Items where Department is "Law School" and Year is 2020

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Adusu, Sylvia and Summers, James (2020) Regional cooperation over Gulf of Guinea resources. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Ahmed, Mukarrum (2020) A Dangerous Chimera : Anti-suit Injunctions based on a “right to be sued” at the place of domicile under the Brussels Ia Regulation? Law Quarterly Review, 136 (3). ISSN 0023-933X

Ahmed, Mukarrum (2020) The Validity of Choice of Court Agreements in International Commercial Contracts under the Hague Choice of Court Convention and the Brussels Ia Regulation. In: The Future of the Law of Contract :. Markets and the Law . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367174033

Ahmed, Mukarrum (2020) Anti-Suit Injunctions and Article 4 of the Brussels Ia Regulation. UNSPECIFIED.

Ahmed, Mukarrum (2020) The Future of the Law of Contract. UNSPECIFIED.

Ahmed, Mukarrum (2020) Jurisdiction to Sue a Parent Company in the English Courts for the Actions of its Foreign Subsidiary. Atâtôt - Revista Interdisciplinar de Direitos Humanos da UEG, 1 (2). pp. 25-39.

Ahmed, Mukarrum (2020) The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements : A Comparative Study. Hart Publishing, Oxford. ISBN 9781509936410

Akintola, Kayode and Milman, David (2020) The Rise, Fall and Potential for a Rebirth of Receivership in UK Corporate Law. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 20 (1). pp. 99-119. ISSN 1473-5970

Akintola, Kayode (2020) Creditor Treatment in Corporate Insolvency Law. Elgar Corporate and Insolvency Law and Practice . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9781788971386

Al-Astewani, Amin (2020) Arbitration as a Legal Solution for Relationship Breakdown in the Muslim Community : The Case of the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal. In: Cohabitation and Religious Marriage : Status, Similarities and Solutions. Bristol University Press, Bristol, pp. 129-142. ISBN 9781529210835

Al-Astewani, Amin (2020) To Open or Close? COVID-19, Mosques and the Role of Religious Authority within the British Muslim Community : A Socio-Legal Analysis. Religions, 12 (1): 11. ISSN 2077-1444

Austen-Baker, Richard and Hunter, Kate (2020) Infants' Contracts : Law and Policy in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Journal of Contract Law, 36 (4). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1030-7230

Azinge-Egbiri, Nkechi Valerie (2020) Strained Marriage? : Linkage Between Development and Combating Economic Crime. UNSPECIFIED,


Baines, Paul and Draper, Heather and Chiumento, Anna and Fovargue, Sara and Frith, Lucy (2020) Covid-19 and beyond : the ethical challenges of resetting health services during and after public health emergencies. Journal of Medical Ethics, 46 (11). pp. 715-716. ISSN 0306-6800

Baldwin, Helen and Biehal, Nina and Allgar, Victoria and Cusworth, Linda and Pickett, Kate (2020) Antenatal risk factors for child maltreatment : Linkage of data from a birth cohort study to child welfare records. Child Abuse & Neglect, 107: 104605. ISSN 0145-2134

Barlow, Charlotte Frederica and Walklate, Sandra (2020) Policing Intimate Partner Violence : The golden thread of discretion. Policing: Journal of Policy and Practice, 14 (2). pp. 404-413. ISSN 1751-4512

Bellotti, Elisa and Spencer, Jon and Lord, Nicholas and Benson, Katie (2020) Counterfeit Alcohol Distribution : A Criminological Script Network Analysis. European Journal of Criminology, 17 (4). pp. 373-398. ISSN 1477-3708

Benson, Katie (2020) Lawyers and the Proceeds of Crime : The Facilitation of Money Laundering and Its Control. The Law of Financial Crime . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138744868

Benson, Katie (2020) Lawyers and the Proceeds of Crime: The Facilitation of Money Laundering and its Control : An overview and summary of findings. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Benson, Katie (2020) Occupation, Organisation and Opportunity : Theorising the Facilitation of Money Laundering as ‘White-Collar Crime’. In: Assets, Crimes and the State : Innovation in 21st Century Legal Responses. Transnational Criminal Justice . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367025922

