Items where Department is "Mathematics and Statistics" and Year is 2018
Abazov, V.M. and Abbott, B. and Acharya, B.S. and Adams, M. and Adams, T. and Agnew, J.P. and Alexeev, G.D. and Alkhazov, G. and Alton, A. and Askew, A. and Atkins, S. and Augsten, K. and Aushev, V. and Aushev, Y. and Avila, C. and Badaud, F. and Bagby, L. and Baldin, B. and Bandurin, D.V. and Banerjee, S. and Barberis, E. and Baringer, P. and Bartlett, J.F. and Bassler, U. and Bazterra, V. and Bean, A. and Begalli, M. and Bellantoni, L. and Beri, S.B. and Bernardi, G. and Bernhard, R. and Bertram, I. and Besançon, M. and Beuselinck, R. and Bhat, P.C. and Bhatia, S. and Bhatnagar, V. and Blazey, G. and Blessing, S. and Bloom, K. and Boehnlein, A. and Boline, D. and Boos, E.E. and Borissov, G. and Borysova, M. and Brandt, A. and Brandt, O. and Brochmann, M. and Brock, R. and Bross, A. and Brown, D. and Bu, X.B. and Buehler, M. and Buescher, V. and Bunichev, V. and Burdin, S. and Buszello, C.P. and Camacho-Pérez, E. and Casey, B.C.K. and Castilla-Valdez, H. and Caughron, S. and Chakrabarti, S. and Chan, K.M. and Chandra, A. and Chapon, E. and Chen, G. and Cho, S.W. and Choi, S. and Choudhary, B. and Cihangir, S. and Claes, D. and Clutter, J. and Cooke, M. and Cooper, W.E. and Corcoran, M. and Couderc, F. and Cousinou, M.-C. and Cuth, J. and Cutts, D. and Das, A. and Davies, G. and De Jong, S.J. and De La Cruz-Burelo, E. and Déliot, F. and Demina, R. and Denisov, D. and Denisov, S.P. and Desai, S. and Deterre, C. and Devaughan, K. and Diehl, H.T. and Diesburg, M. and Ding, P.F. and Dominguez, A. and Drutskoy, A. and Dubey, A. and Dudko, L.V. and Duperrin, A. and Dutt, S. and Eads, M. and Edmunds, D. and Ellison, J. and Elvira, V.D. and Enari, Y. and Evans, H. and Evdokimov, A. and Evdokimov, V.N. and Fauré, A. and Feng, L. and Ferbel, T. and Fiedler, F. and Filthaut, F. and Fisher, W. and Fisk, H.E. and Fortner, M. and Fox, H. and Franc, J. and Fuess, S. and Garbincius, P.H. and Garcia-Bellido, A. and García-González, J.A. and Gavrilov, V. and Geng, W. and Gerber, C.E. and Gershtein, Y. and Ginther, G. and Gogota, O. and Golovanov, G. and Grannis, P.D. and Greder, S. and Greenlee, H. and Grenier, G. and Gris, P. and Grivaz, J.-F. and Grohsjean, A. and Grünendahl, S. and Grünewald, M.W. and Guillemin, T. and Gutierrez, G. and Gutierrez, P. and Haley, J. and Han, L. and Harder, K. and Harel, A. and Hauptman, J.M. and Hays, J. and Head, T. and Hebbeker, T. and Hedin, D. and Hegab, H. and Heinson, A.P. and Heintz, U. and Hensel, C. and Heredia-De La Cruz, I. and Herner, K. and Hesketh, G. and Hildreth, M.D. and Hirosky, R. and Hoang, T. and Hobbs, J.D. and Hoeneisen, B. and Hogan, J. and Hohlfeld, M. and Holzbauer, J.L. and Howley, I. and Hubacek, Z. and Hynek, V. and Iashvili, I. and Ilchenko, Y. and Illingworth, R. and Ito, A.S. and Jabeen, S. and Jaffré, M. and Jayasinghe, A. and Jeong, M.S. and Jesik, R. and Jiang, P. and Johns, K. and Johnson, E. and Johnson, M. and Jonckheere, A. and Jonsson, P. and Joshi, J. and Jung, A.W. and Juste, A. and Kajfasz, E. and Karmanov, D. and Katsanos, I. and Kaur, M. and Kehoe, R. and Kermiche, S. and Khalatyan, N. and Khanov, A. and Kharchilava, A. and Kharzheev, Y.N. and Kiselevich, I. and Kohli, J.M. and Kozelov, A.V. and Kraus, J. and Kumar, A. and Kupco, A. and Kurča, T. and Kuzmin, V.A. and Lammers, S. and Lebrun, P. and Lee, H.S. and Lee, S.W. and Lee, W.M. and Lei, X. and Lellouch, J. and Li, D. and Li, H. and