Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign product purchase behaviour

Conner, Suzanne L. and Reardon, James and Miller, Chip and Salciuviene, Laura and Auruskeviciene, Vilte (2017) Cultural antecedents to the normative, affective and cognitive effects of domestic versus foreign product purchase behaviour. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 18 (1). pp. 100-115.

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The paper aims to investigate simultaneous and independent effects of cognitive, affective, and normative (CAN) decision mechanisms and cultural elements on consumer purchase behavior of foreign and domestic products. The study uses a survey to collect data from 5 086 respondents across 19 nations. The findings suggest that CAN factors independently affect purchase decisions for domestic, but not always foreign goods. Collectivism and uncertainty avoidance directly and differentially affect the CAN mechanisms. By explaining the effects of CAN and cultural elements on foreign and domestic purchase behaviour and offering product positioning strategies to internationally operating business managers the study provides important research and practical implications. The originality and value of this research lies in the theoretically proposed and empirically tested model, which incorporates consumer ethnocentrism, quality importance, national identification, cultural antecedents (collectivism and uncertainty avoidance) and domestic/ foreign product purchase behaviour.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Business Economics and Management
Additional Information:
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Business Economics and Management on 05/02/2017, available online:
?? ethnocentrismuncertainty avoidancecollectivismqualitynational identificationdomestic purchaseforeign purchases ??
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Deposited On:
07 Aug 2017 12:28
Last Modified:
21 Feb 2025 02:29