Using Design Fiction to Inform Shape-Changing Interface Design and Use

Sturdee, Miriam (2017) Using Design Fiction to Inform Shape-Changing Interface Design and Use. In: Design for Next, 12th EAD Conference Proceedings :. European Academy of Design.

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Shape-changing interfaces are tangible, physically dynamic devices which enable user-experience beyond 2D screens. Within Human Computer Interaction, researchers are developing these from low-resolution, low-fidelity prototypes, toward a vision of a truly malleable world. The main focus is in producing and testing hardware, and basic user interactions, which leaves the question unanswered: what are shape-changing interfaces good for? In response, we propose the use of design fiction to investigate potential applications for this technology: to create and analyse artifacts relating to future use-scenarios for shape-change. Whilst research within shape-change often proposes future use-cases for prototypes during discussion, they are seldom in a form that presents them as everyday artifacts. Here, we present and discuss a printed game-play instruction manual for a truly high resolution shape-changing game entitled First Hand, which aims to draw parallels between current gaming practices and the tangible nature of shape-changing interfaces.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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Deposited On:
26 May 2017 12:36
Last Modified:
21 Dec 2024 01:11