Items where Department is "Organisation, Work & Technology" and Year is 2018

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 70.

Vaiman, Vlad and Sparrow, Paul Ronald and Schuler, Randall and Collings, David, eds. (2018) Macro Talent Management : A Global Perspective on Managing Talent in Developed Markets. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138712409

Vaiman, Vlad and Sparrow, Paul Ronald and Schuler, Randall and Collings, David, eds. (2018) Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets : A Global Perspective. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138602595

Yeatman, Anna and Costea, Bogdan, eds. (2018) The triumph of managerialism? : New technologies of government and their implications for value. Rowman and Littlefield, London. ISBN 978-1-78660-488-0

Dale, Karen and Kingma, Sytze F. and Wasserman, Varda, eds. (2018) Organisational Space and Beyond : The Significance of Henri Lefebvre for Organisation Studies. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138236400

Allen, Stephen and Brigham, Martin and Marshall, Judi (2018) Lost in Delegation? : (Dis)organizing for Sustainability. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 34 (1). pp. 29-39. ISSN 0956-5221

Amiridis, Konstantinos (2018) The Shadow of Sophocles : Tragedy and the Ethics of Leadership. Business Ethics Quarterly, 28 (1). pp. 15-29. ISSN 1052-150X

Brewster, Chris and Mayrhofer, Wolfgang and Sparrow, Paul Ronald (2018) HRM in Western Europe : Differences without, differences within. In: Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management :. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 445-468. ISBN 9781784711122

Brigham, Martin and Kavanagh, Donncha (2018) Rethinking the Corporation through the Quaker Legacy to Business. In: EURAM Annual conference 2018, 2018-06-19 - 2018-07-23, University of Iceland.

Bull, Christopher Neil and Harding, Michael Paul and Mikusz, Mateusz Andrzej and Knowles, Brandin Hanson and Davies, Nigel Andrew Justin and Hayes, James Niall (2018) Designing Mobile Applications for Older Adults. In: HotMobile, 2018-02-12 - 2018-02-13, Arizona.

Burger, Ulrike and Trehan, K. (2018) Action learning in East Africa : new encounters or impossible challenges? Action Learning: Research and Practice, 15 (2). pp. 126-138. ISSN 1476-7333

Cass, Noel Flay and Faulconbridge, James Robert and Connaghton, John (2018) The office : how standards define ‘normal’ office design practices and work infrastructures. In: Infrastructures in practice : The dynamics of demand in networked societies. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138476165

Cass, Noel Flay and Shove, Elizabeth Anne (2018) Time, Practices and Energy Demand : Implications for flexibility. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Cheded, Mohammed and Hopkinson, Gillian and Gilchrist, Alan (2018) Metaphors and markets: On usure, iterability, and performativity. In: 5th Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08, Copenhagen Business School.

Cheded, Mohammed and Hopkinson, Gillian (2018) Intersectionality between gene and gender : biopolitics and the control of risky female bodies. In: Macromarketing Conference 2018 : Change between complexity and simplicity. Macromarketing Society, Inc., Leipzig, pp. 306-310. ISBN 9783000606236

Chughtai, Hameed (2018) How aesthetic engagement with IT is shaping digital society : An ethnographic example. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society : Are We Ready?, PACIS 2018. Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?, PACIS 2018 . Association for Information Systems, JPN. ISBN 9784902590838

Ciulla, Joanne B. and Knights, David and Mabey, Chris and Tomkins, Leah (2018) Guest Editors' Introduction : Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics II: Perspectives on the Self and Responsibility to Others. Business Ethics Quarterly, 28 (3). pp. 245-250. ISSN 1052-150X

Clarke, Caroline and Knights, David (2018) Practice Makes Perfect? : Skillful Performance in Veterinary Work, Human Relations. Human Relations, 71 (10). pp. 1395-1421. ISSN 0018-7267

Costea, Bogdan (2018) Afterword. In: The Triumph of Managerialism? : New Technologies of Government and Their Implications for Value. Rowman & Littlefield International, London, pp. 221-232.

Costea, Bogdan (2018) Where Is value today : managerialism in the age of self-assertion. In: The Triumph of Managerialism? : New Technologies of Government and Their Implications for Value. Rowman & Littlefield International, London, pp. 63-80.

Cuilla, Joanne and Knights, David and Mabey, Chris and Tomkins, Leah (2018) Introduction : Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly, 28 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1052-150X

Derudder, Ben and Taylor, Peter J. and Faulconbridge, James and Hoyler, Michael and Ni, Pengfei (2018) Strategic cities within global urban networks. In: The Routledge Companion to the Geography of International Business :. Routledge Companions . Routledge, London, pp. 242-257. ISBN 9781138953345

Deville, Joe and Guggenheim, Michael (2018) From preparedness to risk : from the singular risk of nuclear war to the plurality of all hazards. British Journal of Sociology, 69 (3). pp. 799-824. ISSN 0007-1315

Deville, Joseph Edward (2018) Open Access Publishing and the Future of the University. In: The Commons and Care :. Post Office Press and Rope Press, Coventry, pp. 6-15.

