Items where Department is "Organisation, Work & Technology" and Year is 2004

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Number of items: 70.


Ackroyd, S (2004) Methodology for management and organisation studies: some implications of critical realism. In: Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 137-163. ISBN 0-415-34510-3

Ackroyd, S and Batt, R and Thompson, P and Tolbert, P S (2004) The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-19-926992-0

Ackroyd, S and Fleetwood, Steve (2004) Developments in critical realism in organisation and management studies. In: Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1-13. ISBN 0-415-34510-3

Ackroyd, S and Kirkpatrick, I (2004) Archetype Theory and the changing professional organisation: a critique and alternative. Organization, 10 (4). pp. 731-750. ISSN 1350-5084

Ackroyd, S and Muzio, G D (2004) Structural transformation as a political outcome: examples from the legal profession and from large manufacturing corporations. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Ackroyd, S and Muzio, G D (2004) Understanding change in the professional organisation: more evidence and argument based on the experience of the British legal profession. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.


Blackler, F H M and Kennedy, A (2004) The design and evaluation of a leadership programme for experienced chief executives from the public sector. Management Learning, 35 (2). pp. 181-203. ISSN 1350-5076

Bolton, Sharon (2004) Conceptual confusions: emotion work as skilled work. In: The Skills that Matter :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 19-37. ISBN 1403906394

Bolton, Sharon (2004) A bit of a laugh: nurses' use of humour as a mode of resistance. In: Questioning the New Public Management :. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, pp. 177-189. ISBN 0754633977

Bolton, Sharon (2004) A simple matter of control? NHS hospital nurses and new management. Journal of Management Studies, 41 (2). pp. 317-333. ISSN 0022-2380

Bozkurt, O (2004) Emotional managers: emotion management skills as cultural capital in business education. In: American Sociological Association Meeting (San Francisco, USA) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Bozkurt, O (2004) Local, global and local again: the interrupted mobility of ICT experts in multinational corporations. In: 22nd Annual International Labour Process Conference (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Bozkurt, O (2004) Transient transnationality: revisiting the managerial class thesis in 'globalizing' Europe. In: 14th International Conference of Europeanists (Chicago, USA) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.


Collinson, D L and Collinson, M (2004) The power of time: leadership, management and gender. In: Fighting for Time: Shifting Boundaries of Work and Social Life :. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, pp. 219-246. ISBN 0-87154-286-2

Collinson, M (2004) The leadership of Oliver Cromwell. In: Encyclopedia of Leadership :. Sage, London. ISBN 0-7619-2597-X

Collinson, M and Collinson, D L (2004) The leadership of Elizabeth I. In: Encyclopedia of Leadership :. Sage, London, pp. 429-433. ISBN 0-7619-2597-X

Constantinides, P and Barrett, M (2004) Using semiotics to make sense of the design and strategy of collaborative information technologies. In: OCIS Division, Academy of Management (Louisiana, New Orleans) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Cooke, B (2004) Development Management. In: Encyclopedia of International Development :. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 041525342X

Cooke, B (2004) Managing of the (Third) World. Organization, 11 (5). pp. 603-629. ISSN 1350-5084

Cooke, B (2004) O Gerenciatmento do (Terceiro) Mundo. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 44 (3). pp. 62-75.

Cooke, B (2004) Rules of thumb for participatory change agents. In: From Participation to Emancipation? :. Zed Books, London, pp. 42-58.

Cooke, B (2004) Towards a "there and then" of the "here and now". In: Management History Research Group Conference (Nottingham) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Costea, B (2004) The managerialised spirit of capitalism (book review). Organization, 11 (5). pp. 718-720. ISSN 1350-5084

Costea, B and Introna, L (2004) On cognition and action in organisational life: management and the situated body in-the-world. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Costea, B and Introna, L (2004) Self and other in everyday existence: a mystery not a problem. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.


