Items where Department is "Linguistics & English Language" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 242.


Abdel Kader, Noha (2015) Modality and ideology in newspaper editorials : the case of the Guardian and Al-Ahram Weekly. In: 2015 Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-13. (Unpublished)

Afitska, Oksana (2015) Scaffolding learning : developing materials to support the learning of science and language by non-native English-speaking students. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 10 (2). pp. 75-89. ISSN 1750-1229

Afitska, Oksana (2015) Talking about teaching and learning science in the EAL context : interviewing teachers and learners in primary classrooms. In: The EAL Teaching Book : Promoting success for multilingual learners in primary and secondary schools. SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 140-145. ISBN 9781473957497

Afitska, Oksana (2015) Teaching science to EAL learners at Key Stage Two. In: The EAL Teaching Book : promoting success for multilingual learners in primary and secondary schools. SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 103-110. ISBN 9781473957497

Al-Harthi, Tahir and Hardie, Andrew and McEnery, Tony (2015) A corpus-based analysis of the discursive construction of gender identities via abusive language. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Alderson, J. C. and Brunfaut, Tineke and Harding, Luke (2015) Towards a theory of diagnosis in second and foreign language assessment : insights from professional practice across diverse fields. Applied Linguistics, 36 (2). pp. 236-260. ISSN 0142-6001

Alderson, John Charles and Haapakangas, Eeva-Leena and Huhta, Ari and Nieminen, Lea and Ullakonoja, Riikka (2015) The diagnosis of reading in a second or foreign language. Routledge, New York and London. ISBN 9780415662901

Andringa, Sible and Rebuschat, Patrick Emanuel (2015) New directions in the study of implicit and explicit learning : an introduction. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 37 (Specia). pp. 185-196. ISSN 0272-2631

Anthony, Laurence (2015) The changing role and importance of ESP in Asia. English as a Global Language Education (EaGLE) Journal, 1 (11). pp. 1-21.

Anthony, Laurence and Baker, Paul (2015) ProtAnt : A tool for analysing the prototypicality of texts. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (3). pp. 273-292. ISSN 1384-6655

Aravantinou, Christina and Simaki, Vasiliki and Koumpouri, Athanasia (2015) Associating Named-Entities with Opinion Expressing Words. In: ECESCON 8, 2015-03-10, University of Patras.

Aravantinou, Christina and Simaki, Vasiliki and Mporas, Iosif and Megalooikonomou, Vasileios (2015) Gender Classification of Web Authors Using Feature Selection and Language Models. In: SPECOM 2015 : Speech and Computer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Cham, pp. 226-233. ISBN 9783319231310

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Treffers-Daller, Jeanine (2015) Language diversity and bilingual processing. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 18 (5). pp. 519-528. ISSN 1367-0050

Athanasopoulos, Panos (2015) Conceptual representation in bilinguals : the role of language specificity and conceptual change. In: The Cambridge handbook of bilingual processing :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 275-292. ISBN 9781107060586

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Bylund, Emanuel and Montero-Melis, Guillermo and Damjanovic, Ljubica and Schartner, Alina and Kibbe, Alexandra and Riches, Nick and Thierry, Guillaume (2015) Two languages, two minds : flexible cognitive processing driven by language of operation. Psychological Science, 26 (4). pp. 518-526. ISSN 0956-7976

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Damjanovic, Ljubica and Burnand, Julie and Bylund, Emanuel (2015) Learning to think in a second language : effects of proficiency and length of exposure in English learners of German. Modern Language Journal, 99 (Supple). pp. 138-153. ISSN 0026-7902


Baker, Helen Samantha (2015) "Inward division doth hazard all" : Highland rivalries during the Glencairn Uprising of 1653-1654. Royal Stuart Journal, 6.

