Sreenan, Cormac and Roedig, Utz and Brown, James and Boano, Carlo Alberto and Dunkels, Adam and He, Zhitao and Voigt, Thiemo and Vassiliou, Vasos and Silva, Jorge Sa and Wolf, Lars and Wellnitz, Oliver and Eiras, Ruben and Hackenbroich, Gregor and Klein, Anja and Agrawal, Deepak (2009) Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 6th annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON'09), Rome, Italy, 1900-01-01.
Most of the currently deployed wireless sensor networks applications do not require performance control. The goal of the GINSENG project is sensor networks that meet application-specific performance targets, in particular with respect to latency and reliability. We present scenarios within the GALP oil re¿nery where the system will be deployed and some initial technical insights with respect to deterministic communication.