governance, resistance and war. In: Global governance and resistance :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 21-40.

Dillon, Michael (2003) Hypersecurity : a note on the changing correlation of state and security as the sciences of life change. Cultures and Conflits.

Dillon, Michael (2003) Virtual security : a new science of (dis)order. Millennium : Journal of International Studies, 32 (3). pp. 531-558. ISSN 0305-8298

Dillon, Michael G. (2003) (De)void of politics? : a response to Jacques Ranciere's Ten Theses on Politics. Theory and Event, 6 (4). ISSN 1092-311X

Duffield, Mark (2003) Social reconstruction and the radicalization of development : aid as a relation of global liberal governance. In: State failure, collapse and reconstruction :. Development and change book series . Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp. 291-312. ISBN 1405105364

Duffy, R. (2003) Resisting environmentalism: global environmental governance and local dysgovernance. In: Global governance, conflict and resistance :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 155-173. ISBN 1403916373


Edmonds, M. (2003) Introduction. In: Preventing insecurity : lessons from and for East Asia :. SAIIA reports (46). SAIIA (South African Institute of International Affairs), Johannesburg, vii-x. ISBN 1919969012

Edmonds, M. (2003) Taiwan's strategic and military culture. In: Defending Taiwan : the future vision of Taiwan's defence policy and military strategy :. Routledge Curzon, London, pp. 229-252. ISBN 0700717390

Edmonds, M. and Tsai, M. (2003) Introduction. In: Taiwan's maritime security :. Routledge, London, xviii-xxiii. ISBN 0415297362

Edmonds, Martin (2003) Editorial. Defense and Security Analysis, 19 (3). pp. 199-202. ISSN 1475-1798

Edmonds, Martin (2003) The essentials of military knowledge by Lt Col D K Palit, Landmarks in Defence Literature. Defense and Security Analysis, 19 (3). pp. 301-304. ISSN 1475-1798

Edmonds, Martin and Chen, Y. (2003) An assessment of the ROC's modernisation programme : strategic and operational consideration. In: Taiwan's maritime security. :. Routledge Curzon, London, pp. 91-108. ISBN 0415297362 (alk. paper)

Edmonds, Martin and Gray, Robert C. (2003) Editorial. Defense and Security Analysis, 19 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1475-1798


Fletcher, P. A. (2003) Fantasy, imagination and the possibility of experience. In: Difference in philosophy of religion :. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, pp. 157-169. ISBN 0754608476

Foster, J. (2003) Sustainablility and the implicit curriculum. In: Key issues in sustainable development and learning: a critical review :. Routledge, London, pp. 111-112. ISBN 0415276497


Garvey, B. P. (2003) Darwinian functions and Freudian motivations. Biology and Philosophy, 18 (3). pp. 427-444. ISSN 1572-8404

Geyer, Robert (2003) Britain in the European Union. In: New developments in British social policy :. Palgrave, London.

Geyer, Robert (2003) EU social policy, euro-federalism, and complexity theory. In: Evolving federalisms : the intergovernmental balance of power in America and Europe :. Campbell Public Affairs Institute, Syracuse, N.Y..

Geyer, Robert (2003) European Integration, the Problem of Complexity and the Revision of Theory. Journal of Common Market Studies, 41 (1). pp. 15-35. ISSN 0021-9886

Geyer, Robert R. (2003) Beyond the Third Way: the science of complexity and the politics of choice. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 5 (2). pp. 237-257. ISSN 1467-856X

Geyer, Robert R. (2003) Globalization, Europeanization, Complexity and the Future of Scandinavian Exceptionalism. Governance, 16 (4). pp. 559-576. ISSN 0952-1895

Gray, Robert C. and Edmonds, Martin (2003) Editorial. Defense and Security Analysis, 19 (2). pp. 97-100. ISSN 1475-1798


Hands, H. T. Gordon and Denver, David (2003) Constituency campaigning in Britain 1992-2001: Centralization and Modernization. Party Politics, 9 (5). pp. 541-559. ISSN 1460-3683

Heelas, P. L. F. and Seel, B. (2003) An ageing new age? In: Predicting religion. Christian, secular and alternative futures :. Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspectives series . Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, pp. 229-247. ISBN 0754630099

Heelas, Paul and Woodhead, Linda and Davie, Grace (2003) Introduction. In: Predicting religion : Christian, secular, and alternative futures :. Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspectives series . Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, pp. 1-14. ISBN 0754630099

