Ariadi, Yudhi and Rennie, Allan (2008) Templates for consumer use in designing customised products. In: Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium 2008 :. University of Texas at Austin, pp. 450-458. ISBN 1053-2153
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
This research proposes a new design system for consumers who would use the product to run an easy-to-operate design and selection tool by themselves instead of conventional Computer Aided Design (CAD). In terms of manufacturing the product, several studies focus on involving the consumer as much and as early as possible. However, recent developments of Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM) technologies have led to a renewed interest in allowing the consumers to develop customised products. As a result, manufacturing is being brought closer to consumers. This paper would simplify the CAD stages by utilising design templates for consumer use in customising additive layer manufactured products.