Elraz, Hadar (2018) Identity, mental health and work : how employees with mental health conditions recount stigma and the pejorative discourse of mental illness. Human Relations, 71 (5). pp. 722-741. ISSN 0018-7267

Farndale, Elaine and Sparrow, Paul Ronald and Scullion, Hugh and Vidovic, Maja (2018) Global talent management : New challenges for the corporate HR function. In: Global Talent Management :. Routledge, London, pp. 92-111. ISBN 9781138712454

Fathallah, Judith (2018) Reading real person fiction as digital fiction : An argument for new perspectives. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 24 (6). pp. 568-586. ISSN 1354-8565

Faulconbridge, James Robert and Cass, Noel Flay and Connaghton, John (2018) How market standards affect building design : the case of low energy design in commercial offices. Environment and Planning A, 50 (3). pp. 627-650. ISSN 0308-518X

Fytros, Charalampos and Introna, Lucas and Amiridis, Kostas (2018) Coping with uncertainty : aporia and play in actuarial and financial practices. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Fytros, Charalampos (2018) Heidegger and modern finance. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 52. pp. 17-34. ISSN 1045-2354

Gerakopoulou, Elli and Founti, Christina and Foster, Christopher (2018) Removing all barriers in the way of Science: A case study on Sci–Hub’s usage in Europe. In: iConference, 2018-07-11 - 2018-07-12.

Guttman, Dan and Young, Oran and Jing, Yijia and Bramble, Barbara and Bu, Maoliang and Chen, Carmen and Furst, Kathinka and Hu, Tao and Li, Yifei and Logan, Kate and Liu, Lingxuan and Price, Lydia and Spencer, Michael and Suh, Sangwon and Sun, Xiaopu and Tan, Bowen and Wang, Harold and Wang, Xin and Zhang, Juan and Zhang, Xinxin and Zeidan, Rodrigo (2018) Environmental governance in China : Interactions between the state and “nonstate actors”. Journal of Environmental Management, 220. pp. 126-135. ISSN 0301-4797

Haji Tarip, Iznan and O'Reilly, Dermot and Zhang, Haina (2018) Organisational learning by hearts : a framework to explore organisational moral and immoral learning. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Hayes, Niall and Introna, Lucas Daniel and Kelly, Paul (2018) Institutionalizing inequality : calculative practices and regimes of inequality in international development. Organization Studies, 39 (9). pp. 1203-1226. ISSN 0170-8406

Hemming, Laurence Paul (2018) Managerialism as Will to Power : Technologies of Capital. In: The Triumph of Managerialism? : New Technologies of Government and their Implications for Value. Rowman & Littlefield International, London, pp. 43-61. ISBN 9781786604880

Hodgson, Vivien Elaine and McConnell, David (2018) The Epistemic Practice of Networked Learning. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018 :. UNSPECIFIED, HRV, pp. 455-464. ISBN 9781862203372

James, Al and Bradshaw, Michael and Coe, Neil and Faulconbridge, James Robert (2018) Sustaining Economic Geography? : Business and Management Schools and the UK’s Great Economic Geography Diaspora. Environment and Planning A, 50 (6). pp. 1355-1366. ISSN 0308-518X

Jeanes, Emma and Loacker, Bernadette and Sliwa, Martyna (2018) Revisiting struggles over gender inequalities : An account of three academics. Management (France), 21 (3). pp. 1100-1102. ISSN 1286-4892

Jeanes, Emma and Loacker, Bernadette Isabel and Sliwa, Martyna (2018) Revisting struggles over gender inequalities : An account of three academics. M@n@gement, 21 (3). pp. 1100-1102. ISSN 1286-4692

Jones, Ian and Faulconbridge, James Robert and Marsden, Greg and Anable, Jillian (2018) Demanding business travel : the evolution of the timespaces of business practice. In: Demanding energy : Space, time and change. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 257-277. ISBN 9783319619903

Kavanagh, Donncha and Brigham, Martin (2018) The Quakers : Forgotten Pioneers. In: Origins of Organizing :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 147-175. ISBN 9781785368745

Kingma, Sytze F. and Dale, Karen and Wasserman, Varda (2018) Future Directions : Henri Lefebvre and Spatial Organization. In: Organisational Space and Beyond : The Significance of Henri Lefebvre for Organisation Studies. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society . Routledge, London, pp. 307-317. ISBN 9781138236400

Kingma, Sytze F. and Dale, Karen and Wasserman, Varda (2018) Introduction : Henri Lefebvre and Organization Studies. In: Organisational Space and Beyond : The Significance of Henri Lefebvre for Organisation Studies. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society . Routledge, London, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781138236400

Knights, David and Clarke, Caroline (2018) Living on the Edge? : Professional Anxieties at Work in Academia and Veterinary Practice. Culture and Organization, 24 (2). pp. 134-153. ISSN 1475-9551

Knights, David (2018) Doubt, Depression and Anxiety - Just some of the Problems plaguing the Veterinary Profession. UNSPECIFIED.

