High energy beam THz backward wave oscillator based on double corrugated waveguide

Zhang, Jun and Paoloni, Claudio and Letizia, Rosa and Luhmann Jr., Neville C. and Popovic, Branko and Himes, Logan and Barchfeld, Robert and Gamzina, Diana and Feng, Jinjun and Li, Li and Pan, Pan and Tang, Ye and Zhang, Fuzhi (2016) High energy beam THz backward wave oscillator based on double corrugated waveguide. In: 2016 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) :. IEEE, USA. ISBN 9781467392181

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A new approach to realize THz BWOs relaxing the assembly challenge is presented. An international consortium including UC Davis, Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute (BVERI), and Lancaster University is involved in the design and fabrication of 0.346 THz BWOs to replace the bulky FIR laser at the plasma diagnostic at the NSTX-U fusion device. The use of a highly energetic beam permit and a wide channel, double corrugated waveguide permit to achieve about 4 W of output power at 0.346 THz.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
?? millimeter wavesbackward wave oscillatordouble corrugated waveguideelectron beamterahertz ??
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Deposited On:
12 Sep 2016 13:14
Last Modified:
29 Jan 2025 01:44