Items where Department is "European Languages & Cultures" and Year is 2000

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 49.

Journal Article

Barbera, Frederic (2000) Joan Barceló o l’ús poètic del codi narratiu : la narrativa per a adults. URC: revista literària (15). pp. 74-83. ISSN 1130-1236

Barnett, Ruthanna and Codó, Eva and Eppler, Eva and Forcadell, Montse and Gardner-Chloros, Penelope and Van Hout, Roeland and Moyer, Melissa and Torras, Maria Carme and Turell, Maria Teresa and Sebba, Mark and Starren, Marianne and Wensing, Sietse (2000) The LIDES Coding Manual:A document for preparing and analyzing language interaction data Version 1.1—July, 1999. International Journal of Bilingualism, 4 (2). pp. 131-132. ISSN 1367-0069

Crameri, Kathryn (2000) Banal Catalanism? National Identities, 2 (2). pp. 145-157. ISSN 1460-8944

Kessous, Naaman and Stafford, A. J. (2000) Recit monologue et polemiques in Aziz Chouaki's 'Les oranges'. Association for the Study of Caribbean and African Literature in French Yearbook, 4. pp. 168-178.

Nott, David O. (2000) Presence/absence de l'autre dans 'Les mauvais coups' et 'La fete'. Cahiers Roger Vailland, 14. pp. 197-216.

Porcellini-Slawinski, Maurizio (2000) Poesia e commercio librario nel primo seicento : su alcune edizioni mariniane ignote o poco note. Filologia e Critica, 25. pp. 316-334. ISSN 0391-2493

Rios Garcia, Carmen (2000) Cómo escribir bien en español. Manual de Redacción, by G. Reyes. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 77. p. 291. ISSN 1475-3839

Stafford, A. J. (2000) Les chiens, les zumins and les albatros : Azouz Begag and the politics of allegory. Interface : Bradford studies in language, culture and society, 5. pp. 31-42.

Steel, David A. (2000) Gide a Cambridge, 1918. Bulletin des Amis d'André Gide. pp. 11-74. ISSN 0044-8133

Steel, David A. (2000) Le noir et le rouge : language marking, red ink, S/M and deeper meaning. Cahiers AFLS. pp. 5-12.

Steel, David A. (2000) Louis de Glehn et son milieu, Grantchester, 1918. Bulletin des Amis d'André Gide. pp. 137-153. ISSN 0044-8133

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Cultural emancipation and the novelistic : Trubetzkoy, Savitsky, Bakhtin. Bucknell Review, 43 (2). pp. 47-67.

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Form and truth : reconsidering Lukacs's theory of realism. Essays in Poetics, 25. pp. 1-10.

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Polemika vokrug 'Formal'nogo metoda' : Medvedev i evraziitsy. Bakhtinskii Sbornik, 4. pp. 116-120.

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Russian avant-garde photography and visual culture (1910s-1930s) : special issue. History of Photography, 24 (4). pp. 272-351. ISSN 2150-7295

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Viktor Shklovskii and Georg Lukacs in the 1930s. Slavonic and East European Review, 78 (1). pp. 44-65.

Waine, Anthony E. and Woolley, Jonathan (2000) 'Blissful, torn, intoxicated' : Brinkmann, Fauser, Wondratschek and the beats. College Literature, 27 (1). pp. 177-198.

Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings

Barbera-Farran, Frederic (2000) Evolució literària de Gabriel Miró: La influència catalana. In: 1898: Entre la crisi d’identitat i la modernització. Actes del Congrés Internacional celebrat a Barcelona, 20-24 d’abril de 1998 :. Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona, pp. 161-169.

Crawshaw, R. and Callen, B. and Eppler, E. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Exploring narrations of intercultural encounter : methodological reflections. In: Teaching Language, Teaching Culture :. CILT, London, pp. 177-205.

Crawshaw, Robert H. (2000) An original canvas? : 'Le malade imaginaire' restored. In: Exploring French text analysis : interpretations of national identity. :. Routledge, London, pp. 88-97. ISBN 041518407X

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Clapham, C. M. and Eppler, E. (2000) Data classification, access and the development of intercultural competence : 'The interculture project'. In: Teaching and language corpora. :. Peter Lang, Hamburg, pp. 155-164.

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Eppler, E. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Investigating intercultural encounter : factors in qualitative research. In: Intercultural learning in the modern languages curriculum. :. CILT/AFLS, London, pp. 177-205.

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Approaching the text : a framework for text analysis. In: Exploring French text analysis : interpretations of national identity. Routledge, London, pp. 33-85. ISBN 041518407X

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Re-inventing gastronomic heritage : 'La Brie comme autrefois'. In: Exploring French text analysis : interpretations of national identity :. Routledge, London, pp. 76-87. ISBN 041518407X

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Re-writing the French Revolution. In: Exploring French text analysis : intepretations of national identity. Routledge, London, pp. 166-190. ISBN 041518407X

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Style discourse and choice. In: Exploring French text analysis : interpretations of national identity. Routledge, London, pp. 3-31. ISBN 041518407X

Crawshaw, Robert H. and Tusting, Karin (2000) Text and national identity. In: Exploring French text analysis : interpretations of national identity. Routledge, London, pp. 193-199. ISBN 041518407X

Eppler, E. and Crawshaw, R. H. and Clapham, Caroline M. (2000) The inter-culture project corpus : data, classification, access and the development of intercultural competence. In: Rethinking language pedagogy from a corpus perspective :. Peter Lang, Hamburg, pp. 155-164.

