Items where Department is "Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts" and Year is 2006

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Number of items: 131.


Aston, E (2006) The French actress and her English audience. New Theatre Quarterly, 22 (86). pp. 204-205. ISSN 0266-464X

Aston, Elaine (2006) Queer mythologies: The original stageplays of Pam Gems. Modern Drama, 49 (3). pp. 409-410. ISSN 0026-7694


Bamford, Will and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) A Surrealist Inspired Mobile Multiplayer Game: Fact or Fish? In: 1st World Conference for Fun 'n Games, 2006-06-26 - 2006-06-28, University of Central Lancashire.

Bamford, William and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) Location Based Mobile Blogging. In: Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. ICTTA '06. 2nd :. IEEE, Damascus, Syria. ISBN 0-7803-9521-2

Bamford, William and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) A Massively Multi-Authored Mobile Surrealist Book. In: ACE '06 Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGCHI international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology :. ACM, Hollywood, USA. ISBN 1-59593-380-8

Barnett, David and Lehmann, Hans Thies and Jürs-Munby, Karen (2006) Taking stock and looking forward : Postdramatic theatre. Contemporary Theatre Review, 16 (4). pp. 483-489. ISSN 1048-6801

Boyko, Christopher and Cooper, Rachel and Davey, Caroline L. and Wootton, Andrew B. (2006) Addressing sustainability early in the urban design process. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 17 (6). pp. 689-706. ISSN 1477-7835

Boynton, Neil and Rose, Emma (2006) threshold. UNSPECIFIED, POL.


Canclini, Andrea (2006) La banalità etica: cosa non va nel sentimentalismo. Criticaminore (12). p. 12.

Chehimi, Fadi and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) Advances in 3D Graphics for Smartphones. In: Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. ICTTA '06. 2nd :. IEEE, Damascus, Syria, pp. 99-104. ISBN 0-7803-9521-2

Chehimi, Fadi and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) C++ Optimisations for Mobile Applications. In: Consumer Electronics, 2006. ISCE '06. 2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on :. IEEE, St.Petersburg , Russia. ISBN 1-4244-0216-6

Chehimi, Fadi and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) A Novel 3D Game API for Symbian OS Smartphones. In: The Fourth Annual International Conference in Computer Game Design and Technology, 2006-11-15 - 2006-11-16.

Clemson, Helen and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) A Serendipitous Mobile Game. In: Proceedings GDTW 2006 The Fourth International Game Design and Technology Workshop and Conference :. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK. ISBN 1-9025-6014-0

Clemson, Helen and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben and Chehimi, Fadi (2006) Mobslinger: The Fastest Mobile in the West. In: 1st World Conference for Fun 'n Games, 2006-06-26 - 2006-06-28, University of Central Lancashire.

Cooper, Rachel (2006) Theorizing design. Design Journal, 9 (2). pp. 1-2. ISSN 1460-6925

Cooper, Rachel (2006) Thinking about design. Design Journal, 9 (1). pp. 1-2. ISSN 1460-6925

Coulton, Paul and Clemson, Helen and Edwards, Reuben (2006) Mobslinger: Creating Urban Outlaws. In: 5th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 2006-09-20 - 2006-09-22.

Coulton, Paul and Rashid, Omer and Bamford, William (2006) Experiencing ‘Touch’ in Mobile Mixed Reality Games. In: GDTW 2006 The Fourth International Game Design and Technology Workshop and Conference :. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, pp. 68-75. ISBN 1-9025-6014-0

Coulton, Paul and Rashid, Omer and Bamford, William and Edwards, Reuben (2006) Running with the PAC. In: 1st World Conference for Fun 'n Games, 2006-06-26 - 2006-06-28, University of Central Lancashire.

Coulton, Paul and Rashid, Omer and Garner, Philip (2006) ‘Getting it up’ with mobile virtual graffiti. In: 5th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 2006-09-20 - 2006-09-22.

Cruickshank, Leon (2006) A Provocative Educational Application of a New Approach to Design Methodology. In: Wonderground Design Research Society, 2006-11-01 - 2006-11-04.

Cruickshank, Leon and Hill, Annette and Tsekleves, Emmanuel and Kondo, Koko (2006) User-Led Interactive Television, Identifying and Addressing Some of the Barriers to Accessible Interactive TV. In: CHI2006, 2006-04-24.


