Gilberston, Adam and Benstock, D. and Fearn, Mike and Kormanyos, Andor and Ladak, S. and Emeny, M. and Lambert, Colin and Ashley, T. and Solin, Stuart and Cohen, Lesley (2011) Sub-100-nm negative bend resistance ballistic sensors for high spatial resolution magnetic field detection. Applied Physics Letters, 98 (6): 062106. ISSN 1077-3118
We report the magnetic field detection properties of ballistic sensors utilizing the negative bend resistance of InSb/In1−xAlxSb quantum well cross junctions as a function of temperature and geometric size. We demonstrate that the maximum responsivity to magnetic field and its linearity increase as the critical device dimension is reduced. This observation deviates from the predictions of the classical billiard ball model unless significant diffuse boundary scattering is included. The smallest device studied has an active sensor area of 35×35 nm2, with a maximum responsivity of 20 kΩ/T, and a noise-equivalent field of 0.87 μT/ at 100 K.