McEnery, A. M. and Piao, S. L. and Xu, X. (2000) Parallel alignment in English and Chinese. In: Multilingual corpora: teaching and research :. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 177-191.

Nott, David O. (2000) What language should we aim to teach, how and why? In: Changing landscapes in language pedagogy : text, orality and voice. :. AFLS New approaches series . CILT, London, pp. 227-248.

Payne, Philip (2000) Musil's work on 'Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften' as seen through his letters. In: Homme de lettre et angelus tutelaris : Festschrift fur Adolf Frise. :. Geest, Ahlhorn, pp. 502-514.

Quainton, Malcolm D. (2000) Creative choreography : intertextual dancing in Ronsard's sonnets pour Helene. In: Distant voices still heard : contemporary readings of French renaissance literature. :. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 155-170. ISBN 0853237956

Steel, David A. (2000) Adverts as discourse. In: Exploring French text analysis : interpretations of national identity. :. Routledge, London, pp. 130-147. ISBN 041518407X

Steel, David A. (2000) Gide lecteur de Freud. In: Klincksieck : Andre Gide :. Litteratures contemporaines series (7). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 15-36.

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Culture, form, life : the early Lukacs and the early Bakhtin. In: Materialising Bakhtin : the Bakhtin circle and social theory. :. St. Antony's . Macmillan, London, pp. 43-69. ISBN 0333746643

Tihanov, Galin (2000) Za oksfordskiia ekzempliar na Epicheski pesni ot 1902 g. (k"m edno tekst-kritichno izdanie na Pencho Slaveikov)" [About the Oxford copy of Epic songs of 1902 (towards a critical edition of Pencho Slaveikov]. In: Konstruirane na tradisiata : Iubileen sbornik v chest na prof. Milena Tsaneva [The construction of tradition : a Festschrift for Professor Milena Tsaneva] :. Sofia University Press, Sofia, pp. 185-188.

Tihanov, Galin and Brandist, Craig (2000) Introduction : appropriation in history. In: Materialising Bakhtin : the Bakhtin circle and social theory. :. St. Antony’s . Macmillan, London, pp. 1-2. ISBN 0333746643

Tusting, Karin (2000) The New Literacy Studies and Time : an exploration. In: Situated Literacies : Reading and Writing in Context. Routledge, London, pp. 35-53. ISBN 0415206715

Tusting, Karin and Wilson, Anita and Ivanic, Rosalind (2000) New literacy studies at the interchange. In: Situated literacies : reading and writing in context. Literacies . Routledge, London, pp. 210-218. ISBN 0415206715

Waine, Anthony E. (2000) LUST-ig : die Kultivierung der Sexualität bei Brinkmann. In: Amerikanischer Speck, englischer Honig, italienische Nusse : Rolf Dieter Brinkmann. :. Eiswasser, 1 (11). Vechta, pp. 117-126.


Sebba, Mark and Barnett, R. and Codo, E. and Eppler, E. and Forcadell, M. and Gardner-Chloros, P. and Van Hout, R. and Moyer, M. and Torras, M. C. and Turell, M. T. and Starren, M. and Wensing, S. (2000) The LIPPS group (language interaction in plurilingual and plurilectal speakers): the LIDES coding manual: a document for preparing and analysing language interaction data. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Contribution to Conference

Gomez-Cash, Olga (2000) Secret animal selves : Madame Roland's Mémoires. In: 'Woman in the Eighteenth Century', 2000-01-10, Texas Tech University. (Unpublished)


Crawshaw, R. and Tusting, Karin, eds. (2000) Exploring French Text Analysis: Interpretations of National Identity. Routledge, London. ISBN 041518407X

Brandist, Craig and Tihanov, Galin (2000) Materializing Bakhtin : the Bakhtin circle and social theory. St. Antony's . Macmillan, London. ISBN 0333746643

Porcellini-Slawinski, Maurizio (2000) Giulio Cortese : prose. Scrinium . RES, Torino. ISBN 8885323367

Quainton, Malcolm (2000) Distant voices still heard : contemporary readings of French Renaissance literature. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 0853237956

Rossi, Paolo L. (2000) Martin Del Rio : investigations into magic. Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Stafford, A. J. (2000) S/Z: evenement(s), ebranlement, ecriture. Fabula.

Tihanov, Galin (2000) The master and the slave : Lukacs, Bakhtin, and the ideas of their time. Oxford modern languages and literature monographs . Clarendon Press, Oxford. ISBN 0198187254

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