Items where Department is "Linguistics & English Language" and Year is 2008

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 154.

Journal Article

Allen, R. and Najman, Y. and Carter, A. and Barford, D. and Bickle, M. and Chapman, H. and Garzanti, E. and Ando, S. and Vezzoli, G. and Parrish, R. (2008) Provenance of the Tertiary sedimentary rocks of the Indo- Burman Ranges, Burma (Myanmar): Burman arc or Himalayan-derived? Journal of the Geological Society, 165. pp. 1045-1058. ISSN 2041-479X

Athanasopoulos, Panos (2008) Universal and language-specific patterns of categorisation. Glossa, 4. pp. 51-72. ISSN 1931-7778

Athanasopoulos, Panos and Kasai, Chise (2008) Language and thought in bilinguals : the case of grammatical number and nonverbal classification preferences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 29 (1). pp. 105-123. ISSN 0142-7164

Baker, Paul and Gabrielatos, Costas and Khosravinik, Majid and Krzyzanowski, Michal and McEnery, Anthony M. and Wodak, Ruth (2008) A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press. Discourse and Society, 19 (3). pp. 273-306. ISSN 0957-9265

Bousfield, Derek and Culpeper, Jonathan (2008) Impoliteness. Journal of Politeness Research, 4 (2). pp. 161-337. ISSN 1613-4877

Brandt, Silke and Diessel, Holger and Tomasello, Michael (2008) The acquisition of German relative clauses: A case study. Journal of Child Language, 35 (2). pp. 325-348. ISSN 0305-0009

Cariola, Laura A. (2008) A structural and functional analysis of dream narratives. Dreaming, 18 (1). pp. 16-26. ISSN 1573-3351

Csizér, K. and Kormos, Judit (2008) The relationship of inter-cultural contact and language learning motivation among Hungarian students of English and German. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 29 (1). pp. 30-48. ISSN 0143-4632

Culpeper, Jonathan and Crawshaw, Robert and Harrison, Julia (2008) Activity types and discourse types : mediating advice in interactions between foreign language assistants and their supervisors in schools in France and England. Multilingua, 27 (4). pp. 297-324. ISSN 1613-3684

Dayrell, Carmen (2008) Investigating the preference of translators for recurrent lexical patterns : a corpus-based study. TRANSKOM, 1 (1). pp. 36-57.

Elder, Catherine and Harding, Luke (2008) Language Testing and English as an International Language Constraints and Contributions. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 31 (3). 34.1-34.11. ISSN 0155-0640

Gabrielatos, Costas and Baker, Paul (2008) Fleeing, sneaking, flooding : a corpus analysis of discursive constructions of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK Press 1996-2005. Journal of English Linguistics, 36 (1). pp. 5-38. ISSN 1552-5457

Gamble, J and Huang, Q (2008) Organizational commitment of Chinese employees in foreign invested firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (5). pp. 896-915. ISSN 0958-5192

Gillen, Julia and Littleton, K. and Twiner, A. and Kleine Staarman, J. and Mercer, N. (2008) Using the interactive whiteboard to resource continuity and support multimodal teaching in a primary science classroom. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24 (4). pp. 348-358. ISSN 0266-4909

Hardie, Andrew (2008) A Collocation-based approach to Nepali postpositions. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 4 (1). pp. 19-62. ISSN 1613-7027

Harding, Luke (2008) Accent and academic listening assessment: A study of test-taker perceptions. Melbourne Papers in Language Testing, 13 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 1327-0311

Hart, Christopher (2008) Critical discourse analysis and metaphor : toward a theoretical framework. Critical Discourse Studies, 5 (2). pp. 91-106. ISSN 1740-5904

Hutchinson, J. and Kotonya, G. and Walkerdine, J. and Sawyer, Pete and Dobson, Glen and Onditi, V. (2008) Hybrid Systems: How Do We Migrate Existing Systems to Service-Oriented Architectures? IT Professional. pp. 34-42. ISSN 1941-045X

