Impact of carbon nanomaterials on microbial activity in soil

Oyelami, Ayodeji O. and Semple, Kirk T. (2015) Impact of carbon nanomaterials on microbial activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 86. pp. 172-180. ISSN 0038-0717

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In this study, effects of an increase in concentration of ftillerene-C-60, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) or fullerene soot (FS) on overall microbial activity was investigated over a 21 d incubation period. Microbial utilisation of C-14-glucose and uptake of C-14-glucose into the microbial biomass was investigated. For CNM-amended soils, greater extents of C-14-glucose mineralisation were found in the C-60-amended soils compared to MWCNT-, SWCNT- or FS-amended soils. In addition, the 100 and 1000 mg kg(-1) were consistently found to have higher extents of mineralisation in C-60, MWCNT, SWCNT or FS-amended soils, respectively. Further, the incorporation of C-14-glucose into the microbial biomass declined slightly with an increase in concentration in the amended soils, but no consistent pattern was observed. As a result, the biophysical quotient (BQ) increased significantly (P

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? carbon nanomaterialssubstrate utilisationmicrobial biomassfumigation extractionbiophysical quotientfumigation-extraction methodheavy-metal contaminationcommunity compositionorganic-matterc-14 glucosenanotubesbiomassnanoparticlesdecompositionbacteriasoil s ??
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Deposited On:
04 Aug 2015 10:28
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 15:20