Benson, Katie and King, Colin and Walker, Clive (2020) Dirty Money and the New Responses of the 21st Century. In: Assets, Crimes and the State : Innovation in 21st Century Legal Responses. Transnational Criminal Justice . Routledge, London. ISBN 9780367025922

Bywaters, Paul and Scourfield, Jonathan and Jones, Chantel and Sparks, Tim and Elliott, Martin and Hooper, Jade Elizabeth and McCartan, Claire and Shapira, Marina and Bunting, Lisa and Daniel, Brigid (2020) Child welfare inequalities in the four nations of the UK. Journal of Social Work, 20 (2). ISSN 1468-0173


Campbell, David (2020) The Consequences of Defying the System of Natural Liberty : The Absurdity of the Misrepresentation Act 1967. In: Contract Law and the Legislature : Autonomy, Expectations, and the Making of Legal Doctrine. Hart, Oxford, pp. 127-46. ISBN 978-1509926107

Campbell, David (2020) Flights of Fancy. Law Quarterly Review, 136. pp. 528-34. ISSN 0023-933X

Campbell, David (2020) Our Obligations to the Common Law : Review of A Burrows, Remedies for Torts, Breach of Contract and Equitable Wrongs. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly. pp. 149-70. ISSN 0306-2945

Campbell, David (2020) Review of P Benson, Justice in Transactions. Law Quarterly Review, 136. pp. 682-84. ISSN 0023-933X

Campbell, David and Cullen, Richard (2020) Understanding Authoritarian Legality in Hing Kong : What Can Dicey and Rawls Tell Us? In: Authoritarian Legality in Asia : Formation, Development and Transition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 143-68. ISBN 978-1108496681

Campbell, David and Halson, Roger (2020) By Their Fruits Shall Ye Know Them. The Cambridge Law Journal, 79 (3). pp. 405-07. ISSN 0008-1973

Canning, Victoria (2020) Bureaucratised Banality: Asylum and Immobility in Britain, Denmark and Sweden. In: Refugees and the Violence of Welfare Bureaucracies in northern Europe :. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526146830

Chatterjee, Bela Bonita (2020) Child sex dolls and robots : challenging the boundaries of the child protection framework. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 34 (1). pp. 22-43. ISSN 1360-0869

Cloatre, Emilie and Urquiza, Nayeli (2020) Healthcare, Well-being, and the Regulation of Diversity in Healing. In: Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies :. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies . UNSPECIFIED, pp. 91-116. ISBN 9783030421991

Cooper, Jennifer (2020) Systems Theory and an Ecological Approach. In: Developing Skills for Social Work Practice :. UNSPECIFIED, p. 251. ISBN 9781526463258

Cooper, Jennifer (2020) Narrative Social Work. In: Developing Skills for Social Work Practice :. Sage, pp. 259-268. ISBN 9781526463258


De Camargo, Camilla and Whiley, Lileth A. (2020) The mythologisation of key workers : occupational prestige gained, sustained... and lost? International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40 (9-10). pp. 849-859. ISSN 0144-333X

Di Blase, Antonietta and Vadi, Valentina (2020) The Inherent Rights of Indigenous Peoples in International Law. Roma Tre Press, Rome. ISBN 9788832136920

Doherty, Michael (2020) Comprehensibility as a rule of law requirement : the role of legal design in delivering access to law. Journal of Open Access to Law, 8 (1). ISSN 2372-7152

Doherty, Michael (2020) Legal Design and its role in legal education. Medium.

Doherty, Michael and Bleasdale, Lydia and Flint, Emma (2020) Connecting Legal Education. Association of Law Teachers.

Doherty, Michael and McKee, Tina and Allbon, Emily (2020) Connecting Legal Education : the Legal Design edition. Association of Law Teachers.