Iverson, Michael and Kempchinsky, Paula and Rothman, Jason (2008) Interface Vulnerability and Knowledge of the Subjunctive/Indicative Distinction with Negated Epistemic Predicates in L2 Spanish. EUROSLA Yearbook, 8 (1). pp. 135-163. ISSN 1568-1491

Kerswill, Paul and Torgersen, Eivind and Fox, Sue (2008) Reversing “drift” : Innovation and diffusion in the London diphthong system. Language Variation and Change, 20 (3). pp. 451-491. ISSN 0954-3945

Koller, Veronika (2008) "Not just a colour" : pink as a gender and sexuality marker in visual communication. Visual Communication, 7 (4). pp. 395-423. ISSN 1741-3214

Koller, Veronika (2008) "The world in one city" : semiotic and cognitive aspects of city branding. Journal of Language and Politics, 7 (3). pp. 431-450. ISSN 1569-9862

Koller, Veronika and Davidson, Paul (2008) Social exclusion as conceptual and grammatical metaphor : a cross-genre study of British policy-making. Discourse and Society, 19 (3). pp. 307-331. ISSN 0957-9265

Koller, Veronika and Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul and Semino, Elena (2008) Using a semantic annotation tool for the analysis of metaphor in discourse., 15. pp. 141-160. ISSN 1618-2006

Kormos, Judit and Csizér, Kata (2008) Age-related differences in the motivation of learning English as a foreign language: Attitudes, selves and motivated learning behavior. Language Learning, 58 (2). pp. 327-355. ISSN 0023-8333

Kormos, Judit and Csizér, Kata and Menyhárt, Adrienn and Török, Dóra (2008) 'Great Expectations': The motivational profile of Hungarian English language students. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 7 (1). pp. 65-82. ISSN 1474-0222

Kormos, Judit and Sáfár, Anna (2008) Phonological short term-memory, working memory and foreign language performance in intensive language learning. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 11 (2). pp. 261-271. ISSN 1469-1841

McCulloch, Sharon (2008) Word of the week – getting students to analyze vocabulary. Language Teacher, 32 (9). pp. 19-20. ISSN 0289-7938

McDonough, Kim and Mackey, Alison (2008) Syntactic priming and ESL question development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30 (1). pp. 31-47. ISSN 0272-2631

McDonough, Terry (2008) The New American Empire and the Electronic Revolution. East Lancashire Research Journal, 1 (2). pp. 107-124.

Najman, Y. and Bickle, M. and Boudagher-Fadel, M. and Carter, A. and Garzanti, E. and Paul, M. and Wijbrans, J. and Willett, E. and Oliver, G. and Parrish, R. and Akhter, H. and Allen, R. and Ando, S. and Chisty, E. and Reisberg, L. and Vezzoli, G. (2008) The paleogene record of Himalayan erosion : Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 273 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0012-821X

Nino-Murcia, Mercedes and Godenzzi, Juan Carlos and Rothman, Jason (2008) Spanish as a World Language : The Interplay of Globalized Localization and Localized Globalization. International Multilingual Research Journal, 2 (1-2). pp. 48-66. ISSN 1931-3152

Papen, Uta (2008) Pregnancy starts with a literacy event : pregnancy and ante-natal care as texctually mediated social experiences. Ethnography, 9 (3). pp. 377-403. ISSN 1466-1381

Papen, Uta and Tusting, Karin (2008) Creativity in everyday literacy practices : the contribution of an ethnographic approach. Literacy and Numeracy Studies, 16 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 1441-0559

Pollmuller, B. and Clough, G. and Gillen, J. (2008) Animation in Education: its impact on learning, literacy and creativity - understanding teenagers' creativity through making machinima in a 3D virtual world known as Schome Park. Networks, 11. pp. 3-4. ISSN 0028-3045

Potts, Diane (2008) Book review : Frances Christie and J. R. Martin, 'Language, knowledge and pedagogy: functional linguistic and sociological perspectives'. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4 (3). pp. 309-313. ISSN 1742-2906

Rothman, Jason (2008) Aspect selection in adult L2 Spanish and the competing systems hypothesis : When pedagogical and linguistic rules conflict. Languages in Contrast, 8 (1). pp. 74-106. ISSN 1387-6759

Rothman, Jason (2008) How Pragmatically Odd! : Interface Delays and Pronominal Subject Distribution in L2 Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 1 (2).