Davies, G. (2006) Crowds and Power: School. UNSPECIFIED.

Davies, Gerry (2006) Sculptors Raft. UNSPECIFIED.

Devereaux, Emile (2006) Cultura Subyugada : Museo Provincial Timoteo Navarro, Tucuman, Argentina. [Exhibition]

Devereaux, Emile (2006) Sip Video : Animation. UNSPECIFIED.

Devereaux, Emile (2006) Slurp!: Video Installation : ArtInteractive Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts. [Exhibition]

Devereaux, Emile (2006) Zlato! (Gold!) : Video and Animation. UNSPECIFIED.


Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) Providing the skills required for innovative mobile game development using industry/academic partnerships. ITALICS, 5 (3). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1473-7507

Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) The UK'S Game Industry. In: Embracing the Challenge,Exploiting the Opportunities : Building a World Class IT Profession in the Era of Global Sourcing. Report by the British Computer Society . British Computer Society, Swindon. ISBN 978-1-902505-75-6

Etchells, T. J. (2006) Instructions For Forgetting: Some Notes on Forced Entertainment's Recent Documentary Projects. TDR, 50 (3). pp. 108-130. ISSN 1054-2043

Evans, Martyn and Cooper, Rachel (2006) Breaking From Tradition: Market Research, Consumer Needs and Design Futures. Design Management Review, 17 (1). 68 -74. ISSN 1948-7169


Fenton, M. E. (2006) Practice Reflected Conference & Symposium programme. UNSPECIFIED.

Fortnum, Rebecca (2006) Contemporary British Women Artists: In their own words. I.B.Tauris. ISBN 1 84511 224 5

Fortnum, Rebecca (2006) Inspiration to Order. UNSPECIFIED.

Frayling, Christopher (2006) From Brunel to Wallace & Gromit : The public image of the British engineer. Structural Engineer, 84 (13). pp. 38-44. ISSN 1466-5123


Garner, Philip and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) Card-based Macro-payment for Mobile Phones. In: Mobile Business, 2006. ICMB '06. International Conference on :. IEEE, Copenhagen, Denmark. ISBN 978-0-7695-2595-2

Garner, Philip and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) XEPS - Enabling card-based payment for Mobile Terminals. In: Consumer Electronics, 2006. ISCE '06. 2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on :. IEEE, St.Petersburg , Russia. ISBN 1-4244-0216-6

Garner, Philip and Rashid, Omer and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) The mobile phone as a digital SprayCan. In: ACE '06 Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGCHI international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology :. ACM, Hollywood, USA. ISBN 1-59593-380-8

Gere, Charlie (2006) Art, Time and Technology. Berg. ISBN 1845201353

Gere, Charlie (2006) Genealogy of the computer screen. Visual Communication, 5 (2). pp. 141-152. ISSN 1470-3572

Gere, Charlie (2006) A history of network art. In: Network art : practices and positions :. Routledge, London, pp. 11-23. ISBN 9780415364799

Gilbertson, Paul and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) Converging computer and home entertainment devices in the consumer media network environment. In: Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. CCNC 2006. 3rd IEEE :. IEEE, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1003-1007. ISBN 1-4244-0085-6

Gilbertson, Paul and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) Nodits: Position Triggered Information and Messages. In: Consumer Electronics, 2006. ISCE '06. 2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on :. IEEE, St.Petersburg , Russia. ISBN 1-4244-0216-6

Gilbertson, Paul and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) Reducing Processing Time for Real-Time Mobile Hosted Location Based Services. In: Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006 IEEE 17th International Symposium on :. IEEE, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 1-4244-0329-4

Green, George (2006) About a Life - Writing from the Self. In: Wordsmithery The Art and Practice of Creative Writing :. Palgrave. ISBN 1-4039-9828-0

Green, George (2006) Hanging Together: Structuring the Longer Piece. In: Wordsmithery: The Art and Practice of Creative Writing :. Palgrave. ISBN 1-4039-9828-0

Grinyer, Anne (2006) Caring for a young adult with cancer: The impact on mothers' health. Health and Social Care in the Community, 14 (4). pp. 311-318. ISSN 0966-0410

