Items where Department is "Organisation, Work & Technology" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 57.


Ackroyd, Stephen (2015) Unruly subjects : misbehaviour in the workplace. In: The Sage handbook of the sociology of work and employment :. Sage Handbook Series . Sage, London. ISBN 9781446280669


Bloomfield, B. P. and Vurdubakis, T. (2015) Mors ex Machina : technology, embodiment and the organization of destruction. Organization Studies, 36 (5). pp. 621-641. ISSN 0170-8406

Bloomfield, Brian and Dale, Karen (2015) Fit for work? : redefining ‘normal’ and ‘extreme’ through human enhancement technologies. Organization, 22 (4). pp. 552-569. ISSN 1350-5084

Brigham, Martin and Kavanagh, Donncha (2015) The Sense of the Meeting : Silent Organisation. In: 31st EGOS Colloquium, 2015-07-02 - 2015-07-04.


Cass, Noel Flay (2015) Flexi-mobility : Helping local authorities unlock low carbon travel. In: University Transport Study Group 2015, 2015-01-05 - 2015-01-07, Collaborative Transport Hub, City University London.

Cass, Noel Flay and Doughty, Karolina and Faulconbridge, James and Murray, Lesley (2015) Ethnographies of mobilities and disruption. Researchgate.

Cervi, Lucia (2015) Constructing Bodies at the Fertility Show : A Critical Discourse Analysis. In: European Group on Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 2015-07-03. (Unpublished)

Chughtai, Hameed (2015) 'An ethnography of everyday practices : Young IT professionals' engagement with technologies. PhD thesis, University of Aukland.

Clarke, Caroline and Knights, David (2015) Careering through academia : securing identities or engaging ethical subjectivities? Human Relations, 68 (12). pp. 1865-1888. ISSN 0018-7267

Collinson, David (2015) Leadership in Organizations. In: The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication :. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 327-328. ISBN 9781405131995

Collinson, David (2015) The Power of Positivity. The Edge. p. 32.

Costea, Bogdan and Watt, Peter and Amiridis, Konstantinos (2015) What killed Moritz Erhardt? : internships and the cultural dangers of “positive” ideas. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism and Critique, 13 (2). pp. 375-389. ISSN 1726-670X


Dale, Karen and Bloomfield, Brian Peter (2015) Posthuman performances : the aesthetics and ethics of the enhanced labouring body. In: Aesthetics, Ethics and Biopolitics of the Posthuman, 2015-12-03 - 2015-12-05, Aarhus University. (Unpublished)

Dale, Karen and Burrell, Gibson (2015) Leadership and space in 3D : distance, dissent and disembodiment in the case of a new academic building. In: Leadership in Spaces and Places :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 217-241. ISBN 9781783477913

Dale, Karen and Burrell, Gibson (2015) Space and organization studies. In: The Oxford Handbook of Sociology, Social Theory and Organization Studies : Contemporary Currents. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 684-706. ISBN 9780199671083

Dale, Karen and Latham, Yvonne (2015) Ethics and entangled embodiment : bodies-materialities-organization. Organization, 22 (2). pp. 166-182. ISSN 1350-5084

Deville, Joseph and Seigworth, Greg (2015) Everyday debt and credit. Cultural Studies, 29 (5-6). pp. 615-629. ISSN 0950-2386

Deville, Joe and van der Velden, Lonneke (2015) Seeing the invisible algorithm : the practical politics of tracking the credit trackers. In: Algorithmic life : calculative devices in the age of big data. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138852846

Deville, Joseph (2015) Lived economies of default : consumer credit, debt collection, and the capture of affect. CRESC Culture, Economy and the Social . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415622509


Fathallah, J. (2015) Moriarty's ghost : Or the queer disruption of the BBC's Sherlock. Television and New Media, 16 (5). pp. 490-500. ISSN 1527-4764

Fathallah, J. (2015) Won't somebody please think of the children? Or, South Park fanfic and the political realm. Journal of Youth Studies, 18 (10). pp. 1309-1325. ISSN 1367-6261

Faulconbridge, James and Yalciner, Sercan (2015) Local variants of mobile sustainable building assessment models: the marketization and constrained mutation of BREEAM ES. Global Networks, 15 (3). pp. 360-378. ISSN 1470-2266

Faulconbridge, James Robert (2015) Knowledge and learning in professional service firms. In: The Oxford handbook of professional service firms :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 425-451. ISBN 9780199682393

Faulconbridge, James (2015) Mobilising sustainable building assessment models: agents, strategies and local effects. Area, 47 (2). pp. 116-123. ISSN 0004-0894

Faulconbridge, James (2015) Putting the individual in context : paths, capitals and topologies of learning. Prometheus, 32 (1). pp. 75-82. ISSN 0810-9028

Faulconbridge, James and Beaverstock, Jonathan V. and Hall, Sarah (2015) The globalization of executive search : professional services strategy and dynamics in the contemporary world. Routledge, London. ISBN 978041589667

Faulconbridge, James and Grubbauer, Monika (2015) Transnational building practices : knowledge mobility and the inescapable market. Global Networks, 15 (3). pp. 275-287. ISSN 1470-2266

Faulconbridge, James and Muzio, Daniel (2015) Transnational corporations shaping institutional change : the case of English law firms in Germany. Journal of Economic Geography, 15 (6). pp. 1195-1226. ISSN 1468-2702

Faulconbridge, James Robert and Muzio, Giovanni Daniele (2015) Financialisation by proxy : the case of large City law firms. In: The futures of legal education and the legal profession :. Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 37-60. ISBN 9781849466554