Rothman, Jason (2008) Linguistic epistemology and the notion of monolingualism. Sociolinguistic Studies, 2 (3). pp. 441-457. ISSN 1750-8649

Rothman, Jason (2008) Why all counter-evidence to the critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition is not equal or problematic. Linguistics and Language Compass, 2 (6). pp. 1063-1088. ISSN 1749-818X

Rothman, Jason and Iverson, Michael (2008) Poverty-of-the-stimulus and SLA epistemology : Considering L2 knowledge of aspectual phrasal semantics. Language Acquisition, 15 (4). pp. 270-314. ISSN 1048-9223

Sicurella, Federico (2008) Teaching the future’s past : history education from division to reconciliation in the ‘new countries’ of Southeast Europe. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica, 3. ISSN 1970-2221

Siewierska, Anna (2008) INTRODUCTION: IMPERSONALIZATION FROM A SUBJECT-CENTRED VS. AGENT-CENTRED PERSPECTIVE. Transactions of the Philological Society, 106 (2). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1467-968X

Sirois, Sylvain and Spratling, Michael and Thomas, Michael S. C. and Westermann, Gert and Mareschal, Denis and Johnson, Mark H. (2008) Studying development in the 21(st) Century. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31 (3). pp. 345-356. ISSN 0140-525X

Smith, N. and Hoffmann, S. and Rayson, P. (2008) Corpus Tools and Methods, Today and Tomorrow: Incorporating Linguists' Manual Annotations. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 23 (2). pp. 163-180. ISSN 1477-4615

Sáfár, Anna and Kormos, Judit (2008) Revisiting problems with foreign language aptitude. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 46 (2). pp. 113-136. ISSN 1613-4141

Unger, Johann W. (2008) A keek at Scots lang syne : a brief overview of the historical development of the Scots language. Vienna English Working Papers, 17 (1). pp. 91-101. ISSN 2074-9864

Unger, Johnny (2008) Michael Halliday, On grammar. Language in Society, 37 (2). p. 312. ISSN 0047-4045

Unger, Johnny (2008) Rhiannon Bury, Cyberspaces of their own : female fandoms online. Language in Society, 37 (2). p. 311. ISSN 0047-4045

Waters, Alan (2008) Review of Edge, J (ed.) 'TESOL in the Age of Empire'. ELT Journal, 62 (1). pp. 89-92. ISSN 1477-4526

Waters, Alan and Vilches, Ma. Luz C. (2008) Factors Affecting ELT Reforms : the case of the Philippines Basic Education Curriculum. RELC Journal, 39 (1). pp. 5-24.

Xiao, R. Z. and McEnery, A. M. (2008) Negation in Chinese : a corpus-based study. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 36 (2). pp. 274-330. ISSN 0091-3723

Xiao, Richard and Xu, Jiajin (2008) Corpora and language education. Foreign Language Education in China, 1 (2). pp. 50-60.

Yadava, Yogendra and Hardie, Andrew and Lohani, Ram and Regmi, Bhim N. and Gurung, Srishtee and Gurung, Amar and McEnery, Tony and Allwood, Jens and Hall, Pat (2008) Construction and annotation of a corpus of contemporary Nepali. Corpora, 3 (2). pp. 213-225. ISSN 1749-5032

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Abbuhl, Rebekha and Mackey, Alison Jayne (2008) Second Language Acquisition Research Methods. In: Research Methods in Language and Education :. Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd). Springer, Cham, pp. 183-193. ISBN 9783319022482

