Cherukuri, S. and McAinsh, Martin and Shirras, A. (2006) Effect of hight rhizospheric calcium on root growth and structure in Arabidopsis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 143 (4 Supp). S178. ISSN 1095-6433
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Of the many nutrients essential for normal growth and development of plants, calcium occupies a unique position both chemically and functionally. As excess calcium is toxic to plants the sequestering of incoming calcium as calcium oxalate in epidermal trichomes has been studied in calcicoles from high calcium enriched environments. Much less is known about the patterns of variation in root structure in calcicoles, calcifuges and non-calcicoles in response to elevated levels of rhizospheric calcium. Six ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, comprising the putative calcicole, Cal-0, the non-calcicole, Col-4 and four accessions collected from the wild were subjected to concentrations of rhizospheric calcium ranging from nil to 30 mM. The pattern of root growth, particularly lateral root formation and growth, varied in all the ecotypes according to the concentration of external calcium. In addition, the Glenisla, putative non-calcicole accession displayed a marked reduction in primary root growth at high rhizospheric calcium. In depth analysis of the root structure and morphology is in process. Glenisla also showed a marked difference in fresh weight of both shoots and roots and the shoot to root ratio in comparison to the other ecotypes.