Items where Department is "Mathematics and Statistics" and Year is 2022
Aitkin, M. and Hinde, J. and Francis, B. (2022) Reflections on statistical modelling : A conversation with Murray Aitkin. Statistical Modelling, 22 (1-2). pp. 13-32. ISSN 1471-082X
Alexandrakis, N. (2022) On the existence and evaluation of Stokes phenomena in fluid mechanics. Asymptotic Analysis, 129 (1). pp. 113-139.
Amos, Matt and Booker, Douglas and Duncan, Rachael and Gouldsbrough, Lily and Pinder, Thomas and Young, Paul and Carter, Jeremy (2022) LancasterAQ: A High Resolution Street Level Dataset of Ultrafine Particles. Other. EarthArXiv.
Arista, J. and Demni, N. (2022) Explicit Expressions of the Hua--Pickrell Semigroup. Theory of Probability & Its Applications, 67 (2). pp. 208-228. ISSN 0040-585X
Assaf, Eran and Fretwell, Dan and Ingalls, Colin and Logan, Adam and Secord, Spencer and Voight, John (2022) Definite orthogonal modular forms : computations, excursions, and discoveries. Research in Number Theory, 8 (4): 70.
Austin, Edward and Eckley, Idris (2022) Novel Methods for the Detection of Emergent Phenomena in Streaming Data. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Awokola, Babatunde and Okello, Gabriel and Johnson, Olatunji and Dobson, Ruaraidh and Ouédraogo, Abdoul Risgou and Dibba, Bakary and Ngahane, Mbatchou and Ndukwu, Chizalu and Agunwa, Chuka and Marangu, Diana and Lawin, Herve and Ogugua, Ifeoma and Eze, Joy and Nwosu, Nnamdi and Ofiaeli, Ogochukwu and Ubuane, Peter and Osman, Rashid and Awokola, Endurance and Erhart, Annette and Mortimer, Kevin and Jewell, Christopher and Semple, Sean (2022) Longitudinal Ambient PM 2.5 Measurement at Fifteen Locations in Eight Sub-Saharan African Countries Using Low-Cost Sensors. Atmosphere, 13 (10): 1593. ISSN 2073-4433
Balázs, Márton and Fretwell, Dan and Jay, Jessica (2022) Interacting particle systems and Jacobi style identities. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 9 (3): 48.
Barnett, Helen and Boix, Oliver and Kontos, Dimitris and Jaki, Thomas (2022) Dose finding studies for therapies with late‐onset toxicities : A comparison study of designs. Statistics in Medicine, 41 (30). pp. 5767-5788. ISSN 0277-6715
Belton, Alexander and Franz, Uwe (2022) Preface. Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 25 (4): 2202001. ISSN 0219-0257
Belton, Alexander and Guillot, Dominique and Khare, Apoorva and Putinar, Mihai (2022) Hirschman-Widder densities. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 60. pp. 396-425. ISSN 1063-5203
Belton, Alexander and Guillot, Dominique and Khare, Apoorva and Putinar, Mihai (2022) Matrix compression along isogenic blocks. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 88 (1-2). pp. 417-448. ISSN 0001-6969
Belton, Alexander and Guillot, Dominique and Khare, Apoorva and Putinar, Mihai (2022) Moment-sequence transforms. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 24 (9). 3109–3160. ISSN 1435-9855
Belton, Alexander and Guillot, Dominique and Khare, Apoorva and Putinar, Mihai (2022) Preservers of totally positive kernels and Pólya frequency functions. Mathematics Research Reports, 3. pp. 35-56. ISSN 2772-9559
Berger, Noam and Procaccia, Eviatar B. and Turner, Amanda (2022) Growth of Stationary Hastings-Levitov. Annals of Applied Probability, 32 (5). pp. 3331-3330. ISSN 1050-5164
Besbeas, P.T. and McCrea, R.S. and Morgan, B.J.T. (2022) Selecting age structure in integrated population models. Ecological Modelling, 473: 110111. ISSN 0304-3800
Black, Ben (2022) Robust Markov decision processes under parametric transition distributions. arXiv. (In Press)
Blower, Gordon and Doust, Ian (2022) Linear systems, Hankel products and the sinh-Gordon equation. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Blower, Gordon and Khaleghi, Azadeh and Kuchemann-Scales, Moe (2022) Hasimoto frames and the Gibbs measure of periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Working Paper. Arxiv.