Abell, Jackie and Myers, Greg (2008) Analysing Research Interviews. In: Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 145-161. ISBN 9780230019867

Allen, R. and Carter, A. and Najman, Yani and Bandopadhyay, P. and Chapman, H. and Bickle, M. and Garzanti, E. and Vezzoli, G. and Ando, S. and Foster, G. (2008) New constraints on the sedimentation and uplift history of the Andaman-Nicobar accretionary prism, South Andaman Island. In: Formation and Applications of the Sedimentary Record in Arc Collision Zones :. Geological Society of America - Special Paper (436). Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colo., pp. 223-255. ISBN 9780813724362

Appleby, Yvon and Barton, David (2008) Adults lives and learning in different contexts : a view over time. In: Tracking adult literacy and numeracy skills: findings from longitudinal research :. Routledge, London, pp. 349-364. ISBN 978-0415958585

Archer, D. and Culpeper, J. and Rayson, P. (2008) Love - a familiar or a devil? An exploration of key domains in Shakespeare Comedies and Tragedies. In: What's in a word-list? Investigating word frequency and keyword extraction :. Ashgate.

Brezina, Vaclav and Gablasova, Dana (2008) 'Já myslím, že určitě' – vybrané jistotní a postojové známky v rozhovorech. In: Čeština v mluveném korpusu :. Studie z korpusové lingvistiky . Lidové noviny, Prague. ISBN 9788071069829

Cheshire, Jenny and Fox, Sue and Kerswill, Paul and Torgersen, Eivind (2008) Ethnicity, friendship network and social practices as the motor of dialect change : linguistic innovation in London. In: Sociolinguistica : International Yearbook of European Sociolinguistics :. Max Niemeyer Verlag, pp. 1-23. ISBN 978-3-484-60528-2

Chilton, Paul (2008) Reflections on blends and discourse. In: Mental Spaces in Discourse and Interaction :. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (170). John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 251-256.

Culpeper, Jonathan (2008) Reflections on impoliteness, relational work and power. In: Impoliteness in Language :. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 17-44. ISBN 978-3110202670

Culpeper, Jonathan and Archer, Dawn (2008) Requests and directness in Early Modern English trial proceedings and play-texts, 1640-1760. In: Speech Acts in the History of English :. Pragmatics & Beyond new series (176). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 45-84. ISBN 9789027254207

Culpeper, Jonathan and Archer, Dawn and Davies, M. (2008) Pragmatic annotation. In: Corpus Linguistics : An International Handbook :. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science . Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 613-642. ISBN 978-3110180435

Fairclough, Norman and Wodak, Ruth (2008) The Bologna Process and the knowledge-based economy : a critical discourse analysis approach. In: Education and the Knowledge Based Economy in Europe :. Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice (24). Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 109-126. ISBN 978-90-8790-623-8

Gillen, Julia (2008) Literacy practices in Schome Park: a virtual literacy ethnography. In: ReLIVE08: Proceedings of Researching Learning in Virtual Environments :. Open University, Milton Keynes, pp. 142-153.

Koller, Veronika (2008) Brothers in arms : contradictory metaphors in contemporary marketing discourse. In: Confronting metaphor in use :. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series . Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 103-125. ISBN 978 90 272 5417 7

Koller, Veronika (2008) CEOs and "working gals" : the textuial representation and cognitive conceptualisation of businesswomen in different discourse communities. In: Gender and Language Research Methodologies :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 211-226. ISBN 9780230550698

Koller, Veronika (2008) Corporate brands as socio-cognitive representations. In: Cognitive Sociolinguistics : language variation, cultural models, social systems. Cognitive Linguistics Research (39). de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 389-418. ISBN 978-3-11-019625-2

Koller, Veronika (2008) Identity, image, impression : corporate self-presentation and public reactions. In: Handbook of Communication in the Public Sphere :. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics . de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 155-180. ISBN 978-3-11-018832-5