Baker, John Paul (2015) Does Britain need any more foreign doctors? : Inter-analyst consistency and corpus-assisted (critical) discourse analysis. In: Corpora, Grammar and Discourse :. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 283-300. ISBN 9789027210708

Baker, Paul (2015) Introduction to the Special Issue. Discourse and Communication, 9 (2). pp. 143-147. ISSN 1750-4813

Baker, Paul (2015) Two hundred years of the American man. In: Language and Masculinities : Performances, Intersections, Dislocations. Routledge Critical Studies in Discourse . Routledge, London, pp. 34-52. ISBN 9781138791961

Baker, Paul and Levon, Erez (2015) Picking the right cherries? : a comparison of corpus-based and qualitative analyses of news articles about masculinity. Discourse and Communication, 9 (2). pp. 221-236. ISSN 1750-4813

Baker, Paul and McEnery, Tony (2015) Corpora and discourse studies : integrating discourse and corpora. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9781137431721

Baker, Paul and McEnery, Tony (2015) Who benefits when discourse gets democratised? : analysing a Twitter corpus around the British Benefits Street debate. In: Corpora and discourse studies : integrating discourse and corpora. Palgrave Advances in Language and Linguistics . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 244-265. ISBN 9781137431721

Baranowski, Maciej and Turton, Danielle (2015) Manchester English. In: Researching Northern English :. Varieties of English Around the World . John Benjamins, pp. 293-316. ISBN 9789027249159

Barton, David (2015) Tagging on Flickr as a social practice. In: Discourse and digital practices : doing discourse analysis in the digital age. Routledge, London, pp. 48-65. ISBN 9781138022331

Batty, Aaron (2015) A comparison of video- and audio-mediated listening tests with many-facet Rasch modeling and differential distractor functioning. Language Testing, 32 (1). pp. 3-20. ISSN 0265-5322

Bhatt, Ibrar Ul-Haq and McCulloch, Sharon (2015) Being an academic : the changing writing practices of academics and how they influence professional identity. In: Reviewed proceedings for the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2015 ‘Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research’ (Dec 2015, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales) :. Society for Research into Higher Education.

Boeg Thomsen, Ditte (2015) Ontogenetic paths to the parenthetical construction. In: Parenthetical verbs :. Linguistische Arbeiten . de Gruyter, pp. 189-222. ISBN 9783110376036

Boeg Thomsen, Ditte (2015) Én stavelse, to synsvinkler : Danske børns tilegnelse af dialogiske partikler. Nydanske Sprogstudier, 48. pp. 138-163. ISSN 0106-8040

Boeg Thomsen, Ditte and Poulsen, Mads (2015) Cue conflicts in context : interplay between morphosyntax and discourse context in Danish preschoolers’ semantic role assignment. Journal of Child Language, 42 (6). pp. 1237-1266. ISSN 0305-0009

Brandt, Silke and Lieven, Elena and Tomasello, Michael (2015) German children's use of word order and case marking to interpret simple and complex sentences:testing differences between constructions and lexical items. Language Learning and Development. ISSN 1547-3341 (In Press)

Brezina, Vaclav and Gablasova, Dana (2015) Is there a core general vocabulary? : introducing the New General Service List. Applied Linguistics, 36 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 0142-6001

Brezina, Vaclav and McEnery, Tony and Wattam, Stephen (2015) Collocations in context : a new perspective on collocation networks. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (2). pp. 139-173. ISSN 1384-6655

Brookes, Gavin and Harvey, Kevin (2015) Peddling a semiotics of fear: a critical examination of scare tactics and commercial strategies in public health promotion. Social Semiotics, 25 (1). pp. 57-80. ISSN 1035-0330

Brown, Georgina (2015) Automatic recognition of geographically-proximate accents using content-controlled and content-mismatched speech data. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences :. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. ISBN 9780852619414

Brunfaut, Tineke (2015) J. Charles Alderson : a lifetime of language testing. In: Talking about language assessment : the LAQ interviews. New Perspectives in Language Assessment Series . Routledge, Oxon/New York, pp. 217-237. ISBN 9781138785526

Brunfaut, Tineke and McCray, Gareth (2015) Looking into test-takers' cognitive processes whilst completing reading tasks : a mixed-method eye-tracking and stimulated recall study. ARAGs Research Reports Online . The British Council, London.