Bold, Matthew and Kirkbride, Christopher and Boyaci, Burak and Goerigk, Marc (2022) Algorithmic Developments in Two-Stage Robust Scheduling. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Bold, M. and Goerigk, M. (2022) A faster exact method for solving the robust multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Operations Research Letters, 50 (5). pp. 581-587. ISSN 0167-6377
Bold, Matthew and Goerigk, Marc (2022) Investigating the Recoverable Robust Single Machine Scheduling Problem Under Interval Uncertainty. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 313. pp. 99-114. ISSN 0166-218X
Bolt, George and Lunagómez, Simón and Nemeth, Christopher (2022) Distances for Comparing Multisets and Sequences. Other. Arxiv.
Bolt, George and Lunagómez, Simón and Nemeth, Christopher (2022) Modelling Populations of Interaction Networks via Distance Metrics. Other. UNSPECIFIED.
Borrajo, M.I. and Comas, C. and Costafreda-Aumedes, S. and Mateu, J. (2022) Stochastic smoothing of point processes for wildlife-vehicle collisions on road networks. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36 (6). pp. 1563-1577. ISSN 1436-3240
Bridgen, Jessica and Jewell, Christopher and Read, Jonathan (2022) Social mixing patterns in the UK following the relaxation of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, July to August 2020 : a cross-sectional online survey. BMJ Open, 12 (12): e059231. ISSN 2044-6055
Broomhead, Nathan and Pauksztello, David and Ploog, David and Woolf, Jon (2022) Partial compactification of stability manifolds by massless semistable objects. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Brown, C and Seo, B and Alexander, P and Burton, V and Chacón‐Montalván, EA and Dunford, R and Merkle, M and Harrison, PA and Prestele, R and Robinson, EL and Rounsevell, M (2022) Agent‐based modelling of alternative futures in the British land use system. Earth's Future, 10 (11): e2022EF002. ISSN 2328-4277
Burgarth, Daniel and Facchi, Paolo and Hillier, Robin (2022) Stability and convergence of dynamical decoupling with finite amplitude controls. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 63 (11): 112206. ISSN 0022-2488
Calvert, Kieran (2022) Compact Schur-Weyl duality : Real Lie groups and the cyclotomic Brauer algebra. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226 (11): 107082. ISSN 0022-4049
Calvert, Kieran (2022) Compact Schur-Weyl duality and the Type B/C VW-algebra. Advances in Mathematics, 407: 108575. ISSN 0001-8708
Calvert, Kieran (2022) Two families of Dirac-like operators for Drinfeld's Hecke algebra. Other. UNSPECIFIED.
Calvert, Kieran and De Martino, Marcelo (2022) Dirac Operators for the Dunkl Angular Momentum Algebra. SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications), 18: 040. ISSN 1815-0659
Calvert, Kieran and Martino, Marcelo De and Oste, Roy (2022) The centre of the Dunkl total angular momentum algebra. Other. Arxiv.
Campillo-Funollet, Eduard and Wragg, Hayley and Yperen, James Van and Duong, Duc-Lam and Madzvamuse, Anotida (2022) Reformulating the susceptible–infectious–removed model in terms of the number of detected cases : well-posedness of the observational model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 380 (2233): 20210306. ISSN 1364-503X
Carling, P.A. and Jonathan, P. and Su, T. (2022) Fitting limit lines (envelope curves) to spreads of geoenvironmental data. Progress in Physical Geography, 46 (2). pp. 272-290. ISSN 0309-1333
Carlson, Jon F. and Grodal, Jesper and Mazza, Nadia and Nakano, Daniel K. (2022) Torsion free endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 317 (2). pp. 239-274. ISSN 0030-8730
Carter, Jeremy and Leeson, Amber and Orr, Andrew and Kittel, Christoph and van Wessem, Jan Melchior (2022) Variability in Antarctic surface climatology across regional climate models and reanalysis datasets. The Cryosphere, 16 (9). 3815–3841.