Koller, Veronika and Wodak, Ruth (2008) Introduction : Shifting Boundaries and Emergent Publics. In: Handbook of Communication in the Public Sphere :. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics, 4 . de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 1-17. ISBN 978-3-11-018832-5

Kormos, Judit and Kontra, Edit H. (2008) Hungarian teachers’ perceptions of dyslexic language learners. In: Language Learners with Special Needs : An International Perspective. Channel View Publications, pp. 189-213. ISBN 9781847690890

Leech, Geoffrey (2008) Foreword. In: Corpus linguistics with BNCweb : a practical guide :. English corpus linguistics ; (6). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, xiii-xvi. ISBN 9783631563151

Leemann, Adrian (2008) Vowel Quality of Swiss EFL Speakers. In: Accents in English as a non-native language :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 16-32.

Leemann, Adrian and Siebenhaar, Beat (2008) Perception of Dialectal Prosody. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2008 : 9th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Brisbane, Australia, September 22-26, 2008. ISCA, pp. 524-527.

Leemann, Adrian and Siebenhaar, Beat (2008) Swiss Alpine and Midland Intonation. In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2008 :. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 289-292.

Mackey, Alison and Abbuhl, R. (2008) Second language acquisition research methods. In: Encyclopedia of language and education : Vol. 10. Research methods in language and education. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9780387328751

Mudraya, O. and Piao, S. and Rayson, P. and Sharoff, S. and Babych, B. and Lofberg, L. (2008) Automatic Extraction of Translation Equivalents of Phrasal and Light Verbs in English and Russian. In: Phraseology : an interdisciplinary perspective :. Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 293-309.

Mulderrig, Jane (2008) Using keywords analysis in CDA : evolving discourses of the knowledge economy in education. In: Education and the Knowledge-based Economy in Europe :. Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice . Sense, Rotterdam, pp. 149-169. ISBN 978-90-8790-622-1

Myers, Greg (2008) Analysing interaction in broadcast debates. In: Qualitative discourse analysis in the social sciences :. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 121-144. ISBN 9780230019867

Olmos-Lopez, Barbara-Pamela and Criollo, Roberto (2008) A framework for undergraduate thesis conclusions. In: 14 Convención científica de ingeniería y arquitectura en el marco del VI Taller sobre la Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras con Fines Específicos, TELEFE 2008 :. UNSPECIFIED, La Havana, Cuba. ISBN 9789592612815

Onditi, V. and Dobson, Glen and Hutchinson, J. and Walkerdine, J. and Sawyer, Peter (2008) Specifying and Constructing a Fault-Tolerant Composite Service. In: IEEE Sixth European Conference on Web Services, 2008. ECOWS '08. :. IEEE, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 135-142. ISBN 978-0-7695-3399-5

Rayson, P. and Archer, Dawn and Baron, Alistair and Smith, Nicholas (2008) Travelling through time with corpus annotation software. In: Corpus linguistics, computer tools, and applications - state of the art :. Studies In Language, 17 . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 29-46. ISBN 978-3-631-58311-1

Schauer, Gila A. (2008) Getting better in getting what you want : language learners' pragmatic development in requests during study abroad sojourns. In: Developing contrastive pragmatics : Interlanguage and cross-cultural perspectives. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, pp. 399-426. ISBN 9783110196702

Semino, Elena (2008) A corpus-based study of metaphors for speech activity in British English. In: Corpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymy :. De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 36-62. ISBN 9783110198270

Semino, Elena and Steen, Gerard (2008) Metaphor in literature. In: Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought :. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 232-246. ISBN 9780521841061

Short, Mick H. and Semino, Elena (2008) Stylistics and Literary Evaluation. In: The quality of literature : Linguistic Studies in Literary evaluation. Linguistic Approaches to Literature . John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 117-37. ISBN 978-9027233363

Siewierska, Anna (2008) Ways of impersonalizing. In: Current Trends in Contrastive Linguistics :. John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 3-26.

