Sacks, Justin (2022) #commonize studio : Creating design briefs for disruptive economics. In: Deep Commons 22, 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-29, Online.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
What if we treat economics as design rather than social science? #commonize studio explores what a design studio that supports communities to build commons looks like. The projects supported so far range from a "soil trust" to upcycle food waste in Hong Kong to a "publiccommons partnership" for blood donation in Botswana. The approach in all of this work, which has evolved into a combination of designer and coach, is to develop the "things" that commons "instigators" need to build commons. The majority of what has been produced so far might be considered boundary objects -- translations of the commons literature that enable emerging communities to create their own commoning worlds. Examples range from broad frameworks (e.g. Commons Creation Framework) to activity-based tools (e.g. morethan-human member persona), and "commons planning" documents (e.g. pluriversal Commons Model Canvas). In this workshop, we will focus on the design brief. A design brief outlines the "client's" challenge and how they think the designer/s can solve it. "Creating design briefs for disruptive economics" is a workshop where willing participants can share their challenges, and we'll create design briefs through collective Q&A that address how we, as a momentary #commonize studio, might support the participant's progress.