Heelas, Paul L. F. and Woodhead, Linda J. P. (2003) The kendal project : testing the 'spiritual revolution' thesis. Sociology Review, 13 (2). pp. 18-21. ISSN 0959-8499

Hirtzlin, Isabelle and Dubreuil, Christine and Préaubert, Nathalie and Duchier, Jenny and Jansen, Brigitte and Simon, Jürgen and Lobatao De Faria, Paula and Perez-Lezaun, Anna and Visser, Bert and Williams, Garrath D. and Cambon-Thomsen, Anne and EUROGENBANK consortium, The (2003) An empirical survey on biobanking of human genetic material and data in six EU countries. European Journal of Human Genetics, 11 (6). pp. 475-488. ISSN 1018-4813

Holland, Alan and O'Neill, J. (2003) Yew trees, butterflies, rotting boots and washing lines : the importance of narrative. In: Moral and political reasoning in environmental practice :. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 219-235. ISBN 0262122529


Jessop, Bob and Sum, Ngai-Ling (2003) On Pre- and Post-Disciplinarity in (Cultural) Political Economy. Economie et Société-Cahiers de l'ISMEA, 39 (6). pp. 993-1015.


Knott, Kim and McLoughlin, Sean and Prideaux, Melanie (2003) The Feasibility of a Faith Forum for Yorkshire and the Humber: Final Report. Community Religions Project for Yorkshire and Humber Assembly.


Lacy, M. J. (2003) War, Cinema and Moral Anxiety. Alternatives : Global, Local, Political, 28 (5). pp. 611-636. ISSN 0304-3754

Levitt, M. and Williams, Garrath (2003) Thirty years of bioethics : all grown up now? New review of bioethics, 1 (1). pp. 3-5.

Levitt, M. (2003) Better together? Sociological and philosophical perspectives on bioethics. In: Scratching the Surface of Bioethics :. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 19-27. ISBN 1417572744

Levitt, M. (2003) 'Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should': young people's responses to biotechnology. In: The Reordering of Nature: Theology, society, and the new genetics :. T&T Clark, London. ISBN 0567088960

Levitt, M. (2003) Where are the Men and Boys? The Gender Imbalance in the Church of England. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 18 (1). pp. 61-75. ISSN 1469-9419

Levitt, Mairi (2003) Public consultation in bioethics. What's the point of asking the public when they have neither scientific or ethical expertise? Health Care Analysis, 11 (1). pp. 15-25. ISSN 1065-3058


Manson, Neil C. (2003) Freud's own blend : functional analysis, idiographic explanation and the extension of ordinary psychology. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 103 (1). pp. 179-195. ISSN 1467-9264

Martin, D. and O'Neill, J. (2003) Text Chat in Action. In: Group 2003, 1900-01-01. (Unpublished)

May, Christopher (2003) Agandet av dolda kunskaper och fardigheter [Owning tacit knowledge]. Fronesis, 14-15. pp. 179-188.

May, Christopher (2003) Digital rights management and the breakdown of social norms. First Monday, 8 (11). ISSN 1396-0466

May, Christopher (2003) La marchandisation a l'age de l'information : droits de propriete intellectuelle, l'Etat et internet [Commodifying the information age : intellectual property rights, the state and the internet]. Actuel Marx, 34. pp. 81-97. ISSN 0994-4524

May, Christopher (2003) Lewis Mumford. In: Key Thinkers for the Information Society :. Taylor and Francis, pp. 109-134. ISBN 9780415296731

May, Christopher (2003) Why IPRs are a global political issue. European Intellectual Property Review, 25 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0142-0461

May, Christopher (2003) The information society as mega-machine : the continuing relevance of Lewis Mumford. In: Key thinkers for the information age :. Routledge, London.

Miall, H. (2003) Global governance and conflict prevention. In: Global governance, conflict and resistance. :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 59-77. ISBN 1403916373 (hbk.)