Chapman, L.A.C. and Shukla, P. and Rodríguez-Barraquer, I. and Shete, P.B. and León, T.M. and Bibbins-Domingo, K. and Rutherford, G.W. and Schechter, R. and Lo, N.C. (2022) Risk factor targeting for vaccine prioritization during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports, 12: 3055. ISSN 2045-2322
Chapman, Lloyd A C and Barnard, Rosanna C and Russell, Timothy W and Abbott, Sam and Zandvoort, Kevin van and Davies, Nicholas G and Kucharski, Adam J (2022) Unexposed populations and potential COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths in European countries as per data up to 21 November 2021. Eurosurveillance, 27 (1): 2101038. ISSN 1025-496X
Chapon, É. and d'Enterria, D. and Ducloué, B. and Echevarria, M.G. and Gossiaux, P.-B. and Kartvelishvili, V. and Kasemets, T. and Lansberg, J.-P. and McNulty, R. and Price, D.D. and Shao, H.-S. and Van Hulse, C. and Winn, M. and Adam, J. and An, L. and Villar, D.Y.A. and Bhattacharya, S. and Celiberto, F.G. and Cheshkov, C. and D'Alesio, U. and da Silva, C. and Ferreiro, E.G. and Flett, C.A. and Flore, C. and Garzelli, M.V. and Gaunt, J. and He, J. and Makris, Y. and Marquet, C. and Massacrier, L. and Mehen, T. and Mezrag, C. and Micheletti, L. and Nagar, R. and Nefedov, M.A. and Ozcelik, M.A. and Paul, B. and Pisano, C. and Qiu, J.-W. and Rajesh, S. and Rinaldi, M. and Scarpa, F. and Smith, M. and Taels, P. and Tee, A. and Teryaev, O. and Vitev, I. and Watanabe, K. and Yamanaka, N. and Yao, X. and Zhang, Y. (2022) Prospects for quarkonium studies at the high-luminosity LHC. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 122: 103906.
Chevallier, Augustin and Cazals, Frédéric and Fearnhead, Paul (2022) Efficient computation of the volume of a polytope in high-dimensions using Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 151. pp. 10146-10160. ISSN 1938-7228
Choi, Yemon and Horvath, Bence and Laustsen, Niels (2022) Approximately multiplicative maps between algebras of bounded operators on Banach spaces. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 375 (10). pp. 7121-7147. ISSN 0002-9947
Clarkson, Daniel and Eastoe, Emma and Leeson, Amber (2022) Melt probabilities and surface temperature trends on the Greenland ice sheet using a Gaussian mixture model. The Cryosphere, 16 (5). pp. 1597-1607.
Coelho Guardado Simoes, Raquel and Pauksztello, David and Ploog, David and Zvonareva, Alexandra (2022) Functorially finite hearts, simple-minded systems in negative cluster categories, and noncrossing partitions. Compositio Mathematica, 158 (1). pp. 211-243. ISSN 0010-437X
Cohen, Edward and Gibberd, Alex (2022) Wavelet Spectra for Multivariate Point Processes. Biometrika, 109 (3). 837–851. ISSN 0006-3444
Cooney, Nicholas and Grabowski, Jan Edward (2022) Automorphism groupoids in noncommutative projective geometry. Journal of Algebra, 604. pp. 296-323. ISSN 0021-8693
Coullon, J. and Pokern, Y. (2022) Markov chain Monte Carlo for a hyperbolic Bayesian inverse problem in traffic flow modeling. Data-Centric Engineering, 3: e4.