Grinyer, Anne (2006) Telling the story of illness and death. Auto/Biography, 14. pp. 206-222. ISSN 1479-9715


Hagopian, Patrick (2006) Vietnam War Photography as a Locus of Memory. In: Locating Memory: Photographic Acts :. Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books. ISBN 1-84545-219-4

Hands, David and Cooper, Rachel (2006) nD modelling to facilitate crime-reduction crime-reduction 'thinking' within the project briefing process. In: Constructing the Future : nD Modelling. Routledge, London, pp. 192-206. ISBN 0203967461

Harris, G. M. (2006) Beyond Representation: Television Drama and the Politics and Aesthetics of Identity. Manchester University Press. ISBN 0719074584

Harris, G. M. (2006) Turing Test: doo-cot Theatre Company's Frankenstein : The Final Blasphemy and the limits of the (post) human. In: Performing Nature: Explorations in Ecology and the Arts :. Berne: Peter Lang. ISBN 3039105574

Harris, G. M. and Aston, E. (2006) Feminist futures? : theatre, performance, theory. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781403945327

Harris, Geraldine and Aston, Elaine and Simic, Lena (2006) It's good to look at one's own shadow : a women's international festival and questions for international feminism. In: Feminist futures? : : theatre, performance, theory. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, pp. 169-189. ISBN 9781403945327

Hassanin, Ashraf and Lee, Robert G. M. and Johnston, A. E. and Jones, Kevin C. (2006) Reductions and changing patterns of ambient PCDD/Fs in the UK : evidence and implications. Chemosphere, 65 (3). pp. 530-539. ISSN 0045-6535

Hemment, Drew (2006) Locative arts. Leonardo, 39 (4). pp. 348-355. ISSN 0024-094X

Hemment, Drew (2006) Locative media guest editorial. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 14 (3).

Hemment, Drew and Evans, J. and Humphries, T. and Raento, M. (2006) Loca: Set To Discoverable. UNSPECIFIED.

Hemment, Drew and Raento, Mika and Humphries, Theo and Evans, John (2006) The Loca Project: Locative media and pervasive surveillance. In: The Hothaus Papers: Paradigms and Perspectives in Media Arts :. Vivid Publication in association with Article Press, UCE, pp. 163-166. ISBN 1-873352-24-7

Hwangbo, Hyunwook (2006) Space Identity를 위한 기업 상업공간 파사드 디자인 연구. Journal of Korean Society Design Science, 19 (1): 63. p. 39. ISSN 1226-8046


Iddon, Martin (2006) On the Entropy Circuit: Brian Ferneyhough's Time & Motion Study II. Contemporary Music Review, 25 (1-2). pp. 93-106. ISSN 0749-4467

Iddon, Martin (2006) Trying to Speak: Between Politics and Aesthetics, Darmstadt 1970-1972. Twentieth-Century Music, 3 (2). pp. 255-275. ISSN 1478-5730

Inns, Tom and Baxter, Seaton and Murphy, Emma (2006) Transfer or emergence: strategies for building design knowledge through knowledge transfer partnerships. The Design Journal, 9 (3). pp. 34-44. ISSN 1756-3062


Joel, S. and Smyth, Michael and Rodgers, P. (2006) Supporting Design Communities : Designers' Perspectives. In: DS 38: Proceedings of E and DPE 2006, the 8th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education : Educating Designers for a Global Context? Hadleys Ltd., 169 - 174. ISBN 0955394201

Johansson, Ola (2006) Performative Interventions: African Community Theatre in the Age of AIDS. In: Ritual and Event: Interdisciplinary Perspectives :. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-70181-3

Juers-Munby, Karen (2006) "Ich möchte seicht sein": Elfriede Jelineks postdramatisches Schauspielmodel(l) als Ideologiekritik und Medienstörung ["I want to be shallow": Elfriede Jelinek's postdramatic acting model as critique of ideology and media interference]. In: Das Analoge sträubt sich gegen das Digitale? : Materialitäten des deutschen Theaters in einer Welt des Virtuellen. Recherchen . Theater der Zeit, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 86-100. ISBN 393434481X

Jürs-Munby, Karen (2006) 'Ich will seicht sein' : Elfriede Jelinek's Schauspielmodel (l) als Ideologiekritik und Medienst'rung. In: Das Analoge sträubt sich gegen das Digitale: : Materialitäten des deutschsprachigen Theaters in einer Welt des Virtuellen. Theater der Zeit Recherchen, pp. 86-100. ISBN 9783934344815

Jürs-Munby, Karen and Lehmann, H. T. (2006) Postdramatic Theatre. UNSPECIFIED.