Brunfaut, Tineke and Revesz, Andrea (2015) The role of task- and listener-characteristics in second language listening. TESOL Quarterly, 49 (1). pp. 141-168. ISSN 0039-8322

Bylund, Emanuel and Athanasopoulos, Panos (2015) Motion event categorisation in a nativised variety of South African English. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 18 (5). pp. 588-601. ISSN 1367-0050

Bylund, Emanuel and Athanasopoulos, Panos (2015) Introduction : cognition, motion events, and SLA. Modern Language Journal, 99 (Supple). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0026-7902

Bylund, Emanuel and Athanasopoulos, Panos (2015) Televised Whorf : cognitive restructuring in advanced foreign language learners as a function of audio-visual media exposure. Modern Language Journal, 99 (Supple). pp. 123-137. ISSN 0026-7902


Cariola, Laura (2015) Semantic expression of the body boundary personality in person-centred psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 14 (1). pp. 48-64.

Cariola, Laura A. (2015) Cities in translation : intersections of language and memory by Sherry Simon. Critical Discourse Studies, 12 (1). pp. 118-121. ISSN 1740-5904

Carta, Caterina and Wodak, Ruth (2015) Discourse analysis, policy analysis, and the borders of EU identity. Journal of Language and Politics, 14 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1569-2159

Carter, Bob and Sealey, Alison (2015) Realist social theory and multilingualism in Europe. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3 (1). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2192-953X

Casaponsa, Aina and Antón, Eneko and Pérez, Alejandro and Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (2015) Foreign language comprehension achievement: Insights from the cognate facilitation effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 588. ISSN 1664-1078

Casaponsa, Aina and Carreiras, Manuel and Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (2015) How do bilinguals identify the language of the words they read? Brain Research, 1624. pp. 153-166. ISSN 0006-8993

Casaponsa, Aina and Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (2015) Lexical organization of language-ambiguous and language-specific words in bilinguals. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69 (3). pp. 589-604. ISSN 1747-0218

Cheong, Huey Fen and Kaur, Surinderpal (2015) Legitimising male grooming through packaging discourse : a linguistic analysis. Social Semiotics, 25 (3). pp. 364-385. ISSN 1035-0330

Collins, Luke and Nerlich, Brigitte (2015) Examining user comments for deliberative democracy : A corpus-driven analysis of the climate change debate online. Environmental Communication, 9 (2). pp. 189-207. ISSN 1752-4032

Collins, Luke Curtis (2015) Language, corpus and empowerment : Applications to deaf education, healthcare and online discourses. Taylor and Francis, London. ISBN 9781138814400

Culpeper, Jonathan (2015) Cultural encounters : A final word. ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 12 (1). pp. 137-139. ISSN 1581-8918

Culpeper, Jonathan (2015) Impoliteness strategies. In: Interdisciplinary studies in pragmatics, culture and society :. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology . Springer, pp. 421-445. ISBN 9783319126159

Culpeper, Jonathan and McIntyre, Dan (2015) Historical linguistics. In: Exploring Language and Linguistics :. Cambridge University Press, pp. 245-273. ISBN 9781107035461

Culpeper, Jonathan Vaughan (2015) Geoffrey Leech – the Pragmatics legacy. In: Handbook of Pragmatics :. John Benjamins. ISBN 9789027233295

Culpeper, Jonathan Vaughan (2015) The "how" and the "what" of (im)politeness. In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Im/politeness :. AILA Applied Linguistics Series . John Benjamins, pp. 267-276. ISBN 9789027205322


Dayrell, Carmen and Candido Jr, Arnaldo and Curi, Mariana and Aluísio, Sandra and Tagnin, Stella (2015) Padrões Léxico-Gramaticais na Especificação de Propósito e Resultado em Abstracts de Artigos Científicos : Aplicações no Ensino de EAP e na Construção de Ferramentas de Suporte à Escrita Científica. In: Pesquisas e Perspectivas em Linguística de Corpus :. Mercado das Letras, Campinas, pp. 303-346.