Coullon, Jeremie and Nemeth, Christopher (2022) SGMCMCJax : a lightweight JAX library for stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. Journal of Open Source Software, 7 (72): 4113. ISSN 2475-9066
Cruickshank, James and Kitson, Derek and Power, Stephen and Shakir, Qays (2022) Topological inductive constructions for tight surface graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 38: 169. ISSN 0911-0119
Csóka, E. and Grabowski, Ł. (2022) On directed analogues of expander and hyperfinite graph sequences. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 31 (2). pp. 184-197. ISSN 0963-5483
D'Arcy, Eleanor and Tawn, Jonathan and Sifnioti, Dafni (2022) Accounting for Climate Change in Extreme Sea Level Estimation. Water. ISSN 2073-4441
Dales, H.G. and Strauss, D. (2022) Arens regularity for totally ordered semigroups. Semigroup Forum, 105 (1). 172–190. ISSN 0037-1912
Dang, Thu and Letchford, Adam and Boyaci, Burak (2022) Exact and Heuristic Approaches to Arc Routing Problems. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Davies, Elouise and Francis, Brian and Walby, Sylvia and Towers, Jude (2022) Is Domestic Violence Violent Crime? PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Davison, Matthew and Kheiri, Ahmed and Zografos, K. G. (2022) Optimising Scheduling of Hybrid Learning using Mixed Integer Programming. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling - PATAT 2022 Volume III (2022) :. PATAT, BEL, pp. 279-286. ISBN 9780992998455
Dewar, Sean and Nixon, Anthony (2022) Generalised rigid body motions in non-Euclidean planes with applications to global rigidity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 514 (1): 126259. ISSN 0022-247X
Dewar, Sean and Kitson, Derek and Nixon, Anthony (2022) Which graphs are rigid in l_p^d? Journal of Global Optimization, 83 (1). pp. 49-71. ISSN 0925-5001
Diaz Ramos, Antonio and Mazza, Nadia (2022) A geometric approach to Quillen's conjecture. Journal of Group Theory, 25 (1). pp. 91-112. ISSN 1433-5883
Eide, Simen and Leslie, David S. and Frigessi, Arnoldo (2022) Dynamic slate recommendation with gated recurrent units and Thompson sampling. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 36 (5): 5. pp. 1756-1786. ISSN 1384-5810
Elek, Gabor (2022) Planarity can be Verified by an Approximate Proof Labeling Scheme in Constant-Time. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 191: 105643. ISSN 0097-3165
Elek, Gabor and Tardos, Gabor (2022) Convergence and limits of finite trees. Combinatorica, 42 (6). pp. 821-852. ISSN 0209-9683
Elek, Gabor and Babarczy, Eszter (2022) Taming vagueness : The philosophy of network science. Synthese, 200 (2): 68. ISSN 0039-7857
Elhabbash, Abdessalam and Elkhatib, Yehia and Bouloukakis, Georgios and Salama, Maria (2022) A Middleware for Automatic Composition and Mediation in IoT Systems. In: IoT '22: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Internet of Things :. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Internet of Things . ACM, New York, pp. 127-134. ISBN 9781450396653
Elipot, Shane and Sykulski, Adam and Lumpkin, Rick and Centurioni, Luca and Pazos, Mayra (2022) A Dataset of Hourly Sea Surface Temperature From Drifting Buoys. arXiv. ISSN 2331-8422
Euán, Carolina and Sun, Ying and Reich, Brian J. (2022) Statistical analysis of multi‐day solar irradiance using a threshold time series model. Environmetrics, 33 (3): e2716. ISSN 1180-4009
Evans, Jonny (2022) A Lagrangian Klein bottle you can't squeeze. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 24 (2): 47. ISSN 1661-7738
Evans, Jonny and Urzua, Giancarlo (2022) Antiflips, mutations, and unbounded symplectic embeddings of rational homology balls. Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 71 (5). pp. 1807-1843. ISSN 0373-0956
Ewings, S. and Saunders, G. and Jaki, T. and Mozgunov, P. (2022) Practical recommendations for implementing a Bayesian adaptive phase I design during a pandemic. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22 (1): 25. ISSN 1471-2288
Fairbrother, Jamie and Nemeth, Christopher and Pinder, Thomas and Rischard, Maxime and Brea, Johanni (2022) GaussianProcesses.jl: A Nonparametric Bayes package for the Julia Language. Journal of Statistical Software, 102 (1). pp. 1-36. ISSN 1548-7660
Fairbrother, Jamie and Turner, Amanda and Wallace, Stein W. (2022) Problem-driven scenario generation : an analytical approach for stochastic programs with tail risk measure. Mathematical Programming, 191 (1). pp. 141-182. ISSN 0025-5610
Fearnhead, Paul and Fryzlewicz, Piotr (2022) Detecting A Single Change-point. Other. Arxiv.
