Study of the auroral emissions and electron precipitation depending on the solar activity

Guineva, V. and Trondsen, E. and Marple, S. and Hall, C.M. and Cannon, P. and Hansen, T.L. (2008) Study of the auroral emissions and electron precipitation depending on the solar activity. Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Russian Academy of Science), 12 (2). pp. 224-228.

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Simultaneous observations of the OI 5577Å and 6300Å emissions, the electron precipitation, the terrestrial magnetic field and the plasma parameters, and the corresponding solar wind, Interplanetary Magnetic Field and geomagnetic activity indices data have been used in order to study the Sun-Earth interactions under various conditions. Images of 5577Å and 6300Å emissions have been obtained from the All-Sky Imager (ASI), positioned at ARR, Andenes (69.3°N, 16.03°E). The Imaging Riometer for Ionospheric Studies (IRIS), at Kilpisjärvi, Finland (69.05°N, 20.79°E) gave information about the precipitating electrons with energies in the range 10x100keV and deposition heights centered at about 90 km. The magnetic field components have been measured by the Andenes magnetometer (69.3°N, 16.03°E). The essential ionosphere parameters have been acquired from the measurements of the Digisonde, situated at Tromsø (69.6N, 19.2E). A good correlation between the spatial and temporal evolutions of the optical emissions, the precipitating electron fluxes and the terrestrial magnetic field has been observed. The response of the ionosphere to the solar and geomagnetic activity changes has been studied. The study is performed under a project, part from the ALOMAR eARI Project, EU's 6th Framework Programme, Andenes, Norway.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Russian Academy of Science)
Additional Information:
In English
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? riometermagnetometer dcs-publications-idart-951dcs-publications-creditsionoirisdcs-publications-personnel-id4qc physics ??
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Deposited On:
15 Jul 2009 14:31
Last Modified:
30 Jan 2025 00:55