Easton, Catherine (2020) Autonomous Vehicles : An Analysis of the Regulatory and Legal Landscape. In: Future Law : Emerging Technology, Regulation and Ethics. Future Law . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 313-343. ISBN 9781474417617

Egbiri, Egbiri and Azinge-Egbiri, Nkechi Valerie (2020) Preserving Africa’s Fiscal Sustainability in the Wake of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement. UNSPECIFIED,

Ellina, Sofia and Akintola, Kayode and Milman, David (2020) Analysis of the corporate rescue procedures in the Insolvency Law of the UK and Cyprus : An empirical perspective. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.


Fitzpatrick, Claire (2020) Reconsidering the Care-Crime Connection in a Climate of Crisis. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 32 (2). pp. 103-118. ISSN 1358-8184

Follis, Karolina and Follis, Luca and Burns, Nicola (2020) The Disappearing Patient : Visibility, Mobility and Infectious Disease. In: Social Disappearance : Explorations between Latin America and Eastern Europe. Dossiers of the Forum of Transregionale Studien . Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin, pp. 176-187.

Follis, Luca and Fish, Adam Richard (2020) Hacker States. The Information Society Series . MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.. ISBN 9780262043601

Fovargue, Sara (2020) Anticipating issues with capacitous pregnant women : United Lincolnshire NHS Hospitals Trust V CD [2019] EWCOP 24 And Guys And St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) And South London And Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (Slam) V R [2020] EWCOP 4. Medical Law Review, 28 (4). 781–793. ISSN 0967-0742


Gillespie, Alisdair and Magor, Samantha (2020) Tackling online fraud. ERA Forum, 20 (3). pp. 439-454. ISSN 1612-3093

Gillespie, Alisdair (2020) Juvenile informers : Is it appropriate to use children as Covert Human Intelligence Sources? The Cambridge Law Journal, 79 (3). 459 - 489. ISSN 0008-1973

Green, Sarah and Marsden, Sarah and Skogly, Sigrun (2020) Unilateral commitments to persons with disabilities of armed non-state de facto authorities that govern. Masters thesis, Lancaster University.

Griffiths, Cerian (2020) Researching Eighteenth-Century Fraud in the Old Bailey : Reflections on Court Records, Archives, and Digitisation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica, 2020 (91). pp. 9-24. ISSN 2450-2782

Griffiths, Cerian (2020) The honest cheat : a timely history of cheating and fraud following Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd t/a Crockfords [2017] UKSC 67. Legal Studies, 40 (2). pp. 252-268. ISSN 0261-3875

Griffiths, L.J. and Johnson, R.D. and Broadhurst, K. and Bedston, S. and Cusworth, L. and Alrouh, B. and Ford, D.V. and John, A. (2020) Maternal health, pregnancy and birth outcomes for women involved in care proceedings in Wales : a linked data study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20 (1): 697. ISSN 1471-2393

Griffiths, Lucy Jane and Johnson, Rhodri D and Broadhurst, Karen and Cusworth, Linda and Bedston, Stuart and Jones, Kerina and Akbari, Ashley and Lee, Alex and Alrouh, Bachar and Doebler, Stefanie and John, Ann and Ford, David (2020) Born into care: One thousand mothers in care proceedings in Wales : Maternal health, wellbeing, pregnancy and birth outcomes. [Report]

Guy, Mary (2020) Can Covid-19 change the EU competition law framework in health? European Social Observatory / Observatoire Social Europeen Opinion Paper series. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1994-2893

Gyimah, Akosua (2020) Conflict Management in South Sudan : What is Obstructing the Peace Process? The Horn Bulletin, III (VI). pp. 12-22. ISSN 2663-4996

Gyimah, Akosua (2020) Is Democracy the Right System of Government for Africans? : Deteriorating Democracy? Private Law Consulting Firm, United Kingdom.


Harding, Nicola (2020) Co-constructing Feminist Research : Ensuring meaningful participation whilst researching the experiences of criminalised women. Methodological Innovations, 13 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2059-7991

Harding, Nicola (2020) Navigating gendered criminalisation : Women’s experiences of punishment in the community. PhD thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester.

Heah, Rachel (2020) Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in English schools : A Children's Rights Perspective. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool.