Siewierska, Anna and Bakker, D. (2008) Case and alternative strategies : word order and agreement marking. In: The Oxford Handbook of Case :. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 978-0199206476

Stone, L. and Gillen, J. (2008) White Cars Like Mice with Little Legs: Poetry in the Early Years. In: Desirable Literacies: approaches to language and literacy in the Early Years, 2nd edn :. Sage Publications in association with the UK Literacy Association, London, pp. 37-60. ISBN 9781847872814

Tusting, Karin (2008) Ecologies of New Literacies : implications for education. In: Encyclopedia of Language and Education : Ecology of Language. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 3194-3206. ISBN 9780387304243

Van Olmen, Daniel and van der Auwera, Johan (2008) 'Ne chante pas!' ou, tout simplement, 'arrête!'? : Sur la fréquence des constructions prohibitives retrospectives. In: Linguista sum : Mélanges offerts à Marc Dominicy. L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 225-233. ISBN 978-2-296-06259-7

Wodak, Ruth (2008) Controversial issues in feminist critical discourse analysis. In: Gender and language :. Research Methodologies . Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 193-210.

Wodak, Ruth (2008) Dyskurs Populistyczny : Retoryka Wykluczenia a Gatunki Języka Pisanego. In: Krytyczna Analia Dyskursu : Interdyscyplinarne Podejscie do Komunikacji Spolecznej :. Universitas, Krakow, pp. 185-215.

Wodak, Ruth (2008) How history is made : the origins and aims of the project. In: The Discursive Construction of History : Remembering the Wehrmacht's War of Annihilation :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, xii-xvi.

Wodak, Ruth (2008) Introduction : discourse studies - important concepts and terms. In: Qualitative discourse analysis in the Social Sciences. :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 1-29. ISBN 978-0230019867

Wodak, Ruth (2008) Multiple Identities : The Roles of Female Parliamentarians in the EU Parliament. In: The Handbook of Language and Gender :. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 671-698. ISBN 9780631225027

Wodak, Ruth (2008) Preface. In: The Discursive Construction of History : Remembering the Wehrmacht's War of Annihilation :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, xii-xvi.

Wodak, Ruth (2008) ‘Us’ and ‘them’ : inclusion/exclusion – discrimination via discourse. In: Migration, Identity, and Belonging :. University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool, pp. 54-78. ISBN 978-1846311185

Wodak, Ruth and Delanty, Gerard and Jones, Paul (2008) Introduction : migration, discrimination and belonging in Europe. In: Identity, belonging and migration :. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 10-18. ISBN 9781846311185

Wodak, Ruth and Heer, Hannes (2008) Introduction : collective memory, national narratives and the politics of the past. In: The Discursive Construction of History : Remembering the Wehrmacht’s War of Annihilation :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 1-16.

Wodak, Ruth and Krzyżanowski, Michal (2008) Migration und Rassismus in Österreich. In: Rassismus : Beiträge zu einem vielgesichtigen Phänomen. :. Mandelbaum, Wien, pp. 257-279. ISBN 978-3-85476-238-6

Wodak, Ruth and Missing, Missing (2008) The Contribution of Critical Linguistics to the Analysis of Discriminatory Prejudices and Stereotypes in the Language of Politics. In: Handbook of Communication in the Public Sphere :. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 291-316. ISBN 978-3110188325

Wodak, Ruth and Pollak, Alexander (2008) Crime scene : Wehrmacht Exhibition. In: The Discursive Construction of History : Remembering the Wehrmacht’s War of Annihilation :. Palgrave, Basingstoke, pp. 207-226.

Xiao, Richard and He, Lianzhen and Yue, Ming (2008) In pursuit of the third code: Using the ZJU Corpus of Translational Chinese in Translation Studies : Using the ZJU Corpus of Translational Chinese in Translation Studies. In: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS 2008) :. Lancaster University, CHN.