Kagioglou, Michail and Aouad, Ghassan and Wu, Song and Lee, Angela and Fleming, Andrew and Cooper, Rachel (2006) Process management for concurrent life cycle design and construction. In: Concurrent Engineering in Construction Projects :. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 98-117. ISBN 0203968913

Kane, Paula (2006) Echoes in the Trees. UNSPECIFIED.


Lavery, Carl I. (2006) Between negativity and resistance: Jean Genet and Committed Theatre. Contemporary Theatre Review, 16 (2). pp. 220-234. ISSN 1048-6801

Lavery, Carl I. and Finburgh, C. and Shevtsova, M. (2006) Jean Genet: Performance and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403994803

Lohmann, Rainer and Lee, Robert G. M. and Abbott, John and Coleman, Peter and Jones, Kevin C. (2006) Verifying emission factors and national POPs emission inventories for the UK using measurements and modelling at two rural locations. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8 (1). pp. 79-88. ISSN 1464-0325


Mackenzie, A. (2006) The meshing of impersonal and personal forces in technological action. Culture, Theory and Critique, 47 (2). pp. 197-212. ISSN 1473-5784

Mackenzie, Adrian (2006) Cutting code : software and sociality. Peter Lang, New York. ISBN 0820478237

Mackenzie, Adrian and Pidd, Michael and Rooksby, John and Sommerville, Ian and Warren, Ian and Westcombe, Mark (2006) Wisdom, decision support and paradigms of decision making. European Journal of Operational Research, 170 (1). pp. 156-171. ISSN 0377-2217

Marchand, A. and Walker, S. and De Coninck, P. (2006) The role of beauty for sustainability : A discussion on responsible consumption, aesthetics attitudes and product design. In: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards :. WITPress, ARG, pp. 371-380. ISBN 1845640489

Marchand, Anne and Walker, Stuart and De Coninck, P. (2006) Aesthetic attitudes and responsible, sustainable consumption. In: Management of natural resources : sustainable development and ecological hazards. WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 371-380.

Mawer, D. H. (2006) Balanchine's La Valse: meanings and implications for Ravel studies. The Opera Quarterly, 22 (1). pp. 90-116. ISSN 0736-0053

Mawer, D. H. (2006) The Ballets of Maurice Ravel: Creation and Interpretation. Ashgate. ISBN 0-7546-3029-3

Mawer, D. H. (2006) 'Dancing on the edge of the volcano': French music in the 1930s. In: French Music since Berlioz :. Ashgate, pp. 249-280. ISBN 0754602826

Mawer, Deborah (2006) Ravel, Daphnis et Chloé: a fantasy tale of time and place. Deutsche Grammophon, Hamburg.

Morelli, Nicola and Sangiorgi, Daniela (2006) Managing globalisation and local issues in service design : on the convergence between the opposing demands of industrialisation and personalisation of service performances. In: Design2Business Conference, 2006-03-17 - 2006-03-19.

Mottram, Judith (2006) Contemporary artists and colour : Meaning, organisation and understanding. Optics and Laser Technology, 38 (4-6). pp. 405-416. ISSN 0030-3992

Mottram, Judith (2006) The difference between professional practice and research. In: AHRC Workshop :. UNSPECIFIED, London.

Mottram, Judith and Fisher, T (2006) Researching the research culture in art and design : the Art and Design Index to Theses. In: Design Research Society : Wonderground Conference. UNSPECIFIED, Lisbon, Porgtual.

