Dimopoulos, Konstantinos and Karciauskas, Mindaugas (2012) Parity Violating Statistical Anisotropy. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 (6): JHEP06(201.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Particle production of an Abelian vector boson field with an axial coupling is investigated. The conditions for the generation of scale invariant spectra for the vector field transverse components are obtained. If the vector field contributes to the curvature perturbation in the Universe, scale-invariant particle production enables it to give rise to statistical anisotropy in the spectrum and bispectrum of cosmological perturbations. The axial coupling allows particle production to be parity violating, which in turn can generate parity violating signatures in the bispectrum. The conditions for parity violation are derived and the observational signatures are obtained in the context of the vector curvaton paradigm. Two concrete examples are presented based on realistic particle theory.