Li, L. and Li, Q.Z. and Lim, J.K. and Lincoln, D. and Linnemann, J. and Lipaev, V.V. and Lipton, R. and Liu, H. and Liu, Y. and Lobodenko, A. and Lokajicek, M. and Lopes De Sa, R. and Luna-Garcia, R. and Lyon, A.L. and Maciel, A.K.A. and Madar, R. and Magaña-Villalba, R. and Malik, S. and Malyshev, V.L. and Mansour, J. and Martínez-Ortega, J. and McCarthy, R. and McGivern, C.L. and Meijer, M.M. and Melnitchouk, A. and Menezes, D. and Mercadante, P.G. and Merkin, M. and Meyer, A. and Meyer, J. and Miconi, F. and Mondal, N.K. and Mulhearn, M. and Nagy, E. and Narain, M. and Nayyar, R. and Neal, H.A. and Negret, J.P. and Neustroev, P. and Nguyen, H.T. and Nunnemann, T. and Orduna, J. and Osman, N. and Pal, A. and Parashar, N. and Parihar, V. and Park, S.K. and Partridge, R. and Parua, N. and Patwa, A. and Penning, B. and Perfilov, M. and Peters, Y. and Petridis, K. and Petrillo, G. and Pétroff, P. and Pleier, M.-A. and Podstavkov, V.M. and Popov, A.V. and Prewitt, M. and Price, D. and Prokopenko, N. and Qian, J. and Quadt, A. and Quinn, B. and Ratoff, P.N. and Razumov, I. and Ripp-Baudot, I. and Rizatdinova, F. and Rominsky, M. and Ross, A. and Royon, C. and Rubinov, P. and Ruchti, R. and Sajot, G. and Sánchez-Hernández, A. and Sanders, M.P. and Santos, A.S. and Savage, G. and Savitskyi, M. and Sawyer, L. and Scanlon, T. and Schamberger, R.D. and Scheglov, Y. and Schellman, H. and Schott, M. and Schwanenberger, C. and Schwienhorst, R. and Sekaric, J. and Severini, H. and Shabalina, E. and Shary, V. and Shaw, S. and Shchukin, A.A. and Shkola, O. and Simak, V. and Skubic, P. and Slattery, P. and Snow, G.R. and Snow, J. and Snyder, S. and Söldner-Rembold, S. and Sonnenschein, L. and Soustruznik, K. and Stark, J. and Stefaniuk, N. and Stoyanova, D.A. and Strauss, M. and Suter, L. and Svoisky, P. and Titov, M. and Tokmenin, V.V. and Tsai, Y.-T. and Tsybychev, D. and Tuchming, B. and Tully, C. and Uvarov, L. and Uzunyan, S. and Uzunyan, S. and Van Kooten, R. and Van Leeuwen, W.M. and Varelas, N. and Varnes, E.W. and Vasilyev, I.A. and Verkheev, A.Y. and Vertogradov, L.S. and Verzocchi, M. and Vesterinen, M. and Vilanova, D. and Vokac, P. and Wahl, H.D. and Wang, M.H.L.S. and Warchol, J. and Watts, G. and Wayne, M. and Weichert, J. and Welty-Rieger, L. and Williams, M.R.J. and Wilson, G.W. and Wobisch, M. and Wood, D.R. and Wyatt, T.R. and Xie, Y. and Yamada, R. and Yang, S. and Yasuda, T. and Yatsunenko, Y.A. and Ye, W. and Ye, Z. and Yin, H. and Yip, K. and Youn, S.W. and Yu, J.M. and Zennamo, J. and Zhao, T.G. and Zhou, B. and Zhu, J. and Zielinski, M. and Zieminska, D. and Zivkovic, L. (2018) Evidence for Zc± (3900) in semi-inclusive decays of B-flavored hadrons. Physical Review D, 98 (5): 052010. ISSN 2470-0010
Alzahrani, Naif and Neal, Peter John and Spencer, Simon and McKinley, Trevelyan and Touloupou, Panayiota (2018) Model selection for time series of count data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 122. pp. 33-44. ISSN 0167-9473
Arenz, Christian and Burgarth, Daniel and Facchi, Paolo and Hillier, Robin Oliver (2018) Dynamical decoupling of unbounded Hamiltonians. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 59 (3): 032203. ISSN 0022-2488