Misra, Amalendu (2003) Buscando el centro : una explicacion contemporanea del conflicto etnico. Con-Ciencia Politca, 1 (5). pp. 51-64. ISSN 1665-7713

Misra, Amalendu (2003) Democracia y consolidacion : que tan consolidada esta la democracia de la India? In: Ciencia politica, desarrollo regional y derecho :. Editorial Porrua, Mexico City, pp. 241-256. ISBN 9700743683

Misra, Amalendu (2003) A nation in exile : Tibetan diaspora and the dynamics of long-distance nationalism. Asian Ethnicity, 4 (2). pp. 189-206. ISSN 1463-1369

Morton, Adam David (2003) Historical gramsci : situating ideas in and beyond their context. Review of International Political Economy, 10 (1). pp. 118-146. ISSN 0969-2290

Morton, Adam David (2003) Social forces in the struggle over hegemony : neo-gramscian perspectives in interantional political economy. Rethinking Marxism, 15 (2). pp. 153-179. ISSN 0893-5696

Morton, Adam David (2003) Structural change and neoliberalism in Mexico : 'passive revolution' in global political economy. Third World Quarterly, 24 (4). pp. 631-653. ISSN 1360-2241

Morton, Adam David (2003) The social function of Carlos Fuentes : a critical intellectual or in the 'shadow of the state?'. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 22 (1). pp. 27-53. ISSN 0261-3050

Morton, Adam David and Bieler, A. (2003) Neo-Gramscianische Perspektiven in den interntaionalen Beziehungen. In: Theorien der internationalen Beziehungen : eine Einführung. :. Leske & Budrich, Opladen, pp. 337-362. ISBN 3825223159 3810034673


Nonneman, Gerd (2003) A European view of US policy in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Chaillot Papers, 62. pp. 33-46.


O'Neill, J. (2003) Value, justice and the wilderness ideal. In: Becoming human: new perspectives on the inhuman condition :. Praeger, Westport, pp. 149-164. ISBN 0275978990

O'Neill, John (2003) Socialism, associations and the market. Economy and Society, 32 (2). pp. 184-206. ISSN 0308-5147

O'Neill, John (2003) Unified Science as political philosophy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 34 (3). pp. 575-596. ISSN 0039-3681

Oldham, P. (2003) Representación y organización politíca moderna de los indígenas de Amazonas: una re-evaluación. In: Caminos cruzados: ensayos en antropología social, etnoecología y etnoeducación :. IRD, Paris, pp. 165-195. ISBN 2709915154


Palmer, C. A. (2003) The nature of identity. In: Medieval or later rural settlement in Scotland: 10 years on :. Conference proceedings . Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, pp. 65-68. ISBN 190357062X

Palmer, C. A. and Jones, P. (2003) Developing awareness of bibliographic citation and knowledge claims in students' writing. In: Writing Development in Higher Education : changing contexts for teaching and learning : proceedings of the 8th annual Writing Development in Higher Education Conference, University of Leicester, April 2001 :. Teaching and Learning Unit, University of Leicester, Leicester, pp. 219-235. ISBN 0953835111

Palmer, C. A. and O'Gorman, F. (2003) Fox-hunting, power and ethics. In: Philosophy and politics in global ecological perspective :. M. I. T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 281-294.

Palmer, Clare A. (2003) Animals, colonisation and urbanisation. Philosophy and Geography, 6 (1). pp. 47-58. ISSN 1090-3771

Palmer, Clare A. (2003) Placing animals in urban environmental ethics. Journal of Social Philosophy, 34 (1). pp. 64-78. ISSN 0047-2786

Palmer, Clare A. (2003) An overview of environmental ethics. In: Environmental ethics : an anthology :. Blackwell philosophy anthologies (19). Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 15-37. ISBN 0631222936

Parry, Robin (2003) Universal salvation : the debate. Wm. B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich.. ISBN 0802827640

Partridge, Christopher (2003) Sacred Chemicals : Psychedelic Drugs and Mystical Experience. In: Mysticisms East and West : Studies in Mystical Experience. Paternoster Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 96-131. ISBN 1842270923

Partridge, Christopher (2003) Understanding UFO Religions and Abduction Spiritualities. In: UFO Religions :. Routledge, London, pp. 3-42. ISBN 0415263247

Penna, Sue and Yar, Majid (2003) From Modern To Postmodern Penality? A Response to Hallsworth. Theoretical Criminology, 7 (4). pp. 469-482. ISSN 1461-7439

Price, R. A. and Benson, C. and Joyce, Malcolm J. and Rogers, K. (2003) Development of a linear array for intracavatary in vivo dosimetry during external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy. In: Proceedings of the nuclear science symposium, medical imaging conference: 13th international workshop on room temperature semiconductor X- and gamma-ray detectors :. UNSPECIFIED.