Eriksson-Zetterquist, Ulla and Knights, David (2004) Stories about men implementing and resisting new technologies. New Technology, Work and Employment, 19 (3). pp. 192-206. ISSN 0268-1072


Fleetwood, Steve (2004) An ontology for organisation and management studies. In: Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 26-53. ISBN 0-415-34510-3

Fleetwood, Steve and Ackroyd, S (2004) Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 0-415-34510-3


Garavan, T and Lee, M M (2004) The national agenda, incidental learning and television as a learning medium: the case of the professional development channel. In: UFHRD/ Academy of Human Resource Development 5th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice Across Europe (University of Limerick ) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Greasley, A and Bennett, D and Greasley, K (2004) Virtual learning environment for operations management- practical application and student views. In: Teaching OM within Thenexom: Innovative Practices and Links to Research :. unknown, N/A.

Greasley, A and Bennett, D and Greasley, K (2004) A virtual learning environment for operations management: assessing the student's perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24 (10). pp. 974-993. ISSN 0144-3577

Greasley, K and Price, A and Dainty, A and Bryman, A and Soetanto, R and King, N (2004) Using an employee perspective of management to improve construction project performance. In: 3rd Scientific Conference in Construction Project Management (Thessalonika, Greece) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.


Hemming, Laurence Paul (2004) Analogia non entis sed entitatis : The ontological consequences of the doctrine of analogy. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 6 (2). pp. 118-128. ISSN 1463-1652

Hesketh, Anthony and Brown, Phil (2004) I say tomato, you say tamato : Putting critical realism to work in the knowledge worker recruitment process. In: Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies :. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 309-326. ISBN 0203537076


Introna, L and Ilharco, F M (2004) Phenomenology and the screening of screens. In: Philosophy and Social Theory for IS :. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, pp. 56-102. ISBN 0-470-85117-1

Introna, L and Whittaker, L (2004) Journals, truth and politics: the case of MIS Quarterly. In: Information Systems Research: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice :. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 103-120. ISBN 1-4020-8094-8

Introna, L and Wood, D (2004) Picturing algorithmic surveillance: the politics of facial recognition systems. Surveillance and Society, 2 (2/3). pp. 177-198. ISSN 1477-7487

Introna, Lucas and Costea, Bogdan (2004) On cognition and action in organisational life: management and the situated body in-the-world. In: EIASM, 2004-01-01.

Introna, Lucas and Ilharco, Fernando M. (2004) The ontological screening of contemporary life: a phenomenological analysis of screens. European Journal of Information Systems, 13 (3). pp. 221-234. ISSN 0960-085X

Introna, Lucas and Whittaker, Louise (2004) Journals, Truth and Politics: The case of MISQ. In: Information Systems Research: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice :. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 103-120. ISBN 1-4020-8094-8

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Educational leadership and technologies of accountability. In: 2004 Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) Regional Conference on Educational Leadership in Pluralistic Societies (Hongkong and Shanghai, China) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Following the leader: Ethnography, ethnomethodology and educational research. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference (Manchester) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Meetings and the accomplishment of educational leadership. In: 2004 Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) Regional Conference on Educational Leadership in Pluralistic Societies (Hongkong and Shanghai, China) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) "Shome mistake surely?": Middle muddlement in an FE college. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference (Manchester) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Technologies of leadership. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference (Manchester) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Iszatt-White, M and Kelly, S and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Technologies of leadership in the learning and skills sector. In: IADAT e-2004 Conference on Education (Bilbao, Spain) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.