Babb, Penny and Zhang, Li-Chun and Allin, Paul and Wallgren, Anders and Wallgren, Britt and Blunt, Gordon and Garrett, Andrew and Murtagh, Fionn and Smith, Peter W. F. and Elliott, Duncan and Nason, Guy and Powell, Ben and Moore, Jamie C. and Durrant, Gabriele B. and Smith, Peter W. F. and Smith, Paul A. and Chambers, Raymond L. and Herzberg, Agnes M. and Pilling, Mark and Appleby, Wendy and Barnett, Arthur and Bhansali, Rajendra and Bharadwaj, Neeraj and Dong, Yuexiao and van den Brakel, J. A. and Budd, Lisa and Doidge, James and Gilbert, Ruth and Francis, Brian and Frisoli, Kayla and Nugent, Rebecca and Garcia Perez, Francisco Javier and Lara, Libia and Porcu, Emilio and Henry, Sarah and Hunt, Ian and Ieva, Francesca and Gasperoni, Francesca and Jansson, Ingegerd and Kumar, Kuldeep and Longford, Nick and Manninen, Asta and Mateu, Jorge and McNicholas, Paul D. and McNicholas, Sharon M. and Tait, Peter A. and Mehew, Jenny and Oberski, Daniel L. and Ruiz, Marcelo and Yohai, Victor J. and Zamar, Ruben and Stehlik, Milan and Stehlikova, Silvia and Nunez Soza, Ludy and Towers, Jude and Wijayatunga, Priyantha (2018) Statistical challenges of administrative and transaction data : Contribution to discussion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society, 181 (3). pp. 578-605. ISSN 0964-1998
Baker, Jack and Fearnhead, Paul and Fox, Emily B and Nemeth, Christopher (2018) Large-Scale Stochastic Sampling from the Probability Simplex. In: 32nd Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS 2018), 2018-12-03 - 2018-12-08, Palais des Congrès de Montréal.
Ballarini, N.M. and Rosenkranz, G.K. and Jaki, Thomas and König, F. and Posch, M. (2018) Subgroup identification in clinical trials via the predicted individual treatment effect. PLoS ONE, 13 (10): e0205971. ISSN 1932-6203
Balle, Borja and Mohri, Mehryar (2018) Generalization bounds for learning weighted automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 716. pp. 89-106. ISSN 0304-3975
Bardwell, Lawrence and Fearnhead, Paul and Eckley, Idris (2018) Efficient search methods for high dimensional time-series. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Barlow, Anna and Rohrbeck, Christian and Sharkey, Paul and Shooter, Robert and Simpson, Emma (2018) A Bayesian spatio-temporal model for precipitation extremes - STOR team contribution to the EVA2017 challenge. Extremes, 21 (3). pp. 431-439. ISSN 1386-1999
Barnett, Helen Yvette and Geys, Helena and Jacobs, Tom and Jaki, Thomas Friedrich (2018) Optimal Designs for Non-Compartmental Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Studies. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 10 (4). pp. 255-263. ISSN 1946-6315
Battiston, Marco and Favaro, Stefano and Roy, Daniel M. and Teh, Yee Whye (2018) A characterization of product-form exchangeable feature probability functions. Annals of Applied Probability, 28 (3). pp. 1423-1448. ISSN 1050-5164
Battiston, Marco and Favaro, Stefano and Teh, Yee Whye (2018) Multi-armed bandit for species discovery : A Bayesian nonparametric approach. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113 (521). pp. 455-466. ISSN 0162-1459
Beaulieu, Claudie and Killick, Rebecca Claire (2018) Distinguishing trends and shifts from memory in climate data. Journal of Climate, 31 (23). pp. 9519-9543. ISSN 0894-8755
Belton, Alexander Charles Richard and Gnacik, Michal and Lindsay, Jonathan Martin (2018) Strong convergence of quantum random walks via semigroup decomposition. Annales Henri Poincaré, 19 (6). pp. 1711-1746. ISSN 1424-0637
Berridge, Damon and Grose, Daniel and Crouchley, Robert (2018) RcppEigenAD: Compiles 'C++' Code using 'Rcpp', 'Eigen' and 'CppAD' to Produce First and Second Order Partial Derivatives. UNSPECIFIED.