Xiao, Richard Z. (2008) Theory-driven corpus research : using corpora to inform aspect theory. In: Corpus Linguistics: An International Handbook :. Handbooks of Linguistics and communication Science, 1 . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany. ISBN 978-3110180435

Xiao, Richard Z. (2008) Well-known and influential corpora. In: Corpus Linguistics: An International Handbook :. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, 1 . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. ISBN 978-3110180435


Barton, David and Tusting, Karin and Hodge, Rachel and Appleby, Yvon (2008) Learners’ experience of work. Working Paper. National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy, London.

Contribution to Conference

Baker, Paul and Gabrielatos, Costas and McEnery, A. M. (2008) Using collocational profiling to investigate the construction of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in the UK press. In: 7th Conference of the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL 2008), 2008-03-13 - 2008-03-15. (Unpublished)

Dolby, Paul and Fish, Adrian (2008) Content repositories and social networking : can there be synergies? In: Fourth International Conference on e-Social Science, 2008-06-18 - 2008-06-20.

Gabrielatos, Costas (2008) Collocational analysis as a gateway to critical discourse analysis : the case of the construction of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in the UK press. In: Invited talk, 2008-03-10. (Unpublished)

Gabrielatos, Costas (2008) Compiling topic-specific corpora from limited-access online databases. In: CLARET (Corpus Linguistics Advanced Research Education and Training), 2008-03-31 - 2008-04-01. (Unpublished)

Gabrielatos, Costas (2008) If-conditionals, modality, and Schrödinger’s cat. In: Meeting of RITL Research Group (Research in Theoretical Linguistics), 2008-11-27. (Unpublished)

Gabrielatos, Costas and Torgersen, Eivind (2008) A corpus-based analysis of indefinite article use in London English. In: Joint meeting of the Corpus Research Group and the Language Variation and Change Research Group, 2008-06-23. (Unpublished)

Huang, Qihai (2008) Social capital and customers at business start-up in China’s IT sector. In: Annual International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Management, 2008-08-02 - 2008-08-05.

Huang, Qihai and Gamble, J (2008) Institutional constraints on communication, employee participation and employee satisfaction? Evidence from the Chinese retail sector. In: Academy of International Business Conference, 2008-06-30 - 2008-07-04.

McCulloch, Sharon and Wray, Sean (2008) Teaching learners how to support their written arguments. In: Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT) 2008 International Conference, Tokyo, 2008-10-31 - 2008-11-03. (Unpublished)

Pooley, Nicola and Hardie, Andrew and Rayson, Paul and Hoffmann, Sebastian and Alcock, Katie and Cain, Kate (2008) The Child Language Survey. In: ESRC Seminar Series : Working memory and text comprehension, 2008-01-10 - 2008-01-11.

Potts, Diane (2008) Multilingualism and the internet : supporting student literacies development. In: 39th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, 2008-06-30.

Potts, Diane (2008) Multimodalities, multilingualism and the recontextualization of knowledge for academic purposes. In: Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 2008, 2008-05-31.

Potts, Diane and Early, M. and Kress, G. (2008) Multimodalities, multilingualism and the recontextualization of knowledge for academic purposes. In: World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2008), 2008-08-31.

Rayson, P. and Archer, Dawn (2008) Key domain analysis : mining text in the humanities and social sciences. In: Workshop on Text Mining Applications in the Social Sciences in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, 2008-06-18.

Siewierska, Anna and Xu, Jiajin and Xiao, Richard (2008) Splitable verb-noun compounds in spoken and written Chinese. In: The 41st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea Languages in Contrast. Grammar, Translation, 2008-09-17 - 2008-09-20.

Tantucci, Vittorio (2008) 汉语结果体的跨语言研究 : a typological study. In: 语言的描写与解释国际学术研讨会 [International Conference on Chinese Language Description and Explanation], 2008-07-15 - 2008-07-16, Shanghai. (Unpublished)

Xiao, Richard (2008) Classifiers in English and Chinese: A corpus-based contrastive study. In: COST A31 conference on the Boundaries of Classification: Definitions, Processes and Adaptability, 2008-12-15 - 2008-12-18.