Dayrell, Carmen and Urry, John (2015) Mediating climate politics : the surprising case of Brazil. European Journal of Social Theory, 18 (3). pp. 257-273. ISSN 1368-4310

Dayrell, Carmen and Urry, John Richard and McEnery, Anthony Mark (2015) Climate Control. ESRC.

Dayrell, Carmen and Urry, John Richard and Muller, Marcus and Caimotto, Maria Cristina and McEnery, Anthony Mark (2015) Changing climates : a cross-country comparative analysis of discourses around climate change in the news media. In: The Eighth International Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL2015), 2015-07-21 - 2015-07-24.

Dellwo, Volker and Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José (2015) Rhythmic variability between speakers : articulatory, prosodic and linguistic factors. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137 (3). pp. 1513-1528. ISSN 0001-4966

Dellwo, Volker and Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José (2015) The recognition of read and spontaneous speech in local vernacular : the case of Zurich German dialect. Journal of Phonetics, 48. pp. 13-28. ISSN 0095-4470

Demjen, Zsofia and Semino, Elena (2015) Henry's voices : the representation of auditory verbal hallucinations in an autobiographical narrative. Medical Humanities, 41 (1). pp. 57-62. ISSN 1473-4265

Demmen, Jane Elizabeth and Culpeper, Jonathan Vaughan (2015) Keywords. In: The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 90-105. ISBN 9781107037380

Demmen, Jane Elizabeth and Semino, Elena and Demjen, Zsofia and Koller, Veronika and Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul and Payne, Sheila (2015) A computer-assisted study of the use of violence metaphors for cancer and end of life by patients, family carers and health professionals. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 20 (2). pp. 205-231. ISSN 1384-6655

Dempster, Steven and Sunderland, Jane and Thistlethwaite, Joanne (2015) Harry Potter and the transfiguration of boys’ and girls’ literacies. New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship, 21 (2). pp. 91-112. ISSN 1740-7885

Dunn, Kirsty Jayne and Bremner, James Gavin (2015) Investigating the use of social looking as a measure of understanding in infancy. In: Society for Research in Child Development, 2015-03-19 - 2015-03-21, Pennsylvania Convention Center.


Early, Margaret and Kendrick, Maureen and Potts, Diane (2015) Multimodality : Out From the Margins of English Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 49 (3). pp. 447-460. ISSN 0039-8322

El Naggar, Shaimaa (2015) AHRC-funded Project "Research Design Get Lost" : Reflections on Meeting I. AHRC Project Proto-publics.

El Naggar, Shaimaa (2015) ISIS propaganda and how to counter it. The Islamic Monthly Magazine, United States.

El Naggar, Shaimaa (2015) Multimodality in perspective : creating a synergy of the discourse historical approach and the framework of visual grammar. In: Multimodality in perspective :. Peter Lang, Oxford; New York, pp. 149-166. ISBN 978363166266

Elder, Catherine and Pill, John and Frost, Kellie and Bow, Catherine (2015) Marching out of step : The uneasy links between task-based language competencies for military purposes and a general proficency scale. In: Language in uniform : Language analysis and training for defence and policing purposes. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 223-240. ISBN 9781443870559

Evert, Stefan and Hardie, Andrew (2015) Ziggurat : a new data model and indexing format for large annotated text corpora. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-3) :. Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, pp. 21-27.


Filardo-Llamas, Laura and Hart, Christopher and Kaal, Bertie (2015) Introduction for the special issue on space, time and evaluation in ideological discourse. Critical Discourse Studies, 12 (3). pp. 235-237. ISSN 1740-5904

Flecken, Monique and Athanasopoulos, Panos and Kuipers, Jan Rouke and Thierry, Guillaume (2015) On the road to somewhere : brain potentials reflect language effects on motion event perception. Cognition, 141. pp. 41-51. ISSN 0010-0277


Gablasova, Dana (2015) Learning technical words through L1 and L2 : completeness and accuracy of word meanings. English for Specific Purposes, 39. pp. 62-74. ISSN 0889-4906