Price, R. A. and Kestell, D. J. and Stevens, D. L. and Jaksic, A. and Silvie, J. and Joyce, M. J. (2003) Novel developments in the MOSFET for neutron radiation dosimetry applications. In: Proceedings of the 9th neutron dosimetry symposium :. UNSPECIFIED.


Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2003) Contemporary political Hinduism. In: Companion to Hinduism :. Blackwell companions to religion (5). Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 526-550. ISBN 0631215352

Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi (2003) Non-violence and the other : a composite theory of multiplism, heterology and heteronomy drawn from Jainism and Gandhi. Angelaki, 8 (3). pp. 3-22. ISSN 0969-725X

Reader, Ian (2003) Chance, fate, and undisciplined meanderings : a pilgrimage through the fieldwork maze. In: Doing fieldwork in Japan :. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, pp. 89-105. ISBN 082482525X

Reader, Ian (2003) Killing for salvation : Aum Shinrikyō and the perils of religion. In: Promise and peril: the paradox of religion as resource and threat :. Boston University studies in philosophy and religion (24). University of Nortre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, pp. 87-105. ISBN 0268038252

Reader, Ian J. (2003) Identity, Nihonjinron, and academic (dis)honesty. Monumenta Nipponica, 58 (1). pp. 103-116. ISSN 0027-0741

Reader, Ian J. (2003) Ideology, adademic inventions and mystical anthropology. Japan Anthropological Workshop Newsletter, 36. pp. 73-94.

Reader, Ian J. (2003) Local histories, anthropological interpretations, and the study of a Japanese pilgrimage. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 30 (1-2). pp. 119-132.

Roberts, Celia and National Breast Cancer Centre's Specialist Breast Care Project T, The (2003) An evidence based on specialist breast nurse role in practice : a multi-centre implementation study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 12 (1). pp. 91-97. ISSN 0961-5423

Roberts, C. M. (2003) Drowning in a Sea of Estrogens: sex hormones, sexual reproduction and sex. Sexualities, 6 (2). pp. 195-213. ISSN 1461-7382


Sawyer, D. F. (2003) John 19:34: From Crucifixion to Birth, or Creation? In: A Feminist Companion to John Volume II :. Sheffield Academic Press. ISBN 0-8264-6332-0

Schroeder, Doris and Palmer, Clare A. (2003) Technology assessment and the ethical matrix. Poiesis and Praxis, 1 (4). pp. 295-307. ISSN 1615-6609

Segal, Robert A. (2003) Clifford Geertz's 'Interpretive approach to religion. In: Selected readings in the anthropology of religion : theoretical and methodological essays :. Contributions to the study of anthropology (9). Praeger, Westport, Conn., pp. 17-34. ISBN 0313300909

Segal, Robert A. (2003) Jung on UFO's. In: UFO religions :. Routledge, London, pp. 314-328. ISBN 0415263239

Segal, Robert A. (2003) Jung's very twentieth-century view of myth. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 48 (5). pp. 593-617. ISSN 0021-8774

Segal, Robert A. (2003) Psychoanalysing myth: from Freud to Winnicott. In: Teaching Freud :. American Academy of Religion teaching religious studies series . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 137-162. ISBN 1423726707

Segal, Robert A. (2003) Response to Laurence Coupe, 'Myth without mystery: the project of Robert Segal'. Religious Studies Review, 29 (1). pp. 14-17.

Sherry, P. J. (2003) Images of Redemption: Understanding Soteriology Through Art and Literature. Continuum International Publishing Group. ISBN 0567088944

Sherry, P. J. (2003) The Religious Roots of Natural Theology. New Blackfriars, 84 (988). pp. 301-307. ISSN 0028-4289

Shove, EA (2003) Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience: the Social Organization of Normality. Berg. ISBN 951-698-120-8

Shove, Elizabeth (2003) Converging conventions of comfort, cleanliness and convenience. Journal of Consumer Policy, 26 (4). pp. 395-418. ISSN 0168-7034

Shove, Elizabeth (2003) Principals, agents, actors and research programmes. Science and Public Policy, 30 (5). pp. 371-381. ISSN 0302-3427

Shove, Elizabeth (2003) Users, technologies and expectations of comfort, cleanliness and convenience. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 16 (2). pp. 193-207. ISSN 1351-1610

Smith, D. J. (2003) Hinduism and Modernity. Blackwell. ISBN 0-631-20862-3

Smith, D. J. (2003) Saints in the Kuncitanghristava of Umapati Sivacarya. In: Sarūpa-saurabham : tributes to indology ; Lakshman Sarup centenary volume :. Harman Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 104-114. ISBN 8185151938

Smith, David (2003) Louis Jacolliot - an episode in the European reception of Hinduism. In: Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions, 2003-01-01.