Xiao, Richard (2008) Using an enhanced MDA approach in study of world Englishes. In: The 4th International IVACS Conference, 2008-06-13 - 2008-06-14.


Harrington, Kate and Litosseliti, Lia and Sauntson, Helen and Sunderland, Jane, eds. (2008) Gender and language research methodologies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230550681

Wodak, Ruth and Koller, Veronika, eds. (2008) Handbook of Communication in the Public Sphere. Handbooks of Applied Linguistics [HAL] / Communication Competence. Language and Communication Problems. Practical Solutions, 4 . Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-11-018832-5

Philp, Jenefer and Oliver, Rhonda and Mackey, Alison, eds. (2008) Second language acquisition and the young learner : child's play? John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789027219848

Baker, Paul (2008) Sexed texts : language, gender and sexuality. Equinox, London. ISBN 9781845530747 (hbk.)

Jessop, Bob and Fairclough, Norman and Wodak, Ruth (2008) The Knowledge-based Economy and Higher Education in Europe. Sense, London. ISBN 978-9087906221

KhosraviNik, M. and Polyzou, A. (2008) Papers from the Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Vol. 2: Papers from LAEL PG 2007. Lancaster University, Lancaster.

Koller, Veronika (2008) Lesbian discourses : images of a community. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-96095-3

Kormos, Judit and Kontra, Edit H. (2008) Language learners with special needs : an international perspective. Multilingual Matters, Bristol. ISBN 978-1847690890

Krzyzanowski, Michal and Wodak, Ruth (2008) The Politics of Exclusion : Debating Migration in Austria. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, N.J.. ISBN 9781412808361

Leech, Geoffrey (2008) Language in literature : style and foregrounding. Pearson Longman, Harlow. ISBN 9780582051096

Papen, Uta (2008) Understanding literacy and health: Literature review. NRDC, London.

Papen, Uta and Walters, Sue (2008) Literacy, learning and health : research report. NRDC, London. ISBN 978-1-906395-03-2

Pitt, Kathy (2008) Sourcing the self : debating the relations between language and consciousness. Peter Lang, Oxford. ISBN 9783039113989

Samuda, Virginia and Bygate, Martin (2008) Tasks in second language learning. Research and practice in applied linguistics . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781403911865

Semino, Elena (2008) Metaphor in Discourse. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521867306

Siewierska, Anna (2008) Impersonal Constructions in Grammatical Theory. Transactions of the Philological Society . Blackwell Publishing, London.

Wilson, Andrew (2008) Psychosemiotic Cycles and the Liturgical Year: A Case Study and Framework for Research. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen. ISBN 9783867276696

Wodak, Ruth (2008) Politics as usual : the discursive construction and representation of politics in action. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-0230018815

Wodak, Ruth and Delanty, Gerard and Jones, Paul R. (2008) Identity, belonging and migration. University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781846311185

Wodak, Ruth and Krzyzanowski, Michal (2008) Qualitative discourse analysis in the Social Sciences. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-0230019867

de Cillia, Rudolf and Wodak, Ruth (2008) Gedenken im "Gedankenjahr" : Zur diskursiven Konstruktion österreichischer Identitäten im Jubiläumsjahr 2005. Studienverlag, Innsbruck. ISBN 978-3-7065-4644-7


Brunfaut, Tineke (2008) Foreign language reading for academic purposes : students of English (native speakers of Dutch) reading English academic texts. PhD thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Cheffy, Ian and Papen, Uta and Barton, David (2008) Conceptions of literacy in context : situated understandings in a rural area of Northern Cameroon. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Formato, Federica and Maiorani, Arianna (2008) Multimodalita e 'city branding' : il case study 'Glasgow: Scotland with Style'. Masters thesis, University of Bologna.


Anthony, Laurence (2008) Measurement and tool for the evaluation of compositions. 4165898.


Gabrielatos, Costas (2008) Linguist List Summary. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

McEnery, Anthony Mark (2008) Chinese CALLHOME Corpus, XML edition. UNSPECIFIED.

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