Gablasova, Dana and Brezina, Vaclav (2015) Does speaker role affect the choice of epistemic adverbials in L2 speech? : evidence from the Trinity Lancaster Corpus. In: Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2015 :. Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, 3 . Springer, pp. 117-136. ISBN 9783319179476

Georgalou, Mariza (2015) Beyond the timeline : constructing time and age identities on Facebook. Discourse, Context and Media, 9. pp. 24-33. ISSN 2211-6958

Gillen, Julia (2015) Virtual spaces in literacy studies. In: The Routledge handbook of literacy studies :. Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics . Routledge, London.

Gillen, J (2015) Supporting English literacy learning with young deaf people in India, Ghana and Uganda. Association of Commonwealth Universities.

Gillen, Julia (2015) Yellow umbrellas– recontextualisation in multimodal literacy practices of the Hong Kong student protests of November 2014. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Gillen, Julia (2015) The umbrella revolution : investigating symbols of protest. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Gillen, Julia and Curtis, Fiona (2015) Digital professionalism in medical education : an exploratory study. In: 19th European Conference on Literacy, 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-16.

Gillen, Julia and Ho, Selena and Nga, Gloria Fan Ho and Yu, Mandy Hoi Man (2015) "I am not the only one" - exploring multimodal discourses of the Umbrella Revolution, Hong Kong. In: UK Literacy Association 51st Annual Conference, 2015-07-10 - 2015-07-12, National College for Teaching and Leadership.

Gillen, Julia and Papen, Uta and Zeshan, Ulrike and Panda, Sibaji (2015) Literacy development with deaf communities in India : designing a sustainable educational innovation. In: 19th European Conference on Literacy, 2015-07-13 - 2015-07-16.

Goldman, Jean-Philippe and Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José and Hove, Ingrid and Almajai, Ibrahim and Dellwo, Volker and Moran, Steven (2015) A Crowdsourcing Smartphone Application for Swiss German : Putting language documentation in the hands of the users. In: Proceedings of LREC 2014 :. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). ISBN 9782951740884

Gregory, Ian and Cooper, David and Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul (2015) Spatializing and analysing digital texts : corpora, GIS and places. In: Deep maps and spatial narratives :. Spatial Humanities . Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind., pp. 150-178. ISBN 9780253015600

Gregory, Ian and Cooper, David and Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul (2015) Spatializing and analyzing digital texts : Corpora, GIS, and places. In: Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives :. Indiana University Press, pp. 150-178. ISBN 9780253015556

Grey, Sarah and Williams, John N. and Rebuschat, Patrick (2015) Individual differences in incidental language learning : phonological working memory, learning styles and personality. Learning and Individual Differences, 38. pp. 44-53.


Hansson, Sten (2015) Calculated overcommunication : Strategic uses of prolixity, irrelevance, and repetition in administrative language. Journal of Pragmatics, 84. pp. 172-188. ISSN 0378-2166

Hansson, Sten (2015) Discursive strategies of blame avoidance in government : a framework for analysis. Discourse and Society, 26 (3). pp. 297-322. ISSN 0957-9265

Hardaker, Claire (2015) “I refuse to respond to this obvious troll" : an overview of responses to (perceived) trolling. Corpora, 10 (2). pp. 201-229. ISSN 1749-5032

Hardie, Andrew (2015) Corpus linguistics. In: The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics :. Routledge, London, pp. 502-515. ISBN 9780415832571

Harding, Luke (2015) Adaptability and ELF communication : the next steps for communicative language testing? In: Selected proceedings from the IATEFL TEA SIG 2014 conference (Granada) :. UNSPECIFIED.