Feld, Graham and Randell, David and Phillip, Jonathan (2022) Implications of the Loads Jip on Extreme Wave Conditions in the North Sea. In: Ageing and Life Extensions of Offshore Facilities :. Ageing and Life Extension of Offshore Facilities . ASME, New York, pp. 181-193. ISBN 9780791885789
Fisch, Alex and Eckley, Idris and Fearnhead, Paul (2022) Subset Multivariate Collective And Point Anomaly Detection. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 31 (2). pp. 574-585. ISSN 1061-8600
Fisch, A.T.M. and Bardwell, L. and Eckley, I.A. (2022) Real time anomaly detection and categorisation. Statistics and Computing, 32 (4): 55. ISSN 0960-3174
Fisch, Alex and Eckley, Idris and Fearnhead, Paul (2022) Innovative and Additive Outlier Robust Kalman Filtering with a Robust Particle Filter. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 70. pp. 47-56. ISSN 1053-587X
Fisch, Alexander T. M. and Eckley, Idris A. and Fearnhead, Paul (2022) A linear time method for the detection of collective and point anomalies. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 15 (4). pp. 494-508. ISSN 1932-1864
Foss, Sergey and Korshunov, Dmitry and Palmowski, Sbigniew (2022) Branching processes with immigration in atypical random environment. Extremes, 25 (1). pp. 55-77. ISSN 1386-1999
Fu, X. and Guan, A. and Livernet, M. and Whitehouse, S. (2022) Model category structures on multicomplexes. Topology and its Applications, 316: 108104.
Gallagher, Colin and Killick, Rebecca and Lund, Robert and Shi, Xueheng (2022) Autocovariance Estimation in the Presence of Changepoints. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 51 (4). pp. 1021-1040.
Gangadharan, N. and Goosse, H. and Parkes, D. and Goelzer, H. and Maussion, F. and Marzeion, B. (2022) Process-based estimate of global-mean sea-level changes in the Common Era. Earth System Dynamics, 13 (4). pp. 1417-1435. ISSN 2190-4979
Georgakopoulos, Agelos and Haslegrave, John and Montgomery, Richard and Narayanan, Bhargav (2022) Spanning surfaces in 3-graphs. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 24 (1). pp. 303-339. ISSN 1435-9855
Georgakopoulos, Agelos and Haslegrave, John and Sauerwald, Thomas and Sylvester, John (2022) The power of two choices for random walks. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 31 (1). pp. 73-100. ISSN 0963-5483
Getmansky Sherman, Mila and Tsay, Ruey S. and Chen, Rong and Pelger, Markus and Basu, Sumanta and Kowal, Daniel R. and Killick, Rebecca and Mankad, Shawn and Wilms, Ines and Safikhani, Abolfazl and McBride, Linden and Matteson, David S. (2022) <i>Data Science in Science:</i> Special Issue on Data Science in Modern Finance. Data Science in Science, 1 (1). pp. 3-4. ISSN 2694-1899
Gillam, Jess and Killick, Rebecca (2022) Identifying change in human behaviour utilising static sensors. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Gillam, Jess and Killick, Rebecca and Heal, Jack and Norwood, Ben (2022) Modeling and forecasting of at home activity in older adults using passive sensor technology. Statistics in Medicine, 41 (23). pp. 4629-4646. ISSN 0277-6715
Gillam, Jess and Killick, Rebecca and Taylor, Simon and Heal, Jack and Norwood, Ben (2022) Identifying Changes In Activity Sequences : An Application To Passive Household Monitoring. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics). ISSN 0035-9254 (In Press)
Golightly, Andrew and Sherlock, Chris (2022) Augmented pseudo-marginal Metropolis-Hastings for partially observed diffusion processes. Statistics and Computing, 32: 21. ISSN 0960-3174
Gong, M. and O'Donnell, R. and Miller, C. and Scott, M. and Simis, S. and Groom, S. and Tyler, A. and Hunter, P. and Spyrakos, E. and Merchant, C. and Maberly, S. and Carvalho, L. (2022) Adaptive smoothing to identify spatial structure in global lake ecological processes using satellite remote sensing data. Spatial Statistics, 50: 100615. ISSN 2211-6753
Gouldsbrough, Lily and Hossaini, Ryan and Eastoe, Emma and Young, Paul (2022) A Temperature Dependent Extreme Value Analysis of UK Surface Ozone, 1980 – 2019. Atmospheric Environment, 273: 118975. ISSN 1352-2310