Berry, Katherine and Palmer, Thomas Michael and Gregg, Lynsey and Barrowclough, Christine and Lobban, Anne Fiona (2018) Attachment and therapeutic alliance in psychological therapy for people with recent onset psychosis who use cannabis. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 25 (3). pp. 440-445. ISSN 1063-3995
Bhat, B.V.R. and Lindsay, J. Martin and Mukherjee, Mithun (2018) Additive units of product systems. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 370. pp. 2605-2637. ISSN 0002-9947
Bierkens, Joris and Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre and Doucet, Arnaud and Duncan, Andrew B. and Fearnhead, Paul and Lienart, Thibaut and Roberts, Gareth and Vollmer, Sebastian J. (2018) Piecewise deterministic Markov processes for scalable Monte Carlo on restricted domains. Statistics and Probability Letters, 136. pp. 148-154. ISSN 0167-7152
Braun, Christopher and Chuang, Joseph and Lazarev, Andrey (2018) Derived localisation of algebras and modules. Advances in Mathematics, 328. pp. 555-622. ISSN 0001-8708
Bravo, Mario and Leslie, David Stuart and Mertikopoulos, Panayotis (2018) Bandit learning in concave N-player games. In: NeurIPS Proceedings :. UNSPECIFIED, CAN, pp. 5661-5671. ISBN 9781-5108-84472
Broomhead, Nathan and Pauksztello, David and Ploog, David (2018) Discrete triangulated categories. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 50 (1). pp. 174-188. ISSN 0024-6093
Brueckner, Matthias and Titman, Andrew Charles and Jaki, Thomas Friedrich and Rojek, Amanda and Horby, Peter W. (2018) Performance of different clinical trial designs to evaluate treatments during an epidemic. PLoS ONE, 13 (9): e0203387. ISSN 1932-6203
Bunce, Charlie and Carr, J. Rachel and Nienow, Peter and Ross, Neil and Killick, Rebecca Claire (2018) Ice front change of marine-terminating outlet glaciers in northwest and southeast Greenland during the 21st Century. Journal of Glaciology, 64 (246). pp. 523-535. ISSN 0022-1430
Burns, Alyxander and Schulze, Bernd and St. John, Audrey (2018) Persistent multi-robot formations with redundancy. In: Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems :. Springer, pp. 133-146. ISBN 9783319730066
Carolina, Euán and Hernando, Ombao and Joaquin, Ortega (2018) Spectral synchronicity in brain signals. Statistics in Medicine. pp. 1-19. ISSN 0277-6715
Celina, Hanna and Lee, Tsun Man Clement and Olivier, Patrick and Kharrufa, Ahmed (2018) : Lessons Learned from Organising Courses with and without a Dedicated Platform. In: Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2018 :. AACE, Waynesville NC, pp. 76-81. ISBN 9781939797346
Chapman, Jamie-Leigh and Eckley, Idris and Killick, Rebecca (2018) Novel methods for the detection and prediction of changepoints. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Chapman, Lloyd A.C. and Morgan, Alex L.K. and Adams, Emily R. and Bern, Caryn and Medley, Graham F. and Hollingsworth, T. Déirdre (2018) Age trends in asymptomatic and symptomatic Leishmania donovani infection in the Indian subcontinent : A review and analysis of data from diagnostic and epidemiological studies. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12 (12): e0006803. ISSN 1935-2727
Chapman, L.A.C. and Jewell, C.P. and Spencer, S.E.F. and Pellis, L. and Datta, S. and Chowdhury, R. and Bern, C. and Medley, G.F. and Hollingsworth, T.D. (2018) The role of case proximity in transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in a highly endemic village in Bangladesh. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12 (10): e0006453. ISSN 1935-2735