Kelly, S and Iszatt-White, M and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Educational 'Leadership': 'War Stories' and 'Teachable Moments'. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference (Manchester) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Kelly, S and Iszatt-White, M and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Educational leadership as mundane work. In: 2004 Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) Regional Conference on Educational Leadership in Pluralistic Societies (Hongkong and Shanghai, China) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Kelly, S and Iszatt-White, M and Randall, D and Rouncefield, M F (2004) Stories of educational leadership. In: 2004 Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) Regional Conference on Educational Leadership in Pluralistic Societies (Hongkong and Shanghai, China) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Knights, David (2004) Michel Foucault. In: Organization Theory and Postmodern Thought :. SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, pp. 14-33. ISBN 9780761953111

Knights, David and Kerfoot, Deborah (2004) Between representations and subjectivity : Gender binaries and the politics of organizational transformation. Gender, Work and Organization, 11 (4). pp. 430-454. ISSN 0968-6673


Lee, M M (2004) Critiquing codes of ethics. In: Critical Thinking in Human Resource Development :. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 0-415-32917-5

Lee, M M (2004) HRD: looking to the future. In: 3rd Asian Conference (Korea) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Lee, M M (2004) HRD: looking to the future, keynote speech. In: 3rd Asian Conference (Korea) - 2004 :. unknown, N/A.

Lee, M M (2004) National human resource development in the United Kingdom. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 6 (3). pp. 334-345. ISSN 1523-4223

Lee, M M (2004) The evolution of HR. In: New Frontiers in Human Resource Development :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 180-194. ISBN 0-415-31237-X

Lee, M M (2004) A refusal to define HRD. In: New Frontiers in Human Resource Development :. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 27-40. ISBN 0-415-31237-X

Leyshon, Andrew and Burton, Dawn and Knights, David and Alferoff, Catrina and Signoretta, Paola (2004) Towards an ecology of retail financial services : Understanding the persistence of door-to-door credit and insurance providers. Environment and Planning A, 36 (4). pp. 625-645. ISSN 0308-518X


Muzio, G D (2004) Professionalism and managerialism: evidence from the legal profession in England and Wales. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.

Muzio, G D (2004) The professional project and the contemporary re-organization of the legal profession in England and Wales. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 11 (1-2). pp. 33-51. ISSN 0969-5958

Muzio, G D and Ackroyd, S (2004) Understanding recent changes in the legal labour process. Working Paper. The Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, Lancaster University.


Neyland, D R (2004) Moving images: the story of Mr B and CCTV. Information, Communication and Society, 7 (2). pp. 252-271. ISSN 1369-118X


O'Mahoney, J and Crouch, C (2004) Machine tooling in the United Kingdom. In: Changing Governance of Local Economies: Responses of European Local Production Systems :. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 74-98. ISBN 0-19-925940-2

O'Mahoney, J and Ferdinand, J and Muzio, G D (2004) Studying management critically (Special book review). Organization Studies, 25 (8). pp. 1455-1465. ISSN 0170-8406


Timm, A (2004) What happened to the students next? In: Stockholm School of Economics in Riga: A retrospect 1994-2004 :. Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia), N/A, pp. 138-149.

Timm, A and Bryden, J and Courtney, P and Atterton, J and Hart, K (2004) Scotland. In: A New Approach to Rural Development in Europe, Germany, Greece, Scotland and Sweden :. Edwin Mellen Press: Mellen Studies in Geography, pp. 35-91.


Vurdubakis, T and Knox, H and Westrup, C (2004) The league of dead dictators: knowledge, trust, deceit and electronic business. In: Multidisciplinary Solutions to E-Business Challenges :. Trauner Universitatsverlag, Linz, pp. 26-43. ISBN 3-85487-620-3


Walker, D and Ackroyd, S and Kirkpatrick, I (2004) The New Managerialism and the Public Service Professions. Palgrave, London. ISBN 0-333-73975-2

Watkins, C and Timm, A and Gooberman-Hill, R and Harvey, I and Haines, A and Donovan, J (2004) Factors affecting feasibility and acceptability of a practice-based educational intervention to support evidence-based prescribing: a qualitative study. Family Practice, 21 (6). pp. 661-669. ISSN 0263-2136

Woodall, J and Stewart, J and Lee, M M (2004) New Frontiers in Human Resource Development. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN 0-415-31237-X

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