Mutlu, Ural Mutlu and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) QOS Aware CORBA Middleware for Bluetooth. In: Consumer Electronics, 2006. ISCE '06. 2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on :. IEEE, St.Petersburg , Russia. ISBN 1-4244-0216-6

Mutlu, Ural Mutlu and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) QoS Aware Bluetooth Middleware. In: Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. ICTTA '06. 2nd :. IEEE, Damascus, Syria. ISBN 0-7803-9521-2


Nolan, Stuart (2006) Building magical realms : responses to pervasive and locative media technology. Digital Creativity, 17 (3). pp. 185-192. ISSN 1462-6268


Olson, Eric M. and Slater, Stanley F. and Cooper, Rachel D. and Reddy, Venkat (2006) Good sport. Marketing Management, 15 (1). pp. 14-17. ISSN 1061-3846


Pooley, Colin and Turnbull, Jean and Adams, Mags (2006) The impact of new transport technologies on intra-urban mobility: a view from the past. Environment and Planning A, 38 (2). pp. 253-267. ISSN 0308-518X


Quick, Andrew (2006) The gift of play : Übung and the secret signal of gesture. In: Contemporary Theatres in Europe : A Critical Companion. Routledge, pp. 149-162. ISBN 0415329396

Quick, Andrew J. (2006) The Gift of Play: Ubung and the Secret signal of Gesture. In: Contemporary Theatres in Europe: a Critical Companion :. Routledge. ISBN 9780415329408


Rai, Takayuki and Matsuda, Shu and Miyama, Chiakshi (2006) DIPS3 : Digital Image Processing with Sound. UNSPECIFIED,

Rashid, Omer and Bamford, Will and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben and Scheible, Jurgen (2006) PAC-LAN: Mixed reality gaming with RFID enabled mobile phones. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), 4 (4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1544-3574

Rashid, Omer and Bamford, William and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) PAC-LAN: the human arcade. In: ACE '06 Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGCHI international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology :. ACM, Hollywood, USA. ISBN 1-59593-380-8

Rashid, Omer and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) Implications of IMS and SIP on the Evolution of Mobile Applications. In: Consumer Electronics, 2006. ISCE '06. 2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on :. IEEE, St.Petersburg , Russia. ISBN 1-4244-0216-6

Rashid, Omer and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben and Bamford, William (2006) Utilising RFID for mixed reality mobile games. In: Consumer Electronics, 2006. ICCE '06. 2006 Digest of Technical Papers. International Conference on :. IEEE, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 459-460. ISBN 0-7803-9459-3

Rashid, Omer and Mullins, Ian and Coulton, Paul and Edwards, Reuben (2006) Extending Cyberspace:Location Based Games Using Cellular Phones. Computers in Entertainment (CIE), 4 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1544-3574

Roberts, Celia and Mackenzie, Adrian (2006) Science : experimental sensibilities in practice. Theory, Culture and Society, 23 (2-3). pp. 157-162. ISSN 1460-3616

Rodgers, P.A. (2006) Learning from "Superstar" Designers. In: Design Computing and Cognition '06 :. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 583-601. ISBN 9781402051302

Rooksby, J. and Sommerville, I. and Pidd, Mike and Warren, D. and Westcombe, M. and Mackenzie, A. (2006) Wisdom, decision support and paradigms of decision making. European Journal of Operational Research, 170 (1). pp. 156-171. ISSN 0377-2217


Sangiorgi, Daniela and Maffei, S. (2006) From communication design to activity design. In: Designing Effective Communications: Creating Contexts for Clarity and Meaning :. Allworth Press. ISBN 1581154496

Sangiorgi, Daniela and Villari, Beatrice (2006) Community based services for elderly people : designing platforms for action and socialisation. In: International Congress on Gerontology: Live Forever, 2006-10-23 - 2006-10-25.

Shah, Rajni (2006) Cultural diversity : bite-sized chunks from my life. Engage, 19. pp. 16-21.

Stewart, Nigel and Bulgin, Dominique and Whistlecroft, Lisa (2006) The Saturated Moment. Sap Dance.


Tyler, I. (2006) Welcome to Britain: The Cultural Politics of Asylum. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 9 (2). pp. 185-202. ISSN 1460-3551

Tyler, Imogen (2006) Chav scum : the filthy politics of social class. M/C Journal, 9 (5).