Chiu, Yi-Da (2018) The Simple View of Reading across development : the prediction of grade 3 reading comprehension by prekindergarten skills. Remedial and Special Education, 39 (5). pp. 289-303. ISSN 1538-4756
Chiu, Yi-Da and Koenig, Franz and Posch, Martin and Jaki, Thomas Friedrich (2018) Design and estimation in clinical trials with subpopulation selection. Statistics in Medicine, 37 (29). pp. 4335-4352. ISSN 0277-6715
Chretien, Stephane and Gibberd, Alex and Roy, Sandipan (2018) Hedging parameter selection for basis pursuit. arXiv.
Ciloglu, Zekiye and Towers, David Anthony (2018) On complemented non-abelian chief factors of Lie algebras. Journal of Lie Theory, 28 (2). pp. 427-442. ISSN 0949-5932
Clertant, Matthieu and O'Quigley, John (2018) The role of minimal sets in dose finding studies. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 30 (4). pp. 1016-1031. ISSN 1048-5252
Cook, J.A. and Julious, S.A. and Sones, W. and Hampson, L.V. and Hewitt, C. and Berlin, J.A. and Ashby, D. and Emsley, R. and Fergusson, D.A. and Walters, S.J. and Wilson, E.C.F. and MacLennan, G. and Stallard, N. and Rothwell, J.C. and Bland, M. and Brown, L. and Ramsay, C.R. and Cook, A. and Armstrong, D. and Altman, D. and Vale, L.D. (2018) DELTA 2 guidance on choosing the target difference and undertaking and reporting the sample size calculation for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 363: 363. ISSN 0959-8138
Cook, J.A. and Julious, S.A. and Sones, W. and Hampson, L.V. and Hewitt, C. and Berlin, J.A. and Ashby, D. and Emsley, R. and Fergusson, D.A. and Walters, S.J. and Wilson, E.C.F. and Maclennan, G. and Stallard, N. and Rothwell, J.C. and Bland, M. and Brown, L. and Ramsay, C.R. and Cook, A. and Armstrong, D. and Altman, D. and Vale, L.D. (2018) DELTA2 guidance on choosing the target difference and undertaking and reporting the sample size calculation for a randomised controlled trial Suzie Cro. Trials, 19 (1): 606. ISSN 1745-6215
Cook, J.A. and Maclennan, G.S. and Palmer, T. and Lois, N. and Emsley, R. (2018) Instrumental variable methods for a binary outcome were used to informatively address non-compliance in a randomised trial in surgery. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 96. pp. 126-132. ISSN 0895-4356
Cotterill, Amy and Jaki, Thomas Friedrich (2018) Dose-escalation strategies which utilise subgroup information. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 17 (5). pp. 414-436. ISSN 1539-1604
Currie, Nicola Kate and Lew, Adina Raquel and Palmer, Thomas Michael and Basu, Helen and De Goede, Christian and Ayer, Anand and Cain, Kate (2018) Reading comprehension difficulties in children with rolandic epilepsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 60 (3). pp. 275-282. ISSN 0012-1622
Decent, Stephen Paul and Părău, E. I. and Simmons, M. H. and Uddin, J. (2018) On mathematical approaches to modelling slender liquid jets with a curved trajectory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 844. pp. 905-916. ISSN 0022-1120
Dimairo, M. and Coates, E. and Pallmann, P. and Todd, S. and Julious, S.A. and Jaki, T. and Wason, J. and Mander, A.P. and Weir, C.J. and Koenig, F. and Walton, M.K. and Biggs, K. and Nicholl, J. and Hamasaki, T. and Proschan, M.A. and Scott, J.A. and Ando, Y. and Hind, D. and Altman, D.G. (2018) Development process of a consensus-driven CONSORT extension for randomised trials using an adaptive design. BMC Medicine, 16 (1). ISSN 1741-7015
