Twomey, Katherine and Chang, Franklin and Ambridge, Ben (2013) A distributional learning account of the acquisition of the locative alternation : corpus analysis and modeling. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society :. Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, pp. 1498-1503. ISBN 9780976831891
locatives_model_cogsci_revision_final.docx - Accepted Version
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Early in acquisition children overgeneralize verbs to ungrammatical structures. The retreat from overgeneralization is linked to the acquisition of verb classes, the semantics of which constrain the structures in which a verb can appear (e.g., Pinker 1989; Ambridge, Pine & Rowland, 2012). How children learn these classes remains unclear. Some argue that distributional regularities in linguistic input provide sufficient evidence for verb classes to emerge and become linked to particular structures. A corpus analysis of the English locative construction (e.g., the woman sprayed water onto the wall/the wall with water) demonstrated that children have similar verb classes to adults. A correspondence analysis revealed that distributional regularities in the input could support these verb classes. Finally, a connectionist simulation was able to model early overgeneralization and retreat through distributional learning of verb classes. These results support a distributional learning account of verb semantics.