Tyler, Imogen (2006) Colonized feeling. Oxford Literary Review, 28 (1). pp. 155-170. ISSN 1757-1634

Tzortzopoulos, Patricia and Cooper, Rachel and Chan, Paul and Kagioglou, Mike (2006) Clients' activities at the design front-end. Design Studies, 27 (6). pp. 657-683. ISSN 0142-694X


Venn, Edward (2006) 'Asylum gained'? : madness and sanctuary in Thomas Adès's "Asyla". Music Analysis, 25 (1-2). pp. 89-120. ISSN 0262-5245

Venn, Edward (2006) CD Review: Maxwell Davies compilation CDs and Naxos Quartets. Tempo, 60 (237). pp. 70-71. ISSN 1478-2286

Venn, Edward (2006) Cornelius Cardew's 'Autumn '60 for orchestra'. Tempo, 60 (238). pp. 2-7. ISSN 1478-2286

Venn, Edward (2006) First Performance Review: London, Royal College of Music, Ades, 'Court Studies'. Tempo, 60 (235). pp. 80-81. ISSN 1478-2286

Venn, Edward (2006) First Performance Review: Manchester, Bridgewater Hall: Casken premiere and CDs. Tempo, 60 (235). pp. 73-75. ISSN 1478-2286

Venn, Edward (2006) First Performance Review: Shrewsbury, Maidment Hall: Wood’s 'Overture'. Tempo, 60 (235). pp. 77-78. ISSN 1478-2286

Venn, Edward (2006) 'Letters From a Life: Selected Letters of Benjamin Britten, Volume Three 1946–51', eds. Donald Mitchell, Philip Reed and Mervyn Cooke (Faber and Faber); 'Selected Letters of Michael Tippett', ed. and trans. Thomas Schuttenhelm (Faber and Faber). Tempo, 60 (236). pp. 61-64. ISSN 1478-2286

Venn, Edward (2006) Negotiating the Labyrinth: Act II of Sir Michael Tippett’s "The Knot Garden". In: Second International Conference on Music and Gesture, 2006-07-20 - 2006-07-23. (Unpublished)

Venn, Edward (2006) The reception of Maxwell Davies’s "Naxos" Quartets. In: Conference of the International Musicological Society, 2006-06-17 - 2006-06-23. (Unpublished)

Venn, Edward (2006) The reception of Maxwell Davies’s Naxos quartets. In: 2006 IAML-IAMIC-IMS International Joint Conference, 2006-06-18 - 2006-06-23.


Walker, S. (2006) Extant design : Designing things as they are. In: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards :. WITPress, ARG, pp. 361-370. ISBN 1845640489

Walker, Stuart (2006) Extant objects : designing things as they are. In: Management of natural resources : sustainable development and ecological hazards. WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 361-370.

Walker, Stuart (2006) Object lessons : enduring artifacts and sustainable design. Design Issues, 22 (1). pp. 20-31. ISSN 0747-9360

Walker, Stuart (2006) Sustainable by Design: Explorations in Theory and Practice. Earthscan / James and James Science Publishers, London. ISBN 978-1844073535

Wan Hussin, Wan and Edwards, Reuben and Coulton, Paul (2006) EPass Using DRM in Symbian v8 OS and TrustZone : Securing Vital Data on Mobile Devices. In: Mobile Business, 2006. ICMB '06. International Conference on :. IEEE, Copenhagen, Denmark. ISBN 978-0-7695-2595-2

Whistlecroft, Lisa (2006) Almost Nothing But (Butterflies and Clouds) (composition for fixed medium). UNSPECIFIED, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)

Whistlecroft, Lisa (2006) The Saturated Moment (sound score on fixed medium for dance-theatre piece). UNSPECIFIED, Bratislava, Slovakia. (Unpublished)

Wilson, S. T. (2006) 'Writing excess: the poetic principle of post-literary culture'. In: Literary Theory and Criticism :. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199258368

Wineman, Jean and Peponis, John and Dalton, Ruth (2006) Exploring, Engaging, Understanding in Museums. In: Space Syntax and Spatial Cognition Workshop: Spatial Cognition '06 : Proceedings of the Workshop held in Bremen, 24-28th September 2006. Monograph Series of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center . Universität Bremen, 33 - 51. ISBN 9783887226917

Woolford, Kirk and Guedes, C. (2006) Will.0.w1sp: Interactive Installation. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 04:14:19 2025 UTC.