Dobson, Barnaby A. and Miles-Wilson, Jolyon J. and Gilchrist, Iain D. and Leslie, David Stuart and Wagener, Thorsten (2018) Effects of flood hazard visualization format on house purchasing decisions. Urban Water Journal, 15 (7). pp. 671-681. ISSN 1573-062X
Doukhan, P. and Fokianos, Konstantinos and Rynkiewicz, J. (2018) Mixtures of Nonlinear Poisson Autoregressions. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
de Carvalho, Miguel and Castro Camilo, Daniela and Wadsworth, Jennifer Lynne (2018) Time-varying extreme value dependence with applications to leading European stock markets. Annals of Applied Statistics, 12 (1). pp. 283-309. ISSN 1932-6157
Eckley, Idris Arthur and Nason, Guy P. (2018) A test for the absence of aliasing or white noise in locally stationary wavelet time series. Biometrika, 105 (4). 833–848. ISSN 0006-3444
Edwards, James Anthony and Leslie, David Stuart (2018) Diversity as a Response to User Preference Uncertainty. In: Statistical Data Science :. World Scientific, pp. 55-68. ISBN 9781786345394
Elek, Gabor (2018) Uniformly recurrent subgroups and simple C*-algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis, 274 (6). pp. 1657-1689. ISSN 0022-1236
Elliott, Amy and Francis, Brian (2018) Changing crime mix patterns of criminal careers : longitudinal latent variable approaches for modelling conviction data in England & Wales and the Netherlands. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Elton, Daniel Mark (2018) On the non-existence of zero modes. Opuscula Mathematica, 38 (4). pp. 537-566. ISSN 1232-9274
Euan Campos, Carolina De Jesus and Ombao, Hernando and Ortega, Joaquin (2018) The Hierarchical Spectral Merger Algorithm : A New Time Series Clustering Procedure. Journal of Classification, 35. pp. 71-99.
Evans, Jonathan David and Smith, Ivan (2018) Markov numbers and Lagrangian cell complexes in the complex projective plane. Geometry and Topology, 22 (2). pp. 1143-1180. ISSN 1364-0380
Fairbrother, Jamie and Turner, Amanda and Wallace, Stein (2018) Scenario generation for single-period portfolio selection problems with tail risk measures : coping with high dimensions and integer variables. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 30 (3). pp. 472-491. ISSN 1091-9856
Fearnhead, Paul (2018) Asymptotics of ABC. In: Handbook of Approximate Bayesian Computation :. CRC Press, pp. 269-288. ISBN 9781439881507
Fearnhead, Paul and Künsch, Hans (2018) Particle Filters and Data Assimilation. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 5. pp. 421-449. ISSN 2326-8298
Fearnhead, Paul Nicholas and Bierkens, Joris and Pollock, Murray and Roberts, Gareth (2018) Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes for Continuous-Time Monte Carlo. Statistical Science, 33 (3). pp. 386-412. ISSN 0883-4237
Fisch, Alex and Eckley, Idris Arthur and Fearnhead, Paul Nicholas (2018) A linear time method for the detection of point and collective anomalies. Working Paper. Arxiv.
Fisch, Alex and Grose, Daniel and Eckley, Idris and Fearnhead, Paul (2018) anomaly: An R package for detecting anomalies in data. UNSPECIFIED.
Fisch, Alexander Tristan Maximilian and Eckley, Idris Arthur and Fearnhead, Paul (2018) A linear time method for the detection of point and collective anomalies. arXiv.