Harding, Luke (2015) Review of Geranpayeh, A. and Taylor, L. (Eds.). (2013). Examining listening: Research and practice in assessing second language listening. Language Testing, 32 (1). pp. 121-124. ISSN 0265-5322

Harding, Luke and Alderson, Charles and Brunfaut, Tineke (2015) Diagnostic assessment of reading and listening in a second or foreign language : elaborating on diagnostic principles. Language Testing, 32 (3). pp. 317-336. ISSN 0265-5322

Hart, Christopher (2015) Discourse. In: Handbook of cognitive linguistics :. De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 9783110291841

Hart, Christopher (2015) Viewpoint in linguistic discourse : space and evaluation in news reports of political protests. Critical Discourse Studies, 12 (3). pp. 238-260. ISSN 1740-5904

Heritage, Frazer (2015) Disney Princesses and the Diachronic Change of Culturally Gendered Language. In: JALT2014 : Conversations Across Borders. Japanese Association for Language Teaching, pp. 307-318. ISBN 9784901352475

Hove, Ingrid and Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José and Dellwo, Volker and Goldman, Jean-Philippe (2015) Swiss Voice App : “My voice – my dialect”. In: Trends in Phonetics and Phonology : Studies from German-speaking Europe. Peter Lang, Bern. ISBN 9783035108699

Hyams, Nina and Mateu, Victoria and Ortfitelli, Robyn and Putnam, Michael and Rothman, Jason and Sánchez, Liliana (2015) Parameters in language acquisition and language contact. In: Contemporary Linguistic Parameters :. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., pp. 353-373. ISBN 9781472533937


Indrarathne, Bimali and Kormos, Judit (2015) Attentional Processing of Input in Different Input Conditions: an Eye Tracking Study. In: BAAL Language Learning and Teaching SIG Conference, 2015-07-02 - 2015-07-03, University of Edinburgh.

Indrarathne, Bimali and Kormos, Judit (2015) Attentional processing of input in different input conditions : an eye-tracking study. In: EUROSLA 25, 2015-08-26 - 2015-08-29, Aix-Marseille Université.

Indrarathne, Bimali and Unger, Johann and Sharkawi, T (2015) Can IELTS and the CEFR do what our can dos can do? : assessing student writing practices on Lancaster University’s EAP (Study Skills) Programme. In: University of St Andrews EAP Conference, 2015-02-28 - 2015-02-28.


Jahan, Akhter and Kormos, Judit (2015) The impact of textual enhancement on EFL learners’ grammatical awareness. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25 (1). pp. 46-66. ISSN 0802-6106


Kaltsa, Maria and Tsimpli, Ianthi Maria and Rothman, Jason (2015) Exploring the source of differences and similarities in L1 attrition and heritage speaker competence : Evidence from pronominal resolution. Lingua, 164 (B). pp. 266-288. ISSN 0024-3841

Kirkham, Sam (2015) Intersectionality and the social meanings of variation : class, ethnicity, and social practice. Language in Society, 44 (5). pp. 629-652. ISSN 0047-4045

Kirkham, Sam and Wormald, Jessica (2015) Acoustic and articulatory variation in British Asian English liquids. In: Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences :. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9780852619414

Kirkham, Samuel David and Mackey, Alison Jayne (2015) Research, relationships and reflexitvity : two case studies of language and identity. In: Ethics in Applied Linguistics Research : Language Researcher Narratives. Second Language Acquisition Research . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415739061

Kjærbæk, Laila and Boeg Thomsen, Ditte and Lambertsen, Claus and Basbøll, Hans (2015) Sonority and early words : the Sonority Syllable Model applied to an acquisitional project with Danish children. Italian Journal of Linguistics, 27 (1). pp. 61-84. ISSN 0390-6809

Koller, Veronika (2015) Sexuality and metaphor. In: The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality :. John Wiley & Sons, Malden. ISBN 9781405190060

Koller, Veronika (2015) The subversive potential of queer pornography : a systemic-functional analysis of a written online text. Journal of Language and Sexuality, 4 (2). pp. 254-271. ISSN 2211-3770

Kolly, Marie-José and Leemann, Adrian (2015) Dialektologie vermitteln - Dialekte ermitteln. Die Dialäkt Äpp errät und erfasst, woher Testpersonen kommen. In: Sprachspiegel :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 78-85.

