Lavery, Carl I. (2005) The Pepys of London E11: Graeme Miller and the Politics of Linked' and 'An Interview with Graeme Miller: Walking The Walk, Talking the Talk: Re-imagining the Urban Landscape. New Theatre Quarterly, 21 (2). pp. 148-165. ISSN 1474-0613
Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
New Theatre Quarterly
Additional Information:
The final, definitive version of this article has been published in the Journal, New Theatre Quarterly, 21 (2), pp 148-165 2005, © 2005 Cambridge University Press. Early Career Researcher. This article deals with Graeme Miller's performance practice in detail, and it does so by combining a number of different theoretical perspectives: contemporary ethnography, everyday life studies, urban theory, and Situationism. The essay focuses on Miller's sound walk Linked, and explores how it functions as a sonic memorial to the citizens of E11 whose houses were forcibly repossessed and subsequently destroyed by the state to make way for the M11 link road in the mid-1990s. Using Jacques Derrida's notion of the spectre, Lavery argues that Linked offers an alternative paradigm for political performance based on notions of justice, witnessing and popular insurrection. Lavery finishes by suggesting that Linked, because of the way it suspends distinctions between art and everyday life, necessitates a different, more autobiographically-based form of critical writing. (Lavery examines (and practices) this in greater detail in his article 'Narrative Walking and Performative Criticism published in Theatres of Thought (2007)). The interview with Graeme Miller is a companion piece to the original essay, and provides information about the processes involved in making Linked. An earlier version of the essay 'Becoming Uncomfortable in London' was presented at Brown University as part of PSI 12 in April 2005, and will also reappear as part of an anthology City, Identity and Performance, ed. Nick Whybrow (Palgrave, forthcoming). RAE_import_type : Journal article RAE_uoa_type : LICA
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? visual arts and performing artsnx arts in general ??
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Deposited On:
29 Feb 2008 11:42
Last Modified:
06 Feb 2025 00:53