Fokianos, K. and Pitsillou, M. (2018) Testing independence for multivariate time series via the auto-distance correlation matrix. Biometrika, 105 (2). pp. 337-352. ISSN 0006-3444
Francis, Brian (2018) Latent class approaches for modelling multiple ordinal items. In: ASMOD 2018 : Proceedings of the Advanced Statistical Modelling for Ordinal Data Conference : Naples, 24-26 October 2018 :. FedOAPress, Napoli, pp. 3-13. ISBN 9788868870423
Francis, Brian and Kirby, Stuart (2018) 'If England gets beaten, so will she' – the link between World Cup and violence explained. UNSPECIFIED.
Francis, Brian and Walby, Sylvia and Pattinson, Becky and Elliott, Amy and Hoti - Llabjani, Valmira and Phoenix, Jessica and Verrall, Rachel and Peelo, Moira (2018) Data collection on trafficking in human beings in the EU : Final report. [Report]
Fretwell, Dan (2018) Genus 2 paramodular Eisenstein congruences. The Ramanujan Journal.
Garbett, Andrew and Chatting, David and Wilkinson, Gerard and Lee, Clement and Kharrufa, Ahmed (2018) ThinkActive : Designing for pseudonymous activity tracking in the classroom. In: CHI 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems : Engage with CHI. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings . Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), CAN. ISBN 9781450356206
Ghaneh, Paula and Hanson, Robert and Titman, Andrew and Lancaster, Gillian Ann and Plumpton, Catrin and Lloyd-Williams, Huw and Yeo, Seow Tien and Edwards, Rhiannon Tudor and Johnson, Colin and Abu Hilal, Mohammed and Higginson, Antony P and Armstrong, Tom and Smith, Andrew and Scarsbrook, Andrew and McKay, Colin and Carter, Ross and Sutcliffe, Robert P and Bramhall, Simon and Kocher, Hemant M and Cunningham, David and Pereira, Stephen P and Davidson, Brian and Chang, David and Khan, Saboor and Zealley, Ian and Sarker, Debashis and Al Sarireh, Bilal and Charnley, Richard and Lobo, Dileep and Nicolson, Marianne and Halloran, Christopher and Raraty, Michael and Sutton, Robert and Vinjamuri, Sobhan and Evans, Jonathan and Campbell, Fiona and Deeks, Jon and Sanghera, Bal and Wong, Wai-Lup and Neoptolemos, John P (2018) PET-PANC : multicentre prospective diagnostic accuracy and health economic analysis study of the impact of combined modality 18fluorine-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography with computed tomography scanning in the diagnosis and management of pancreatic cancer. Health Technology Assessment, 22 (7). pp. 1-114. ISSN 1366-5278
Gibberd, Alex and Cohen, Edward (2018) Temporally Smoothed Wavelet Coherence for Multivariate Point-Processes and Neuron-Firing. In: 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers :. IEEE, pp. 1220-1224. ISBN 9781538692189
Gibberd, Alex and Noble, Jordan and Cohen, Edward (2018) Characterising Dependency in Computer Networks using Spectral Coherence. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting :. ITISE, ESP, pp. 1147-1157. ISBN 9788417293574
Gichuru, Phillip Karanja and Lancaster, Gillian and Titman, Andrew (2018) Developing robust statistical scoring methods for use in child assessment tools. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Grabowski, Jan E. and Gratz, Sira (2018) Graded quantum cluster algebras of infinite rank as colimits. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222 (11). pp. 3395-3413. ISSN 0022-4049
Grabowski, Jan E. and Pressland, Matthew (2018) Graded Frobenius cluster categories. Documenta Mathematica, 23. pp. 49-76. ISSN 1431-0635
Grose, Daniel (2018) Testing R Code. Journal of Statistical Software, 85. pp. 1-3. ISSN 1548-7660
Grose, Daniel and Fearnhead, Paul and Eckley, Idris and Bardwell, Lawrence (2018) Changepoint Analysis for Multivariate Time Series. UNSPECIFIED.
Grunewalder, Steffen (2018) Compact Convex Projections. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18 (219). pp. 1-43. ISSN 1532-4435
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