Grabowski, Łukasz and Máthé, András and Pikhurko, Oleg (2022) Measurable equidecompositions for group actions with an expansion property. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 24 (12). 4277–4326. ISSN 1435-9855
Grainger, Jake and Sykulski, Adam and Jonathan, Philip and Lamb, Rob (2022) Spectral Time Series Analysis of Ocean Wave Buoy Measurements. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Grainger, Jake P. and Sykulski, Adam M. and Ewans, Kevin and Hansen, Hans F. and Jonathan, Philip (2022) A multivariate pseudo-likelihood approach to estimating directional ocean wave models. arXiv. ISSN 2331-8422
Grasegger, Georg and Guler, Hakan and Jackson, Bill and Nixon, Anthony (2022) Flexible circuits in the d-dimensional rigidity matroid. Journal of Graph Theory, 100 (2). pp. 315-360. ISSN 0364-9024
Griffiths, Ryan-Rhys and Greenfield, Jake L and Thawani, Aditya R and Jamasb, Arian R and Moss, Henry B and Bourached, Anthony and Jones, Penelope and McCorkindale, William and Aldrick, Alexander A and Fuchter, Matthew J (2022) Data-driven discovery of molecular photoswitches with multioutput Gaussian processes. Chemical Science, 13 (45). pp. 13541-13551. ISSN 2041-6520
Grose, Daniel and Fearnhead, Paul (2022) cpop: Detection of Multiple Changes in Slope in Univariate Time-Series. CRAN,
Grundy, Tom and Killick, Rebecca (2022) On Aspects of Changepoint Analysis Motivated by Industrial Applications. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Guillaumin, Arthur P. and Sykulski, Adam and Olhede, Sofia C. and Simons, Frederik J. (2022) The Debiased Spatial Whittle Likelihood. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology). ISSN 1369-7412 (In Press)
Habib, Z. and Ahmed, A. and Lambert, J. and Killick, R. and Subar, D. (2022) Postoperative Enteral versus Parenteral Nutrition in Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Effect on Long-Term Survival. HPB, 24. S356. ISSN 1365-182X
Hallin, Marc and La Vecchia, Davide and Liu, Hang (2022) Center-Outward R-Estimation for Semiparametric VARMA Models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117 (538). pp. 925-938. ISSN 0162-1459
Haslegrave, John and Hu, Jie and Kim, Jaehoon and Liu, Hong and Luan, Bingyu and Wang, Guanghui (2022) Crux and Long Cycles in Graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36 (4): 4. pp. 2942-2958. ISSN 0895-4801
Haslegrave, John and Kim, Jaehoon and Liu, Hong (2022) Extremal density for sparse minors and subdivisions. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022 (20). pp. 15505-15548. ISSN 1073-7928
Haslegrave, John and Sauerwald, Thomas and Sylvester, John (2022) Time Dependent Biased Random Walks. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 18 (2): 12. pp. 1-30.
Higgs, Frankie and Turner, Amanda (2022) Degenerate regimes for random growth models in the complex plane. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Higgs, Frankie (2022) SLE scaling limits for a Laplacian random growth model. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, 58 (3). pp. 1712-1739. ISSN 0246-0203
Hocking, Toby Dylan and Rigaill, Guillem and Fearnhead, Paul and Bourque, Guillaume (2022) Generalized Functional Pruning Optimal Partitioning (GFPOP) for Constrained Changepoint Detection in Genomic Data. Journal of Statistical Software, 101 (10). ISSN 1548-7660
Holstein, Julian and Lazarev, Andrey (2022) Categorical Koszul Duality. Advances in Mathematics, 409 (Part B): 108644. ISSN 0001-8708
Huser, Raphael and Wadsworth, Jennifer (2022) Advances in Statistical Modeling of Spatial Extremes. WIREs Computational Statistics, 14 (1): e1537. ISSN 1939-0068
Iguchi, Y. and Yamada, Toshihiro (2022) Weak approximation of SDEs for tempered distributions and applications. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 48: 52. ISSN 1019-7168
Ismail, Olusegun Afis and Neal, Peter (2022) Understanding the effects of weighting on parameter estimation for multilevel models. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Iyama, Osamu and Williams, Nicholas J. (2022) Triangulations of prisms and preprojective algebras of type $A$. Other. UNSPECIFIED.