Hooper, Jade Elizabeth (2020) Animal welfare prosecutions reported by the Scottish SPCA (2011-2019). [Report]

Horodeckyj, Stefan (2020) The Gatehouse A Restorative Justice/Peer-Support Group Approach To Healing Childhood Sexual Trauma. Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 8. p. 32. ISSN 2056-2985

Hughes, Joshua and Sweeney, James and Fijalkowski, Agata (2020) Law, life, death, responsibility, and control in an age of autonomous robotic warfare. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.


Iganski, Paul (2020) Civil courage as a communicative act : Countering the harms of hate violence. Pragmatics and Society, 11 (2). pp. 316-335. ISSN 1878-9714


Jia, Yuanchi and Sweeney, James and Wheatley, Steven (2020) Extradition and the death penalty : Reconsidering the margin of appreciation under Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Johnson, Rhodri David and Ford, David V. and Broadhurst, Karen and Cusworth, Linda and Jones, Kerina and Akbari, Ashley and Bedston, Stuart and Alrouh, Bachar and Doebler, Stefanie and Lee, Alexandra and Smart, Jon and Thompson, Simon and Trinder, Liz and Griffiths, Lucy J. (2020) Data Resource : population level family justice administrative data with opportunities for data linkage. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5 (1): 21.


Langford, Peter and Bryan, Ian (2020) "Kelsen, Weber and the Free Law Movement". In: Jahrbuch für Soziologiegeschichte 2020 :. Springer International Publishing, Wiesbaden, pp. 113-145. ISBN 9783658307813

Lawton, Amy (2020) Nudging the powerful : Reflecting on How to Make Organisations Comply with Environmental Regulation. Journal of Environmental Law, 32 (1). pp. 25-51. ISSN 0952-8873

Lord, N. and Doig, A. and Levi, M. and van Wingerde, K. and Benson, K. (2020) Implementing a divergent response? : The UK approach to bribery in international and domestic contexts. Public Money and Management, 40 (5). pp. 349-359. ISSN 0954-0962

Lord, Nicholas and Zeng, Yongyu and Jordanoska, Aleksandra (2020) White-Collar Crimes Beyond the Nation-State. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Criminology and Criminal Justice :. UNSPECIFIED.


MacCulloch, A. (2020) The “Public” Wrong of Cartels and the Article 101 TFEU “Object Box”. Antitrust Bulletin, 65 (3). pp. 361-375. ISSN 0003-603X

Macculloch, Angus and Bartlett, Oliver (2020) Evidence and Proportionality in Free Movement Cases : The Impact of the Scotch Whisky Case. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 11 (1). pp. 109-130. ISSN 1867-299X

Mason, Will and Morris, Kate and Webb, Calum and Daniels, Brigid and Featherstone, Brid and Bywaters, Paul and Mirza, Nughmana and Hooper, Jade and Brady, Geraldine and Bunting, Lisa and Scourfield, Jonathon (2020) Toward Full Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Case Study Research : Insights From Investigating Child Welfare Inequalities. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14 (2). pp. 164-183. ISSN 1558-6898

McDaniel, John L.M. and Moss, Kate and Pease, Ken G. (2020) Conclusion. In: Policing and Mental Health : Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge Frontiers in Criminal Justice . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138600492

McDaniel, John L.M. and Moss, Kate and Pease, Ken G. (2020) Introduction. In: Policing and Mental Health : Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138600492

McDaniel, John L.M. and Moss, Kate and Pease, Ken G. and Singh, Paramjit (2020) Police misconduct, protraction and the mental health of accused police officers. In: Policing and Mental Health : Theory, Policy and Practice. Routledge Frontiers in Criminal Justice . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138600492

Miller, Esmorie (2020) THE LOST BOYS (GANGS, SCHOOL EXCLUSIONS, PRISON, DEATH). In: British Broadcasting Corporation :. UNSPECIFIED.