Knights, David (2018) Leadership Lives? : Affective Leaders in a Neo-humanist World. In: After Leadership :. Routledge Studies in Leadership Research . Routledge, New York, pp. 75-88. ISBN 9781138087811

Knights, David (2018) What’s more Effective than Affective Leadership? : Searching for embodiment in leadership research and practice. In: Leadership Matters? : Finding Voice, Connection and Meaning in the 21st Century. Routledge Studies in Leadership Research . Routledge, London, pp. 75-88. ISBN 9781138572058

Knights, David and Mabey, Chris (2018) Introduction "Leadership Matters?". In: Leadership Matters? : Finding Voice, Connection and Meaning in the 21st Century. Routledge Studies in Leadership Research . Routledge, New York, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781138572058

Knights, David and Mabey, Chris (2018) Introduction: "Leadership Matters?". In: Leadership Matters? : Finding Voice, Connection and Meaning in the 21st Century. Routledge Studies in Leadership Research . Routledge, New York, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9781138572058

Leino, Katre (2018) Surprises in cross-sector collaborative projects : How the frame of ‘sustainable protein’ mobilises organisations to engage in sustainable development. In: European Group for Organization Studies, 2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07, Estonian Business School.

Loacker, Bernadette Isabel and Sliwa, Martyna (2018) Beyond bureaucracy and entrepreneurialism : examining the multiple discursive codes informing the work, careers and subjectivities of management graduates. Culture and Organization, 24 (5). pp. 426-450. ISSN 1475-9551

Mabey, Chris and Knights, David (2018) Leadership Matters? : Finding Voice, Connection and Meaning in the 21st Century. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781138572058

O'Reilly, Dermot Gerald and Westcombe, Mark (2018) Value tensions and dynamics in the co-ordination of a self-transformational group. Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Quinn, Martin (2018) Between Liberty and Regional Leviathan : Establishing Engagement with Local Governance in Leicestershire. Regions. ISSN 1367-3882

Quinn, Martin (2018) Policy as a Tool of Economic Imperialism. In: ‘The Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade: Developments, Trends and the Role of Supranational Agents’ :. Routledge.

Sage, Daniel J. and Vitry, Chloé (2018) Introduction : Societies under construction. In: Societies under Construction : Geographies, Sociologies and Histories of Building. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1-49. ISBN 9783319739953

Sage, Daniel J. and Vitry, Chloé (2018) Societies under construction : Geographies, sociologies and histories of building. Springer, Cham. ISBN 9783319739953

Sparrow, Paul (2018) Macro talent management in emerging and emergent markets : foundations for a developing field. In: Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets : A Global Perspective. Global HRM . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138596634

Sparrow, Paul and Vaiman, Vlad and Schuler, Randall and Collings, David (2018) Macro talent management in developed markets : foundations for a developing field. In: Macro Talent Management : A Global Perspective on Managing Talent in Developed Markets. Global HRM . Routledge, London, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781138712409

Sparrow, Paul Ronald (2018) Beautiful chaos. The HR Director, Issue . ISSN 1754-0224

Sparrow, Paul Ronald (2018) Macro talent management in the UK : Patterns of agency in a period of changing regimes. In: Macro Talent Management : A Global Perspective on Managing Talent in Developed Markets. Routledge, London, pp. 70-100. ISBN 9781138712409

Sparrow, Paul Ronald (2018) The psychological contract within the international and comparative HRM literature. In: Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management :. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 223-236. ISBN 9781784711122

Stowell, Alison Frances and Brigham, Martin Patrick (2018) Extractivism, Value and Waste : Organizational Mining of e-Waste in the United Kingdom. Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 2018 (1). pp. 75-95.

Stowell, Alison Frances and Warren, Samantha (2018) The Institutionalization of Suffering : Embodied inhabitation and the maintenance of health and safety in e-waste recycling. Organization Studies, 39 (5-6). pp. 785-809. ISSN 0170-8406

Stowell, Alison Frances and Yumashev, Dmitry and Struijker Boudier, Ivar and Liu, Lingxuan (2018) Setting robust and realistic PCS targets for WEEE to support the transition to a Circular Economy - an Industry White Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Timsal, Ahmad (2018) Understanding the variation in MBA students' experience of Learning Technology in Pakistan. In: LUMS Research Conference, 2018-09-27 - 2018-09-27, Lancaster University. (Unpublished)

Timsal, Ahmad and Hodgson, Vivien Elaine and Shah, Syed Uzair (2018) Understanding the variation in MBA students' experiences of using Learning Technology in Pakistan. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018 :. UNSPECIFIED, HRV, pp. 104-112. ISBN 9781862203372

Waite, Helen and Faulconbridge, James and Greasley, Kay (2018) Exploring careering : adrift on a sea of opportunity? PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Watt, Peter (2018) Book Review: Ethical capitalism: Shibusawa Eiichi and business leadership in global perspective. [Review]

Zhu, Yi (2018) The Impact of a Corporate System on Impression Management : Implications from an Ethnographic Research Study. East Asian sociology of the 21st century, 2018 (9). pp. 101-118.

Zhu, Yi (2018) Managing Diversity in a Contemporary Organization : Pursuing “Authenticity” in the process of overseas expansion. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies, 10. pp. 187-202.

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