Jackson, J. (2022) Penalty shootouts : Are estimates on the spot? Significance, 19 (6). pp. 10-13. ISSN 1740-9705
Jackson, James and Mitra, Robin and Francis, Brian and Dove, Iain (2022) The use of saturated count models for synthesis of large confidential administrative databases. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Jackson, James and Francis, Brian and Mitra, Robin and Dove, Iain (2022) Using saturated models for data synthesis. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : July 18-22, 2022 - Trieste, Italy. EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste 2022, ITA, pp. 205-210. ISBN 9788855113090
Jackson, James and Mitra, Robin and Francis, Brian and Dove, Iain (2022) On integrating the number of synthetic data sets m into the a priori synthesis approach. In: Privacy in Statistical Databases : International Conference, PSD 2022, Paris, France, September 21–23, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Cham, pp. 205-219. ISBN 9783031139444
Jackson, James and Mitra, Robin and Francis, Brian and Dove, Iain (2022) Using saturated count models for user-friendly synthesis of large confidential administrative databases. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society, 185 (4). pp. 1613-1643. ISSN 0964-1998
Jameson, Graham (2022) Equal sums, sums of squares and sums of cubes. Mathematical Gazette, 106 (565). pp. 54-60. ISSN 0025-5572
Jameson, Graham (2022) An equality underlying Hardy's inequality. American Mathematical Monthly, 129 (6): 6. pp. 582-586. ISSN 0002-9890
Jameson, Graham (2022) Another identity relating to Hardy's inequality for ℓ2. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 25 (4): 25-70. pp. 1143-1145. ISSN 1331-4343
Jameson, Graham (2022) Equally spaced squares and some impossible identities. Mathematical Gazette. ISSN 0025-5572 (In Press)
Jameson, Graham (2022) Fourier coefficients of 1/sin theta and theta/sin theta. Mathematical Gazette, 107. ISSN 0025-5572 (In Press)
Jameson, Graham (2022) Various perspectives on a pair of simple inequalities for log x. Mathematical Gazette, 107. ISSN 0025-5572 (In Press)
Jameson, Graham (2022) The majorisation principle for convex functions. Mathematical Gazette, 106 (565). pp. 95-102. ISSN 0025-5572
Jewell, Christopher (2022) Christopher Jewell's discussion contribution to papers in Session 2 of the Royal Statistical Society's Special Topic Meeting on COVID ‐19 transmission: 11 June 2021. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society, 185 (51). S105-106. ISSN 0964-1998
Jewell, Sean and Fearnhead, Paul and Witten, Daniela (2022) Testing for a Change in Mean After Changepoint Detection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 84 (4). pp. 1082-1104. ISSN 1369-7412
Jones, Elinor and Palmer, Tom (2022) A review of group-based methods for teaching statistics in Higher Education. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 41 (1). pp. 69-86. ISSN 0268-3679
Kaszanitzky, Viktoria and Kiraly, Csaba and Schulze, Bernd (2022) Sufficient Conditions for the Global Rigidity of Periodic Graphs. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 67. pp. 1-16. ISSN 0179-5376
Katsigiannis, Fotios A. and Zografos, K. G. (2022) Multi-Objective Airport Slot Scheduling Incorporating Operational Delays and Multi-Stakeholder Preferences. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Katsigiannis, Fotios A. and Zografos, K. G. (2022) Optimising airport slot allocation decisions with stability considerations. In: The 11th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis, 2022-06-19 - 2022-06-25, Mauritius, Africa.
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