Odedra, Smita and Wimperis, Stephen (2017) Spin-locking of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in NMR of solids : the far off-resonance case. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 84. pp. 4-13. ISSN 0926-2040
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Spin-locking of spin I = 3/2 and I = 5/2 nuclei in the presence of large res- onance offsets has been studied using both approximate and exact theoretical approaches and, in the case of I = 3/2, experimentally. We show the variety of coherences and population states produced in a far off-resonance spin-locking NMR experiment (one consisting solely of a spin-locking pulse) and how these vary with the radiofrequency field strength and offset frequency. Under magic angle spinning (MAS) conditions and in the “adiabatic limit”, these spin-locked states acquire a time dependence. We discuss the rotor-driven interconversion of the spin-locked states, using an exact density matrix approach to confirm the results of the approximate model. Using conventional and multiple-quantum fil- tered spin-locking 23Na (I = 3/2) NMR experiments under both static and MAS conditions, we confirm the results of the theoretical calculations, demonstrating the applicability of the approximate theoretical model to the far off-resonance case. This simplified model includes only the effects of the initial rapid dephas- ing of coherences that occurs at the start of the spin-locking period and its success in reproducing both experimental and exact simulation data indicates that it is this dephasing that is the dominant phenomenon in NMR spin-locking of quadrupolar nuclei, as we have previously found for the on-resonance and near-resonance cases. Potentially, far off-resonance spin-locking of quadrupolar nuclei could be of interest in experiments such as cross polarisation as a conse- quence of the spin-locking pulse being applied to a better defined initial state (the thermal equilibrium bulk magnetisation aligned along the z-axis) than can be created in a powdered solid with a selective radiofrequency pulse, where the effect of the pulse depends on the orientation of the individual crystallites.