Miller, Esmorie Jacqueline (2020) Moving Beyond Crime and Punishment Narratives and Analyses : Critical Race Theory and Racial Specificity in Youth Justice. British Society of Criminology Newsletters, 85. pp. 36-43. ISSN 1759-8354

Milman, David (2020) Revisiting shareholder litigation in private companies. Sweet and Maxwell's Company Law Newsletter (421). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1352-1063

Milman, David and Bailey, Peter and Sealy, Len (2020) Sealy and Milman: Annotated Guide to the Insolvency Legislation 2020. Sweet & Maxwell, London. ISBN 9780414077287

Milman, David and Sealy, Len and Bailey, Peter (2020) Sealy and Milman: Companion to the 23rd edition : Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Selected provisions). Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 9780414081048

Milman, David and Sealy, Len and Bailey, Peter (2020) Sealy and Milman: companion to the 23rd edition. Thomson Reuters. ISBN 9780414081048

Mirrakhimov, Ru (2020) Review of Insider Trading and Market Manipulation: Investigating and Prosecuting Across Borders, by Janet Austin. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation, 35 (11). pp. 483-484. ISSN 1742-6812

Müller, Thaddeus (2020) Stigma, the Moral Career of a Concept : Some Notes on Emotions, Agency, Teflon Stigma, and Marginalizing Stigma. Symbolic Interaction, 43 (1). pp. 3-20. ISSN 0195-6086


Nyoni-Wood, Zanele (2020) Decriminalising Homosexuality: Reshaping the Landscape in Botswana and a Missed Opportunity in Kenya. Harvard Human Rights Journal (e-Journal).

Nyoni-Wood, Zanele (2020) The Struggle for Equality : LGBT Rights Activism in sub-Saharan Africa. Human Rights Law Review, 20 (3). pp. 582-601. ISSN 1461-7781


Ost, Suzanne (2020) ‘The Medical Professional as Special before the Criminal Law’. In: Criminality at Work :. Oxford University Press.


Paudel, Kumar and Potter, Gary and Phelps, Jacob (2020) Conservation enforcement : Insights from people incarcerated for wildlife crimes in Nepal. Conservation Science and Practice, 2 (2): e137.

Peck, Thomas James William (2020) Genocide and Stigma : Exploring the Relationship Between Legal Definitions and Societal Perceptions. Exeter Law Review, 45. pp. 84-98.

Potter, Gary and Klein, Axel (2020) Coming out of the closet : Risk management strategies of illegal cannabis growers. In: Risk and Substance Use : Framing Dangerous People and Dangerous Places. Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Health and Illness . Routledge, London, pp. 201-221. ISBN 9781138491243


Ross, Anna and Potter, Gary and Barratt, Monica and Aldridge, Judith (2020) “Coming Out” : Stigma, Reflexivity and the Drug Researcher’s Drug Use. Contemporary Drug Problems, 47 (4). pp. 268-285. ISSN 0091-4509

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) AI and the automation of art. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) AI content creators and the future of news. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) Coronavirus, ecofascism and social change. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) Hawk Eye and the problem of functional autonomy. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) Irregular warriors and mercenary soldiers. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) Man Plus by Frederik Pohl. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) Snow Crash and the virtual world. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) The US Space Force vs Starfleet Command. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua (2020) Workplace surveillance. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua and Cox-Palmer-White, Emily (2020) What makes a robot ‘female’? In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua and Franklin, Emma (2020) Animals, language, killing and death. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua and Milroy, Kate (2020) Dog breeding and dangerous dogs. In The Zone Podcast.

Ryder, Mike and Hughes, Joshua and Milroy, Kate (2020) The secret lives of vets. In The Zone Podcast.


Savva, Rafael (2020) Regulating Institutional Shareholders in the Medium to the Long-term : An Analysis of the 2017 Shareholder Rights Directive's Shareholders' Duties. International Company and Commercial Law Review, 31 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0958-5214

Sidiropoulou, Melina and Apostolou, Evgenia (2020) Εγκληματολογία και Θυματοποίηση. F-I Psychology e-magazine.

