Practical and fundamental impact of epitaxial graphene on quantum metrology

Janssen, T. J. B. M. and Tzalenchuk, A. and Lara-Avila, S. and Kubatkin, S. and Fal'ko, V. (2013) Practical and fundamental impact of epitaxial graphene on quantum metrology. Mapan, 28 (4). pp. 239-250. ISSN 0970-3950

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The discovery 8 years ago of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) in graphene sparked an immediate interest in the metrological community. Here was a material which was completely different from commonly used semiconductor systems and which seemed to have some uniques properties which could make it ideally suited for high-precision resistance metrology. However, measuring the QHE in graphene turned out to be not so simple as first thought. In particular the small size of exfoliated graphene samples made precision measurements difficult. This dramatically changed with the development of large-area graphene grown on SiC and in this short review paper we discuss the journey from first observation to the highest-ever precision comparison of the QHE.

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Journal Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? graphenequantum hall effectmetrologysiepitaxial graphenequantized hall resistancegallium-arsenidecapacitancestandardgasphysics and astronomy (miscellaneous) ??
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Deposited On:
18 Jun 2015 05:57
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 15:13