Louca, Andreas and Mauthe, Andreas and Sifalakis, Manolis (2009) Facilitating functional adaptation in autonomic networks. Masters thesis, Lancaster University.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
The extensive growth and expansion of the Internet and its application has put current networking technologies under test. New application needs have repeatedly challenged the suitability of the Internet architecture’s “hourglass” model, as one size, fits all design. Research in Autonomic Networks [1] aim to provide an alternative solution for these problems by promoting the localization and customization though the use of self-* properties either at service or network level. The Autonomic Network Architecture (ANA) project [2] takes a clean-slate design approach to the problem by proposing an architecture that would enable the network to evolve and adapt functionality to the application needs within a given operation environment. Previous work [3, 9] has demonstrated the design of a lightweight service virtualization mechanism aimed at localizing network servicing in different service contexts. The work introduced in this report, enhances the functional composition framework by a service compositing model. This model is essential in enabling the implementation of autonomic features and the realization of key autonomic networking characteristics.