Kolly, Marie-José and Leemann, Adrian (2015) Dialäkt Äpp: communicating dialectology to the public – crowdsourcing dialects from the public. In: Trends in Phonetics and Phonology : Studies from German-speaking Europe. Peter Lang, Bern. ISBN 9783035108699

Kolly, Marie-José and Leemann, Adrian and Dellwo, Volker and Boula de Marëuil, Philippe (2015) Speaker-idiosynrasy in pausing behavior : evidence from a cross-linguistic study. In: Proceedings of ICPhS 2015 :. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780852619414

Kolly, Marie-José and Leemann, Adrian and Matter, Florian (2015) Analysis of spatial variation with app-based crowdsourced audio data. In: Interspeech 2015, 2015-09-06 - 2015-09-10, Maritim International Congress Center (ICD).

Kormos, Judit (2015) Individual differences in second language speech production. In: The Cambridge handbook of bilingual processing :. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107060586

Koumpouri, Athanasia and Aravantinou, Christina and Simaki, Vasiliki (2015) Opinion Mining in Movie Reviews. In: ECESCON 8, 2015-03-10, University of Patras.


Lawson, Michelle (2015) Life in the ghetto : how the media represent British lifestyle migration to France. JOMEC Journal, 7.

Lawson, Michelle (2015) “The more wine you drink, the better the French sounds” : representations of the good life within an online community of practice. In: Practising the good life : lifestyle migration in practices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 161-177. ISBN 9781443874410

Leal Méndez, Tania and Rothman, Jason and Slabakova, Roumyana (2015) Discourse-sensitive clitic-doubled dislocations in heritage Spanish. Lingua, 155. pp. 85-97. ISSN 0024-3841

Leemann, Adrian and Bernardasci, Camilla and Nolan, Francis (2015) The effect of speakers’ regional varieties on listeners’ decision-making. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2015 : 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Proceedings of Interspeech . UNSPECIFIED, pp. 1670-1674.

Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José (2015) Speaker-invariant suprasegmental temporal features in normal and disguised speech. Speech Communication, 75. pp. 97-122.

Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José and Britain, David and Purves, Ross and Glaser, Elvira (2015) Documenting Sound Change with Smartphone Apps. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137 (4): 2304. ISSN 0001-4966

Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José and Goldman, Jean-Philippe and Dellwo, Volker and Hove, Ingrid and Almajai, Ibrahim and Grimm, Sarah and Robert, Sylvain and Wanitsch, Daniel (2015) Voice Äpp : a mobile app for crowdsourcing Swiss German dialect data. In: Interspeech 2015 : 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association. Proceedings of Interspeech . UNSPECIFIED, pp. 2804-2808.

Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José and Nolan, Francis (2015) It's not phonetic aesthetics that drives dialect preference : the case of Swiss German. In: Proceedings of ICPhS 2015 :. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9780852619414

Leemann, Adrian and Kolly, Marie-José and Schmid, Stephan and Dellwo, Volker (2015) Trends in phonetics and phonology : Studies from German-speaking Europe. Peter Lang, Bern. ISBN 9783034316538

Lennon, Robert and Smith, Rachel and Stuart-Smith, Jane (2015) An acoustic investigation of postvocalic /r/ variants in two sociolects of Glaswegian. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences :. International Phonetic Association, London. ISBN 9780852619414

Love, Robbie and Baker, Paul (2015) The hate that dare not speak its name? Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 3 (1). pp. 57-86. ISSN 2213-1272


Mackey, Alison Jayne and Gass, Susan (2015) Interaction Approaches. In: Theories in Second Language Acquisition : An Introduction. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415824217

Mackey, Alison Jayne and King, Kendall (2015) Research Methodology in Second Language Studies: Trends, Concerns and New Directions. : Invited Colloquium: Celebrating 100 Years of the Modern Language Journal - Reflecting on Challenges for the Language Studies Field in a Multilingual World. In: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 2015 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo., 2015-11-20 - 2015-11-22.

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