Smith, David (2003) Orientalism and Hinduism. In: The Blackwell companion to Hinduism :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 45-64. ISBN 0631215352

Smith, David (2003) The place of Hinduism within Religious Studies : past present and future. In: What's the point : conference on the validity of Religious Studies, 2003-01-01. (Unpublished)

Smith, Geoffrey (2003) J S Mill on liberty : the rational foundations of individual freedom. In: Classics of western philosophy : a reader's guide. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 395-404. ISBN 0631219064 (alk. paper) 0631236112 (pbk. : alk. paper)

Stone, Alison (2003) Feminist criticisms and reinterpretations of Hegel. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, 45/46. pp. 93-109.

Stone, Alison (2003) Hegel's dialectic and the recognition of feminine difference. Philosophy Today, 29 (Su. pp. 132-139. ISSN 0031-8256

Stone, Alison (2003) Irigaray and Holderlin on the Relation Between Nature and Culture. Continental Philosophy Review, 36 (4). pp. 415-432. ISSN 1387-2842

Stone, Alison (2003) The sex of nature : a reinterpretation of Irigaray's 'Metaphysics and political thought'. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 18 (3). pp. 60-84. ISSN 1527-2001

Sum, N.-L. (2003) Rethinking globalisation: re-articulating the spatial scales and temporal horizons of transborder space. In: State/Space: A Reader :. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 208-224. ISBN 0631230343

Sum, Ngai-Ling (2003) Economic governance in the information age : counter-hegemonic challenges and sub-hegemonic adaptations. In: Global governance, conflict and resistance :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 174-193. ISBN 1403916373

Sum, Ngai-Ling (2003) Informational Capitalism and U.S. Economic Hegemony: Resistance and Adaptations in East Asia. Critical Asian Studies, 35 (3). pp. 373-398. ISSN 1467-2715

Sum, Ngai-Ling (2003) (Post-)Asian crisis' and 'Greater China' : on the bursting of the 'bubbles' and hi-tech (re-)imaginations. In: Contemporary China : the dynamics of change at the start of the new millennium. Routledge, London, pp. 190-220. ISBN 9780700716371

Sum, Ngai-Ling (2003) (Re-)imagining 'Greater China' : Silicon Valley and the strategy of siliconisation. In: China and the Internet : politics of the digital leap forward. Politics in Asia series . Routledge Curzon, London, pp. 102-126. ISBN 0415277728

Sum, Ngai-Ling (2003) Spaces of capital and spaces of hope : Harvey's dialectical geographical materialism. New Political Economy, 8 (2). pp. 287-292. ISSN 1356-3467

Sum, Ngai-Ling and Jessop, Robert D. (2003) On the importance of pre- and post- Disciplinary approaches in political economy. Rev. l'ISMEA, 39. pp. 993-1016.

Szerszynski, B and Heim, W and Waterton, C (2003) Nature performed: Environment, Culture and Performance. Blackwell. ISBN 9781405114646

Szerszynski, B. (2003) Marked bodies: environmental activism and political semiotics. In: Media and the resyling of politics: consumerism, celebrity and cynisism :. Sage, London, pp. 190-206.

Szerszynski, B. and Deane-Drummond, C. (2003) Re-ordering nature: a postscript. In: Re-ordering nature: theology, society and the new genetics :. T & T Clark, London, pp. 312-324. ISBN 0567088960

Szerszynski, B. and Heim, W. and Waterton, C. A. (2003) Introduction to nature performed. In: Nature performed: environment, culture and performance :. The Sociological review monographs . Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 1-14. ISBN 1405114649

Szerszynski, Bronislaw (2003) That deep surface: the human genome project and the death of the human. In: Brave new world? : theology, ethics and the human genome :. T & T Clark, London, pp. 145-163. ISBN 0567089355

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