Ferri, Marta (2015) La rete regionale Rifiuti Zero Sicilia. : L'agency attivista nello spazio agito di una società in movimento. In: Spazio-azione nuovi paradigmi di ricerca multidisciplinare :. Aracne Editore, pp. 201-212. ISBN 9788854881556


Greasley, Kay and Edwards, Paul (2015) When do health and well-being interventions work? : managerial commitment and context. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 36 (2). pp. 355-377. ISSN 0143-831X


Hodgson, Vivien and McConnell, David (2015) Foreword. In: Critical Learning in Digital Networks :. Springer International Publishing, v-vi. ISBN 9783319137513


James, Nalita and Busher, Hugh and Suttill, Bethany (2015) Using habitus and field to explore Access to Higher Education student's learning identities. Studies in the Education of Adults, 47 (1). pp. 4-20. ISSN 0266-0830

James, Nalita and Busher, Hugh and Suttill, Bethany (2015) 'We all know why we're here' : Learning as a community of practice on Access to HE courses. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40 (6). pp. 765-779. ISSN 0309-877X


Knights, David (2015) Binaries need to shatter for bodies to matter : do disembodied masculinities undermine organizational ethics? Organization, 22 (2). pp. 200-216. ISSN 1350-5084

Knights, David and McCabe, Darren (2015) Masters of the universe : demystifying leadership in the context of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. British Journal of Management, 26 (2). pp. 197-210. ISSN 1045-3172

Knights, David and Omanović, Vedran (2015) Rethinking Diversity in Organizations and Society. In: The Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organizations :. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199679805

Knox, Hannah and O'Doherty, Damian and Vurdubakis, Theodore and Westrup, Chris (2015) Something happened : spectres of organization/disorganization at the airport. Human Relations, 68 (6). pp. 1001-1020. ISSN 0018-7267

Kumar, Arun and Brigham, Martin and Cooke, Bill and Thomas, Pete (2015) Organising Tataland, the modern nation : a history of development in post/colonial India. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Kumar, Arun (2015) International aid and the making of a better world: Reflexive practice. Management Learning, 46 (3). pp. 363-366. ISSN 1350-5076


Lacerda, Daniel S. (2015) Rio de Janeiro and the divided state : analysing the political discourse on favelas. Discourse and Society, 26 (1). pp. 74-94. ISSN 0957-9265

Loacker, Bernadette and Peters, Luc (2015) ‘Come on, get happy!’ : exploring absurdity and sites of alternate ordering in Twin Peaks. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization, 15 (3). pp. 621-649. ISSN 1473-2866

Loacker, Bernadette and Sliwa, Martyna (2015) 'Moving to stay in the same place?' : academics and theatrical artists as exemplars of the 'mobile middle'. Organization, 23 (5). pp. 657-679. ISSN 1350-5084


Marshall, Judi (2015) Making sense as a personal process. In: Qualitative Research in Business and Management :. Sage, London, pp. 383-388. ISBN 9781446287446

McCabe, Darren (2015) The tyranny of distance : Kafka and the problem of distance in bureaucratic organizations. Organization, 22 (1). pp. 58-77. ISSN 1350-5084

McCabe, Darren and Hamilton, Lindsay (2015) The kill programme : an ethnographic study of ‘dirty work’ in a slaughterhouse. New Technology, Work and Employment, 30 (2). pp. 95-108. ISSN 0268-1072


Quinn, Martin (2015) The impact of place on policy outcomes. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2 (1). pp. 230-236. ISSN 2168-1376


Ramos, Rui R. and Hayes, Niall (2015) The formalising regime and its formalising technology : the case of informal trade in Recife, Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (IFIP 9.4) Negombo, Sri Lanka, May 2015 (2015) : Openness in ICT4D: Critical Reflections on Future Directions. Department of Informatics, University of Olso, LKA, pp. 643-653. ISBN 9788273684653

Russell, Stephanie and McCabe, Darren (2015) Regulators, conformers and cowboys : the enterprise discourse, power and resistance in the UK passive fire protection industry. Organization Studies, 36 (12). pp. 1693-1714. ISSN 0170-8406


Sandberg, Jorgen and Loacker, Bernadette and Alvesson, Mats (2015) Conceptions of process in organization and management : the case of organizational identity. In: The emergence of novelty in organizations :. Perspectives on Process Organization Studies . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 318-343. ISBN 9780198728313

Schedlitzki, Doris and Case, Peter and Knights, David (2015) Leadership Special Issue Call for Papers : Ways of leading in non-Anglophone contexts: Representing, expressing and enacting authority beyond the English-speaking world. Leadership, 11 (1). pp. 128-130. ISSN 1742-7150


Thomas, Peter Stanley (2015) Putting panaceas into practice ... or not : translating discourse into social practice in complex and contested terrains. In: Handbook of research on management ideas and panaceas :. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 57-74. ISBN 9781783475599

Thomas, Peter Stanley and Morgan, Judi (2015) Special ones, zombies, and tissue rejection : an exploration of the experience of a leadership development programme and its impact on participant identity. In: Realising critical HRD : stories of reflecting, voicing, and enacting critical practice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne, pp. 224-247. ISBN 1443880205


West, Michael A. and Lyubovnikova, Joanne (2015) Organizational Climate. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition :. Elsevier Inc., pp. 322-326. ISBN 9780080970868

West, Michael Alun and Woods, Stephen (2015) The psychology of work and organizations. South-Western Cengage Learning, Andover. ISBN 9781408072455


Zhu, Yi (2015) Corporate ideology and store managers: Implication from a Japanese retailer. The Journal of International Public Policy.

Zhu, Zoe (2015) “Implementation” of management philosophy overseas: Case Study of a Japanese retailer in Hong Kong. Journal of Management Philosophy, 12 (1).

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