Effect of a frictional force on the Fermi-Ulam model.

Leonel, Edson D. and McClintock, Peter V. E. (2006) Effect of a frictional force on the Fermi-Ulam model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 39 (37). pp. 11399-11415. ISSN 0305-4470

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The dynamical properties of a classical particle bouncing between two rigid walls, in the presence of a drag force, are studied for the case where one wall is fixed and the other one moves periodically in time. The system is described in terms of a two-dimensional nonlinear map obtained by solution of the relevant differential equations. It is shown that the structure of the KAM curves and the chaotic sea is destroyed as the drag force is introduced. At high energy, the velocity of the particle decreases linearly with increasing iteration number, but with a small superimposed sinusoidal modulation. If the motion passes near enough to a fixed point, the particle approaches it exponentially as the iteration number evolves, with a speed of approach that depends on the strength of the drag force. For a simplified version of the model it is shown that, at low energies corresponding to the region of the chaotic sea in the non-dissipative model, the particle wanders in a chaotic transient that depends on the strength of the drag coefficient. However, the KAM islands survive in the presence of dissipation. It is confirmed that the fixed points and periodic orbits go over smoothly into the orbits of the well-known (non-dissipative) Fermi–Ulam model as the drag force goes to zero.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? general physics and astronomymathematical physicsstatistical and nonlinear physicsphysics and astronomy(all)qc physics ??
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Deposited On:
07 Oct 2016 23:00
Last Modified:
13 Mar 2025 01:16