Sidiropoulou, Melina and Apostolou, Evgenia (2020) Στάση μαρτύρων στο δικαστήριο σε σχέση με την αυτοπαρουσίαση τους. F-I Psychology e-magazine.

Skogly, Sigrun and Osim, Philippa (2020) Jurisdiction - a barrier to compliance with extraterritorial obligations to protect against human rights abuses by non-state actors? Human Rights & International Legal Discourse, 13 (2). pp. 99-130. ISSN 1783-7014

Smith, Siobhan and Cahill-Ripley, Amanda and Sweeney, James (2020) Are the current legal provisions concerning education in situations of non-international armed conflict effective in practice? An examination of international human rights and international humanitarian law. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.

Sugarman, David and Twining, William (2020) Jurist in Context : William Twining in Conversation with David Sugarman. Journal of Law and Society, 47 (2). pp. 195-220. ISSN 0263-323X

Sugarman, David (2020) William Twining : The Man Who Radicalized the Middle Ground. International Journal of Law in Context, 16 (4). 475–480. ISSN 1744-5523

Sweeney, James (2020) Transitional Justice and Transitional Journalism : Case-Study on Kosovo. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 14 (3). 483–503. ISSN 1752-7716

Sweeney, James (2020) Transitional Criminal Justice at the ECtHR : Implications for the Universality of Human Rights. In: International Law from a Baltic Perspective :. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers/ Brill Academic, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 188-218. ISBN 9789004433144


Thomas-James, Dominic and Azinge-Egbiri, Nkechi Valerie (2020) Financial exclusion and Covid-19 : Implications for AML regulation, with reference to Nigeria. Financial Regulation International, 23 (5). pp. 22-24. ISSN 2329-2148


Vadi, V. (2020) Perfect war : Alberico gentili on the use of force and the early modern law of nations. Grotiana, 41 (2). pp. 263-281. ISSN 0167-3831

Vadi, Valentina (2020) The Protection of Indigenous Cultural Heritage in International Investment Law and Arbitration. In: The Inherent Rights of Indigenous Peoples in International Law :. Roma Tre Press, Rome, pp. 203-251. ISBN 9788832136920

Vadi, Valentina (2020) Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of Indigenous Sovereignty in International law. In: The Inherent Rights of Indigenous Peoples in International Law :. Roma Tre Press, Rome, pp. 91-120. ISBN 9788832136920

Vadi, Valentina (2020) War and Peace : Alberico Gentili and the Early Modern Law of Nations. Studies in the History of International Law . Brill, Leiden. ISBN 9789004345249

Vadi, Valentina and Di Blase, Antonietta (2020) Introducing the Inherent Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In: The Inherent Rights of Indigenous Peoples :. Roma Tre Press, Rome, pp. 19-44. ISBN 9788832136920


Weare, Siobhan (2020) The penetrative offence in section 4 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 : Offenders, victims, and outcomes after detection. British Journal of Criminology, 60 (4). pp. 930-948. ISSN 0007-0955

Weare, Siobhan and Bates, Elizabeth (2020) Sexual violence as a form of abuse in men’s experiences of female perpetrated intimate partner violence. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 36 (4). pp. 582-595. ISSN 1043-9862

Webb, Thomas Edward and Geyer, Robert Ralph (2020) The Drafters' Dance : The complexity of drafting legislation and the limitations of 'Plain Language' and 'Good Law' initiatives. Statute Law Review, 41 (2). 129–158. ISSN 0144-3593

Webb, Thomas (2020) Essential Cases : Public Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780191897689

Whittam, Sadie (2020) Navigating the New Normal : Civil Litigation in the Age of Pandemic and Beyond. New Law Journal (7889).

Wood, John Michael (2020) Insolvency office-holder discretion and judicial control. Journal of Business Law, 6. pp. 451-475. ISSN 0021-9460

Wood, John Michael (2020) One Ring to Rule them all: has the call for a Single Regulator been Answered? Insolvency Intelligence, 33 (2). pp. 55-62. ISSN 0950-2645


Zeng, Yongyu (2020) Progress & Challenges in Tackling Modern Slavery in Local Government Supply Chains. [Report]

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