Effect of chiral symmetry on chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes

Schomerus, Henning and Marciani, Marco and Beenakker, C. W. J. (2015) Effect of chiral symmetry on chaotic scattering from Majorana zero modes. Physical review letters, 114 (16): 166803. ISSN 1079-7114

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In many of the experimental systems that may host Majorana zero modes, a so-called chiral symmetry exists that protects overlapping zero modes from splitting up. This symmetry is operative in a superconducting nanowire that is narrower than the spin-orbit scattering length, and at the Dirac point of a superconductor-topological insulator heterostructure. Here we show that chiral symmetry strongly modifies the dynamical and spectral properties of a chaotic scatterer, even if it binds only a single zero mode. These properties are quantified by the Wigner-Smith time-delay matrix Q=−iℏS^†dS/dE, the Hermitian energy derivative of the scattering matrix, related to the density of states by ρ=(2πℏ)^−1TrQ. We compute the probability distribution of Q and ρ, dependent on the number ν of Majorana zero modes, in the chiral ensembles of random-matrix theory. Chiral symmetry is essential for a significant ν dependence.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical review letters
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?? general physics and astronomyphysics and astronomy(all) ??
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Deposited On:
18 Jun 2015 05:45
Last Modified:
13 Mar 2025 01:44